Bibliography (in English) for 2007

2009, Tolkien Studies

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This bibliography compiles significant scholarly works related to J.R.R. Tolkien and his influences from the year 2007. It includes analyses that span various themes, such as medieval scholarship, connections to Christian humanism, and explorations of Tolkien's literary relationships. The collection features multiple essays found in edited volumes and established scholarly journals, providing a necessary resource for researchers interested in Tolkien's literary contributions and their contexts.

Bibliography (in English) for 2007 Jason Rea, Kathryn Paar, Michael D.C. Drout Tolkien Studies, Volume 6, 2009, pp. 345-360 (Article) Published by West Virginia University Press DOI: For additional information about this article Access provided at 4 Jan 2020 21:02 GMT from Western Sydney University Bibliography (in English) for 2007 Compiled by Jason Rea, Kathryn Paar, and Michael D.C. Drout PRIMARY SOURCES Tolkien, J.R.R. “‘Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals’ and Related Writings—Part Three,” ed. Patrick H. Wynne. Vinyar Tengwar no. 49 (June 2007): 3-37. ——. “Five Late Quenya Volitive Inscriptions,” ed. Carl F. Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar no. 49 (June 2007): 38-58. ——. Mr. Bliss. London: HarperCollins, 2007. [Facsimile Edition.] ——. The History of the Hobbit, ed. John D. Rateliff. London: HarperCollins, 2007. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Part one: Mr. Baggins; part two, Return to Bag-End. ——. “The Name ‘Nodens.’” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 177-83. ——. Narn i Chîn Húrin: The Tale of the Children of Húrin, ed. Christopher Tolkien. London: HarperCollins, 2007. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. ——. Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in “The Lord of the Rings,” ed. Christopher Gilson. Mountain View, CA: Parma Eldalamberon, 2007. Parma Eldalamberon XVII. BOOKS Croft, Janet Brennan, ed. Tolkien and Shakespeare: Essays on Shared Themes and Language. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007. Glyer, Diana Pavlac. The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007. Hart, Trevor and Ivan Khovacs, eds. Tree of Tales: Tolkien, Literature, and Theology. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2007. Lam, Adam and Nataliya Oryshchuk, eds. How We Became Middle-earth: A Collection of Essays on “The Lord of the Rings.” Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publishers, 2007. Milbank, Alison. Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real. London and New York: T & T Clark, 2007. Copyright © West Virginia University Press 345 Bibliography for 2007 Oser, Lee. The Return of Christian Humanism: Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and the Romance of History. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2007. Segura, Eduardo and Thomas Honegger, eds. Myth and Magic: Art According to the Inklings. Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publishers, 2007. Shippey, Tom. Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien, ed. Thomas Honegger. Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publishers, 2007. Smith, Robert. Hogwarts, Narnia, and Middle-earth: Places Upon a Time. Huron, OH: Drinian Press, 2007. Smith, Ross. Inside Language: Linguistic and Aesthetic Theory in Tolkien. Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publishers, 2007. Stenström, Beregond Anders, ed. Arda Philology 1: Proceedings of the First International Conference on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Invented Languages Omentielva Minta Stockholm, 4-8 August 2005. [Stockholm,] Sweden: The Arda Society, 2007. Thompson, Kristin. The Frodo Franchise: The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2007. Turner, Allan, ed. The Silmarillion: Thirty Years On. Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publishers, 2007. ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Åberg, Magnus. “An Analysis of Dwarvish.” In Stenström, ed.: 42-65. Agøy, Nils Ivar. “Viewpoints, Audiences, and Lost Texts in The Silmarillion.” In Turner, ed.: 139-163. Álvarez-Faedo, María José. “Arthurian Reminiscences in Tolkien’s Trilogy: The Lord of the Rings.” In Avalon Revisited, ed. María José ÁlvarezFaedo. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2007: 185-209. Anderson, Douglas A. ed. “Carl F. Hostetter: A Checklist.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 47-50. Bachmann, Dieter. “Words for Magic: goetia, gûl and lúth.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 47-55. Bellet, Bertrand. “Vowel Affection in Sindarin and Noldorin.” In Stenström, ed.: 66-103. Barker, Martin and Ernest Mathijs. “Seeing the Promised Land From Afar: The Perception of New Zealand by Overseas The Lord of the Rings Audiences.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 107-128. 346 Bibliography for 2007 Battles, Paul. “What Is ‘Middle-earth’? Origin, Evolution, and Mythic Function.” In Constructing Nations, Reconstructing Myth: Essays in Honour of T.A. Shippey, ed. Andrew Wawn, Graham Johnson, and John Walter. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007: 319-342. Beare, Rhona. “A Mythology for England.” In Turner, ed.: 1-31. Berman, Ruth. “Tolkien as a Child of The Green Fairy Book.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 127-135. Birns, Nicholas. “The Enigma of Radagast: Revision, Melodrama, and Depth.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 113-126. Björkman, Måns. “The Scripts of Aman.” In Stenström, ed.: 104-123. Bratman, David. “‘Gifted Amateurs’: C. S. Lewis and the Inklings.” In C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy 3, ed. Bruce L. Edwards. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007: 279- 320. ——. “The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies 2004.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 325-354. Brawley, Chris. “The Fading of the World: Tolkien’s Ecology and Loss in The Lord of the Rings,” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 18 no. 3 (2007): 292-307. Brisbois, Michael J. “Millennialism in Middle-earth: An Examination of the Relevance of The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 197-211. Bruce, Alexander M. “Maldon and Moria: On Byrhtnoth, Gandalf, and Heroism in The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 149-159. Buchmann, Anne. “Creating Middle-earth: The Insiders’ Views.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 33-61. Burke, Jessica. “‘How Now, Spirit! Whither Wander You?’ Diminution: The Shakesperean Misconception and the Tolkienian Ideal of Faërie.” In Croft, ed.: 25-41. Burns, Marjorie. “Tracking the Elusive Hobbit (In Its Pre-Shire Den).” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 200-211. Butler, David. “One Wall and No Roof Make a House: The Illusion of Space and Place in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 149-168. 347 Bibliography for 2007 Calhoun, Scott. “C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien: Friends and Mutual Mentors.” In C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy 1, ed. Bruce L. Edwards. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007: 249-273. Campbell, Lori M. “J.R.R. Tolkien and the Child Reader: Images of Inheritance and Resistance in The Lord of the Rings and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 291-310. Carretero-González, Margarita. “A Tale as Old as Time, Freshly Told Anew: Love and Sacrifice in Tolkien, Lewis and Rowling.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 241-265. Carter, Susan. “Galadriel and Morgan Le Fey: Tolkien’s Redemption of the Lady of the Lacuna.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 71-89. Castaldo, Annalisa. “‘The Shadow of Succession’: Shakespeare, Tolkien and the Conception of History.” In Croft, ed.: 128-136. Croft, Janet Brennan. “‘Bid the Tree Unfix His Earthbound Root’: Motifs from Macbeth in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” In Croft, ed.: 215-226. [Previously published in Seven 21 (2004): 47-59.] ——. “Three Rings for Hollywood: Scripts for The Lord of the Rings by Zimmerman, Boorman, and Beagle.” In Fantasy Fiction into Film: Essays, ed. Leslie Stratyner and James R. Keller. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007: 7-20. ——. “Walter E. Haigh, Author of A New Glossary of the Huddersfield Dialect.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 184-188. ——. “How I Learned More About Hobbits.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 35. Crossley, Laura. “Digital Perfection or, Will Middle-earth Be the Death of New Zealand?” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 169-183. Curry, Patrick. “Iron Crown, Iron Cage: Tolkien and Weber on Modernity and Enchantment.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 99-108. de la Puerta, Marta Garcia. “The Inklings Abroad: Reading C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Outside the U. K. and North America.” In C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy 4, ed. Bruce L. Edwards. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007: 99-115. Devaux, Michaël. “The Origins of the Ainulindalë: The Present State of Research.” In Turner, ed.: 81-110. Di Scala, R. “Across, and Astray: Leading the Sense in Translating Tolkien’s The Lay of the Children of Húrin.” Rassegna italiana di linguistica applicata 39 no. 1/2 (2007): 129-146. 348 Bibliography for 2007 Do Rozario, Rebecca-Anne C. “Just a Little Bit Fey: What’s at the Bottom of The Lord of the Rings and A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” In Croft, ed.: 42-59. Donnelly, Colleen. “Feudal Values, Vassalage, and Fealty in The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 17-27. Drout, Michael D. C. “J.R.R. Tolkien’s Medieval Scholarship and Its Significance.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 113-176. ——. “Reflections on Thirty Years of Reading The Silmarillion.” In Turner, ed.: 33-57. ——. “Some Thoughts on Reading The Lord of the Rings Aloud.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 36-37. Duriez, Colin. “Myth, Fact and Incarnation.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 71-98. ——. “The Fairy Story: J.R.R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 13-23. Enright, Nancy. “Tolkien’s Females and The Defining of Power.” Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 59 no. 2 (Winter 2007): 93-108, 133. Esolen, Anthony. “Time and the Neighbor: J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Leaf, by Niggle.’” In Ironies of Faith: The Laughter at the Heart of Christian Literature. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2007: 153-171. Evans, Jonathan. “Wörten, Sachen, und Wahrheit: Philology and the Tree of Language in Tolkien.” In Constructing Nations, Reconstructing Myth: Essays in Honour of T.A. Shippey, ed. Andrew Wawn, Graham Johnson and John Walter. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007: 243274. Fåhraeus, Anna. “Self-Cursed, Night-Fearers, and Usurpers: Tolkien’s Atani and Shakespeare’s Men.” In Croft, ed.: 267-280. Ferré, Vincent. “The Rout of the King: Tolkien’s Readings on Arthurian Kingship.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 11-22. Fimi, Dimitra. “Tolkien and Old Norse Antiquity: Real and Romantic Links in Material Culture.” In Old Norse Made New: Essays on the PostMedieval Reception of Old Norse Literature and Culture, ed. David Clark and Carl Phelpstead. London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2007: 80-95. ——. “Tolkien’s ‘“Celtic” Type of Legends’: Merging Traditions.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 51-57. 349 Bibliography for 2007 ——. “A Note on Túrin and Oedipus.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 9-10. Fisher, Jason. “From Mythopoeia to Mythography: Tolkien, Lönnrot, and Jerome.” In Turner, ed.: 111-138. Flieger, Verlyn. “The Curious Incident of the Dream at the Barrow: Memory and Reincarnation in Middle-earth.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 99-112. ——. “When is a Fairy Story a Faërie Story?: Smith of Wootton Major.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 57-70. Fornet-Ponse, Thomas. “The Children of Húrin—Its Use for Tolkien Scholarship.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 203-206. Fredrick, Candice and Sam McBride. “Battling the Woman Warrior: Females and Combat in Tolkien and Lewis.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 29-42. Garbowski, Christopher. “Surprised by Joy: Eucatastrophe in Tolkien’s and Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 271-289. Garth, John. “‘As Under a Green Sea’: Visions of War in the Dead Marshes.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 285-313. Gehl, Robert. “Something Is Stirring in the East: Racial Identity, Confronting the ‘Other’, and Miscegenation in Othello and The Lord of the Rings.” In Croft, ed.: 251- 266. Gilsdorf, Ethan. “Elvish Impersonators.” New York Times, March 23, 2007. Gilson, Christopher. “‘Namárië’ and the Lexicon of Quenya.” In Stenström, ed.: 124-141. Glyer, Diana Pavlac. “The Centre of the Inklings: Lewis? Williams? Barfield? Tolkien?” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 29-39. Harl, Allison. “The Monstrosity of the Gaze: Critical Problems with a Film Adaptation of The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 61-69. Hart, Rachel. “Tolkien, St. Andrews, and Dragons.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 1-11. Hart, Trevor. “Tolkien, Creation, and Creativity.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 39-53. Hatcher, Melissa McCrory. “Finding Woman’s Role in The Lord of the 350 Bibliography for 2007 Rings.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 43-54. Hawkins, Emma B. “Tolkien and Chaucer: Eagles with Attitudes.” Seven 23 (2006*): 59-68. Head, Hayden. “Imitative Desire in Tolkien’s Mythology: A Girardian Perspective.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 137-148. Henshall, Kenneth and Simon. “Lord of the Games?: Father and Son Review The Lord of the Rings Video Games.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 373-392. Hierholzer, Robert. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Hobbit? : J.R.R. Tolkien’s Depiction of the Effects of Trauma.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 3-5. Hiley, Margaret. “Journeys in the Dark.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 167-176. Hogan, D.B., and Clarfield, A.M. “Venerable or Vulnerable: Ageing and Old Age in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” Medical Humanities 33 no. 1 (2007): 5. Honegger, Thomas. “A Mythology for England—The Question of National Identity in Tolkien’s Legendarium.” Hither Shore 3 (2007): 1326. ——. “A Mythology for England?: Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 109-130. ——. “The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth: Philology and the Literary Muse.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 189-199. Hopkins, Lisa. “Gollum and Caliban: Evolution and Design.” In Croft, ed.: 281-293. Hostetter, Carl F. “Tolkienian Linguistics: The First Fifty Years.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 1-46. Huttar, Charles A. “‘Deep Lies the Sea-Longing’: Inklings of Home.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 5-27. Jeffrey, David Lyle. “Tolkien and the Future of Literary Studies.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 55-70. Jerome, Bill J. “All I Really Need to Know About New Zealand I Learned From Peter Jackson.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 215-228. ——. “Will an Online Virtual Middle-earth Stand a Chance?” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 393-404. 351 Bibliography for 2007 Johannesson, Nils-Lennart. “Quenya, the Black Speech and the Sonority Scale.” In Stenström, ed.: 14-21. Johnson, Kirstin. “Tolkien’s Mythopoesis.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 25-38. Johnston, Allegra. “Clashing Mythologies: The Elves of Shakespeare and Tolkien.” In Croft, ed.: 9-24. Keim, Charles. “Of Two Minds: Gollum and Othello.” In Croft, ed.: 294-312. Kisor, Yvette L. “‘Elves (and Hobbits) Always Refer to the Sun as She’: Some Notes on a Note in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 212-222. Klinger, Judith. “‘More Poetical, Less Prosaic’: The Convergence of Myth and History in Tolkien’s Works.” Hither Shore 3 (2007): 180195. Kollmann, Judith. “How ‘All that glisters is not gold’ Became ‘All that is gold does not glitter’: Aragorn’s Debt to Shakespeare.” In Croft, ed.: 110-127. Kosyfi, Martha. “Ancient Greek Gods and the Valar.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 47-50. Lakowski, Romuald I. “‘Perilously Fair’: Titania, Galadriel, and the Fairy Queen of Medieval Romance.” In Croft, ed.: 60-78. ——. “The Fall and Repentance of Galadriel.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 91-104. Lam, Adam. “A Journey to Erewhon or A Journey to Nowhere?” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 415-422. Lam, Adam and Nataliya Oryshchuk. “Introduction: The Journey of the Ringbearers.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 3-8. ——. “The (Research) Fellowship: Short Autobiographical Journals.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 9-32. Larsen, Kristine. “Sauron, Mount Doom, and Elvish Moths: The Influence of Tolkien on Modern Science.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 223234. Le Guin, Ursula K. “The Critics, the Monsters, and the Fantasists.” Wordsworth Circle 38 no. 1/2 (Winter 2007): 83-87. Lewis, Paul W. “Beorn and Tom Bombadil: A Tale of Two Heroes.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 145160. 352 Bibliography for 2007 Librán-Moreno, Miryam. “‘A Kind of Orpheus-Legend in Reverse’: Two Classical Myths in the Story of Beren and Lúthien.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 143-185. ——. “Greek and Latin Amatory Motifs in Éowyn’s Portrayal.” Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 73-97. McKenna, Elise. “To Sex Up The Lord of the Rings: Jackson’s Feminine Approach in His ‘Sub-creation.’” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 229237. McNaugton, Howard. “Foreword: Straddling the Date Line in The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: vii-xix. Middleton, Christopher. “Sites that Shaped Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.” Daily Telegraph, December 15, 2007. Morgan, Gwendolyn A. “I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore: Peter Jackson’s Film Interpretations of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.” In Fantasy Fiction into Film: Essays, ed. Leslie Stratyner and James R. Keller. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007: 21-34. Nagel, Rainer. “Working with HoMe: Its Use in Researching Shire PlaceNames.” Hither Shore 3 (2007): 108-121. Nikakis, Karen Simpson. “Sacral Kingship: Aragorn as the Rightful and Sacrificial King in The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 83-90. Nilubol, Lalipa. “In Light of Zen Buddhism: Reading Frodo Baggins’ Journey to Rivendell.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 239-256. Olivares-Merino, Eugenio M. “A Monster that Matters: Tolkien’s Grendel Revisited.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 187-240. Oryshchuk, Nataliya. “A Road to Erewhon: Waiting for the King to Return.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 407-413. Ozment, Nicholas. “Prospero’s Books, Gandalf ’s Staff: The Ethics of Magic in Shakespeare and Tolkien.” In Croft, ed.: 177-195. Peretti, Daniel. “The Ogre Blinded and The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 133-143. Petty, Anne C. “Shakespearean Catharsis in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien.” In Croft, ed.: 157-174. Porter, Lynnette R. “Postcards from the Shire: Global Impressions of New Zealand after The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 67-86. 353 Bibliography for 2007 Powell, Gerald A. “The Weight of Existence: A Camusian Analysis of Frodo’s Journey.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 257-266. Reeder, H. L., IV. “Storming the Gates of Barad-Dûr: J.R.R. Tolkien, Christian Resistance, and the Imagination.” In Past Watchful Dragons: Fantasy and Faith in the World of C. S. Lewis, ed. Amy H. Sturgis. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic, 2007: 171-182. Reid, Robin Anne. “Breaking of the Fellowship: Competing Discourses of Archives and Canons in The Lord of the Rings Internet Fandom.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 347-370. ——. “‘Tree and Flower, Leaf and Grass’: The Grammar of Middleearth in The Lord of the Rings.” In Fantasy Fiction into Film: Essays, ed. Leslie Stratyner and James R. Keller. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007: 35-54. Riga, Frank P. “Merlin, Prospero, Saruman and Gandalf: Corrosive Uses of Power in Shakespeare and Tolkien.” In Croft, ed.: 196-214. Sabo, Deborah. “Archaeology and the Sense of History in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/ Winter 2007): 91-112. Searle, Alison. “Fantastical Fact, Home, or Other? The Imagined ‘Medieval’ in C. S. Lewis.” Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/ Summer 2007): 5-15. Seddon, Eric. “Letters to Malcolm and the Trouble with Narnia: C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Their 1949 Crisis.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 61-81. Segura, Eduardo. “Leaf by Niggle and the Aesthetics of Gift: Towards a Definition of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Notion of Art.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 315-337. Shippey, Tom. “New Learning and New Ignorance: Magia, Goeteia, and the Inklings.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 21-46. ——. “Tolkien Connections.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 1-2. Silvia, Cherylynn. “One Ring To Rule Them All: Power and Surveillance in the Film Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 311-324. Simonson, Martin. “Recovering the ‘Utterly Alien Land’: Tolkien and Transcendentalism.” In Segura and Honegger, eds.: 1-20. Slack, Anna. “Moving Mandos: The Dynamics of Subcreation in ‘Of Beren and Lúthien.’” In Turner, ed.: 59-79. 354 Bibliography for 2007 ——. “A Star Above the Mast: Tolkien, Faërie and the Great Escape.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 177-188. Smith, Leigh. “‘The Rack of This Tough World’: The Influence of King Lear on Lord of the Rings.” In Croft, ed.: 137-157. Smith, Melissa. “At Home and Abroad: Éowyn’s Two-fold Figuring as War Bride in The Lord of the Rings.” Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 161-172. Smith-Rowsey, Daniel. “Whose Middle-earth is it?: Reading The Lord of the Rings and New Zealand’s New Identity from a Globalized, PostColonial Perspective.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 129-145. Spirito, Guglielmo. “Speaking with Animals: A Desire that Lies Near the Heart of Faërie.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 23-36. Sookoo, L. Lara. “Defending Middle-earth from Charges of Racism.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 32-34. Thum, Maureen. “Hidden in Plain View: Strategizing Unconventionality in Shakespeare’s and Tolkien’s Portraits of Women.” In Croft, ed.: 229-250. Tikka, Petri. “The Finnicization of Quenya.” In Stenström, ed.:1-13. Timco, Amy L. “Weavers, Witches, and Warriors: The Women of The Lord of the Rings.” Silver Leaves 1 (Fall 2007): 39-45. Timmons, Daniel. “‘We Few, We Happy Few’: War and Glory in Henry V and The Lord of the Rings.” In Croft, ed.: 81-90. Tolley, Clive. “Old English Influences on The Lord of the Rings.” In Beowulf & Other Stories: A New Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literatures, ed. Richard North and Joe Allard. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2007: 38-62. Turner, Allan. “The Lays of Beleriand: Epic and Romance.” Hither Shore 3 (2007): 27- 36. ——. “Tom Bombadil: The Sins of His Youth.” Hither Shore 4 (2007): 119-127. Vejdemo, Susanne. “Tolklangs in the ‘Real’ World.” In Stenström, ed.: 22-41. Voci, Paola. “Extending the Tale: An Analysis of The Lord of the Rings Extended Editions.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 327-345. Walsh, Chris. “From Mind to Mind”: Robert Browning and J.R.R. Tolkien. Chester, England: Chester Academic Press, 2007. [Pamphlet] 355 Bibliography for 2007 Wiggins, Kayla McKinney. “The Person of a Prince: Echoes of Hamlet in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.” In Croft, ed.: 91-109. Wilkinson, Loren. “Tolkien and the Surrendering of Power.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 71-83. Wilson, Thomas Murray. “Blockbuster Pastoral: An Ecocritical Reading of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings Films.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 185-196. Wong, Lisa. “Theme/Film Tour: The Disappearing of Illusion into Integral Reality.” In Lam and Oryshchuk, eds.: 87-105. Wood, Ralph. “Tolkien’s Augustinian Understanding of Good and Evil: Why The Lord of the Rings Is Not Manichean.” In Hart and Khovacs, eds.: 85-102. SELECTED REVIEWS Amendt-Raduege, Amy. Rev. of The Plants of Middle-earth: Botany and Subcreation, by Dinah Hazell. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 290-293. Anderson, Douglas A. Rev. of The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary, by Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, and Edmund Weiner. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 302-304. Bachmann, Dieter. Rev. of The J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia, ed. Michael D. C. Drout. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 226-227. Barnes, Jon. Rev. of The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Times Literary Supplement (14 September 2007): 5. Beach, Charles Franklin. “Treasures of Tolkien Studies: Sixteen Books Reviewed.” CSL: Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 38 no. 2 (March/April 2007): 14-17. Bogstad, Janice M. and Philip Kaveny. Rev. of The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary, by Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, and Edmund Weiner. New York Review of Science Fiction 19 no. 12 (August 2007): 20-21. Bratman, David. Rev. of Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans. Mythprint 44 no. 9/10 (September/October 2007): 10-11. ——. Rev. of The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion & Guide, by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. Mythprint 44 no. 6/7 (June/July 2007): 10-13. 356 Bibliography for 2007 Curry, Patrick. Rev. of Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 238-244. ——. Rev. of Reading The Lord of the Rings: New Writings on Tolkien’s Trilogy, ed. Robert Eaglestone. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 297-302. Dickerson, Matt. Rev. of The World of the Rings: Language, Religion, and Adventure in Tolkien, by Jared Lobdell. Seven 24 (2007): 109-110. Dickerson, Matthew T. Rev. of The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy, by Jared Lobdell. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 304-307. Fisher, Jason. Rev. of Roots and Branches, by Tom Shippey. Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 209-212. Fisher, Matthew A. Rev. of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle-earth, by Bradley J. Birzer. Seven 24 (2007): 112-114. ——. Rev. of The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middleearth, by Ralph C. Wood. Seven 24 (2007): 112-114. ——. Rev. of The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Worldview Behind The Lord of the Rings, by Peter J. Kreeft. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 288-290. Fornet-Ponse, Thomas. Rev. of Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien’s Mythology, by Verlyn Flieger. Seven 24 (2007): 107-109. Foster, Mike. Rev. of A Hidden Presence: The Catholic Imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Ian Boyd and Stratford Caldecott. Seven 23 (2006*): 109112. ——. Rev. of I Am in Fact a Hobbit: An Introduction to the Life and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Perry C. Bramlett. Seven 23 (2006*): 109-112. ——. Rev. of The Power of the Ring: The Spiritual Vision Behind The Lord of the Rings, by Stratford Caldecott. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 293-297. Garth, John. Rev. of The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion & Guide, by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 255-266. Hartley, Greg. Rev. of The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy, by Jared Lobdell. Seven 23 (2006*): 112-114. Holmes, John R. Rev. of The Keys of Middle-earth: Discovering Medieval Literature Through the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Stuart D. Lee and Elizabeth Solopova. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 278-282. Honegger, Thomas. Rev. of Tolkien and Shakespeare, ed. Janet Brennan Croft. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 207. 357 Bibliography for 2007 ——. Rev. of Tolkien on Film, ed. Janet Brennan Croft. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 234-236. ——. Rev. of Tolkien’s Modern Middle Ages, ed. Jane Chance and Alfred K. Siewers. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 231-234. ——. Rev. of Tree of Tales, ed. Trevor Hart and Ivan Khovacs. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 208-209. Hooker, Mark T. Rev. of Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in “The Lord of the Rings,” by Allan Turner. Seven 23 (2006*): 114-115. Hutton, Clark. Rev. of The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy, ed. Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson. Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 185-186. Lasseter, Helen. Rev. of Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader, ed. Jane Chance. Seven 23 (2006*): 115-117. ——. Rev. of Tolkien the Medievalist, ed. Jane Chance. Seven 23 (2006*): 115-117. Lazo, Andrew. Rev. of The Company They Keep, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Mythlore 26 no. 1/2 (whole no. 99/100; Fall/Winter 2007): 206-208. Maudlin, Lynn. Rev. of The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Mythprint 44 no. 5 (May 2007): 4-5. Nagel, Rainer. Rev. of Tolkien Studies 4, ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Michael D.C. Drout, and Verlyn Flieger. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 215-217. Nelson, Dale. Rev. of The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 235-238. Oberhelman, David. Rev. of The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Mythprint 44 no. 5 (May 2007): 3-4. ——. Rev. of The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide, by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. Mythlore 25 no. 3/4 (whole no. 97/98; Spring/Summer 2007): 183- 185. Petty, Anne. Rev. of Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien’s Middle-earth, by Marjorie Burns. Mythprint 44 no. 1/2 (January/February 2007): 12-13. Reid, Robin Anne. Rev. of Tolkien’s Modern Middle Ages, ed. Jane Chance and Alfred K. Siewers. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 314-323. 358 Bibliography for 2007 Rosebury, Brian. Rev. of The Lord of the Rings 1954-2004: Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder, eds. Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 282-288. Schmidt, Laura. Rev. of Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: From the Page to the Screen, by Lynnette R. Porter. Seven 24 (2007): 115-116. Shippey, Tom. Rev. of The Roots of Tolkien’s Middle Earth [sic], by Robert S. Blackham. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 307-311. Straubhaar, Sandra Ballif. Rev. of A Tolkienian Mathomium: A Collection of Articles about J.R.R. Tolkien and His Legendarium, by Mark T. Hooker. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 311-314. Thompson, Kristin. Rev. of From Hobbits to Hollywood: Essays on Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings,” ed. Ernest Mathijs and Murray Pomerance. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 244-254. ——. Rev. of The Lord of the Rings: Popular Culture in Global Context, by Ernest Mathijs. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 244-254. Triebel, Doreen. Rev. of The Roots of Tolkien’s Middle Earth [sic], by Robert S. Blackham. Hither Shore 4 (2007): 221-222. Veldman, Meredith. Rev. of Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans. Seven 24 (2007): 116-117. West, Richard C. Rev. of The Battle for Middle-earth: Tolkien’s Divine Design in “The Lord of the Rings,” by Fleming Rutledge. Seven 23 (2006*): 117119. Wickham-Crowley, Kelley M. Rev. of J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment, ed. Michael D. C. Drout. Tolkien Studies 4 (2007): 266-278. Wilcox, Miranda. Rev. of The Keys of Middle-earth: Discovering Medieval Literature Through the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Stuart D. Lee and Elizabeth Solopova. The Medieval Review 25 (2007).<http://hdl.handle. net/2027/spo.baj9928.0709.025> *Although Seven 23 is dated 2006, it was not published until 2007. 359 Addenda to Bibliography for 2006 Addenda to the Bibliography (in English) for 2006 BOOKS Blackham, Robert S. The Roots of Tolkien’s Middle Earth [sic]. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing, 2006. Dickerson, Matthew T., and David O’Hara. From Homer to Harry Potter: A Handbook on Myth and Fantasy. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2006. Sears, Jeanette. The Oxford of J.R.R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis: A Guided Walk Round the Centre of Oxford, Visiting Places with Connections to Tolkien, Lewis and the Other Inklings. Oxford: Heritage Tours Publications, 2006. ARTICLES Nazarro, Joe. “Drawing Middle-earth.” Starlog (October 2006): 60-64. Rauscher, Eric. “‘We Had Nothing to Say to One Another’: J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams, Another Look.” Charles Williams Quarterly no. 118 (Spring 2006): 8-14. Sturch, Richard. “On Tolkien, and Williams, and Tolkien on Williams.” Charles Williams Quarterly no. 118 (Spring 2006): 15-26. Swazo, Norman N. “Bereshith and Ainulindalë: Allegoresis and Exegesis in Tension.” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 16 no. 4 (2006): 302-19. 360