Drafts by Sam Cyrous
Sam Hadji Cyrous, 2020
We are animals moved by stories. When we feel well, we sit and tell our friends our best stories;... more We are animals moved by stories. When we feel well, we sit and tell our friends our best stories; when feeling down, we tell stories of pain and sorrow. In funerals we recall our best stories with the departed ones. On birthdays we mark the beginning of a new cycle, with the os leading protagonists of the cycle that closes behind. When physically sick, our bodies react as if they were was a story to tell (the story of a mistreated liver, or a poorly cared stomach…); when mentally ill, we often imagine unreal situations (typical of deliria presented in many mental disorder conditions).
Book Chapters by Sam Cyrous
CONTRIBUIÇÕES DA PSICOLOGIA PARA O ENFRENTAMENTO DA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 No âmbito do Conselho Regional de Psicologia da 9a Região, 2022
O presente estudo explora a possibilidade de a Pandemia por Covid-19 associar-se ao momento histó... more O presente estudo explora a possibilidade de a Pandemia por Covid-19 associar-se ao momento histórico específico do Holocausto e de seus campos de concentração, com base na visão da Logoterapia. Me-
todologicamente, optou-se por uma revisão rápida de literatura, clássica e vanguardista. A pesquisa concluiu que a comparação é real, apesar de ressalvas contextuais, e convida à reflexão sobre o papel individual nos processos históricos de sofrimento coletivo.
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 2020
Influence in Hasidic Movement The Baal Shem Tov became the first of many Hasidic Tzadikkim ("righ... more Influence in Hasidic Movement The Baal Shem Tov became the first of many Hasidic Tzadikkim ("righteous ones"; sing: "Tzadik"). The Tzadik or "Rebbe" was recognized by his followers to have attained a higher spiritual level and was believed to have the power to elevate the souls of those in his community through his righteous acts and ritual practice. Consequently, the Tzadikkim of the Hasidic movement garnered loyal and devout ad hominem followings, much more so than that of a standard rabbi in the non-Hasidic world. After his death in 1760, a number of the Baal Shem Tov's grandchildren and disciples became Tzaddikim with their own followings. Within two generations, the Hasidic movement had spread throughout Eastern European Jewry attracting many adherents and simultaneously eliciting vigorous rabbinic opposition. It remained the primary spiritual orientation for many religious Jews in the region until the destruction of Eastern European Jewry during the Holocaust. The Baal Shem Tov never wrote any works of his own; the stories he told were passed on orally among his followers. However, after his death, his scribe, Dov Baer of Linits, compiled a collection of teachings, correspondences, and narratives in a volume entitled Shivhei Ha-Besht, translated into English as In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov. Some modern scholars have argued that the Baal Shem Tov's emphasis on the spiritual value of storytelling, extensive use of symbolic language, fascination with dream material, and veneration of physical pleasure indirectly influenced the thought of Sigmund Freud whose father was raised in the Hasidic tradition.
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 2020
Buddhism where multiple deities are yet subsumed into a nonpersonal divine ground of being beyond... more Buddhism where multiple deities are yet subsumed into a nonpersonal divine ground of being beyond human labels or names. It has also been reconstructed as part of a revival of earthbased religious movements founded in Western Europe and America from the nineteenth century onward. Even an explicit monotheism such as Mormonism contains some elements of polytheistic theology. So polytheism is alive and well. It was never completely supplanted by monotheism, though the two forms of theism are shaking hands in some instances.
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 2020
An ancient religion which should not be mistaken with the Sabaeanism of Sabá (or Sheba), nor with... more An ancient religion which should not be mistaken with the Sabaeanism of Sabá (or Sheba), nor with the Sabianism (with "i" in English rather than with "e") originated from the group of followers of John the Baptist who did not accept Jesus as the Christ.
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 2020
Zoroastrianism, also called Zarathustrism, Mazdeism, or Parsism, is the religion founded by Zoroa... more Zoroastrianism, also called Zarathustrism, Mazdeism, or Parsism, is the religion founded by Zoroaster in Ancient Persia, with approximately 150-250 thousand believers worldwide, mainly concentrated in India and Iran. It is in the Zend-Avesta, which literally means Commentaries on Knowledge, the holy book of Zoroastrianism, that one can find the principle assertions of this faith. The Avesta is divided in the three parts: Yasna (sacred Liturgy chapters), Visperad, Vendidad (constituted of purifications laws), and Khorda.
Papers by Sam Cyrous
The Counseling and Family Therapy Scholarship Review , 2022
This article is the fruit of a systematic scoping review, according to PRISMA precepts. Its objec... more This article is the fruit of a systematic scoping review, according to PRISMA precepts. Its objective was to explore the use of stories and other symbolic genre on family therapy settings. Thus, it explains how the researchers made the selection of articles in phases or steps, in a total of six, having a final result of 11 articles, in a time-lapse of 28 years. By the one hand, it was observed a relationship between different techniques that are usually grouped separately and, by the other hand, the disparate way in which the same concepts are confused among researchers, where each one of them offers a distinct explanation on the same things. It was also confirmed that the use of stories and congeners offers both to patients and therapists an effective and economic methodology. The article proposes, in its conclusions, an umbrella term, StoryTherapy, which intends to cover such techniques, conceptualize them and offers criteria for those techniques that may be included under it; brings forth the three main elements a story should have; and also recommends the creation of teaching policies for StoryTherapy for professionals who work on family therapy. Further research must also take place.
Revista Lusofona De Ciencia Das Religioes, Jun 19, 2013
Ao longo dos séculos de evolução humana, a religião tem acompanhado à humanidade nesse processo, ... more Ao longo dos séculos de evolução humana, a religião tem acompanhado à humanidade nesse processo, trazendo educação e permitindo resolver problemas existentes das populações, aumentando o conhecimento: esse foi o caso de Moisés que institui na Torá regras básicas de relacionamentos, de Zoroastro que estabeleceu no Avesta o caminho para a primeira declaração de direitos humanos, ou Maomé que uniu os nômades árabes através dos preceitos do Alcorão. Considera-se portanto que a religião tem como característica fundamental não só re-ligar o humano ao transcendente, como re-ligar o humano a si mesmo e aos demais humanos. O propósito deste ensaio é, assim, com base em autores da Psicologia e da História, analisar a aparente multiplicidade das religiões, procurando estabelecer pontos transversais e comuns a elas.
Logos & Existência, 2013
Partindo da ideia de que a Fenomenologia é o campo que produz observações mais eficazes do fenôme... more Partindo da ideia de que a Fenomenologia é o campo que produz observações mais eficazes do fenômeno humano, delineia-se no presente trabalho o caminho que se deve traçar para além de conceitos como fragmentação/plenitude, modelo de equilíbrio e hipótese de ignorância que conduzem as separações entre o gênero humano. A interpretação das leis da ontologia dimensional ou da tridimensionalidade humana comprovam o papel fundamental que a Logoterapia tem na transformação de uma sociedade voltada para o poder e/ou prazer, para uma voltada para o sentido.
Revista Logos Existencia Revista Da Associacao Brasileira De Logoterapia E Analise Existencial, Apr 11, 2013
Através da releitura de autores diversos da história contemporânea —sucessão de crises ... more Através da releitura de autores diversos da história contemporânea —sucessão de crises globais e a própria incepção da Logoterapia —, o presente artigo propõe repensar modelos de consumo e produção, assim como a natureza da Educação e os fundamentos éticos de uma verdadeira transformação. A tridimensionalidade ontológica e os consequentes perigos do reducionismo devem ser aplicados também à própria sociedade como um todo. Utilizando um exemplo institucional percebe-se que projetos educacionais e sociais devem levar à reflexão do propósito da vida, desenvolvendo uma nova consciência de cidadania. Conclui-se que os modelos compelidos pelas vontades de prazer ou poder são substituíveis pela atração a valores e sentidos, através de um senso de guardiania globalque simultaneamente respeite liberdades individuais e bem-estar de responsabilidade coletiva.
Drafts by Sam Cyrous
Book Chapters by Sam Cyrous
todologicamente, optou-se por uma revisão rápida de literatura, clássica e vanguardista. A pesquisa concluiu que a comparação é real, apesar de ressalvas contextuais, e convida à reflexão sobre o papel individual nos processos históricos de sofrimento coletivo.
Papers by Sam Cyrous
todologicamente, optou-se por uma revisão rápida de literatura, clássica e vanguardista. A pesquisa concluiu que a comparação é real, apesar de ressalvas contextuais, e convida à reflexão sobre o papel individual nos processos históricos de sofrimento coletivo.