Authored Books by Cristian Ciocan
Spandugino, 2022
„Abordarea fenomenologică se individualizează prin două trăsături: nu își propune să explice viol... more „Abordarea fenomenologică se individualizează prin două trăsături: nu își propune să explice violența pornind de la cauze și nu are un scop practic de intervenție socială, în vederea reducerii sau prevenirii violenței. Abordarea fenomenologică, fiind eminamente descriptivă, ne invită să înțelegem fenomenul violenței așa cum se arată, acolo unde se arată, în facticitatea sa, așa cum survine în lumea vieții noastre de zi cu zi, în concretețea trăită a experienței noastre, într‑un registru pre‑teoretic și pre‑reflexiv. Pentru a rămâne fenomenologic, discursul descriptiv despre violență nu poate fi nici moralist, nici activist-polemic, nici politic, nici furnizor de soluții practice. El nu poate cădea în apologie, nici într‑o direcție, nici într‑alta, ci urmărește doar să descrie și astfel să înțeleagă fenomenele în structurile lor fundamentale, dincoace de orice atitudine pro sau contra. Nu este vorba, desigur, de a justifica sau de a legitima violența, dar nici de a‑i face din start un rechizitoriu pornind de la un ideal al non‑violenței. Fenomenologia – atât în privința violenței, cât și în privința altor teme pe care le abordează – trebuie să rămână dincoace de orice luare concretă de poziție.”'
"Cartea de față excelează în multe privințe. Din câte știu, este singura care, în spațiul nostru cultural, aprofundează atât de riguros și comprehensiv problematica violenței prin raportare constantă la fenomenul mai vast al animalității. Cristian Ciocan, bine cunoscut prin studiile de filosofie deja publicate, pune în acest sens la lucru un amplu dispozitiv conceptual, propriu fenomenologiei. Este foarte atent la chipurile nenumărate sub care violența devine prezentă în spațiul nostru de viață și, înainte de toate, în dinamica unor posibilități care ne configurează modul de a fi. Concretețea ca atare a faptelor e asigurată de însăși regăsirea lor în anumite experiențe trăite. Cartea constituie și o admirabilă reîntâlnire cu numele mari ale filosofiei, precum Husserl sau Heidegger, plecând de la care problematica în discuție și cercetările recente capătă multă limpezime. Deși explorează ceea ce adesea apare tenebros sau terifiant în lumea omului, eventual enigmatic, precum resursele inepuizabile ale fenomenului vieții, cartea e neașteptat de senină, încurajatoare pentru cine caută să înțeleagă mai bine ce se petrece în orizontul mereu deschis al raportării omului la sine și la ceilalți. Așadar, o carte cu adevărat valoroasă și atrăgătoare, scrisă cu nerv și cu o prospețime aparte a cuvântului, care dă seama de anvergura reală a unor noi cercetări filosofice." (Ștefan Afloroaei)
Springer, Book Series "Phaenomenologica", Nov 30, 2014
Cet ouvrage est la première monographie systématique d’expression française dédiée exclusivement ... more Cet ouvrage est la première monographie systématique d’expression française dédiée exclusivement au problème heideggérien de la mort. Il se donne pour tâche de clarifier tout l’enjeu de cette question capitale de la pensée de Martin Heidegger. La nouveauté de cette étude réside dans une approche systématique et précise de Sein und Zeit, à partir d’une clarification rigoureuse de la notion d’Existenzial, en interprétant le problème de la mort dans l’articulation des structures fondamentales de l’être du Dasein. Cette approche permet non seulement d’expliciter les différentes couches ontologiques où intervient le phénomène de la mort dans l’analytique existentiale, mais aussi de mettre en lumière la rigueur de l’analyse heideggérienne et la systématicité de sa démarche. En outre, cette investigation explore l’intégralité de la pensée de Heidegger : des écrits de jeunesse jusqu’aux textes les plus tardifs, l’ouvrage retrace non seulement la genèse complexe de cette question, mais aussi son évolution arborescente.
Dacă cercetarea fenomenologică are o anumită intuiţie mai mult sau mai puţin vagă a direcţiei în ... more Dacă cercetarea fenomenologică are o anumită intuiţie mai mult sau mai puţin vagă a direcţiei în care se îndreaptă, ea nu ştie dintru început unde anume va ajunge, unde anume o vor ghida întrebările. Ca în Călăuza lui Tarkovski, cercetătorul aruncă înaintea sa întrebarea şi apoi o urmează, înaintând oarecum în necunoscut, în orizontul neştiut pe care întrebarea îl deschide. Tocmai de aceea cercetarea fenomenologică este o explorare, o înaintare în necunoscut, fără o hartă sigură, fără o busolă infailibilă, alta decât cea a propriei pre-înţelegeri, care poate fi confirmată sau infirmată pe parcurs. Spre deosebire de alte tipuri de cercetare, care pornesc de la un dat pozitiv deja disponibil, deja asigurat, în fenomenologie cercetătorul trebuie să îşi obţină datul originar, să şi-l asigure constant, să-l extragă din contexte fenomenale în care el este de cele mai multe ori ocultat, mascat şi obturat. Tot aşa şi noi, întrebându-ne dacă şi cum ar putea fi conceput un sens originar şi integrator al trupului, unul care să premeargă şi totodată să cuprindă diversele forme de expresie corporală a existenţei umane, noi nu presupunem că îl avem deja, gata dat, disponibil, apt de a fi arătat cu degetul: iată-l! Dimpotrivă, este mult mai plauzibil ca acest sens originar să ne fie dat întâi de toate prin ocultările sale, prin formele sale derivate, privative sau sărăcite. Explorarea fenomenologică ia atunci chipul unei operaţii de desfoliere, de recuperare a unui strat de sens originar, ascuns în spatele unor aluviuni care îl acoperă şi, uneori, îl fac de nerecunoscut.
Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa analizeze fenomenul mortii in cadrul analiticii heideggeriene a D... more Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa analizeze fenomenul mortii in cadrul analiticii heideggeriene a Dasein-ului din Fiinta si Timp. Centralitatea acestei teme, precum si caracterul ei dramatic, au facut ca Fiinta si Timp sa aiba un ecou amplu, inca din prima etapa a receptarii sale. Este o tema care, tratata cu toata rigoarea pe care o revendica, va putea deschide nucleul cel mai profund al analiticii existentiale a Dasein-ului si al proiectului ontologic heidegerrian ca intreg.
This work is the first Levinas Concordance. The particularity of this index is that it covers on ... more This work is the first Levinas Concordance. The particularity of this index is that it covers on all the 28 books published by Levinas in French. The Levinas Concordance comprises the complete list of meaningful words of Levinas’ oeuvre and their corresponding occurrences, indicated by book, page and line. The Levinas Concordance contains eight specific indexes: 1. General Index of French Terms; 2. General Index of Proper Names; 3. Index of Hebrew, Biblical and Talmudic Proper Names; 4. Index of Hebrew Terms; 5. Index of Greek Terms; 6. Index of Latin Terms; 7. Index of German Terms; 8. Index of Works.
Edited Books by Cristian Ciocan
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2021
Human Studies, 2020
Human Studies - Volume 43, Issue 2, July 2020
Special Section on The Modalizations of Violence (A... more Human Studies - Volume 43, Issue 2, July 2020
Special Section on The Modalizations of Violence (Articles 1 - 7) - Issue Editor: Cristian Ciocan
Introduction: Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence
Cristian Ciocan
The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy
Remus Breazu
Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia
Cătălina Condruz
Violence and Affectivity
Cristian Ciocan
Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension—Violence and Non-violence
Paul Marinesco
Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics
Ciprian Jeler
Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence
Ion Copoeru
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2019
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2017
Editions du Cerf, Collection Patrimoine, 2016
Intitulé Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion et composé d’une vingtaine d’articles, le volume assume l’éq... more Intitulé Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion et composé d’une vingtaine d’articles, le volume assume l’équivocité d’une mise en abîme : lire Marion dans sa propre lecture de la philosophie. Montrer à l’œuvre le dialogue du philosophe avec l’histoire de la philosophie constitue en effet le pari de ce livre, pari qui fait fond sur l’idée que tel est le chemin même de la philosophie et que ceci est en outre l’accès le plus respectueux que nous pouvons avoir à une œuvre s’accomplissant sous nos yeux.
De Grégoire de Nysse et Denys l’Aréopagite à Derrida, en passant par Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Husserl et Heidegger, la pensée de Marion embrasse, approfondit, reprend et réfute les thèmes fondateurs de la métaphysique et de la phénoménologie. L’œuvre entière de Marion est traversée par sa lecture personnelle et novatrice de la philosophie. Elle se construit en dialogue avec les textes classiques et rend en même temps compte des grands débats théoriques de l’époque qu’elle traverse. Le dialogue est d’ailleurs privilégié aussi dans ce volume, Jean-Luc Marion répondant aux auteurs des études qui lui sont consacrées.
ANCA VASILIU est directrice de recherches au CNRS/Université Paris-Sorbonne. Elle a publié sa thèse dirigée par Jean-Luc Marion : Du Diaphane. Image, milieu, lumière dans la pensée antique et médiévale (1997). Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, dont récemment Divines techniques. Arts et langage homérique à la fin de l’Antiquité (2016).
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Docteur de l’Université de Bucarest et de l’Université de Paris IV Sorbonne. Il enseigne au Centre d’excellence dans l’étude de l’image (CESI) de l’Université de Bucarest. Président de la Société Roumaine de Phénoménologie et rédacteur en chef de la revue Studia Phaenomenologica, il est notamment l’auteur de Heidegger et le problème de la mort : existentialité, authenticité, temporalité (2014).
Ont également participé à cet ouvrage : Dan ARBIB, Élodie BOUBLIL, Olivier BOULNOIS, Florin CRISMAREANU, Natalie DEPRAZ, Alberto FRIGO, Georgiana HUIAN, Paul MARINESCU, Bogdan MINCA, Christophe PERRIN, Ovidiu Sorin PODAR, Calin Cristian POP, Delia POPA, Tinca PRUNEA-BRETONNET, Claudia SERBAN, Ovidiu STANCIU, Émilie TARDIVEL, Marilena VLAD.
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2012
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2009
Today it might be needless to remind that the relationship between phenomenology and theology is ... more Today it might be needless to remind that the relationship between phenomenology and theology is one of the most debated topics in the field of continental philosophy. Beginning with the Husserlian investigations of religious life, passing through Heidegger’s discussion of the sacred, and ending with the “theological turn” of the French phenomenology (admittedly illustrated by E. Levinas, M. Henry, J.-L. Marion or J.-Y. Lacoste), in conjunction with the ever-growing interest of contemporary theologians in the phenomenological method, the conceptual boundaries between these two “types of discourse” have been ceaselessly shifted. Until this day the subject remains highly controversial and, indeed, bears witness to a necessary discussion in contemporary thought.
JEAN-LUC MARION, The Recognition of Gift
JEAN-YVES LACOSTE, La chose et le sacré
JAD HATEM, Être la vérité
ROLF KÜHN, „Wahrheit“ als Ur-Intelligibilität des Lebens
MICHAEL PURCELL, Sacramental Signification and Ecclesial Exteriority: Derrida and Marion on Sign
JAVIER BASSAS VILA, Écriture phénoménologique et théologique : Fonctions du «comme», «comme si» et «en tant que» chez Jean-Luc Marion
SYLVAIN CAMILLERI, La métaphorisation du lexique augustinien comme herméneutique phénoménologique: le jeune Heidegger et Jean-Louis Chrétien
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Heidegger, l’attente de la parousie et l’être pour la mort
TOMOKAZU BABA, Du mode d’existence païenne selon Levinas
JAMES E. FAULCONER, Theological and philosophical transcendence: Bodily excess; the word made flesh
LEO STAN, Kierkegaard on Temporality and God Incarnate
BEÁTA TÓTH, Gift as God — God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology
KRISTIEN JUSTAERT, Subjects in Love: Julia Kristeva on the “Consciousness of the Flesh”
Zeta Books, 2007
This volume consists in most of the papers presented at the International Conference organized by... more This volume consists in most of the papers presented at the International Conference organized by the Romanian Society for Phenomenology in Bucharest, in 4-6 September 2006, celebrating the Centenary of Emmanuel Levinas.
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2005
It is well known that only a few philosophical works have attained an international celebrity in ... more It is well known that only a few philosophical works have attained an international celebrity in such a short time as compared to Sein und Zeit. Also, few phenomenological works have provoked so many debates and reconfigured in such a radical way the conceptual frame and the main directions of contemporary thought as this Heideggerian masterpiece did. It is not here the place to discuss what exactly turned this volume into a fundamental opus in the history of philosophy and which are the reasons that imposed this oeuvre on the highest arena of international philosophy. There have been already published many volumes which discussed the various aspects of Sein und Zeit’s importance in the field of contemporary thinking.
But the celebrity of Sein und Zeit is also related to the mechanisms of propagation through which this work has attained a worldwide fame. Since one essential element of this propagation consists in the special work of translation, we considered it is worth dedicating an issue of Studia Phaenomenologica to the translations of Sein und Zeit. Therefore, this volume has the intention to cover this specific aspect of the international spread-out of Heidegger’s thought. It is beyond doubt that the influence and the international irradiation of Sein und Zeit are due to the consecutive translations that traversed and irrigated various philosophical cultures of the world. The spread of this oeuvre is simultaneous with the spread of its translations and with their propagation in the networks of other cultures. Thus, besides the exegetical commentary on Heidegger’s thought, the act of translation remains one of the most efficient ways of the worldwide spread of Sein und Zeit, and besides the history of its exegesis, the history of its translations remains equally determinative for the actual state of international Heideggerian research.
Studia Phaenomenologica, Jan 1, 2004
Journal Articles by Cristian Ciocan
Sophia, 2024
In this paper, I explore the bodily constitution of violence from a phenomenological perspective,... more In this paper, I explore the bodily constitution of violence from a phenomenological perspective, contrasting the directly lived experience of violence with imagistic violence. The analysis involves examining one’s own embodiment from the first-person perspective in two distinct situations: as the agent of violence, anchored in one’s own “I can”, and as a passive victim, marked by vulnerability and helplessness. Each situation reveals specific particularities of the other’s adversity. The final section transitions to the imagistic experience of violence, discussing how bodily markers are modified in this context. Using Kubrick’s iconic film A Clockwork Orange as an example, I illustrate the shift in bodily structures and the implications of imagistic violence.
Human Studies, 2024
The aim of this article is to explore the question of the limits of experience in light of the ph... more The aim of this article is to explore the question of the limits of experience in light of the phenomenology of violence. I begin by emphasizing the specificity of the phenomenological concept of pre-theoretical experience, in contrast with the traditional concept of experience dominated by theoretical and epistemological motives. Consequently, I underscore that violence can be phenomenologically understood only as a lived experience, given in the first person, belonging to an embodied subject, and placed in an antagonistic intersubjective situation. In order to question how the lived experience of violence discloses the limits of experience, I focus on the concept of the limit and discuss its relevance to phenomenological thought, referring to the limits of phenomenology, limit-problems, limit-phenomena, and limit-situations. I then show that we can differentiate between normal and liminal modes of experience, but we are also dealing with a multitude of levels of experience (visual, auditory, tactile, embodied, affective, intersubjective, comprehensive, and discursive), each of which has its own specific limits. I conclude by analyzing how the phenomenon of violence delineates the limits of experience at each of these levels.
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie, 2022
In this article, I discuss two approaches to the phenomenon of gesture, constituted by the existe... more In this article, I discuss two approaches to the phenomenon of gesture, constituted by the existential dimension of embodiment, intersubjectivity, affectivity, and language: while Martin Heidegger states that human bodily movement as a whole should be understood as gesture in contrast to the spatial movement of things, Vilém Flusser integrates under this notion a multitude of human practices and activities that common sense hesitates to call gestures. The dilemma of the phenomenology of gesture consists in this tension between the plural concreteness of gestural appearances and the irrepressible temptation to identify a unitary layer that would allow them to hold together.
Studia Phaenomenologica, 2021
The 1972 colloquium on testimony, organised by Enrico Castelli in Rome, brought together contribu... more The 1972 colloquium on testimony, organised by Enrico Castelli in Rome, brought together contributions from over 30 renowned philosophers and theologians, including Paul Ricoeur, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Emmanuel Levinas, Gabriel Marcel and Alphonse de Waelhens, to name a few. Despite the great number of prestigious thinkers engaged in the debate and whose very presence there justified the relevance of this theme, one of the guests, Gianni Vattimo, did not hesitate to declare in the opening of his communication that the question of testimony is one shrouded in anachronism. In his opinion, the attempt of reviving this question that is strongly associated with existentialism, years after the extinction of this philosophical current, was threatened by obsolescence. However, the last five decades of the history of contemporary philosophy contradict this claim. Indeed, testimony is gradually gaining the attention that it deserves within philosophical reflection: it does so by opening up a field of research so wide-ranging and profound that it raises the need to build more comprehensive approaches and to construct dialogues between the various disciplines that are involved in deciphering its complexity. The half-century that separates us from the time of the Castelli colloquium has known major events, historical trials, and technological innovations in which witnessing and testifying have played a fundamental role in establishing the truth of past events, captivating irreversibly the attention of the humanities. From historiography to epistemology and from memory studies to cultural anthropology, all these disciplines have tried to identify structures, dynamics,
Authored Books by Cristian Ciocan
"Cartea de față excelează în multe privințe. Din câte știu, este singura care, în spațiul nostru cultural, aprofundează atât de riguros și comprehensiv problematica violenței prin raportare constantă la fenomenul mai vast al animalității. Cristian Ciocan, bine cunoscut prin studiile de filosofie deja publicate, pune în acest sens la lucru un amplu dispozitiv conceptual, propriu fenomenologiei. Este foarte atent la chipurile nenumărate sub care violența devine prezentă în spațiul nostru de viață și, înainte de toate, în dinamica unor posibilități care ne configurează modul de a fi. Concretețea ca atare a faptelor e asigurată de însăși regăsirea lor în anumite experiențe trăite. Cartea constituie și o admirabilă reîntâlnire cu numele mari ale filosofiei, precum Husserl sau Heidegger, plecând de la care problematica în discuție și cercetările recente capătă multă limpezime. Deși explorează ceea ce adesea apare tenebros sau terifiant în lumea omului, eventual enigmatic, precum resursele inepuizabile ale fenomenului vieții, cartea e neașteptat de senină, încurajatoare pentru cine caută să înțeleagă mai bine ce se petrece în orizontul mereu deschis al raportării omului la sine și la ceilalți. Așadar, o carte cu adevărat valoroasă și atrăgătoare, scrisă cu nerv și cu o prospețime aparte a cuvântului, care dă seama de anvergura reală a unor noi cercetări filosofice." (Ștefan Afloroaei)
Edited Books by Cristian Ciocan
Special Section on The Modalizations of Violence (Articles 1 - 7) - Issue Editor: Cristian Ciocan
Introduction: Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence
Cristian Ciocan
The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy
Remus Breazu
Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia
Cătălina Condruz
Violence and Affectivity
Cristian Ciocan
Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension—Violence and Non-violence
Paul Marinesco
Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics
Ciprian Jeler
Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence
Ion Copoeru
De Grégoire de Nysse et Denys l’Aréopagite à Derrida, en passant par Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Husserl et Heidegger, la pensée de Marion embrasse, approfondit, reprend et réfute les thèmes fondateurs de la métaphysique et de la phénoménologie. L’œuvre entière de Marion est traversée par sa lecture personnelle et novatrice de la philosophie. Elle se construit en dialogue avec les textes classiques et rend en même temps compte des grands débats théoriques de l’époque qu’elle traverse. Le dialogue est d’ailleurs privilégié aussi dans ce volume, Jean-Luc Marion répondant aux auteurs des études qui lui sont consacrées.
ANCA VASILIU est directrice de recherches au CNRS/Université Paris-Sorbonne. Elle a publié sa thèse dirigée par Jean-Luc Marion : Du Diaphane. Image, milieu, lumière dans la pensée antique et médiévale (1997). Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, dont récemment Divines techniques. Arts et langage homérique à la fin de l’Antiquité (2016).
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Docteur de l’Université de Bucarest et de l’Université de Paris IV Sorbonne. Il enseigne au Centre d’excellence dans l’étude de l’image (CESI) de l’Université de Bucarest. Président de la Société Roumaine de Phénoménologie et rédacteur en chef de la revue Studia Phaenomenologica, il est notamment l’auteur de Heidegger et le problème de la mort : existentialité, authenticité, temporalité (2014).
Ont également participé à cet ouvrage : Dan ARBIB, Élodie BOUBLIL, Olivier BOULNOIS, Florin CRISMAREANU, Natalie DEPRAZ, Alberto FRIGO, Georgiana HUIAN, Paul MARINESCU, Bogdan MINCA, Christophe PERRIN, Ovidiu Sorin PODAR, Calin Cristian POP, Delia POPA, Tinca PRUNEA-BRETONNET, Claudia SERBAN, Ovidiu STANCIU, Émilie TARDIVEL, Marilena VLAD.
JEAN-LUC MARION, The Recognition of Gift
JEAN-YVES LACOSTE, La chose et le sacré
JAD HATEM, Être la vérité
ROLF KÜHN, „Wahrheit“ als Ur-Intelligibilität des Lebens
MICHAEL PURCELL, Sacramental Signification and Ecclesial Exteriority: Derrida and Marion on Sign
JAVIER BASSAS VILA, Écriture phénoménologique et théologique : Fonctions du «comme», «comme si» et «en tant que» chez Jean-Luc Marion
SYLVAIN CAMILLERI, La métaphorisation du lexique augustinien comme herméneutique phénoménologique: le jeune Heidegger et Jean-Louis Chrétien
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Heidegger, l’attente de la parousie et l’être pour la mort
TOMOKAZU BABA, Du mode d’existence païenne selon Levinas
JAMES E. FAULCONER, Theological and philosophical transcendence: Bodily excess; the word made flesh
LEO STAN, Kierkegaard on Temporality and God Incarnate
BEÁTA TÓTH, Gift as God — God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology
KRISTIEN JUSTAERT, Subjects in Love: Julia Kristeva on the “Consciousness of the Flesh”
But the celebrity of Sein und Zeit is also related to the mechanisms of propagation through which this work has attained a worldwide fame. Since one essential element of this propagation consists in the special work of translation, we considered it is worth dedicating an issue of Studia Phaenomenologica to the translations of Sein und Zeit. Therefore, this volume has the intention to cover this specific aspect of the international spread-out of Heidegger’s thought. It is beyond doubt that the influence and the international irradiation of Sein und Zeit are due to the consecutive translations that traversed and irrigated various philosophical cultures of the world. The spread of this oeuvre is simultaneous with the spread of its translations and with their propagation in the networks of other cultures. Thus, besides the exegetical commentary on Heidegger’s thought, the act of translation remains one of the most efficient ways of the worldwide spread of Sein und Zeit, and besides the history of its exegesis, the history of its translations remains equally determinative for the actual state of international Heideggerian research.
Journal Articles by Cristian Ciocan
"Cartea de față excelează în multe privințe. Din câte știu, este singura care, în spațiul nostru cultural, aprofundează atât de riguros și comprehensiv problematica violenței prin raportare constantă la fenomenul mai vast al animalității. Cristian Ciocan, bine cunoscut prin studiile de filosofie deja publicate, pune în acest sens la lucru un amplu dispozitiv conceptual, propriu fenomenologiei. Este foarte atent la chipurile nenumărate sub care violența devine prezentă în spațiul nostru de viață și, înainte de toate, în dinamica unor posibilități care ne configurează modul de a fi. Concretețea ca atare a faptelor e asigurată de însăși regăsirea lor în anumite experiențe trăite. Cartea constituie și o admirabilă reîntâlnire cu numele mari ale filosofiei, precum Husserl sau Heidegger, plecând de la care problematica în discuție și cercetările recente capătă multă limpezime. Deși explorează ceea ce adesea apare tenebros sau terifiant în lumea omului, eventual enigmatic, precum resursele inepuizabile ale fenomenului vieții, cartea e neașteptat de senină, încurajatoare pentru cine caută să înțeleagă mai bine ce se petrece în orizontul mereu deschis al raportării omului la sine și la ceilalți. Așadar, o carte cu adevărat valoroasă și atrăgătoare, scrisă cu nerv și cu o prospețime aparte a cuvântului, care dă seama de anvergura reală a unor noi cercetări filosofice." (Ștefan Afloroaei)
Special Section on The Modalizations of Violence (Articles 1 - 7) - Issue Editor: Cristian Ciocan
Introduction: Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence
Cristian Ciocan
The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy
Remus Breazu
Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia
Cătălina Condruz
Violence and Affectivity
Cristian Ciocan
Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension—Violence and Non-violence
Paul Marinesco
Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics
Ciprian Jeler
Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence
Ion Copoeru
De Grégoire de Nysse et Denys l’Aréopagite à Derrida, en passant par Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Husserl et Heidegger, la pensée de Marion embrasse, approfondit, reprend et réfute les thèmes fondateurs de la métaphysique et de la phénoménologie. L’œuvre entière de Marion est traversée par sa lecture personnelle et novatrice de la philosophie. Elle se construit en dialogue avec les textes classiques et rend en même temps compte des grands débats théoriques de l’époque qu’elle traverse. Le dialogue est d’ailleurs privilégié aussi dans ce volume, Jean-Luc Marion répondant aux auteurs des études qui lui sont consacrées.
ANCA VASILIU est directrice de recherches au CNRS/Université Paris-Sorbonne. Elle a publié sa thèse dirigée par Jean-Luc Marion : Du Diaphane. Image, milieu, lumière dans la pensée antique et médiévale (1997). Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, dont récemment Divines techniques. Arts et langage homérique à la fin de l’Antiquité (2016).
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Docteur de l’Université de Bucarest et de l’Université de Paris IV Sorbonne. Il enseigne au Centre d’excellence dans l’étude de l’image (CESI) de l’Université de Bucarest. Président de la Société Roumaine de Phénoménologie et rédacteur en chef de la revue Studia Phaenomenologica, il est notamment l’auteur de Heidegger et le problème de la mort : existentialité, authenticité, temporalité (2014).
Ont également participé à cet ouvrage : Dan ARBIB, Élodie BOUBLIL, Olivier BOULNOIS, Florin CRISMAREANU, Natalie DEPRAZ, Alberto FRIGO, Georgiana HUIAN, Paul MARINESCU, Bogdan MINCA, Christophe PERRIN, Ovidiu Sorin PODAR, Calin Cristian POP, Delia POPA, Tinca PRUNEA-BRETONNET, Claudia SERBAN, Ovidiu STANCIU, Émilie TARDIVEL, Marilena VLAD.
JEAN-LUC MARION, The Recognition of Gift
JEAN-YVES LACOSTE, La chose et le sacré
JAD HATEM, Être la vérité
ROLF KÜHN, „Wahrheit“ als Ur-Intelligibilität des Lebens
MICHAEL PURCELL, Sacramental Signification and Ecclesial Exteriority: Derrida and Marion on Sign
JAVIER BASSAS VILA, Écriture phénoménologique et théologique : Fonctions du «comme», «comme si» et «en tant que» chez Jean-Luc Marion
SYLVAIN CAMILLERI, La métaphorisation du lexique augustinien comme herméneutique phénoménologique: le jeune Heidegger et Jean-Louis Chrétien
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Heidegger, l’attente de la parousie et l’être pour la mort
TOMOKAZU BABA, Du mode d’existence païenne selon Levinas
JAMES E. FAULCONER, Theological and philosophical transcendence: Bodily excess; the word made flesh
LEO STAN, Kierkegaard on Temporality and God Incarnate
BEÁTA TÓTH, Gift as God — God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology
KRISTIEN JUSTAERT, Subjects in Love: Julia Kristeva on the “Consciousness of the Flesh”
But the celebrity of Sein und Zeit is also related to the mechanisms of propagation through which this work has attained a worldwide fame. Since one essential element of this propagation consists in the special work of translation, we considered it is worth dedicating an issue of Studia Phaenomenologica to the translations of Sein und Zeit. Therefore, this volume has the intention to cover this specific aspect of the international spread-out of Heidegger’s thought. It is beyond doubt that the influence and the international irradiation of Sein und Zeit are due to the consecutive translations that traversed and irrigated various philosophical cultures of the world. The spread of this oeuvre is simultaneous with the spread of its translations and with their propagation in the networks of other cultures. Thus, besides the exegetical commentary on Heidegger’s thought, the act of translation remains one of the most efficient ways of the worldwide spread of Sein und Zeit, and besides the history of its exegesis, the history of its translations remains equally determinative for the actual state of international Heideggerian research.
This latency of violence—a diffuse presence of a non-actuality—seems to constitute the special atmosphere in which our concerned thinking of violence takes place. More precisely, violence does not primarily challenge our thought when it is given as an actual event that we are currently confronting and dramatically experiencing in our lives, but rather when we understand it as a latent phenomenon, which, from its more or less diffuse presence, constantly menaces the erratic balance of our daily existence. For, in a “real” situation of violence, our main preoccupation would be rather to escape and survive (“how to evade violence,” “how to get rid of the one who attacks me”), and less to question the violence “in itself,” in “what it is,” “how it is,” or “why it is what it is”. It is in this sense that the pressing latency of violence (its eventuality and not its actuality) nourishes and sharpens our increasing reflective awareness of this phenomenon. This latency (experienced as a diffuse atmosphere, or as a climate of violence) is constituted by remembering past traumatic experiences, by diffuse anticipations or apprehensions of future violences, as well as by the multifarious imagistic givenness of violence. Thus, the first phenomenological difference to draw would not be that between violence and non-violence (or between violence and counter-violence, or between legitimate and illegitimate violence), but that between “latent violence” and “actual violence”. And it is precisely the volatile dynamic of violence from latency to imminence and to actuality that accentuates, more and more, our pressing meditative concern regarding the phenomenology of violence. Accordingly, only when violence is not simply absent, but latent (a kind of “present absence” or an “absent presence”), can emerge the philosophical preoccupation to understand it, to decipher its code and, eventually, to explore its phenomenological structures, such as the genesis of the adversative intersubjectivity, the vulnerability of our embodiment, the inflammation of affectivity, its peculiar temporality, or its specific spatiality.
The Finitude of Existence in the Analytic of Dasein: The Intertwining of Understanding and Affection
In this paper, I will discuss the Heideggerian interpretation of death in relation with two fundamental structures of the existential analysis: understanding (Verstehen) and state-of-mind (Befindlichkeit). In the first part, I will highlight how the understanding opens the phenomenon of death as a possibility: this possibility will prove to be a specific imminence, in that it must be assumed by the Dasein in itself, as Dasein’s ownmost and non-relational possibility that cannot be outstripped. In the second part, I will analyse the relation between death and the affectivity, emphasizing the contrast between the traditional position on this subject – which involves the philosophical neutralization of a natural fear of death – and Heidegger’s position, suggesting a dynamic tension between the fear and anxiety, where anxiety is not an annihilation of fear, but its existential radicalization.
Keywords: finitude, death, existence, fear, anxiety, authenticity, Heidegger
DE: Diese Studie schlägt etliche Stützpunkte für eine vollständige Entwicklungsanalyse des Todesproblems in Heideggers Gedanken nach Sein und Zeit vor. Die leitende Frage unserer Untersuchung rekurriert auf die Art, wie die Phänomenologie des Todes nach der Analytik des Daseins in Heideggers Interessenfokus verbleibt. Die Abhandlung konzentriert sich auf die Zeitperiode zwischen 1931 und 1935, nach der chronologischen Reihenfolge und mit der Intention, einige unterschiedliche Etappen des Todesgedankens nach Sein und Zeit zu akzentuieren. Wir setzen mit der Analyse ein, wie Heidegger selbst auf die Rezeption des Todesproblems zu der Anfangszeit, nach der Herausgabe von Sein und Zeit, respondiert hat. Anschließend hinterfragen wir die Erscheinung des Todesthemas in drei Vorträgen: im Wintersemester 1931–1932 (GA 34), über Hölderlin (GA 39), sowohl im Sommer 1935 – Einführung in die Metaphysik (GA 40).
FR: La présente étude se propose de fournir quelques repères pour une analyse intégrale de l’évolution du problème de la mort dans la pensée heideggérienne développée après Sein und Zeit. La question qui dirige notre enquête est de savoir comment la phénoménologie de la mort reste encore au centre de l’intérêt philosophique de Heidegger, après l’analytique du Dasein. Notre discussion se focalise sur la période 1931–1935, suivant un parcours chronologique et visant à marquer quelques étapes distinctes de la pensée de la mort après Sein und Zeit. Nous commençons par l’analyse des réactions de Heidegger lui-même par rapport à la réception du problème de la mort dans la première période après la parution de Sein und Zeit. Ensuite, nous analysons l’apparition du thème de la mort dans trois cours : le cours du semestre d’hiver 1931–1932 (GA 34), le cours de 1934/1935 sur Hölderlin (GA 39) et le cours de l’été 1935 – Introduction à la métaphysique (GA 40).
the phenomenology of affectivity of Being and Time: between fear and anxiety, ontical and ontological, existenziell and existenzial, inauthentic and authentic. I will argue that, by means of the three forms of boredom, Heidegger proposed
a more elastic image of the affective life, in order to sustain in a more grounded manner the passage from inauthenticity to authenticity. First, I will discuss the place of affects in Being and Time, emphasising in the first place the concepts of Befindlichkeit and Stimmung, and then the topics
of fear and anxiety. In this frame, I will subsequently situate the appearance of boredom (related to anxiety) in “What Is Metaphysics?”. Finally, I will discuss the three forms of boredom analysed in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, regarding their structural constitutive moments.
Dr. Cristian Ciocan (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Ion Copoeru
Dr. Ileana Borțun
Dr. Ciprian Jeler
Dr. Paul Marinescu
Drd. Remus Breazu
Drd. Cătălina Condruz
Dr. Cristian Ciocan (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Christian Ferencz-Flatz
Drd. Alexandru Bejinariu
Drd. Amalia Trepca
In this project, we envision an interdisciplinary research of human corporeality as situated within the complex psychological, social, and religious matrix of contemporary Western civilization. The theoretical core of our project relies on an emphatically phenomenological reading of the living body in the wake of major 20th century thinkers, such as Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michel Henry, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-Luc Marion. Nevertheless, our goal is to combine such phenomenological perspective with the dissimilar theoretical horizons of hermeneutics, history of philosophy, religious studies, and theology. This project intends to lay the ground for an interdisciplinary theory of the human living body, able to mediate between philosophical (especially phenomenological) and scientific approaches of the body as well as daily-life modes of understanding corporeal phenomena.
In order to accomplish this goal, the research work has to analyze basic groups of corporeal phenomena that are in the centre of human life. Such basic groups concerning the body are sexuality, identity, generation, vulnerability, and mediation. These thematic groups are connected with each other in a twofold way: they concern limit-experiences of human body and let emerge critical situations, and they appear mostly by way of privative phenomena.
Such privative phenomena: sexuality: prostitution and pornography; identity: the tension between solipsism and inter-subjectivity; the problem of alterity; generation as living between birth and death; vulnerability: abortion and euthanasia; mediation: virtual worlds of the mass media.
Secondly, these groups of corporeal (original and privative) phenomena are connected because they participate altogether in the same distinctions of selfness/alterity or private/public – and they overlap with each other, e.g. sexuality belongs to the realm of generation, and vice versa; vulnerability requires also a being who comes into life and is threatened by death; pornography is unthinkable without the ability of creating imaginative, not (yet) realized worlds.
Dr. Cristian Ciocan – Principal Investigator
Dr. Christian Ferencz-Flatz
Dr. Maria Gyemant
Dr. Gabriel Cercel