New Tablet Fragments On Dreams From The Bogazkale Archive

2023, Adalya

ISSN 1301-2746 ADALYA 26 2023 26 2023 ISSN 1301-2746 ADALYA The Annual of the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations ( OFFPRINT ) ADALYA The Annual of the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations (AKMED) Adalya, a peer reviewed publication, is indexed in the A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) – CC / A&H (Current Contents / Arts & Humanities), Social Sciences and Humanities Database of TÜBİTAK / ULAKBİM Tr Index, ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), Scopus, and Index Copernicus. Mode of publication Publisher certificate number ISSN Publisher management Worldwide periodical 18318 1301-2746 Koç University Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450 Sarıyer / İstanbul Publisher Editor-in-chief Editors English copyediting Editorial advisory board © Production Printing Mailing address E-mail address Metin Sitti, President, on behalf of Koç University Oğuz Tekin Tarkan Kahya and Arif Yacı Mark Wilson (Members serve for a period of five years) Emanuela Borgia, Università di Roma Sapienza (2021-2025) Ian Hodder, Koç Üniversitesi (2023-2027) Nevra Necipoğlu, Boğaziçi University (2023-2027) Fatih Onur, Akdeniz University (2023-2027) Christopher H. Roosevelt, Koç University (2021-2025) Charlotte Roueché, Emerita, King’s College London (2019-2023) Mustafa H. Sayar, İstanbul University (2023-2027) Peter van Alfen, American Numismatic Society (2023-2027) Koç University AKMED, 2023 Zero Production Ltd. Abdullah Sok. No. 17 Taksim 34433 İstanbul Tel: +90 (212) 244 75 21 • Fax: +90 (212) 244 32 09 ; Fotokitap Fotoğraf Ürünleri Paz. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Oruç Reis Mah. Tekstilkent B-5 Blok No. 10-AH111 Esenler - İstanbul / Türkiye Certificate number: 47448 Barbaros Mah. Kocatepe Sok. No. 22 Kaleiçi 07100 Antalya / Türkiye Tel: +90 (242) 243 42 74 • Fax: +90 (242) 243 80 13 Contents Güzel Öztürk Cultural Continuity from the Kaˉrum Period to the Hittite Empire Period in Light of Stamp Seals and Impressions .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Müge Bulu Contextualizing the Consumption of Syro-Cilician Ware at Tell Atchana / Alalakh (Hatay, Türkiye): A Functional Analysis .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Gülgüney Masalcı Şahin – Özlem Sir Gavaz New Tablet Fragments on Dreams from the Boğazkale Archive ..................................................................................................... 75 Aytaç Dönmez – Halil Mert Erdoğan Xanthos West Agora III: Dynastic Nele ................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Oğuz Tekin Weights of Alexandria in the Troad: Forms, Types, Units, and Chronology .................................................................... 127 Erkan Alkaç – Beste Tomay Amphora Stamps of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Myra and its Harbor Neighborhood of Andriake ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 149 Mehmet Özhanlı New Votive Plates Discovered in the Temple of Men and its Sanctuary in Pisidian Antioch .......................... 171 Asuman Coşkun Abuagla Nominative and Genitive Endings of Some Epichoric Personal Names in Light of Inscriptions from Tymbriada ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 185 Nergis Ataç – Guntram Koch Figürliche Reliefs frühchristlicher Zeit in Kleinasien (4.-6. / 7. Jahrhundert n.Chr.) ................................................ 197 Orçun Erdoğan – Hatice Pamir The Temple Church at Epiphaneia in Cilicia Pedias and its Terracotta Frieze ........................................................... 233 Yavuz Selim Güler A Roman Steelyard with a Control Inscription from the Roman Imperial Period in the Pera Museum ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 257 Mehmet Önal – Sevcan Ölçer Research on the History, Function and Architectural Features of the Harran Saqiyas ......................................... 265 Seçkin Evcim The Discovery in Olympus (Lycia) of One of the Oldest Known Paintings of Christ Pantocrator with a Discussion of its Iconography ....................................................................................................................................................................... 289 IV Contents Reyhan Yirşen The Problem of Piracy in Commercial Relations between the Ottoman State and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies (Sicilyateyn) between 1740 and 1804 ............................................................................................................................... 319 Ahmet Kısa Antalya Junior High School as the First Example Reflecting the Ottoman Modern Educational Approach in Antalya ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 337 Evren Dayar Three Periods of Antalya in the 19th Century ............................................................................................................................................... 363 ADALYA 26, 2023 New Tablet Fragments on Dreams from the Boğazkale Archive GÜLGÜNEY MASALCI ŞAHİN – ÖZLEM SİR GAVAZ* Abstract Öz The tablets introduced in this study are fragments brought to the Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum from Berlin to Türkiye in 1987. These Hittite tablet fragments contain dream-oath content, and we provide the transliteration and translation of the Bo 7832 and Bo 7863 fragments. Moreover, we interpret these tablets philologically and determine their place in the series. Over a hundred texts providing information on dreams or containing dream reports have been identified in the Hittite cuneiform archives. We believe that the two unpublished fragments examined in this study will contribute to the existing literature on dreams. Çalışmada tanıtılacak tabletler, 1987 yılında Berlin’den Türkiye’ye, Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’ne geri getirilen fragmanlardandır. Hititçe tablet fragmanları rüya-yemin içerikli olup, çalışmada, Bo 7832 Bo 7863 nolu tablet fragmanlarının transliterasyonu ve tercümesi verilecek, filolojik yorumu yapılacak ve seri içindeki yeri belirlenecektir. Hitit çivi yazılı arşivinde, rüyalar hakkında bilgi veren ya da rüya raporlarını içeren yüzün üzerinde metin tespit edilmiştir. Bizim bu çalışmada inceleyeceğimiz şimdiye kadar yayınlanmamış bu iki yeni fragmanın da rüya literatürüne katkı sağlayacağı kanısındayız. Keywords: Hittites, Boğazkale, cuneiform tablets, dream Anahtar Kelimeler: Hititler, Boğazkale, çivi yazılı tabletler, rüya Introduction The Hittite tablet fragments under consideration are dream-oath tablets. Dreams are the most special and valuable tools of the subconscious and were routinely interpreted and recorded in ancient societies with the aim of communicating with the gods. Sleep is explained as a state of rest in which the reactivity of the consciousness to external stimuli is completely lost or weakened, and activity is greatly reduced. Until a few centuries ago, dreams were associated with magic, prophecy, and mysterious events. More recently, they have begun to be interpreted physiologically and psychologically. The first scientific explanations of dreams were based on neurophysiologic studies in the 1800s.1 Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the first to suggest that dreams be interpreted psychologically. According to Freud, dreams * Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülgüney Masalcı Şahin, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, Bilecik, Türkiye. E-mail: ; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem Sir Gavaz, Ankara Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih - Coğrafya Fakültesi, Hititoloji Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, Türkiye. E-mail: ; 6671-6691 1 Güven 2015, 16.