Articles / Papers by Christophe Vaschalde
Gaucher Gr., avec la coll. de Botte E., Grimaldi Fl., Leguilloux M., Oboussier A., Pellegrino E., Vaschalde Chr., « L’occupation antique d’un petit quartier urbain de Forum Iulii : le site de l’impasse Turcan (Fréjus, Var) », Revue du Centre archéologique du Var, 2015/2016, p. 135-193., 2016
Charbonnage, charbonnières, charbonniers. Confluence de regards autour d’un artisanat méconnu (Paradis-Grenouillet S., Burri S., Rouaud R. dir.), Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l’université de Provence, 2018, p. 13-22., 2018
Charbonnage, charbonnières, charbonniers. Confluence de regards autour d’un artisanat méconnu (Paradis-Grenouillet S., Burri S., Rouaud R. dir.), Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l’université de Provence, 2018, p. 23-32. , 2018
Élevage et forêt sur la Montagne dijonnaise à la fin du Moyen Âge. Deux établissements forestiers d’éleveurs en Terre de Saint-Seine. Saint-Martin-du-Mont (Côte d’Or) (Beck P., Faucher Fr., Maigrot J.-L. dir.), Toulouse, Mergoil, 2017, p. 51-58., 2017
Élevage et forêt sur la Montagne dijonnaise à la fin du Moyen Âge. Deux établissements forestiers d’éleveurs en Terre de Saint-Seine. Saint-Martin-du-Mont (Côte d’Or) (Beck P., Faucher Fr., Maigrot J.-L. dir.), Toulouse, 2017, Mergoil, p. 187-190., 2017
Campagnes et archéologie rurale au Maghreb et en Méditerranée. VIe colloque international du département d’archéologie de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines de Kairouan (Tunisie), 14-16 avril 2016 (Ben Nasr J., Arar M., Boukhchim N. dir.), Kairouan, 2017, 2017
Actes du sixième colloque international Actes du sixième colloque international (Kairouan : 14, 1... more Actes du sixième colloque international Actes du sixième colloque international (Kairouan : 14, 15 et 16 avril 2016) (Kairouan : 14, 15 et 16 avril 2016)
ArchéoSciences, revue d’archéométrie , 2016
Montagne et plaine dans le bassin méditerranéen. IVe colloque international du département d’archéologie de Kairouan, 5-7 décembre 2011 (Mcharek A., Mrabet A., Mahfoudh F., Rammeh M. dir.), 2015
Archéologie médiévale , 2014
. Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting of Anthracology, Brussels, 8-13 september 2008, Royal Belgium Institue of Natural Sciences (Damblon Fr., Court-Picon M. éd.), BAR International Series 2486, Sep 11, 2013
Sud-Ouest européen , 2012
Debates de arqueologia medieval 2, 2012
Saguntum. Papeles del laboratorio de arqueología de Valencia. Extra 11. 5th International Meeting of Charcoal analysis. The charcoal as cultural and biological heritage (dir. Badal E., Carrion Y., Grau E., Macias M., Ntinou M. éd.), 2011
Archéologie du Midi Médiéval, 2011
Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 44, 2011
""Le site d’Espeyran (Saint-Gilles, 30) a fait l’objet d’une nouvelle campagne d’étude entre 2002... more ""Le site d’Espeyran (Saint-Gilles, 30) a fait l’objet d’une nouvelle campagne d’étude entre 2002 et 2010, sous la forme de prospections géophysiques et de sondages limités. Ces travaux ont montré une occupation du Haut Empire dense, caractérisée par un développement des activités artisanales (productions de céramiques), avec une présence sur le site jusqu’au IVe s. ap. J.‑C., moment où des monuments sont détruits pour être transformés en chaux dans deux fours construits en batterie. Le dégagement de l’un des fours à chaux a mis au jour un autel funéraire fragmentaire, décoré de rinceaux avec une inscription latine de la fin du Ier s. ap. J.-C., qui se rapporte à la gens Calvia. Sont présentés les autels de même facture provenant des environs, et sont analysés les témoignages sur cette famille, déjà attestée à Nîmes et à Saint-Gilles, à laquelle on peut joindre une inscription de Sainte-Colombe (même commune) dont le texte est révisé (AE, 1978, 470).
The site of Espeyran (Saint Gilles, 30) has known a new campaign of study between 2002 and 2010, with a geophysic survey and limited excavations. These works revealed an important activity during the Roman Empire, characterized by a development of the craft activities (productions of ceramic), with a presence on the site until the IVth century AD, when monuments are destroyed to be transformed into lime in two kilns built side by side. The excavation of one of the lime kilns brought to light a fragmentary of a funeral altar, decorated with foliages with a Latin inscription of the end of the Ist century AD, which relates in gens Calvia. The altars of the same type discovered in the neighborhoodare presented, and are analyzed the testimonies on this family, already attested in Nîmes and Saint Gilles, to which we can join an inscription of Sainte-Colombe (Saint Gilles) the text of which is revised (AE, on 1978, 470).
ArScAn - Archéologie du Bassin Parisien, rapport pour l'année 2008. Nanterre, 2009
Chapitres / Chapters by Christophe Vaschalde
Élevage et forêt sur la Montagne dijonnaise à la fin du Moyen Âge. Deux établissements forestiers d’éleveurs en Terre de Saint-Seine. Saint-Martin-du-Mont (Côte d’Or) (Beck P., Faucher Fr., Maigrot J.-L. dir.), Toulouse, Mergoil, 2017, p. 157-159., 2017
La Moutte d’Allemagne-en-Provence. Un castrum précoce du Moyen Âge provençal (Mouton D. dir.), coll. Bibliothèque d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine 19, Aix-en-Provence-Paris, CCJ-Errance, 2015
De Erfenis van Karel de Grote, 814-2014 2014 (Callebaut D., Van Cuyck H. dir.), Gent, Provinciebestuur Oost-Vlaanderen, 2014
Conference Presentations by Christophe Vaschalde
Abstract of the workshop : The holding of the workshop "Methods of analysis and results in mediev... more Abstract of the workshop : The holding of the workshop "Methods of analysis and results in medieval archeometry" aims to deepen the great utility of the Archaeometry for historical and archeological studies circumscribed in the medieval period. The workshop is focused on knowledge of the techniques and strategies of analysis of different remains and the results obtained by the application of different methodological processes. The participants are some of the leading experts from France, Spain and England whose contributions have been focused on ceramology, anthracology, archaeometallurgy and carpology, among other disciplines. The meeting has been organized in the framework of the research project HAR2015-67619P research, "Technology and knowledge in the lberian Peninsula (13th-16th)", funded by the Ministry of economy and competitiveness, partially with FEDER funds.
Articles / Papers by Christophe Vaschalde
The site of Espeyran (Saint Gilles, 30) has known a new campaign of study between 2002 and 2010, with a geophysic survey and limited excavations. These works revealed an important activity during the Roman Empire, characterized by a development of the craft activities (productions of ceramic), with a presence on the site until the IVth century AD, when monuments are destroyed to be transformed into lime in two kilns built side by side. The excavation of one of the lime kilns brought to light a fragmentary of a funeral altar, decorated with foliages with a Latin inscription of the end of the Ist century AD, which relates in gens Calvia. The altars of the same type discovered in the neighborhoodare presented, and are analyzed the testimonies on this family, already attested in Nîmes and Saint Gilles, to which we can join an inscription of Sainte-Colombe (Saint Gilles) the text of which is revised (AE, on 1978, 470).
Chapitres / Chapters by Christophe Vaschalde
Conference Presentations by Christophe Vaschalde
The site of Espeyran (Saint Gilles, 30) has known a new campaign of study between 2002 and 2010, with a geophysic survey and limited excavations. These works revealed an important activity during the Roman Empire, characterized by a development of the craft activities (productions of ceramic), with a presence on the site until the IVth century AD, when monuments are destroyed to be transformed into lime in two kilns built side by side. The excavation of one of the lime kilns brought to light a fragmentary of a funeral altar, decorated with foliages with a Latin inscription of the end of the Ist century AD, which relates in gens Calvia. The altars of the same type discovered in the neighborhoodare presented, and are analyzed the testimonies on this family, already attested in Nîmes and Saint Gilles, to which we can join an inscription of Sainte-Colombe (Saint Gilles) the text of which is revised (AE, on 1978, 470).
far. An inventory was realized, based on a broad range of activities (ceramic, charcoal, lime, vegetal exudates, food, metal, glass, textiles, leathers, soap, salt, plaster) gathered in a same data basis. In order to understand phenomenon of rupture and continuity of the practices, the corpus comprises a chronology going from the Romanization to the Industrial Revolution. Craft and industry constitute the major part of the corpus. This work raises new questions. Currently, archaeologists aim to link the use of fuel with
the type of products made (ceramic, lime, glass, etc.). Also, they affirm that some taxa have a calorific value more important than others, and that craftsmen used to chose the fuel regarding its specific properties. Nonetheless, our research proves that these ideas are not representative of past practices. For this reason, we propose a new approach which takes into account the
constraint imposed by thermic and technical necessities (i.e. concentration of fire, or, on the contrary, circulation of fire in the kilns). Indeed, the choice of fuel does not always rely on the choice of a taxa for itself but on other criteria such as morphology, caliber, humidity level, etc. Furthermore, we propose a different interpretation of anthracological data. Generally, anthracologists
consider that their data only reflect the choice of the craftsmen and the ecological constraints. But it appears that the role of land/forest owners, who managed the fuel resources, has never really been discussed or taken into account. This communication will propose a first discussion on the subject. Studies of multi-craft sites will be presented, as well as examples of “gestion sur pied”
(distribution of elements coming from a same tree in order to fuel different activities). Recent methodological developments will be introduced, such as the restitution of calibers, or the observation of tools marks, bringing information on the preparation of the fuel. By crossing anthracological data with medieval and modern texts, a socio-professional approach of the preparation of the fuel will also be possible. At last, the energetic transition towards the use of fossil charcoal will also be attempted.