Recent papers in Atlantis
Plato's report of the Legend of Atlantis is an early oral tradition that represents the 13k event. As noted by Ignatius Donnelly in 1882, the description of this island given by Plato is not, as has been long supposed, fable, but... more
The development of online learning in Indonesian tertiary institutions has made significant progress in the past decade. All colleges are competing to develop online learning services. However, most learning services are presented with... more
This paper describes the modifications required to use advanced, immersive I/O devices such as domes and Kinects in videogames (the case study includes four games). A standalone library of components has been created to allow easy... more
Women victims of domestic violence can experience dissatisfaction in their lives. This condition is in dire need of help and support from the closest people, such as family, friends, and the living environment and outermost environment... more
Scientists have been exploring several possible locations for Atlantis, which is, according to Plato, »the island beyond the pillars of Hercules«: Malta, Cuba, the Bahamas, Santorini etc. At he moment, they arestudying the theory... more
The aim of the present study is to develop career guidance and counseling programs for informal education. This program is provided to students who pursue their education at informal setting in senior high school. The present study... more
Modular teaching modules are one of the practical pedagogical methods that can be used in the process of delivering knowledge and skills. Hence, the design of this modular teaching module should be carefully and systematically developed.... more
This research aims to describe and explain vi-learning-assisted socio-scientific issues implemented. That is to improve digital literacy capabilities. The participants of this study were 17 students of the Science Education Department who... more
The aims of this paper is describing students perception regarding project based learning model for design and strategy of training program course. Design and strategy of training program course is a compulsory course for Educational... more
Research to prove the influence of regional wealth, natural resources revenue funds and general allocation fund to regional financial independence was carried out on the districts/cities in South Sumatra Province. Multiple linear... more
This study is designed to identify and compare the levels of anxiety experienced by a randomly selected sample of second and third-year English learners in Nanyang Institute of S cience and Technology and to investigate the independent... more - James Cameron talking about Atlantis Rising Habla del documental sobre la Atlántida que él ha produci.pdf Atlantic Atlantis Platón Timeo Critias Filosofia Hipotesis Ensayos James Cameron Documentales Simcha... more
Historically-Fictional Novel related to one's new interpretation of an ancient scroll & palimpsest - pseudo-document and it's hyperreal effects, hypertext.
Le mythe de l’Atlantide et l’Égypte antique sont étroitement imbriqués si l’on en croit les dires du philosophe Platon. Il est le premier à évoquer le récit d’une île-continent, dont les orgueilleux et puissants habitants furent défaits... more
"Zanggers Wegweiser nach Atlantis löst das Geheimnis gleichsam in Luft auf. Seiner Meinung nach ist die Platon-Erzählung nichts anderes als eine 'verzerrte Erinnerung' an das große Troja, jene antike Metropole am Hellespont (Dardanellen),... more
Recensione a P. Vidal-Naquet, Atlantide. Breve storia di un mito, Torino, Einaudi 2006 (trad. it. di Id., L’Atlantide. Petite histoire d’un mythe platonicienne, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2005). Recensione pubblicata in «RCCM» 50, 2,... more
Read this report in ATLANTIS FINALLY DISCOVERED? An analysis of the three fundamental... more
Abstractum: Synkretyzm religijny w tekstach chrześcijańskich, hermetycznych oraz papirusach magicznych greckich, na przykładzie problemu genezy zła Celem pracy jest omówienie problematyki związanej z synkretyzmem religijnym w... more
A critical commentary on Feder's book "Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries".
The Legend of Atlantis has always been a story of wonder; the tragedy of a utopia destroyed in a single night. The idea of this ‘fable’ has enthralled many, and so there arises a debate as old as the legend itself, about whether the... more
Il turismo archeologico subacqueo in Italia: opportunità e rischi 1. Una straordinaria opportunità 2. Elitismo gentrificato e slow diving 3. Una pratica virtuale ed educativa 4. Mondo blu e mondo grigio: l’alterità del turismo... more
Двинянинов Б. К. Зло и Благо в античном герметизме. Новая Атлантида. (Послесловие) / Гийом Деляаж. Выбор Атлантов. Тайны происхождения современного мирового зла. М.: Издательский бутик «Книжные Сети», 2022. С. 412-429
In the history of literature, few stories have received as much attention as the astonishing story of Atlantis. Books on the subject runs into the thousands. Since Plato explicitly tells us the Atlantis story is “true,” the “general... more
Nel prologo del Timeo Platone ci parla per la prima volta della mitica isola di Atlantide, ponendo le basi per la creazione di un’utopia immortale. Nel 1841, nelle sue celebri "Études sur le Timée de Platon", il primo commento scientifico... more
This article was published in C&C Review in 2017 to summarize and update the authors work on Atlantis and the case for a mid-Neolithic catastrophic event that is suggested by a pattern of cross-disciplinary sources. The author's method is... more
Il lavoro prende le mosse da un articolo, uscito nel 1938 sulla rivista “La difesa della razza”, dal titolo “Sardegna ariana”. Lo spunto porta ad analizzare il rapporto tra ricerca la ricerca archeologica del passato della Sardegna e le... more
I have been asked these questions many times. As a matter of fact, they are the most frequently asked questions – alongside with the location of Atlantis- for the last two decades, since I started publishing my investigation about... more
In 9577 BC, at the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere, planet Nibiru flew past Earth and unleashed a satellite, whose impact sank Atlantis west of Eire. At the same time, this or a separate strike caused Earth’s apparent axis of... more
In the 84 page Pearlman YeC volume 5, we conclude Abraham is the true Atlas. That Atlantis was based on Sodom, Dead sea, Jordan Valley and Land of Israel. We correct the history books on chronology and even some relative dating. From... more
This article investigates the trend in Indian modern art focused on the search for national identity in Indian traditional art. The early work of the Delhi artist Jagdish Swaminathan (1928-1994) and its connection with Tantric visual... more
M. Jacques Grimault est connu comme étant l'auteur principal du pseudo-documentaire La Révélation des Pyramides. Il prétend que les révélations qu'il a faite dans ce film sont issues de ses recherches. Nous montrons ici les origines des... more
Searching for answers: Where do we come from? Mythology of the world, before the floods. Sunken Atlantis. ATLANTIS: THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD, IGNATIUS DONNELLY. ILLUSTRATED. • The world has made such comet-like advance Lately on... more
The present theme of Plato's Island was initiated by one of Malta's senior archaeologists, definitely not a diehard archaeologist, and presently the Head of Archaeology and Classics at the University of Malta. During his lecture at the... more
Ταρτησος (Tartesos) en un mapa de tradición ptolemea en el documental “Atlantis Rising” de James Cameron. Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano / Scientific Atlantology International Society (SAIS) / The Epigraphic Society / Historical-Scientific... more