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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesGerman LiteratureChinese Studies
Коллективная монография посвящена исследованию этнокультурных процессов эпохи средневековья в Байкальском регионе. Рассматривая эту территорию расширительно - в рамках Предбайкалья, Забайкалья и Кругобайкалья, авторы определяют ее как... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesMiddle AgesEthnic History
Fethinden Sâmânîler’in Yıkılışına Kadar
(893-389 / 711-999) Semerkant Tarihi
Osman Aydınlı, İstanbul : İSAM Yayınları, 2011, s. 596
Usül Dergisi 21. sayı 2014
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      Inner Asian StudiesUrban Studiesşehir TarihiSemerkand
There are many unanswered questions about the evolution of the ancient ‘Silk Roads’ across Asia. This is especially the case in their mountainous stretches, where harsh terrain is seen as an impediment to travel. Considering the ecology... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyInner Asian StudiesSilk RoadSilk Road Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)Inner Asian HistoryCentral Asia
The Mongol Zoominar presents: Daily Life in the Mongol Empire with Susanne Reichert (University of Michigan) "A Day at Karakorum: The City and Its People" Alicia Ventresca Miller (University of Michigan) "Life in the Northern... more
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      ArchaeologyNutrition and DieteticsChinese StudiesUrbanism (Archaeology)
In September 2014, upon Mongolia’s initiative, heads of state of Mongolia, China and Russia met during the SCO Summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan and agreed to work together on transnational infrastructure development. The three parties... more
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      Railway TransportInner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesSilk Road Studies
Manichaeism, Ordu Balïq/Karabalgasun, Por-Bajin, Uighur/Uyghur
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesSilk RoadSilk Road Studies
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      Asian StudiesInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
Review of: William Honeychurch. 2015. Inner Asia and the Spatial Politics of Empire: Archaeology, Mobility, and Culture Contact. New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer. XI + 321. Fifty figures, index. ISBN: 1493918141... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesAnthropology of MobilityMongolian StudiesInner Asian History
This article continues the study of ethnic history and ethnic processes that took place in the space of Inner Asia. A comprehensive comparative analysis of the ethnic composition of the Turkic and Mongoliс peoples of Siberia, using... more
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      EthnographyInner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesSiberia
ASIAN MUSIC, Volume 52, Number 2, Summer/Fall 2021 Transregional Politics of Throat-Singing as Cultural Heritage in Inner and Central Asia, a special issue Charlotte D’Evelyn, Guest Editor Robert O. Beahrs, Andrew Colwell, Associate... more
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      Intellectual PropertyEthnomusicologyInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian Studies
The presented text is devoted to an analysis of the main political concepts which appear in the historic memory of those Soviet citizens who worked in Mongolia in the second half of the ХХ century. Thousands of them have been influenced... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesPost-Socialist Societies
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryChinese StudiesMobility/Mobilities
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      AnthropologyInner Asian Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
†wandžština jazghulámština róšánština chúfština badžúština bartangština rášárvština saríqólština iškášimština †zébáčtina sangléčtina †sarghulámština mundžánština jidgháština jaghnóbština * †zarafšánština * †darwázština
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsSilk Road Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
Based on fieldwork in western Mongolia during 1989 and 1990, this paper relates Mongolian xöömii or overtone singing to its social context and to the cognitive world of the performers. It looks at secular performance contexts, theories of... more
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      EthnomusicologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyInner Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
"The paper deals with current monetary beliefs and magic shamanic practices in post-Soviet Altai. In traditional shamanism, known to us from ethnographic studies of the 19th–20th centuries, a shaman who takes money is punished by the... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreAnthropologySocial Anthropology
The monograph deals with the linguistic and historical study of the inscriptions on two 15th-century steles from Tyr cliff in the Lower Amur (now they are kept in V. K. Arsenyev Primorye State Museum in Vladivostok) with texts in Chinese,... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesChinese Language and Culture
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      BuddhismInner Asian StudiesManuscript StudiesSilk Road Studies
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      Buddhist StudiesInner Asian StudiesEast Asian StudiesRitual Theory
ХХ зуунд Монголын түүхэнд тохиосон олон чухал үйл явдлын дотроос ач холбогдол, цар хэмжээгээрээ товойн тодрох 1921 оны хувьсгалын анхдугаар зорилт нь хятад цэргийн эзэрхийллээс эх орноо чөлөөлөх явдал байв. 1920 оны намар ЗОУ-ын Засгийн... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
Those Chinese scholars, who research the history of the Southern Huns, know the special construction method of Tongwancheng from the 130th coil of Jin shu. The Huns applied the so-called building sacrifice in order to strengthen its... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesHuns
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesInner Asian HistoryMongolian and Central Asian Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
БОлОН ХӨгжСӨН НЬ хх зууны Монголын газар тариалангийн хөгжлийг төрөөс баримталж буй бодлого, дэвшүүлсэн зорилт, хэрэгжүүлсэн арга хэлбэр, явц, техник, технологийн дэвшил, боловсон хүчний хөгжил, нийгэмд үзүүлсэн нөлөөлөл зэрэг гол... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
В данном альбоме представлены традиционные костюмы бурят (эхиритов, булагатов, хори, хонгоодоров, сартулов и цонголов) из фондовой коллекции Национального музея Республики Бурятия в подробной научной интерпретации этнической истории... more
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      PhotographyEthnographyInner Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
The Stele commemorated Idiquts of Qocho, dating to 1334 and found in 1933 in Gansu, bears Chinese and Uyghur inscriptions including a legend on the origin of the Uyghur ruling dynasty. According to the text, its founder was Udan Boquq Qan... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyInner Asian Studies
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      Chinese StudiesInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesInner Asian History
According to a story told in 1964 by an old maotou (worker in wool shipping, packing and processing), it was a man named Baldy Ge (Ge Tuzi), sent in 1879 by British merchants in Tianjin on an investigation of the commercial possibilities... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesNomadic PeoplesWool Textile IndustryChinese Borderlands
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      HistoryInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesInner Asian History
Abstract: Based on previous studies, the present paper makes a new research to the origin, clan and family background of Tonyuquq - the powerful minister of the second Türk Qaghanate. The Uighur ruler Shi-jian irkin and Pu-sa family... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesTang DynastyTurkic Runic InscriptionsTurkic & Altaic Studies
to be published in "Connexe: Les espaces postcommunistes en question(s)",
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryInner Asian StudiesNationalism
The paper aims to examine the concept of ‘national’ or ‘folk’ music within the state culture-building process in both the socialist and post-socialist eras in Mongolia. By focusing on process of nationalisation, commercialisation and... more
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      EthnomusicologyInner Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
Tarihten günümüze Kâşgarlı Mahmud gibi, Yusuf Has Hâcib gibi birçok bilgin ve edip yetiştirmiş olan bugünkü Xinjiang Uygur Özerk Bölgesi’nde yetişmiş bilginlerden biri de kuşkusuz Prof. Mirsultan Osman’dır. Eski Türkçeden çağdaş Uygur... more
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      Asian StudiesArchaeologyEthnographyInner Asian Studies
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaMongolian and Central Asian Studies
Среди довольно большого количества наскальных рисунков древнетюркского времени выделяются разные стилистические группы, хотя по сюжетам они во многом повторяют друг друга. В основном этовсадники, скачущие на лошадях, стреляющие на скаку... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesInner Asian HistoryCentral AsiaArchaeology of Central Asia
Yenisey yazıtları ifadesi ile, bugünkü Tuva ve Hakasya sınırları içerisinde ele geçmiş yazıtlar anlaşılmaktadır. Yenisey yazıtları, ilk keşfedilen yazıtlar olduğu hâlde Moğolistan’daki büyük kağanlık yazıtlarının gölgesinde kalmaktan... more
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      AnthropologyInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesShamanism
Joyce Toomre also attem pts to measure the im pact of this experiment in her innovative contribution, which uses oral interviews about cookin g methods to chart the transformations traditional Armenian culture has undergone since the... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral AsiaNomadic Pastoralism
This article continues the series of the works devoted to the study of ethnic composition of the Buryat and Khamnigan departments in 19th century. One of the self-government bodies of indigenous of the Transbaikalia in the 19th century... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesTungusic languagesBuryatia
The volume discusses dynamically changing identities among Buryats and other nations of Eastern Siberia and Inner Asia. The wide range of articles has been organized into three clusters – Ethnicity and Nation-Building Processes, Buddhist... more
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      BuddhismRussian StudiesGenealogyEthnography
[From the English summary] The book describes the history of theocratic statehood in 20th Century Mongolia from the establishment of theocratic structures to the demise of the Mongolian Buddhist church in late 1930s. The Introduction... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesChinese StudiesInternational Law
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesNumismaticsInner Asian History
In S. Gouguenheim (ed.), Les Empires médiévaux, Paris: Perrin, 2019, pp. 89-112.
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
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      Inner Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceMongolian StudiesHistory of Mongolia
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesIslam in China