Antiquity August 2023 Editorial

2023, Antiquity

Each year, The Antiquity Trust sponsors the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) plenary session. The keynote speaker at Edinburgh TAG 2022 was David Wengrow, who spoke about ‘The Nebelivka Hypothesis (or, cities against the state)’, using the Trypillia mega-sites to question the definition of urbanisation and the position of the modern state as a telos of human political development. Now, the Nebelivka Hypothesis has evolved into an installation at the Venice Biennale. John Chapman and Bisserka Gaydarska, who have worked extensively on the mega-sites including Nebelivka, reflect on their recent visit to La Serenissima.

This PDF can be freely shared online. Editorial Antiquity, Volume 97, Issue 394 ROBERT WITCHER DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2023.100 Published online: 15 August 2023, pp. 783-794 Print publication: August 2023 Read this article for free How does Cambridge Core Share work? Cambridge Core Share allows authors, readers and institutional subscribers to generate a URL for an online version of a journal article. Anyone who clicks on this link will be able to view a read-only, up-to-date copy of the published journal article.