Recent papers in Sorting
This paper presents a new intensity-to-time processing paradigm suitable for very large scale integration (VLSI) computational sensor implementation of global operations over sensed images. Global image quantities usually describe images... more
Clio, the IBM Research system for expressing declarative schema mappings, has progressed in the past few years from a research prototype into a technology that is behind some of IBM's mapping technology. Clio provides a declarative way of... more
The common tusk in computer gruphics is to visuulise models of real world objects. These models are often represented by triungulur mesh, which can be very large und complex (thousands or million triangles). Since we want U fust und... more
A framework for measuring the performance of distributed programs is presented. This framework includes a model of distributed programs, a description of the measurement principles and methods, and a guideline for implementing these... more
The problem addressed in this paper is the allocation of multiple advertisements on a Web banner, in order to maximize the revenue of the allocated advertisements. It is essentially a two-dimensional, single, orthogonal, knapsack problem,... more
Abstract: ASP .NET web applications typically employ server controls to provide dynamic web pages, and data-bound server controls to display and maintain database data. Most developers use default properties of ASP .NET server controls... more
ABSTRACT Central Processing Units (CPUs) are task-parallel, latency-oriented processors, while Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are data-parallel, throughput oriented processors. Besides their traditional use as graphics coprocessors, the... more
Hubs are special facilities that serve as switching, transshipment and sorting points in many-to-many distribution systems. The hub location problem is concerned with locating hub facilities and allocating demand nodes to hubs in order to... more
This paper is intended to develop an algorithm visualization, particularly selection sorting for an Algorithm and Programming course. Algorithm visualization technology graphically illustrates how algorithms work. This visualization can... more
Most contemporary processors offer some version of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) machinery -vector registers and instructions to manipulate data stored in such registers. The central idea of this paper is to use these SIMD... more
Sorting is one of the most well-known problems in computer science and is frequently used for benchmarking computer systems. It can contribute significantly to the overall execution time of a process in a computer system. Dedicated... more
In this paper, we consider sorting problem with n elements distributed over a number of processing entities in a distributed system. We have derived an alternative, efficient algorithm with the worst case lower bound of (n − 1) rounds for... more
Fast bit-reversal algorithms have been of strong interest for many decades, especially after Cooley and Tukey introduced their FFT implementation in 1965. Many recent algorithms, including FFTW try to avoid the bit-reversal all together... more
Block sorting is used in connection with optical character recognition (OCR). Recent work has focused on finding good strategies which perform well in practice. Block sorting is N P-hard and all of the previously known heuristics lack... more
The meta-paper describes and analyzes the performance of sorting algorithms: SelectionSort, InsertionSort, BubbleSort, ShellSort, QuickSort and MergeSort. The analysis consists of comparing algorithms using three performance metrics:... more
Fig. 1. Transparency and Anti-Aliasing play an important role in visual cues and image quality of computer-generated images. Achieving real-time rendering with high-quality images is challenging. In this tutorial, we summarize... more
Acquiring knowledge about algorithms and programming skills is a difficult and complex process in particular. Various algorithm visualization systems have been developed, using animation techniques to illustrate the behavior of basic... more
The Automatic Sorting Machine is used to sort different types of products or commodities based on the barcode provided on them. This gives a provision to reduce the manual effort and hence human error by replacing the conventional methods... more
A Study of Comparison Merge Sort Algorithm and Non-Comparison Counting Sort Algorithm in order to Combine them into a New, more Efficient Algorithm. Theoretical Model, Application in Color Quantization and Test Data.
This paper illustrates the bucket sort algorithm using Java
Many freshmen students of computer science are unaware of the requirements and job profiles of their future professional domain. To provide them with a deeper insight into the requirements of their future jobs at an early point of their... more
Sorting pada pemrograman adalah proses mengurutkan data yang berada dalam suatu tempat penyimpanan, dengan urutan tertentu.
Dalam bab ini yang akan dibahas adalah internal sort yaitu data yang berada dalam array satu dimensi.
Dalam bab ini yang akan dibahas adalah internal sort yaitu data yang berada dalam array satu dimensi.
Today implementation of sort leads to lower and easier order time. Our purpose in this article are trying to introduce an algorithm with lower cost of Bubble sort and nearly same as Selection sort. A way is in orderly inserting of... more
A large body of empirical literature indicates that, contrary to predictions from economic theory, wages in the informal sector increase after a minimum wage hike. This phenomenon was so far explained as a byproduct of a signal (a... more
We present a fast algorithm for two-dimensional median filtering. It is based on storing and updating the gray level histogram of the picture elements in the window. The algorithm is much faster than conventional sorting methods. For a... more
Credit risk concentration is one of the leading topics in modern finance, as the bank regulation has made increasing use of external and internal credit ratings. Concentration risk in credit portfolios comes into being through an uneven... more
1. LATAR BELAKANG Pencarian (searching) merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang sering dikerjakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada kalanya kita mencari sesuatu dengan tujuan hanya untuk mengetahui apakah data tersebut ada dalam sekumpulan data... more
Decomposition is a basic strategy in traditional multiobjective optimization. However, it has not yet been widely used in multiobjective evolutionary optimization. This paper proposes a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on... more
Plato in the Myth of Er alters the traditional view of the cosmos in Ancient Greece to allow for the doctrine of metempsychosis. The modification is threefold. A new topography is needed so that souls can circulate forever through heaven... more
This paper presents a parallel sorting algorithm called Cubesort. Cubesort sorts N data items by performing a number of rounds, each of which partitions the N data items into groups of size S and sorts within the groups. For many values... more
This research was conducted to investigate the effect of sorting and dehulling postharvest practices on the pasting properties of flours of kabuli (Habru variety) and desi (local) chickpea and faba bean (local) grains. The legume samples... more
The growing complexity of modern processors has made the generation of highly efficient code increasingly difficult. Manual code generation is very time consuming, but it is often the only choice since the code generated by today's... more
NHS Direct, the 24-hour telephone helpline providing information and advice about health problems, is available throughout England and Wales. It was envisaged as a nurse-led service presenting a new opportunity for the nursing profession.... more
In order to produce synthesis gas (syngas), four reforming processes including two stand-alone primary and secondary reformers and two combined configurations are investigated. With changing operating parameters and arrangement of the... more
Unlike several studies, which employed mostly descriptive and exploratory approaches in explaining malpractice, this study contributes to knowledge by empirically examining the malpractice phenomenon with respect to its: common... more
This paper describes a direct analysis study carried out in a recycling unit for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Portugal to characterize the plastic constituents of WEEE. Approximately 3400 items, including cooling... more
Optimization of the whole plant instead of important individual units is essential for maximizing savings and operational efficiency. Often, there are conflicting objectives for optimizing industrial processes. Many previous studies on... more
This paper introduces a new hybrid algorithm that utilizes three algorithms: quicksort, merge sort, and selection sort in order to speed the sorting process for large arrays. The proposed new algorithm is called the "Three-in-One Sort".... more
Arrivés dans le courant des années 1990, les mineurs non accompagnés sont des individus de moins de 18 ans qui, après un parcours migratoire, se trouvent sur le territoire français sans leur représentant légal. Enfants en danger devant... more
Early endosome-to-trans-Golgi network (TGN) transport is organized by the retromer complex. Consisting of cargo-selective and membrane-bound subcomplexes, retromer coordinates sorting with membrane deformation and carrier formation. Here,... more