Traditional Building Materials
Recent papers in Traditional Building Materials
Eastern Slovakia is one of the last islands of the traditional buildings with a timber skeleton structure, once common in the wider European area. The paper presents the research history, evolution, technology and rich residential and... more
Prior to the advent of frame structures, British architecture consisted of essays in local geology. The exception is London. From the 1620s onwards the utilisation of Portland stone as a construction material in the City and in... more
Clay brick is the most common construction material used in the historical buildings of Diyarbakır (Turkey). Many clay brick manufacturing workshops and numerous brick masters have emerged. Diyarbakir currently has two clay brick... more
Structural Problems and Consolidation Implemantations of Edirnekapi Ayios Yeorgios Church
Chapter 10: Conclusions and Future Research + Bibliography - PhD Thesis: The investigation of energy efficiency measures in the traditional buildings in Oporto World Heritage Site
This book presents the outcome of the 2019 Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards and Architecture Competition.
Architecture and Traditional Crafts International Seminar, que se celebró en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en octubre de 2016, organizado por el Premio Rafael Manzanos y la Escuela de Arquitectura de la University... more
New Traditional Architecture MMXX. Toledo: INTBAU España, 2020. 334 páginas. Edición bilingüe en inglés y español. El libro fue prologado por José Luis Ábalos Meco, Ministro de Fomento, entre otros, e incluye el ensayo de Stefanos... more
Chapter 8: Case Studies Modelling and Simulation - PhD Thesis: The investigation of energy efficiency measures in the traditional buildings in Oporto World Heritage Site
Revista PH Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico nº 96 febrero 2019 pp. 25-26 | ACTUALIDAD trabajo que realiza como de las técnicas que utiliza en el desempeño de su labor, una relación de sus obras más destacadas, y una explicación... more
SPAIN - Madrid Research and digitisation THATCHING IN WEST EUROPE, FROM ASTURIAS TO ICELAND 2011 “This excellent book about thatching in Western Europe covers a subject which has so far received little attention on a larger scale.... more
Although once ubiquitous, exterior masonry finishes have been largely forgotten. In the pre-industrial era, these finishes protected soft, locally produced materials from weather. They were also tooled and tinted to provide more... more
Tal como reza el texto del Plan Nacional de Arquitectura Tradicional, desarrollado por el Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural de España: “La protección de esta arquitectura en España debe pasar por la recuperación de los sistemas... more
Chararacterization and Conservation of Plasters Used In Edirnekapi Ayios Yeorgios Church
Chapter 9: Energy Efficient Measures in Traditional Buildings - PhD Thesis: The investigation of energy efficiency measures in the traditional buildings in Oporto World Heritage Site
The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their... more
The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their... more
The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their... more
Appendices - PhD thesis: The investigation of energy efficiency measures in the traditional buildings in Oporto World Heritage Site
Its aim, firstly, is to promote the creation of sites and buildings which harmonize with the culture and the tradition of each place, which pursue a greater respect for the environment and its natural resources, and which respond, in... more
Nowadays, many studies have been conducted to increase the water-resistance of slaked lime and to accelerate its setting time. In recent studies, pozzolanic additives and organic polymers were added in lime mortars to accelerate the... more
RIE2015| IV Jornadas em Reabilitação de Infraestruturas e de Edifícios
Universidade Lusófona do Porto | 5 de Junho de 2015
Universidade Lusófona do Porto | 5 de Junho de 2015