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Can data science be used to improve the functioning of courts, and unlock the positive effects of institutions on economic development? In a nationwide randomized experiment in Kenya, we use algorithms to identify the greatest sources of... more
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      Political ScienceEconomic Justice
Research report submitted to the University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfilment for the degree of Masters of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
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    • Medicine
La Loi sur la concurrence est sans contredit l'une des lois les plus sophistiquées d'un point de vue économique jamais mises en vigueur au Canada. Ainsi a-t-on soutenu que l'ultime objectif des dispositions de la Loi sur la concurrence en... more
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      Social WelfarePublic Administration and PolicyCanadian Public PolicyEconomic Efficiency
This paper characterizes the general equilibrium foundation of arbitrary partial equilibrium welfare analysis in second-best economies. While prior theory recognizes the importance of market distortions affected by relative price changes,... more
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      Economic TheoryGeneral EquilibriumPublic Policy
Are more competitive industries more innovative? Empirical investigation into various theories of innovation in industrial organization, agency theory, or endogenous growth, make diverse predictions with respect to this long-standing open... more
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      EconomicsFirm PerformanceInnovation
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    • Competition
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1 Les auteurs apparaissent en ordre alphabétique.
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The strong propensity of immigrants to engage in entrepreneurial activities is of direct concern to governments because economic development issues are increasingly linked to various policies of countries facing economic growth... more
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      ImmigrationRegional economic developmentEntrpreneurshipIndustrial policy
This paper argues that economic expertise into competition policy decision-making is marginalized because of two important factors associated with the judicialization of competition policy institutions. First, the incentives provided by... more
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      PHRONESISProfessions, Economists
In this report published by the Centre de transfert d'entreprise du Québec, a non-profit organization, we present a descriptive statistical snapshot of SME business transfers in Quebec and Canada using Statistics Canada's 2017 Survey on... more
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      Entrepreneurship(Family) Business succession/transferTransfer of Business
Les bénéfices économiques nets d’ «aplanir la courbe de contagion de la COVID-19» sont directement liés au risque de mortalité du virus SARS-CoV-2 résultant des prévisions épidémiologiques du taux de mortalité des cas critiques et des... more
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      Québec StudiesCost-Benefit AnalysisEconomic Impact
En pleine pandémie de la COVID-19, un sondage de Statistique Canada révélait que presque 50 000 propriétaires dirigeants avec au moins un employé affirmaient avoir l'intention de procéder au transfert de leur entreprise avant la fin de... more
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      (Family) Business succession/transferSuccession PlanningSMEs performanceTransfer of Business
Public policy in developed countries is increasingly focused on ambitious, high-growth, high-impact, high-quality or what we term here high-performance entrepreneurship. Despite their alternative meanings, these complementary concepts of... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDiscriminationGlobal Entrepreneurship MonitorImmigrant Entrepreneurship
This qualitative case study uses the Capability Approach (CA) as a framework for experiential learning courses in the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Windsor, in Ontario, Canada. Specifically, this is a... more
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      Higher EducationExperiential LearningLiberal artsThe Capability Approach
This study explores the question: How has higher education accommodated methods for organizing and disseminating knowledge during the development of the Wikipedia project? The prominence of the Wikipedia project on the Internet has caused... more
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      TechnologyKnowledge ManagementHigher EducationBureaucracy
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This study explores the question: How has higher education accommodated methods for organizing and disseminating knowledge during the development of the Wikipedia project? The prominence of the Wikipedia project on the Internet has caused... more
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      TechnologyKnowledge ManagementHigher EducationBureaucracy
This qualitative case study uses the Capability Approach (CA) as a framework for experiential learning courses in the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Windsor, in Ontario, Canada. Specifically, this is a... more
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      Scholarship of Teaching and LearningHigher EducationCapability ApproachLearning And Teaching In Higher Education