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The aim of this thesis is to provide clarifications to the highly complex triadrelationship between the steadily growing Japanese esports industry, the consumer protection law ‚the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureRegulation And GovernanceGovernance
The thesis that language is essential to thought seems out of fashion. According to Davidson's main argument for lingualism a creature must have the concept of belief in order to have beliefs. Having this concept, however, requires... more
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Ein erster Blick auf Titel und Abstract meines Vortrages könnte nahe legen, dass wir uns heute gravierend vom Fokus dieser Vorlesungsreihe entfernen. Denn bisher ging es um Seelenkonzepte beim Menschen, um menschliche Selbsterkenntnis... more
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In "The Ends of Sciences", Kitcher sets out to show that the whole scientific contextincluding the so-called "context of resolution" -is socially embedded and therefore valueladen. I propose to use his line of argument in order to address... more
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With the Monadology 1 at the latest, Leibniz seems to have abandoned the notion of a corporeal substance. The only substances we can think of now are monads: metaphysical points endowed with perceptions and appetite. They must exist, M §... more
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6. SPRACHLOS DENKEN IN BEGRIFFEN 161 6.1. Sprachlos denken in einer Sprache des Denkens? 162 6.2. Denken ohne Begriffe? 167 6.2.1. Quasiprädikate 167 6.2.2. Protogedanken 170 6.3. Subjekt und Prädikat im Verhalten? 175 6.4. Urteile im... more
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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was a German philosopher, mathematician, physicist, scientist, politician, diplomat, historian and librarian. He is known as the last universal genius and as one of the most famous philosophers of his... more
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    • Philosophy
W e n n i n der politischen Öffentlichkeit über Menschenrechte diskutiert w i r d , dominieren zumeist z w e i Fragen: Was ist der Inhalt v o n Menschenrechten?, lautet die eine, die andere: S ind Menschenrechte universell... more
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«Can philosophy become literature and still know itself?» So fragte der US-amerikanische Philosoph Stanley Cavell bereits vor 30 Jahren. Und diese Frage ist nicht nur im Blick auf das Selbstverständnis der Philosophie von bleibender... more
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    • Philosophy
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    • Philosophy
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    • Émmanuel Lévinas
1983 I first argued in \emph{Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie} for the origin of the term τὸ τί ἦν εἶναι in everyday language. This article did neither get much attention, nor did it have much of an impact. The term is still... more
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    • Aristotle
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    • Common Language
Prima propositio: Definitio, quae se et omnia definit, ea est, quae per omnem mentem quaeritur. "Jene Definition, die sich und alles definiert, die ist es, die von jedem Denken gesucht wird." Ich bitte um Geduld. Zwar habe ich lediglich... more
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Abstract, Cusanus More often than not Cusanus is interpreted in a theological way, under strong theological presuppositions and within a religious range. This may be quite understandable since he was a cardinal and had important functions... more
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      Nicholas of CusaSpeculative Philosophy