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*Winner of the Peter C. Rollins Prize for Best Book of the Year from the Northeast Popular Culture Association* An investigation of the irrational and the unconventional currents swirling behind the Bauhaus's signature sleek surfaces and... more
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      German StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesDesign
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      Modernism (Art History)20th century Avant-GardePhotogramsBauhaus
This is the first refereed article that presents the life and work of JP Hully, a British modernist that worked with Gane furniture manufacturers in Bristol. His design life and tenure at Gane overlapped with that of Marcel Breuer. Both... more
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      DesignArtFurniture DesignBritish art
Das Meisterhausensemble in Dessau avancierte in den 1920er-Jahren zum Inbegriff der Künstlerkolonie: Hier lebten die Bauhausmeister Tür an Tür. Mit dem Bauhaus Residenz-Programm ermöglicht die Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau jungen,... more
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      BauhausDessau Bauhaus
Review of T'ai Smith's Bauhaus Weaving Theory in The Journal of Modern Craft.
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
The courageous fight in the never-ending struggle for new ideas, the undiscouraged search for unity and multiplicity, together with the fearless pursuit of cooperation are some of the many different idiosyncratic qualities of the Bauhaus,... more
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      ArchitectureLudwig Mies van der RoheModernismSpain (History)
"The Bauhaus school—founded in Weimar, Germany in 1919 by the architect Walter Gropius, relocated to its own campus in Dessau in 1925, and shuttered in Berlin in 1933, the year Hitler became Chancellor of the Third Reich—is both one of... more
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      BauhausBauhaus womenLucia Moholy
The first female architecture student to study under Walter Gropius at the Harvard School of Design in the Post World War II era, Daphne Bugbee Jones was an accomplished architect who brought the principles of the Bauhaus and Modernist... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental PhilosophyArchitectureEnvironmental Studies
The researcher provides the keys of the work Without Title (1941) by Vasily Kandinsky, belonging to the permanent collection of the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN). The lecture takes place beside the work, in the exhibition room. La... more
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      ArchivesHistory of ArtModernismAbstraction
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      DesignModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Bauhaus
相較於法國,德國的地區歷史因為特殊的歷史背景,特別是政治力量的牽扯,由各區獨自發展王國的神聖羅馬帝國,到1871年德國統一後,期間歷經納粹時期,東西德分裂,因此其歷史的發展並不延續,連帶著德國的建築教育也因政治角力呈現銜接上的斷層。 這並不代表德國的歷史沒有發展主軸,在看似不連續的德國建築教育傳承中,因Schinkel而聞名的柏林營造學校... more
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      Architectural EducationBauhaus
This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in developing the meta-scientific reading skills and academic achievement with a sample of gifted pupils with varied academic achievement levels enrolled in a science... more
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      ArtDramaturgyPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Situationist International
Book about the artistic work of Anni Albers Ce texte est la propriété de Frédéric Vincent, il ne peut être diffusé ou reproduit, même partiellement sans son autorisation écrite. Toute reproduction même partiel de ce texte sera... more
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      BauhausAnni Albers
This paper focuses on the analysis of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s curriculum at the Department of Architecture of the Armour Institute of Technology, which would be renamed Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), and László Moholy-Nagy’s... more
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      BauhausMies van der RoheLaszlo Moholy NagyNew Bauhaus
İKEA ve Kelebek gibi dekorasyon devleri tarafından farklı renkler, farklı isimlerle tasarlanan ve birer sanat eserine dönüşen sandalyelerin ilham kaynaklarını öğrenmek istemez misiniz? Cevabınız evet ise biz de tek bir cevap ve tek bir... more
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      Wassily KandinskyBauhausSanatTasarım
This study assesses that there are similarities between Bauhaus movement and computational design. The similarities are discussed under the titles of hands-on activities, interdisciplinary studies and relation with technology for both... more
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      Architectural EducationBauhausComputational Design
Pour la philosophie des sciences, un paradigme est la matrice disciplinaire adoptée par une communauté scientifique. Il constitue et délimite le champ, la logique et la pratique à suivre de l’étude même : il identifie l’objet d’étude... more
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      ArchitectureAbstract ArtModern ArtArchitectural History
Dieser Beitrag zeigt auf, dass sich Sound Design gegenwärtig nicht mehr nur auf die Produktion von Filmmusik oder Popmusik beschränkt, sondern dass die klangliche Gestaltung von Alltagsgegenständen seit längerem in den Fokus von... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSoundscape DesignSound DesignBauhaus
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      Art HistoryDesign HistoryArchitectural HistoryModernism
U Zagrebu je, od 1926. do 1942., djelovala Skola za arhitekturu pri Umjetnickoj akademiji, kroz koju je proslo oko sedamdeset, a diplomiralo osamnaest studenata, medu kojima su neki od najzanimljivijih autora hrvatske arhitekture 20.... more
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      Architectural HistoryModern ArchitectureArchitectural Heritage19-20th Century (Architecture history)
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    • Bauhaus
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      BauhausBauhaus womenGunta StölzlBauhaus, foundation pedagogy
I am almost halfway through my second pregnancy, attending an academic convention in Chicago. To fi l l a free afternoon, I hitch a ride to the Museum of Contemporary Art. On the upper level of the museum I come across a wondrous place fi... more
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      Performance Studies20th century Avant-GardeBauhausPerformative Writing
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      Modern ArchitectureBauhaus
Próba spojrzenia na rozwój teatru Bauhaus'u przez pryzmat kinestezji.
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      Theatre StudiesKinestheticsBauhaus
Escrito, dirigido e narrado por Frank Whitford, 'Bauhaus-A Face do Século XX', é um documentário de 1994, que conta a trajetória da Bauhaus, a escola alemã que mudou a Arquitetura do século XX. Como tantos aspectos da vida na Alemanha na... more
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      BauhausArquiteturaTeoria História e Crítica da Arquitetura e do UrbanismoTeoria da Arte
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      Urban GeographyUtopian StudiesUrban StudiesModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
In the 1930s Bristol furniture manufacturer Crofton Gane was a passionate promoter of modernist design. He built up a wide range of contacts and became a close friend of Bauhaus furniture designer and architect Marcel Breuer. He... more
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      Design History and TheoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modernist Furniture DesignModernism (Art History)
Breve articolo con immagini per la rivista CIVILTÀ delle MACCHINE: una ricognizione critica delle istanze spiritualiste presenti nel Bauhaus.
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      Abstract ArtSpiritualismBauhausJohannes Itten
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      Gender StudiesDadaWeimar RepublicPhotomontage
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      DesignIndustrial DesignProduct DesignMuseums and Exhibition Design
Re-enactment is a material response to the pervasive invisibility of Lilly Reich’s work. It arises with a clear motivation: to reveal the architecture designed by Lilly Reich for the German sections of the 1929 International Exposition... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesDesignPhotography
In March 1923 Karel Teige received a letter from Bauhaus director Walter Gropius regarding the International Architecture Exhibition, a section of the first Bauhaus Exhibition in Weimar. Gropius wanted there to be strong Czech... more
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      Periodical Studies20th century Avant-GardeBauhausMagazines
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModern ArchitectureModernism
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      Art HistoryDesignBauhausBauhaus women
This essay traces the theorization of interwar animation through period analogies with painting and dance, paying special attention to the valorization of concepts such as dematerialization and embodiment, which metaphors of visual music... more
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      Feminist TheoryFilm TheoryAnimation TheoryVisual Music
Review of three books: Haunted Bauhaus: Occult Spirituality, Gender Fluidity, Queer Identities, and Radical Politics, by Elizabeth Otto Bauhaus Women: A Global Perspective, by Elizabeth Otto and Patrick Rössler Bauhaus Bodies: Gender,... more
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      Design HistoryModern ArtModernismHistory of Design
The spirit of a place Architecture is the central focus of the social and the political structure of urban space. It plays a leading role in the analysis of the many forces which sustain the built area, from architects and financiers to... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyArchitectureArt Theory
Review of T'ai Smith's Bauhaus Weaving Theory in The Journal of Modern Craft.
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      TextilesInterdisciplinarityHistory of DesignBauhaus
A summary of how the Bauhaus institution began to gather a popular following in Australia in the 1930s with the appearance of Walter Gropius’s The New Architecture and the Bauhaus (1935). The illustrated book resulted inlectures and... more
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      ModernismBauhausWalter Gropius
To achieve Sense of Presence (SOP), 1920's Bauhaus scenography is presented as inspiration for a design language for immersion in virtual environments (VE). The discipline's tradition of immersion, raumempfindung, is the construction of... more
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      DesignVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Performance StudiesScenography
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      Art HistoryDesignPhotography TheoryBauhaus
La mostra dedicata a Lucia Schulz Moholy racconta, attraverso un centinaio di immagini, i diversi generi con cui la fotografa di origine ceca si è impegnata durante tutta la vita. Tra foto di architettura, ritratto, still life e... more
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      PhotographyProduct DesignBauhausFotografia
W zachodniej humanistyce ostatnich lat mamy do czynienia z rozpowszechnieniem się rozmaitych „fabulacji spekulatywnych” (Haraway) na temat czasów w których żyjemy, zwłaszcza w kontekście trwającej katastrofy ekologicznej. Chodzi tu o... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtArt and ScienceEcology
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      ModernismBauhausTel AvivThe International Style
Over the last 50 years, our world has turned digital at breakneck speed. There is a clear line of influence regarding digital esthetics and computational art that starts from the Bauhaus and extends to the computer-generated approach to... more
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      ArchitectureGenerative ArtPaul KleeBauhaus
The article outlines the results of a study of Dutch architects in Magnitogorsk, who worked on contracts between 1931 and 1936. The main stages of cooperation between the Netherlands and the Soviet Union in the development of the... more
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      Cultural HeritageModernismBauhausNetherlands
Umgang der Stadt Dessau mit ihrem architektonischen Bauhaus-Erbe nach der nationalsozialistischen Machtübernahme 1933. Beschrieben wird das Schicksal des von Walter Gropius entworfenen Bauhaus-Gebäudes, der Umgang mit den Meisterhäusern,... more
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      BauhausNationalsozialismusWalter GropiusDessau Bauhaus
Bauhaus, 1920-1935: art critics and interviews on bauhaus of Ernő/Ernst Kállai, hungarian „Bauhäusler” (he was editor or co-worker among others of the bauhaus – zeitschrift für gestaltung, Kunstnarr, Der Ararat, das Kunstblatt, Der... more
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      HistoryGerman StudiesArt HistoryArchitecture