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Following the destruction of Panamá Viejo in 1671, the population was moved to what is now known as the Old Quarter or San Felipe, founded two years later in 1673. This new settlement is nowadays the historic center of Panamá City,... more
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Before Spanish contact Lower Central America lacked states and cities, characteristic features of the neighbouring Maya whose cultural development also took place in Neotropical surroundings. Some regional centres with modest public... more
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Since the inauguration of the Panama Viejo Archaeological Project (PAPV) in 1996, a significant number of Pre-Hispanic and colonial funerary contexts have been excavated at the site. These excavations have shown the presence of two well... more
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Recent archaeological research in the Central Pacific of Panama, undertaken by the Expansion Program of the Panama Canal Authority, have discovered a series of stone revetted trenches in two hills, Aguadulce and Cedro, located to the west... more
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To date, the only majolicas ceramics production center documented in Colombia has been Cartagena de Indias. However, a recent review of the historical ceramics collection that is housed in the Laboratory of Archaeology at the University... more
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The historic monumental site of Panama La Vieja is filled of archaeological information that allows us approach the processes of adaptation and lifestyle of those first European inhabitants that settled in the American Continent. Aimed... more
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The conjunto Histórico Monumental de Panamá La Vieja (Historical Monument Grouping of Old Panama) possesses archaeological information which, thanks to its interpretation allows us to acquaint ourselves with the adaptive processes and... more
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Through the course of the Panamá Viejo Archaeological Project, which focused primarily on the historic occupation of the site, the investigation of the prehispanic occupation and how this articulates with the regional archaeological... more
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La utilización de la escala urbana en contextos coloniales permite investigar fenómenos particulares con diferentes niveles de resolución. Los fenómenos del pasado tuvieron lugar en diferentes escalas, desde la disposición de un... more
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La religión católica ha ocupado un papel privilegiado en Europa y, particularmente, en América desde hace 500 años. Sus representantes ejercieron un amplio poder sobre las colonias del Nuevo Mundo y lograron acumular grandes fortunas.... more
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El Conjunto Histórico Monumental de Panamá La Vieja sólo ha sido visto como la primera fundación hispana en el Mar del Sur, puerto base para la conquista del sur del continente y, ciudad de tránsito de las riquezas producto del saqueo al... more
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Durante la fase de evaluación del impacto arqueológico de las obras para laconstrucción del Centro de Visitantes de Panamá La Vieja, se llevó a cabo untrabajo previo de prospección del área con el fin de identificar rasgos arqueológicos... more
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Durante las excavaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas por el Departamento de Arqueología del Patronato Panamá Viejo, en el atrio e interior de la Catedral, se identificó un conjunto de enterramientos coloniales que indican la constante... more
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Como parte de los proyectos de restauración arquitectónica, en algunos casos, se contempla la investigación arqueológica previa, al diseño y ejecución de una intervención en inmuebles protegidos y/o declarados como patrimonio histórico.... more
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La capacidad de modificar el ambiente supone que la relación entre los seres humanos y su medio natural es una relación recíproca. Por tanto si se quiere mantener el sistema de subsistencia en una relación estable con el medio ambiente,... more
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Las actividades asociadas al tema de la muerte están estrechamente relacionadas con las estructuras sociales y, en la mayoría de los casos, reflejan la complejidad social de un pueblo. En el marco del proyecto de prospección arqueológica... more
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Alimentary patterns are some of the variables that define and distinguish cultural groups and social classes. They also allow the identification of adaptive processes through environmental reconstruction and use of resources. At Panamá... more
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The Spanish occupation of Panama la Vieja (1519-1673) allows us access to a restricted historical period. It deals with the beginnings of the Spanish settlement in American lands. It is the forced inclusion of the American continent to... more
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The European conquest of the New Woeld entailed the foundation of urban centres wich served as mainland outposts supporting the Western colonial project. One of them was the old city of Panama (1519-1671), the first Spanish port to be... more
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The city of Panamá was founded in August 15th, 1519, after the abandonment of the Caribbean settlement of Santa María la Antigua del Darién, becoming the first Spanish port in the American Pacific coast. In 1671 the town was attacked by... more
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