Wilson Flores
Doutor em Teoria da Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), mestre em Letras (Literatura Brasileira) pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela mesma universidade. É professor de Teoria da Literatura na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), onde atua na graduação e na pós-graduação. Desenvolve estágio pós-doutoral sobre a ensaística de Siegfried Kracauer na Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), sob supervisão do Prof. Dr. Miguel Vedda. Foi coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras e Linguística da UFG entre março de 2017 e fevereiro de 2019 e presidente da Comissão de Ética da UFG entre março de 2019 e fevereiro de 2020. Pesquisa temas relacionados ao modernismo brasileiro, com destaque para Manuel Bandeira, Mário de Andrade e as relações entre literatura, história e sociedade. É autor do livro Modernização pelo avesso: impasses da representação literária em Os contos de Belazarte, de Mário de Andrade (Cotia: Ateliê Editorial), e de artigos e ensaios publicados em revistas e livros no Brasil e no exterior. Integra o grupo de pesquisa "Literatura e modernidade periférica" (UnB), é membro do GT Literatura e Sociedade (Anpoll) e editor da Revista Signótica (PPGLL/UFG).
Address: Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Address: Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
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Papers by Wilson Flores
Abstract: This paper analyses 'Resumo de Ana' (1998), written by the Brazilian author Modesto Carone, based on the concept of apprenticeship novel. The situations which are narrated in the book are focused on two characters, Ana and Ciro, mother and son, and cover a period of one hundred years of Brazilian history. As far as the characters are concerned, particularly Ana, the scarce aesthetic education they acquire ends up bringing forth maladjustment, since it collides with both
social and historical events, which frustrate their, even if faint, aspirations, the latter having been caused by their contact with opera, music and elementary notions of elegance and civility. In order to situate the discussion, a brief introduction to the reflexions on 'Bildungsroman' in Brazil is initially made, for it is not only frequently associated with the comprehension of some very important texts produced in Brazil, but also with the impasse of the formation of the nation itself, once such texts are taken into account.
Abstract: This paper analyses 'Resumo de Ana' (1998), written by the Brazilian author Modesto Carone, based on the concept of apprenticeship novel. The situations which are narrated in the book are focused on two characters, Ana and Ciro, mother and son, and cover a period of one hundred years of Brazilian history. As far as the characters are concerned, particularly Ana, the scarce aesthetic education they acquire ends up bringing forth maladjustment, since it collides with both
social and historical events, which frustrate their, even if faint, aspirations, the latter having been caused by their contact with opera, music and elementary notions of elegance and civility. In order to situate the discussion, a brief introduction to the reflexions on 'Bildungsroman' in Brazil is initially made, for it is not only frequently associated with the comprehension of some very important texts produced in Brazil, but also with the impasse of the formation of the nation itself, once such texts are taken into account.