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Secara sederhananya organisasi ini memiliki tiga unsur yaitu orang, kerja sama dan tujuan yang disepakati secara bersama. Namun antara unsur ketiga ini saling berkesinambungan antara satu dengan lainnya. Unsur tersebut tidak bisa berdiri... more
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1 Jelaskan unsur penilaian prestasi kerja PNS! Jawab : Didalam penilaian prestasi kerja PNS ada dua unsur, yaitu Sasaran Kerja Pegawai (SKP) dan Perilaku kerja. SKP adalah rencana kerja dan target yang akan dicapai oleh seorang PNS. Dalam... more
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PRIVATISASI: PENERAPAN NASIONALISME PENGELOLAAN BUMN Indonesia sebagai kolektivitas ekonomi tidak memiliki modal yg cukup dalam melaksanakan pembangunan ekonomi. Sehingga muncullah pasal 33 UUD 1945 ayat 2, yg memuat visi UUD 1945, visi... more
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A Marger Contoh I : Perusahaan yang melakukan penyerapan (merger) yakni tiga perusahaan Farmasi pada tahun 2005 yaitu PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, PT Dankos Laboratories Tbk dan PT Enseval. Dalam penyerapan ini, perusahan yang dipertahankan adalah... more
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Adapun prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur Good Corporate Governance adalah sebagai berikut. 1. Transparency (Transparansi) Transparansi terkait dengan keterbukaan perusahaan akan informasi yang material dan relevan serta keterbukaan dalam... more
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The objective of this study was to determine the influence of corporate culture in improving employees' performance at state-owned enterprise PT. Semen Padang, West Sumatra. This research used quantitative methods and was supported by... more
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Job Satisfaction is a cognitive assessment of an employee's effective evaluation of work. Employee satisfaction at work must be the main thing to be realized before satisfaction service is provide to customer. Employee  who have good... more
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The objective of this study was to determine the influence of corporate culture in improving employees' performance at state-owned enterprise PT. Semen Padang, West Sumatra. This research used quantitative methods and was supported by... more
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The immigration function contained in Law Number 6 of 2016 chapter I article I point three states that immigration is one of the institutions that performs state functions in the administrative sector. To carry out its task, competent... more
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Transportation has become the main means in human life to facilitate daily activities. One of the unique land Transportation's mode is public transportation as transportation in a large area. Generally, the management of public... more
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    • Atlantis
Pemerintah pada saat ini harus berperan aktif dalam menjalankan tugas yang diemban, baik di internal dan eksternal. Untuk menyeimbangkan tersebut, maka pemerintah tidak bisa bekerja sendiri, dan harus melibatkan stakeholders.... more
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      Corporate GovernancePolitical Science
Tourism activities are a combination of tourism products and services that provide a tourist experience. In tourism, transportation is essential because it is one aspect that determines interest in tourism. Exciting traveling experience... more
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The presence of street vendors (PKL) can sometimes unsettle residents and the government, but their presence can also contribute to driving the economy of an area. The lack of resources and knowledge regarding regulations and provision of... more
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In Public sector management, public service has the main goal to realize good service by equity theory. At this time, equity theory is considered relevant because it can describe the relationship between customer perceptions of the... more
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Aktivitas pariwisata merupakan kombinasi produk dan layanan wisata yang membentuk pengalaman wisatawan. Dalam berpariwisata, transportasi menjadi hal penting karena menjadi salah satu aspek yang menentukan ketertarikan pariwisata.... more
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      BusinessMarketingService QualityCustomer Satisfaction
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of corporate culture in improving employees' performance at state-owned enterprise PT. Semen Padang, West Sumatra. This research used quantitative methods and was supported by... more
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      BusinessOrganizational Culture
Pemerintah pada saat ini harus berperan aktif dalam menjalankan tugas yang diemban, baik di internal dan eksternal. Untuk menyeimbangkan tersebut, maka pemerintah tidak bisa bekerja sendiri, dan harus melibatkan stakeholders.... more
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      BusinessCorporate GovernancePolitical ScienceCollaborative Governance
In Public sector management, public service has the main goal to realize good service by equity theory. At this time, equity theory is considered relevant because it can describe the relationship between customer perceptions of the... more
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      BusinessMarketingService QualityCustomer Satisfaction