Universität Heidelberg
Die empirischen Implikationen des Unbewussten, eine noch recht junge, vorwiegend qualitativ strukturierte und in einem transzendentalen Maße apperzeptiv verifizierte Wissenschaft, bestimmt als kosmologischer Grundgedanke äußere Tiefe und... more
Spreizdübel, Sätze und Prinzipien vermengen sich nicht nur, wie bereits beschrieben (Kapitel 5, §7) in Unlust unter Berücksichtigung typologisch externer Onomatopoesie zu wildgewachsenen Parasiten aus funktionaler Seinstheorie, durch das... more
Unkorrigierter Dissertationsentwurf
Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript eines im Mai 2019 am Institut für Philosophie der staatlichen Universität Sankt-Petersburg gehaltenen Vortrages (vgl.... more
Short lecture at a workshop on Millikan at the University of Basel 2016
In this paper I will describe and attempt to resolve one of the main problems of David Benatar’s text "Better Never To Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence": whether it is possible for a right not to exist to be posited without... more
In this essay I will examine Schopenhauer’s contention that there is, in fact, no happiness, and that instead it is merely a lack of suffering that we label as such. To do this, I will first explore the claim itself, as well as some... more
Environmentally induced conflicts can trigger migration. This paper analyzes the location decisions of migrants, i.e., the 'sorting' of migrants into alternative destinations. We argue that this sorting depends on a variety of factors.... more
The New World primate Aotus nancymaae has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a model for evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates, given its susceptibility to experimental infection with the human malaria parasites... more
The New World primate Aotus nancymaae is susceptible to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for evaluation of... more
Sequences of Aotus nancymaae immunoglobulin kappa light-chain rearrangements were analyzed after reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Among 22 in-frame rearrangements analyzed, 12 IGKV genes belonging to the families 1, 2, or... more
The New World primate Aotus nancymaae is susceptible to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for the evaluation of malaria vaccine... more