En el presente estudio se indican los resultados y la trayectoria de investigación de la autora r... more En el presente estudio se indican los resultados y la trayectoria de investigación de la autora referente al estudio de las técnicas constructivas propias de las fábricas de ladrillo en la zona de intramuros de la ciudad de Valencia (España), concretamente en los ...
The cob technique in Spain was as appropriate for the construction of rural architecture (in cent... more The cob technique in Spain was as appropriate for the construction of rural architecture (in central/east regions above all) as for luxurious work, symbol and treasure of Muslim Architecture. In the same case in the Iberian Peninsula the type of cob wall, called "tapia valenciana" is usually a kind of fabric analyzed in vernacular architecture or in monumental/military case of studies (like city walls, watchtowers, cas-tles…). In spite of this great examples, in Valencia city centre is still possible to find walls that have parts made by this reinforced earth walls.

This study of brick fabrics and the finishing techniques used on them especially in the 16 th and... more This study of brick fabrics and the finishing techniques used on them especially in the 16 th and 18 th centuries in the city of Valencia is based on the direct examination of some twenty buildings in the historic centre and the perusal of the available historical documentation about regulations for the production, control and sale of ceramic material and its use in building as an indirect source of information. A detailed comparative analysis of both revealed interesting aspects previously unknown, particularly regarding the building methods used to finish and decorate the surfaces. The conclusions of this general study about local techniques were then put into practice in the detailed study and ensuing project for the restoration of three residential buildings of different types, namely the Palacio del Marqués de Caro, the palace in Calle Exarchs and Casa Raga, described in detail below.
Die Iberische Halbinsel ist das Gebiet in Europa mit der höchsten Konzentration an Stampflehmarch... more Die Iberische Halbinsel ist das Gebiet in Europa mit der höchsten Konzentration an Stampflehmarchitektur. Seit einiger Zeit wird nun dieser Typ der Bauweise in all seinen Varianten (reiner Stampflehm, gemischt mit Kalk und Steinen, bewehrt mit Ziegeln oder Mörtel…) tiefgehend untersucht, was zu wichtigen Ergebnissen führte. Zudem ist Lehm, nicht nur auf der Iberischen Halbinsel sondern auch weltweit, ein Baumaterial mit all seinen Charakteristiken und Möglichkeiten, die sowohl in der historischen, denkmalgeschützten, traditionellen als auch neu gebauten Architektur untersucht werden.
Cesare Feiffer: conservare una superficie di finitura di un paramento murario significa SELEZIONA... more Cesare Feiffer: conservare una superficie di finitura di un paramento murario significa SELEZIONARE solo quando ragioni vitali lo impongano, quando l'impossibilitá física lo renda inevitabile; posto che ogni riproduzione non sará che una parziale e infedele sostituzione di quanto perduto.