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This research aims to determine the effects of pricing, product quality and brand image have a significant and positive impact on purchasing decision Bango soy sauce brands on housewife in Komplek Villa Mutiara Johor II and Taman Johor... more
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Banyak hal yang kita peroleh jika kita mempelajari sejarah. Paling tidak bisa memahami apa yang terjadi masa lalu serta bagaimana proses perkembangannya sehingga perkembangan itu sampai seperti saat ini. Kemudian kita juga memiliki dasar... more
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    • Akuntansi
Retailers produce their own private label brand as one of the strategies to distinguish their products from competitors'. Based on previous research, store image and service quality can be used to improve private label brand image and... more
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    • ASEAN Marketing
Determinant of The Corporate Environmental Disclosure: Study on Jakarta Islamic Index. The issue about corporate environment disclosure nowadays is increasing. This research aims to analyze the influence of firm size, leverage, proportion... more
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Determinant of The Corporate Environmental Disclosure: Study on Jakarta Islamic Index. The issue about corporate environment disclosure nowadays is increasing. This research aims to analyze the influence of firm size, leverage, proportion... more
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    • Business
Various facilities in the river working in a complex interdependence network result in both desired and adverse effects. Among these, the weir crossing the river continuously acts in various ways, such as securing river maintenance flow... more
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There are several environmental issues that are in the spotlight globally, including: global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, and acid rain. This problem is a concern and needs serious action for human... more
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      BusinessSupply Chain ManagementStructural Equation ModelingSupply Chain
Many factors influence people in choosing trustworthy financial institutions to manage finances. BMT Huwaiza is one of the choices of non-bank financial institutions that provide various services. BMT Huwaiza is a sharia cooperative with... more
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      BusinessBusiness Administration
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      BusinessPsychologyMathematicsComputer Science
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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin, puji dan syukur hanyalah tertuju kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan nikmat keimanan dan persuadaraan kepada kita. Shalawat beserta salam semoga tercurah kepada qudwah hasanah kita Nabi Muhammad SAW, para... more
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Bank syariah di negara Indonesia dipelopori oleh berdirinya Bank Muamalat Indonesia yang berdiri pada tahun 1991 dan dipelopori oleh Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI), Pemerintah dan beberapa... more
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