History and Theory of Architecture
The aim of this paper is to propose possible future actions regarding the management of the Bulgarian megalithic heritage. They are based on analysis of the current state of the monuments and the actions taken regarding their use as a... more
Abstract: A new and bold architectural movement, New Brutalism gained momentum in the 1950s across the world. At the same time, in Bulgaria in the wake of the April Plenum of 1956, architecture was let free to protest against the imposed... more
SPANNUNGSFELDER Tendenzen in der zeitgenössischen Architektur Bulgariens Das Land im Südosten Europas hat viele hervorragende Bauten der Moderne hervorgebracht, in den letzten Jahren ist allerdings wenig Bemerkenswertes entstanden. Das... more
The story of three emblematic motels on the outskirts of Sofia
The typical Bulgarian building constructed in the past decade is rectangular, with glass balustrade balconies with tube top rails, built of cheap materials and an abundance of imitation of wood. The 1990s kitsch and the... more
In the summer of 2017 a socialist monument was destroyed in downtown Sofia amidst heated debates. It was built in 1981 to celebrate 1300 years of the foundation of Bulgarian state in line with the prevailing communist nationalist rhetoric... more
Eines sollte vom Anfang an klar sein. Die deutsche Experimentalschule für Architektur und Design Bauhaus ist das Antlitz des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie kleidete die Welt in abstrakt gemusterten Damast, beschriftete sie mit Grotesk, baute die... more
Cultural heritage is generally accepted recognized as a universal good which is indispensable for the development of human civilization and is connected to primary values and indisputable human rights. Yet, there are cultural areas in... more
The architectural brutalism of socialist Bulgaria has two distinct faces - one for the masses and one for the elite. And they are both best embodied by the work of a stubborn female architect with great command of béton brut, expressive... more
By the end of WWII Bulgaria was a mostly agricultural country with less than 35% of its population living in the cities. The country was spared severe war destruction and only the capital Sofia was seriously hit by Allied bombing in 1943/... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. continuous social reactions and inspire spectacular newspaper front pages. It appears that such monuments have infinite... more