Papers by Suyitno bin Kowi
The Indonesian Program Deakin University Australia, 2017
This study aims to describe the social structure (social facts) depicted in the novel, Pasung Jiw... more This study aims to describe the social structure (social facts) depicted in the novel, Pasung Jiwa, by Okky Madasari and elucidate the author's worldview and educational values contained in the work. Pasung Jiwa can be seen from the perspective of social humanism and portrays a number of values that are held by the community in which the story occurs. These include concern for others, tolerance, and love of one's native land, which make the novel relevant for inclusion in school curricula as a part of character education. Pendahuluan Karya sastra hakikatnya diciptakan oleh pengarang atau sastrawan bukanlah tanpa maksud atau tidak berguna. Fungsi karya sastra bagi pembaca, selain sebagai hiburan adalah sebagai tuntunan. Hal itu berpijak pada fungsi utamanya yakni dulce et utile atau menghibur sekaligus mendidik. Latifi (2012) mengatakan bahwa sastra dan sistem nilai adalah dua hal yang berdampingan. Kehadiran sastra di tengah-tengah pembaca merupakan sebuah produk budaya yang mengandung sejumlah tawaran sistem nilai dan pemikiran-pemikiran. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan pengarang bukanlah manusia yang turun dari langit sehingga segala pemikirannya muncul begitu saja tanpa historisitas yang melatarbelakanginya. Akan tetapi, sebaliknya, sastrawan adalah manusia yang berada dalam ruang dan waktu, bagian dari makhluk sosial yang terlibat secara terus-menerus dengan problem-problem sosio-kultural yang dihadapinya. Karya sastra sebagai produk sosial dan budaya menempatkan fungsinya sebagai hubungan yang dialektis dengan fenomena kehidupan. Beragam tema dan persoalan
Lingua Didaktika, 2017
The study states the research question on character educational value of Kalamata novel by Ni Mad... more The study states the research question on character educational value of Kalamata novel by Ni Made Purnama Sari and its relevance with learning literature in high school. The research objective is to describe and analyze the character educational value of Kalamata novel by Ni Made Purnama Sari and its relevancy by learning literature in high school. The used research method is descriptive qualitative. This study investigates 12 character educational values of Kalamata novel that consist of (1) social care, (2) religious, (3) creative, (4) environmental awareness, (5) friendly or communicative, (6) curiosity, (7) honest, (8) nationalism, (9) work hard, (10) tolerance, (11) achievement appreciation, and (12) nationality spirit. Those found character educational values is relevant with learning literature based on Indonesian teachers' interview and 2013 Curriculum syllabus. Abstrak Penelitian ini memuat rumusan masalah mengenai nilai pendidikan karakter novel Kalamata karya Ni Made Purnama Sari dan relevansinya dengan pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis nilai pendidikan karakter novel Kalamata karya Ni Made Purnama Sari dan relevansinya dengan pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini menemukan 12 nilai pendidikan karakter pada novel Kalamata yang meliputi (1) peduli sosial, (2) religius, (3) kreatif, (4) peduli lingkungan, (5) bersahabat/komunikatif, (6) rasa ingin
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture, 2017
The value of tolerance which inherent in the individual soul in
this era of globalization began t... more The value of tolerance which inherent in the individual soul in
this era of globalization began to collapse. Therefore, there are
many cases of intolerance that increase every year. The novel of
Habiburrahman El Shirazy "Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2" created with a
high content of tolerant attitude which is able to inspire readers
to imitate the commendable attitude of tolerance in coexistence
with a pluralistic society like Indonesia. The purpose of this
study was to explain and describe the forms of tolerance values
contained in the story in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 by
Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The technique of collecting data was
done by purposive sampling according to subject matter that
IJOLTL Pusat Bahasa , 2017
His study describes: (1) process of writing anecdote text based on the 2016 revised curriculum co... more His study describes: (1) process of writing anecdote text based on the 2016 revised curriculum conducted by Indonesian Language teachers to the tenth graders of SMKN 1 Gondang, Sragen, (2) problems in the process of writing, and 3) efforts to overcome the problems made by the teachers. This qualitative research uses case study approach. The data sources in this research were events (the process of writing anecdote text), informants (teachers and students), and documents (syllabus and lesson plan). The results show that teaching to write anecdote text based on the 2016 revised curriculum needs more in-depth evaluation in order to improve planning, implementation, and assessment. It is also based on the encountered obstacles occurred in the learning process. The evaluation should uncover concepts, regulations and national education objectives implied in the curriculum the schools should attain
Proceedings of the 1st Seminar, 2019
The Javanese Friday sermon Book is a collection of Friday sermon commonly used by Ulamas. Differe... more The Javanese Friday sermon Book is a collection of Friday sermon commonly used by Ulamas. Different from the general Friday sermon, the Javanese Friday sermon is often difficult to be understood. The Javanese Friday sermon preaching text content should be in accordance with the rules of discourse, then the researcher will use textual analysis methods such as the use of lexical aspects in forming a good discourse. The research result shows that the Javanese Friday sermon speech book is in accordance with the principle of good discourse with the lexical aspect includes: 1; Repetitions, 2; Synonyms, 3; Collocation, 4; Hyponym. Seen from the lexical aspect, this Friday sermon book by Achmad Sunarto can be used as Javanese learning material.
Seword Fressh 2019: Proceedings of The 1st Seminar, 2019
Ngambu Pancer is one of the folktales from Pacitan Regency that appears as a phenomenal historica... more Ngambu Pancer is one of the folktales from Pacitan Regency that appears as a phenomenal historical heritage. It is renowned due to the mystical belief adhered by the local society after a long time of oral dissemination. The study aimed to describe the Javanese elements in Ngambu Pancer folktale from Pacitan. It used a qualitative method through an ethnographic study that focused on the folktale quotations. The quotations were obtained from the interview transcript with the participants related to the discussion of Ngambu Pancer tradition as the data source. A series of strategies, including interview, observation, documentation, field note, and transcription were deployed as the data collecting technique. Meanwhile, the data analysis used description, analysis, and interpretation. The study adopted triple triangulations, including source, methodological, and theoretical triangulation. The findings revealed three descriptive elements of Javanese cultures in Ngambu Pancer folktale, including (1) knowledge system related to human's curiosity about their living components, (2) social organization that establishes a kinship to comprehend how people could form a society through a social community, and (3) religious system related to the human's belief to the supernatural power above them.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose of the study: This study aims to bridge the gap in the dispute over the beginning of mode... more Purpose of the study: This study aims to bridge the gap in the dispute over the beginning of modern Indonesian literature and determine which literary work marked the beginning of modern Indonesian literature. Methodology: This uses close reading over selected texts on the usage of specific words in Malay used in anti-colonialism political movement and the existence of the words Indonesia, bangsa, negeri, tanah air, and tumpah darah as the central themes for the development of the analysis from the selected texts. The selected texts are four novels published in the Dutch East Indies in the early of twentieth century: Student Hidjo (1919), Hikajat Kadiroen (1920), Azab dan Sengsara (1920), and Sitti Nurbaja (1922). Main Finding: We find that Azab dan Sengsara and Sitti Nurbaja have word Indonesia to help foster a new identity among educated natives and help conceptualize eptualize the new idea of the homeland. Whilst Student Hidjo and Hikajat Kadiroen do not see beyond the land of Java and they only relate the Dutch East Indies to the land of Java. We conclude that Sitti Nurbaja marked the beginning of modern Indonesian literature. Implications: The debate over the beginning of modern Indonesian literature should stop with the finding of this study that Azab dan Sengsara and Sitti Nurbaja marked the beginning of modern Indonesian literature. While Student Hidjo and Hikajat Kadiroen must be named as the modern pre-Indonesian literary works.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2019
Purpose-This study aims at describing the implicit values in the folklore named Topeng Tegal. Suc... more Purpose-This study aims at describing the implicit values in the folklore named Topeng Tegal. Such values certainly can be considered as life learning.The values born from a literary work especially folklore contain an education so that the author wants to describe the educational value of the Topeng Endelcharacter that can be used as a life guide in the social and cultural domain implied in the Topeng Tegal folklore. Methodology-This research is presented in a descriptive form in the qualitative research domain which analyzes the value of social and cultural education in Topeng Endelcharacter in the folklore of Topeng Tegal. Data sources of the research were taken from interviews, local government documents and oral stories grown in the community. The collected data was then analyzed using content analysis techniques that were validated using data triangulation, theories, methods and researchers. Findings-The findings in this study are revealing the implied message in the form of social and cultural education values inherent in the lives of the Topeng Endelcharacter in the Topeng Tegal folklore. This can be proven by the mindset and behavior in the life of Topeng Endel character in the story and the recognition of the surrounding community. Significance-This studyresults new knowledge about the existence of educational values that have been applied since the days of our ancestors through traditionsinherited in Tegal society. One of them is through the folklore ofTopeng Tegal, especially in theTopeng Endel character as a Tegal female character believed to be able to provide a life guide for future generations. The guidance emerged from the existence of social and cultural education values interpreted from the lives ofTopengEndelcharacter. The social and cultural education valuesthat emerged and survived for ages should be followed to advance our life in the form ofmindset and behavior. It is expected to be useful for all community member including students, teachers, other researchers and readers as reflection of what is good from this finding., 2019
The Javanese Friday sermon Book is a collection of Friday sermon commonly used by Ulamas. Differe... more The Javanese Friday sermon Book is a collection of Friday sermon commonly used by Ulamas. Different from the general Friday sermon, the Javanese Friday sermon is often difficult to be understood. The Javanese Friday sermon preaching text content should be in accordance with the rules of discourse, then the researcher will use textual analysis methods such as the use of lexical aspects in forming a good discourse. The research result shows that the Javanese Friday sermon speech book is in accordance with the principle of good discourse with the lexical aspect includes: 1; Repetitions, 2; Synonyms, 3; Collocation, 4; Hyponym. Seen from the lexical aspect, this Friday sermon book by Achmad Sunarto can be used as Javanese learning material.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2020
This article discusses the wisdom of Banyumas women in preserving the environment, as represented... more This article discusses the wisdom of Banyumas women in preserving the environment, as represented in the novels of Ahmad Tohari. In this study, 'Banyumas women' is the term used for women who live in the Banyumas area, central Java, Indonesia and who perform activities which preserve their environment. Research into literary works such as Ahmad Tohari's novels is important because its results can be used as guidelines for readers in choosing quality literature. This research was conducted employing an ecofeminism approach to literary texts. The research method used is qualitative content analysis and the data is drawn from six novels by Ahmad Tohari. The results of the study show that novels by Ahmad Tohari depict women who engage in activities which manage the environment wisely. These activities include wisely conducted activities in processing natural resources into food and herbal medicines, using environmentally friendly equipment in daily living, preserving domesticated animals and their habitats, and in utilizing nature as a medium and a place to play for their children. These environment-preserving activities represented in Ahmad Tohari's novels can be used as a guide for people around the world for preserving their own environments.
IIETA, 2020
This research aims to describe sustainable technology in marine fisheries in Cilacap Regency, whi... more This research aims to describe sustainable technology in marine fisheries in Cilacap Regency, which consists of type of capture equipment, type of fish, type of production and processed products, number of fishermen, and number of vessels. One of the marine fishery support facilities in Cilacap Regency is Cilacap sea fishing port. This port is one of the fishing ports located on the south coast of Java. In order to improve marine products, some efforts are made regarding ship machining, fishing equipment, and fishing aids. In the field of fishing equipment in the development of many environmentally friendly modifications. This method of study is a qualitative descriptive of case study. The data sources used are informants and documents. The results showed with the ongoing technology that 1) there are seven types of sea capture equipment, 2) There are five types of production processing and processed fishery products, 3) There are 5,626 fishermen, and 4) there are 646 vessels based on the size of the vessel and the capture equipment.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2020
The study focused on the myth of Ramayana in Kitab Omong Kosong and Hubbu. It adopted a qualitati... more The study focused on the myth of Ramayana in Kitab Omong Kosong and Hubbu. It adopted a qualitative approach and descriptive-interpretative data analysis technique by referring to the Analysis of Cultural Studies through multidisciplinary theories of poststructuralism concerning the nature of difference and multicultural as well as the rejection to metanarrative. The poststructuralism theory which is introduced in this study is the deconstruction theory that has three characteristics. Firstly, deconstruction will offer a strategy to identify contradictions in the political thoughts or ideological tendencies that consciously and unconsciously arise in the texts. Secondly, through deconstruction, the literary texts and their contexts and traditions can be treated as a means to open up new possibilities of assumptions and changes that for long have been deemed impossible. Thirdly, deconstruction facilitates the decomposition of strict ideologies in language and mind. The findings revealed that Kitab Omong Kosong adopted Ramayana's last episode, Uttara Kanda in dismantling the prevailing myths. The dismantlement occurred to the myths of satriya (knights), war and the king's power, as well as the deconstruction of binary opposition in the narrative. Meanwhile, Hubbu adopted Ramayana's first episode, Bala Kanda. It showed the cultural dialects between Javanese culture and pesantren (Islamic school) life in the form of syncretism of wayang (puppet) myth and pesantren (Islamic school) culture. In addition to the cultural syncretism, the novel also offered dialogical texts by syncretizing other narrative elements, such as oral literary genre, wayang genre, and babad genre in the forms of modern narrative.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
Human character plays a role in the progress of a country‟s civilisation. People who have good ch... more Human character plays a role in the progress of a country‟s civilisation. People who have good character
can make a good contribution to their country. Human character can be strengthened with prophetic
literary media through literary learning and general learning. This study aims to describe the prophetic
values in Indonesian and Malaysian literary works which can be used as teaching materials and media
for strengthening character. This qualitative research uses the critical discourse analysis method. The
data source of this research was literary works written by Indonesian and Malaysian novelists and poets.
They are Ahmad Tohari, A. Mustofa Bisri, Taufik Ismail, Nisah Harun, Siti Zaleha M. Hashim, Rosmiati
Shaari, and Zaiton Ajamain. The results showed that the novels and poetry by Indonesian and Malaysian
writers contained prophetic values which included transcendence, liberation and humanisation. These
literary works can be categorised as prophetic literature. Prophetic literature can be used as a teaching
material and media to strengthen character because it contains prophetic messages that can serve as
guidelines for living a harmonious life and preventing dehumanisation.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2020
The purpose of this research is to examine the deconstruction of the myths of wayang in the novel... more The purpose of this research is to examine the deconstruction of the myths of wayang in the novels of Kitab
Omong Kosong and Perang. Those myths including satriya myths, the myth of warfare and desacralization
of puppets. Discussion conducted using a typical perspective of deconstruction; first, deconstruction offers a
way to identify contradictions in text politics or ideological tendencies that appear in good text consciously
or unconsciously. Second, literary texts and traditions are treated which are able to open up new possibilities
to conceive and open a new possibility of change that was considered impossible. Third, through a
deconstruction point of view, ideology that has frozen in language and mind can be liquidated. The results
of the discussion show the novel KitabOmongKosong, and Perang, a critical view of the satriya myth (RamaLaksmana and Pandawa). Rama, Laksamana and Pandawa voiced in the novel is no longer fit with the myth
of perfect satriya in wayang play (satriyapinandita) who representing truth, just and powerful, but reckless.
Yet they are depicted as evil, and ridiculous. The war that was carried out by Rama and the Baratayuda
(Pandawa versus Kurawa) which is written in puppet as a holy war between evil and goodness is only the war
that arises because of power ambitions. The research results shows that the myths in wayang have been
dismantled and reconstructed by Seno Gumira and PutuWijaya to express and the authors express their views
and appreciation of the problems of present socio-cultural life.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
This study aims to explain the literary practice of Wiji Thukul. Practice requires a relationship... more This study aims to explain the literary practice of Wiji Thukul. Practice requires a relationship between habitus, capital and arena which makes education factor become very important. The intended education includes informal, non-formal education and formal education as cultural capital or as habitus maker in somenone's life. Wiji Thukul's habitus as a writer can be taken as an example. This research focus on whether his education as one of his capitals influence his practice, especially in the arena of Indonesian literature which require a certain rules of the game and whether education as one of the habitus aspects influence Wiji Thukul's habitus as a writer. This descriptive qualitative study uses Pierre Bourdieu's theory of cultural production arena to explain the above problems.
www-e-iji,net, 2020
Samin is an Indonesian tribe at Mount Kendeng, exactly in the cities of Blora and Bojonegoro. Sam... more Samin is an Indonesian tribe at Mount Kendeng, exactly in the cities of Blora and Bojonegoro. Samin people reject school, fez, polygamy, long trousers, and trade. Although they look like out of date, they have 7 good characters i.e discipline, honesty, responsibility, cooperation, tolerance, social care, and environmental care. This research aimed at investigating the strategies for implementing local wisdom-based character education among Indonesian higher education students by focusing on the values sated in Jamuskalimasada book of Samin Community. The data of this phenomenological research were collected by observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The findings demonstrated that teaching character education in the higher education based on local wisdom could be conducted by integrating values and aesthetics in the course, internalizing positive values to students, habituation and training, providing example and model, creating characterized-situation based on local wisdom, and civilizing. Value-based vision of study program or campus can be achieved through educational strategy formulation including value habituation, value role model, value internalization, value integration in learning, and cultural value. Teaching character education was related to both character actualization programmed in the lesson plan and good example provision in the classroom and daily campus activities., 2020
The objectives of this research are (1) revealing the lecturers and students' perception on the u... more The objectives of this research are (1) revealing the lecturers and students' perception on the use of multicultural-based short story appreciation textbook in teaching prose-fiction appreciation course; and (2) evaluating the effectiveness of multicultural-based short story appreciation textbook in teaching prose-fiction appreciation course. This study employed a mixed-method approach by combining evaluative descriptive research design and experimental design to evaluate multicultural-based short story appreciation textbook in private universities in East Java, Indonesia. The data were gathered via interview, questionnaires, documentation, and test. While choosing the experimental and control group from each university, the sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The results reveal that both the lecturers and the students showed their positive responses and attitudes towards the use of multicultural-based short story appreciation textbook in teaching prose-fiction appreciation course. They asserted that the textbook could motivate the students in learning prose-fiction appreciation course. It is inferred that the use of multicultural-based short story appreciation textbook is more effective than the use of previously common textbook used by the lecturers to teach prose-fiction appreciation.
Tawarikh, 2017
The polemic of literary legitimation within Indonesian literature in the era of Reformation is tr... more The polemic of literary legitimation within Indonesian literature in the era of Reformation is triggered by Saut Situmorang (2007)’s essay on “Politik Kanonisasi Sastra” (Politic of Literary Canonisation). The essay has triggered a debate within the field of Indonesian literature, and has received considerable responses from literary critics and the man/woman of letters. This paper questions the legitimacies of Ayu Utami’s novel of “Saman” and of Denny Januar Ali’s a prose-poetry of “Atas Nama Cinta” (In the Name of Love). The ongoing debate within Indonesian literature is discussed in the discourse of the canonisation of literature and its relation to theory of hegemony and counter-hegemony. However, some man/woman of letters were worried about Hans-Georg Gadamer (1990)’s thesis on the creation of presupposition and perception built on the exposition of historical situatedness. This paper also identifies the existence of oligarchic power relations between the literary agents in the legitimation of Indonesian literary works’ quality. There is bias in the mentioned legitimation and the literary community has collusioned to legitimize this literary work. Proper to mention here is the rivalry between KUK (Komunitas Utan Kayu or Utan Kayu Community) and BP (Boemi Poetera or Indigenous). The former is led by Goenawan Mohamad and the later is under the influence of Saut Situmorang.
The Polemik of literary legitimation within Indonesian literature in the era of Reformation is
t... more The Polemik of literary legitimation within Indonesian literature in the era of Reformation is
triggered by Saut Situmorang (2007)’s essay on “Politik Kanonisasi Sastra” (Politic of Literary Canonisation).
The essay has triggered a debate within the field of Indonesian literature, and has received considerable
responses from literary critics and the man/woman of letters. This paper questions the legitimacies of Ayu
Utami’s novel of “Saman” and of Denny Januar Ali’s a prose-poetry of “Atas Nama Cinta” (In the Name of
Love). The ongoing debate within Indonesian literature is discussed in the discourse of the canonisation
of literature and its relation to theory of hegemony and counter-hegemony. However, some man/woman
of letters were worried about Hans-Georg Gadamer (1990)’s thesis on the creation of presupposition and
perception built on the exposition of historical situatedness. This paper also identifies the existence of
oligarchic power relations between the literary agents in the legitimation of Indonesian literary works’
quality. There is bias in the mentioned legitimation and the literary community has collusioned to legitimize
this literary work. Proper to mention here is the rivalry between KUK (Komunitas Utan Kayu or Utan Kayu
Community) and BP (Boemi Poetera or Indigenous). The former is led by Goenawan Mohamad and the
later is under the influence of Saut Situmorang.
International Journal of English Literature and Culture, 2016
Some experts considered Indonesian people were "new" to the topic of feminism. In fact, many lite... more Some experts considered Indonesian people were "new" to the topic of feminism. In fact, many literatures proved that feminism has long existed in Indonesia. As the biggest Moslem country in world and a country which gives priority to it, how religiosity viewed feminism in Indonesia is important. This study discussed how religiosity viewed feminism in Indonesia. Four Indonesian novels considered as feminism ideology based novel that was Saman, Tarian Bumi, Geni Jora, and Nayla were the objects of this study. This study used 25 informants as the subject of the study who read, interpreted, and received religiously the novel based on their own perspective. The result of this study showed that the readers did not receive religiously well some of the novels and the disparity level of religiosity acceptance of the novel were different among the readers.
Papers by Suyitno bin Kowi
this era of globalization began to collapse. Therefore, there are
many cases of intolerance that increase every year. The novel of
Habiburrahman El Shirazy "Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2" created with a
high content of tolerant attitude which is able to inspire readers
to imitate the commendable attitude of tolerance in coexistence
with a pluralistic society like Indonesia. The purpose of this
study was to explain and describe the forms of tolerance values
contained in the story in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 by
Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The technique of collecting data was
done by purposive sampling according to subject matter that
can make a good contribution to their country. Human character can be strengthened with prophetic
literary media through literary learning and general learning. This study aims to describe the prophetic
values in Indonesian and Malaysian literary works which can be used as teaching materials and media
for strengthening character. This qualitative research uses the critical discourse analysis method. The
data source of this research was literary works written by Indonesian and Malaysian novelists and poets.
They are Ahmad Tohari, A. Mustofa Bisri, Taufik Ismail, Nisah Harun, Siti Zaleha M. Hashim, Rosmiati
Shaari, and Zaiton Ajamain. The results showed that the novels and poetry by Indonesian and Malaysian
writers contained prophetic values which included transcendence, liberation and humanisation. These
literary works can be categorised as prophetic literature. Prophetic literature can be used as a teaching
material and media to strengthen character because it contains prophetic messages that can serve as
guidelines for living a harmonious life and preventing dehumanisation.
Omong Kosong and Perang. Those myths including satriya myths, the myth of warfare and desacralization
of puppets. Discussion conducted using a typical perspective of deconstruction; first, deconstruction offers a
way to identify contradictions in text politics or ideological tendencies that appear in good text consciously
or unconsciously. Second, literary texts and traditions are treated which are able to open up new possibilities
to conceive and open a new possibility of change that was considered impossible. Third, through a
deconstruction point of view, ideology that has frozen in language and mind can be liquidated. The results
of the discussion show the novel KitabOmongKosong, and Perang, a critical view of the satriya myth (RamaLaksmana and Pandawa). Rama, Laksamana and Pandawa voiced in the novel is no longer fit with the myth
of perfect satriya in wayang play (satriyapinandita) who representing truth, just and powerful, but reckless.
Yet they are depicted as evil, and ridiculous. The war that was carried out by Rama and the Baratayuda
(Pandawa versus Kurawa) which is written in puppet as a holy war between evil and goodness is only the war
that arises because of power ambitions. The research results shows that the myths in wayang have been
dismantled and reconstructed by Seno Gumira and PutuWijaya to express and the authors express their views
and appreciation of the problems of present socio-cultural life.
triggered by Saut Situmorang (2007)’s essay on “Politik Kanonisasi Sastra” (Politic of Literary Canonisation).
The essay has triggered a debate within the field of Indonesian literature, and has received considerable
responses from literary critics and the man/woman of letters. This paper questions the legitimacies of Ayu
Utami’s novel of “Saman” and of Denny Januar Ali’s a prose-poetry of “Atas Nama Cinta” (In the Name of
Love). The ongoing debate within Indonesian literature is discussed in the discourse of the canonisation
of literature and its relation to theory of hegemony and counter-hegemony. However, some man/woman
of letters were worried about Hans-Georg Gadamer (1990)’s thesis on the creation of presupposition and
perception built on the exposition of historical situatedness. This paper also identifies the existence of
oligarchic power relations between the literary agents in the legitimation of Indonesian literary works’
quality. There is bias in the mentioned legitimation and the literary community has collusioned to legitimize
this literary work. Proper to mention here is the rivalry between KUK (Komunitas Utan Kayu or Utan Kayu
Community) and BP (Boemi Poetera or Indigenous). The former is led by Goenawan Mohamad and the
later is under the influence of Saut Situmorang.
this era of globalization began to collapse. Therefore, there are
many cases of intolerance that increase every year. The novel of
Habiburrahman El Shirazy "Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2" created with a
high content of tolerant attitude which is able to inspire readers
to imitate the commendable attitude of tolerance in coexistence
with a pluralistic society like Indonesia. The purpose of this
study was to explain and describe the forms of tolerance values
contained in the story in the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 by
Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The technique of collecting data was
done by purposive sampling according to subject matter that
can make a good contribution to their country. Human character can be strengthened with prophetic
literary media through literary learning and general learning. This study aims to describe the prophetic
values in Indonesian and Malaysian literary works which can be used as teaching materials and media
for strengthening character. This qualitative research uses the critical discourse analysis method. The
data source of this research was literary works written by Indonesian and Malaysian novelists and poets.
They are Ahmad Tohari, A. Mustofa Bisri, Taufik Ismail, Nisah Harun, Siti Zaleha M. Hashim, Rosmiati
Shaari, and Zaiton Ajamain. The results showed that the novels and poetry by Indonesian and Malaysian
writers contained prophetic values which included transcendence, liberation and humanisation. These
literary works can be categorised as prophetic literature. Prophetic literature can be used as a teaching
material and media to strengthen character because it contains prophetic messages that can serve as
guidelines for living a harmonious life and preventing dehumanisation.
Omong Kosong and Perang. Those myths including satriya myths, the myth of warfare and desacralization
of puppets. Discussion conducted using a typical perspective of deconstruction; first, deconstruction offers a
way to identify contradictions in text politics or ideological tendencies that appear in good text consciously
or unconsciously. Second, literary texts and traditions are treated which are able to open up new possibilities
to conceive and open a new possibility of change that was considered impossible. Third, through a
deconstruction point of view, ideology that has frozen in language and mind can be liquidated. The results
of the discussion show the novel KitabOmongKosong, and Perang, a critical view of the satriya myth (RamaLaksmana and Pandawa). Rama, Laksamana and Pandawa voiced in the novel is no longer fit with the myth
of perfect satriya in wayang play (satriyapinandita) who representing truth, just and powerful, but reckless.
Yet they are depicted as evil, and ridiculous. The war that was carried out by Rama and the Baratayuda
(Pandawa versus Kurawa) which is written in puppet as a holy war between evil and goodness is only the war
that arises because of power ambitions. The research results shows that the myths in wayang have been
dismantled and reconstructed by Seno Gumira and PutuWijaya to express and the authors express their views
and appreciation of the problems of present socio-cultural life.
triggered by Saut Situmorang (2007)’s essay on “Politik Kanonisasi Sastra” (Politic of Literary Canonisation).
The essay has triggered a debate within the field of Indonesian literature, and has received considerable
responses from literary critics and the man/woman of letters. This paper questions the legitimacies of Ayu
Utami’s novel of “Saman” and of Denny Januar Ali’s a prose-poetry of “Atas Nama Cinta” (In the Name of
Love). The ongoing debate within Indonesian literature is discussed in the discourse of the canonisation
of literature and its relation to theory of hegemony and counter-hegemony. However, some man/woman
of letters were worried about Hans-Georg Gadamer (1990)’s thesis on the creation of presupposition and
perception built on the exposition of historical situatedness. This paper also identifies the existence of
oligarchic power relations between the literary agents in the legitimation of Indonesian literary works’
quality. There is bias in the mentioned legitimation and the literary community has collusioned to legitimize
this literary work. Proper to mention here is the rivalry between KUK (Komunitas Utan Kayu or Utan Kayu
Community) and BP (Boemi Poetera or Indigenous). The former is led by Goenawan Mohamad and the
later is under the influence of Saut Situmorang.
ideologi feminisme empat novel pengarang perempuan periode 2000-an sastra Indonesia, (2) kegayutan genetik
teks dengan teks ideologi feminisme empat novel pengarang perempuan periode 2000-an sastra Indonesia, (3)
horison penerimaan subjek pembaca teks empat novel pengarang perempuan periode 2000-an sastra
Indonesia, dan (4) kegayutan nilai-nilai pendidikan teks empat novel pengarang perempuan periode 2000-an
sastra Indonesia dengan nilai-nilai sosial yang melingkupinya'
Buku ini dikembangkan dari sebuah studi kasus ganda terpancang karena empat novel yang diteliti memiliki
karakteristik intrinsik yang berbeda. Pendekatan sosiologi sastra yang digunakan juga bersifat terpancang
(embedded) karena memusatkan studi pada beberapa aspek yang dipilah berdasarkan kepentingan berkait
dengan sampel penelitian. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan melalui sampel seleksi berorientasi informasi
(information-oriented selection sampling) yang secara umum dikenal sebagai sampel berlujuan (purposive
sampling), yang di anlaranyaberdasarkan kasus paradigmatik gerakan feminisme. Alat bantu pendekatannya
adalah metode hermeneutika sebagai cara menemukan realitas teks maupun hal yang melampaui teks. Buku ini
penting sebagai referensi kajian sastra f,eminis di Indonesia