Matheus Treuk
Visiting Scholar (Sapienza Università di Roma) - 2023 - 2024.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Department of History - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas - University of São Paulo) - 2022 - Present.
PhD in Social History (Department of History - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas - University of São Paulo) - 2013 - 2018.
Supervisor: Pr. Dr. Marcelo Rede.
License in History (University of São Paulo) - 2008 - 2012
Graduated in History (University of São Paulo) and Law (Faculty of Law - University of São Paulo).
Areas of expertise: Achaemenid Empire, Bible, Persian Yehud, Ancient Economies, Eunuchs, Gender Studies, Neoassyrian Empire, Assyria, Ancient Near East, Herodotus, Ancient Mediterranean, Greek Historiography, Cuneiform, Old Persian. In Law: Data Protection, Capital Markets & Securitization.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Department of History - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas - University of São Paulo) - 2022 - Present.
PhD in Social History (Department of History - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas - University of São Paulo) - 2013 - 2018.
Supervisor: Pr. Dr. Marcelo Rede.
License in History (University of São Paulo) - 2008 - 2012
Graduated in History (University of São Paulo) and Law (Faculty of Law - University of São Paulo).
Areas of expertise: Achaemenid Empire, Bible, Persian Yehud, Ancient Economies, Eunuchs, Gender Studies, Neoassyrian Empire, Assyria, Ancient Near East, Herodotus, Ancient Mediterranean, Greek Historiography, Cuneiform, Old Persian. In Law: Data Protection, Capital Markets & Securitization.
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Papers by Matheus Treuk
La présente thèse a pour but d'analyser les perceptions grecques de l’Empire Perse Achéménide et d'autres empires proche-orientaux, en tant qu’entités politiques, en soulignant le regard plus ancien d’Hérodote. Premièrement, l’auteur résume l’état de la recherche académique sur les Histoires d’Hérodote et les attitudes grecques face à la Perse afin de clarifier la complexité des rapports gréco-perses, que, d’après la recherche plus récente, n’étaient pas que d'hostilité, mais aussi réceptives. Ensuite, l’auteur étudie les idées perses et assyriennes d’empire, ainsi que ses organisations impériales effectives. On étudie en détail l'iconographie royale perse et les concepts politiques tels que bumi- et xšaça-, concluant qu’ils pouvaient véhiculer une idée innovatrice d'empire, bien que profondément enracinée dans des traditions plus anciennes de la Mésopotamie. On décrit la façon dont les sources classiques nommaient l’ « empire » au cours du temps, soulignant les formulations plus anciennes d’auteurs tels que Hérodote, Eschyle et Thucidides. L’auteur s’efforce pour expliquer dans chaque cas l’usage d’hēgemonía, archḗ, et même pólis pour designer l’Empire Perse. Finalement, l’auteur étudie la terminologie d’Hérodote pour nommer l’Empire Achéménide et la façon dont elle fait partie d’une stratégie de références et de résonances avec des connotations critiques par rapport à la politique expansionniste d’Athènes. On propose qu’Athènes a incorporé d’idées perses d’empire, en même temps qu’elle dénonçait, paradoxalement, la violence et la tyrannie internationale de la Perse. Cette posture contradictoire eut des conséquences sur les historiens tels que Hérodote et Thucidides et c’est une éclairante clé interprétative pour lire les Histoires.
classical Greek political thought. After the submission of the Ionian
Greeks and the Persian Wars, the idea of a territorial empire,
originally a foreign reality, became increasingly important among
Greek historiographers and would be of paramount importance to the
rise of Hellenicity. During the Late Classical and Hellenistic Period,
the opposition between “free” Greeks and “slavish” Persians on the
ground of constitutional differences became so strong that it
pervasively permeated the works of Aristotle and the political
propaganda of Alexander. Evaluation of individual Persian
monarch’s virtues (and vices) was central in Greek examples of
political leadership and raises many interesting questions to modern
scholars. A panoramic view of some of the main subjects in Greek
political works is therefore needed to highlight the importance of
Persia as a stimulus and concern of classical thought.
RESUMO: Os Anais de Tácito constituem uma das principais fontes narrativas para a história do Império Parto. Considerando a profunda inimizade romana em relação à Pártia, contudo, nem sempre é fácil dizer como se deveria interpretar essa obra. Este artigo resume múltiplos aspectos da descrição taciteana da Pártia e dos partos, abordando questões de credibilidade e representa-ção dos outros. Através de uma análise contextual de alusões e ressonâncias narrativas, esforça-se por demonstrar que a avaliação de Tácito dos arsácidas é bastante complexa. Como outros au-tores romanos, Tácito expressa, efetivamente, desprezo genérico em relação aos inimigos irania-nos, mas também associa, implicitamente, Roma à Pártia, atenuando, por conseguinte, as fron-teiras entre ambos. Em segundo lugar, examina-se brevemente a persistência da ideia de divisio orbis nos Anais. Por fim, o autor aborda questões relativas à relevância de Tácito para o estudo do Império Parto. Conclui-se que as descrições de Tácito são, de fato, de grande valor para a His-tória Antiga do Irã, mas apenas se cuidadosamente apreciadas.
ABSTRACT: Ancient Greek word ἡγεμονίη occurs a few times in Herodotus' Histories. In many of these cases, the word is used to designate Greek realities, particularly the military command of the alliance against the Persians during the Persian Wars. However, an equally meaningful set of occurrences is related to Near Eastern empires, such as the Median and Persian realms, a very uncommon usage in classical Greece. In the light of its further semantic development and due to the lack of satisfactory studies concerning ἡγεμονίη as an eastern phenomenon, systematic study of the word and its uses in Herodotus are still necessary. Our conclusions on the meaning and reach of the word at this time reflect the historical
La présente thèse a pour but d'analyser les perceptions grecques de l’Empire Perse Achéménide et d'autres empires proche-orientaux, en tant qu’entités politiques, en soulignant le regard plus ancien d’Hérodote. Premièrement, l’auteur résume l’état de la recherche académique sur les Histoires d’Hérodote et les attitudes grecques face à la Perse afin de clarifier la complexité des rapports gréco-perses, que, d’après la recherche plus récente, n’étaient pas que d'hostilité, mais aussi réceptives. Ensuite, l’auteur étudie les idées perses et assyriennes d’empire, ainsi que ses organisations impériales effectives. On étudie en détail l'iconographie royale perse et les concepts politiques tels que bumi- et xšaça-, concluant qu’ils pouvaient véhiculer une idée innovatrice d'empire, bien que profondément enracinée dans des traditions plus anciennes de la Mésopotamie. On décrit la façon dont les sources classiques nommaient l’ « empire » au cours du temps, soulignant les formulations plus anciennes d’auteurs tels que Hérodote, Eschyle et Thucidides. L’auteur s’efforce pour expliquer dans chaque cas l’usage d’hēgemonía, archḗ, et même pólis pour designer l’Empire Perse. Finalement, l’auteur étudie la terminologie d’Hérodote pour nommer l’Empire Achéménide et la façon dont elle fait partie d’une stratégie de références et de résonances avec des connotations critiques par rapport à la politique expansionniste d’Athènes. On propose qu’Athènes a incorporé d’idées perses d’empire, en même temps qu’elle dénonçait, paradoxalement, la violence et la tyrannie internationale de la Perse. Cette posture contradictoire eut des conséquences sur les historiens tels que Hérodote et Thucidides et c’est une éclairante clé interprétative pour lire les Histoires.
classical Greek political thought. After the submission of the Ionian
Greeks and the Persian Wars, the idea of a territorial empire,
originally a foreign reality, became increasingly important among
Greek historiographers and would be of paramount importance to the
rise of Hellenicity. During the Late Classical and Hellenistic Period,
the opposition between “free” Greeks and “slavish” Persians on the
ground of constitutional differences became so strong that it
pervasively permeated the works of Aristotle and the political
propaganda of Alexander. Evaluation of individual Persian
monarch’s virtues (and vices) was central in Greek examples of
political leadership and raises many interesting questions to modern
scholars. A panoramic view of some of the main subjects in Greek
political works is therefore needed to highlight the importance of
Persia as a stimulus and concern of classical thought.
RESUMO: Os Anais de Tácito constituem uma das principais fontes narrativas para a história do Império Parto. Considerando a profunda inimizade romana em relação à Pártia, contudo, nem sempre é fácil dizer como se deveria interpretar essa obra. Este artigo resume múltiplos aspectos da descrição taciteana da Pártia e dos partos, abordando questões de credibilidade e representa-ção dos outros. Através de uma análise contextual de alusões e ressonâncias narrativas, esforça-se por demonstrar que a avaliação de Tácito dos arsácidas é bastante complexa. Como outros au-tores romanos, Tácito expressa, efetivamente, desprezo genérico em relação aos inimigos irania-nos, mas também associa, implicitamente, Roma à Pártia, atenuando, por conseguinte, as fron-teiras entre ambos. Em segundo lugar, examina-se brevemente a persistência da ideia de divisio orbis nos Anais. Por fim, o autor aborda questões relativas à relevância de Tácito para o estudo do Império Parto. Conclui-se que as descrições de Tácito são, de fato, de grande valor para a His-tória Antiga do Irã, mas apenas se cuidadosamente apreciadas.
ABSTRACT: Ancient Greek word ἡγεμονίη occurs a few times in Herodotus' Histories. In many of these cases, the word is used to designate Greek realities, particularly the military command of the alliance against the Persians during the Persian Wars. However, an equally meaningful set of occurrences is related to Near Eastern empires, such as the Median and Persian realms, a very uncommon usage in classical Greece. In the light of its further semantic development and due to the lack of satisfactory studies concerning ἡγεμονίη as an eastern phenomenon, systematic study of the word and its uses in Herodotus are still necessary. Our conclusions on the meaning and reach of the word at this time reflect the historical
ISBN 978-65-99011-38-2