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Cercetări Arheologice, 2020
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
Paul BOR TNOVSKI " A �� # � � U41N'f-t'� 11 Florica lchim.: Prima Î ntrebare pe care vreau să v-o pun nu are nici o legă tură cu creaţia dumneavoastră. Vi s-a spus vreodată " tovarăşe " ? V-a spus cineva vreodată " tovarăşul Bortnovski? "
In the Austrian Bukovina there were two private societies, with an archaeological-historical-museistic profile: the Museum Society of Siret, founded by Captain Josef von Gutter (1870-1886) and the Romanian Archaeological Society from Chernivtsi, founded and led by the amateur archaeologist Dionisie Olinescu (1886-1893). Olinescuʼs society took over an important part of the collections of the Museum Society of Siret, completed them and contributed directly to the foundation of the collections of the National Museum of Bukovina (Bukowiner Landes-Museum) in Chernivtsi (1893). The following article captures a small fragment from the life of Dionisie Olinescu, the most important Romanian archaeologist of the Austrian Bukovina, forced by unfavorable circumstances to leave the province in the year of 1893 and to take refuge in the Romanian Kingdom, where he had a quite difficult career trajectory. The letter in question contains some novel elements regarding Dionisie Olinescuʼs biography and family and his activity after 1893. The letter brings, at the same time, a modest contribution to the historiography of the archaeology of Bukovina.
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Umanistice, 2015
Limbă, Literatură şi Folclor, 2021
O sinteză științifică asupra Tetraevangheliarului grecesc aflat în inventarul Muzeului Olteniei din Craiova, manuscris adus din Constantinopol în Țara Românească, se presupune, de dicheofilaxul Antim Critopol, (după ce în octombrie 1370 este numit de patriarhul Bisericii Mari, Filotei, întâiul stătător al Mitropoliei Severinului), cu o valoare incontestabilă și inestimabilă pentru cultura română, a apărut recent la Editura Mitropoliei Olteniei. Lucrarea-Studii despre Tetraevangheliarul grecesc de la Muzeul Olteniei din Craiova (sec. al XII-lea)-, deschide perspectiva, cum lasă să se înțeleagă autorii ei: Ion Reșceanu, Mihai Ciurea, Carmen Bălteanu și Ion Sorin Bora, evidențierii și promovării în mediile academice din țară și din străinătate a unui manuscris biblic din secolul al XII-lea, prețios din punct de vedere istoric și teologic, confirmând și atestând astfel impactul produs de influența cultural-ecleziastică bizantină asupra spiritualității românești. Demersul exegetic, aprofundat, al cercetătorilor, axat pe "punerea în lumină" a unor informații de factură aghiografică, codicologică și paleografică, conținute de textele manuscrisului diortosit, prezintă un interes revelațional, cu deosebire de ordin predominant filologic și teologic. Prin urmare, studiul în discuție, având un pronunțat caracter pragmatic, se adaugă interpretărilor apărute, îndeosebi după apariția tiparului, cu privire la importanța, semnificația și înțe-lesului cuvântului Sfintei Scripturi. Fără a fi socotită drept un recurs la textul inițial al Tetraevan-gheliarului grecesc, lucrarea Studii despre
The article highlights the printing activity in Chisinau in the old period and the circumstances in which the synodal exarchate was abolished. The idea of creating a new religious administrative unit and framing the annexed territory in a new diocese is analyzed. Important contributions regarding the history of printing in Chisinau are reflected
Cercetări arheologice, 2006
The lithic inventory (artifacts and rock fragments) discovered on the Eneolithic tell-type settlement Borduşani Popină during the 1995-1997 archaeological excavations represents several rock types: silicolith, limestone, marl, gritty limestone, sandstone, micro-conglomerate, green-schist, mica-schist, quartzite, dolerite and granodiorite. Most of these rock types crop out on large areas in Dobrogea, with potential source areas for the lithic material located as close as 10-20 km away from the settlement. However, for the igneous rocks the closest outcrops are located in North Dobrogea, at distances of minimum 70-80 km from the settlement.
Dr. Gabriela Rusu-Păsărin este conferenŃiar la Facultatea de Litere a UniversităŃii din Craiova, unde susŃine cursuri de comunicare audiovizuală, comunicare politică, comunicare şi persuasiune. A publicat cărŃi, articole şi studii în domeniile: comunicare în spaŃiul public, jurnalism cultural, etnografie şi folclor. Este realizator-coordonator la Radio Oltenia Craiova (post public regional al SocietăŃii Române de Radiodifuziune), promovând astfel o perspectivă aplicată a jurnalismului cultural şi a comunicării audiovizuale. Rezumat Prima carte de legi în limba română (1640), Pravila de la Govora, sau Mica Pravilă este totodată un corpus referenŃial de tradiŃii şi credinŃe populare referitoare la ceremonialul existenŃial. Scopul este de a realiza o analiză comparativă a celor două nivele de referinŃă, mentalul tradiŃional românesc şi rigoarea bisericească, cea din urmă funcŃionând sub influenŃa stravechilor legi bizantine şi a canoanelor stabilite de sinodul Bisericii Orientale. Cred...
In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.
Academia Letters, 2021
Probiotics are associated with several health benefits, including the normal regulation of gut membrane integrity and permeability, thereby preventing gut leakiness, endotoxemia, and inflammation [1]. Quite understandably, probiotic supplementation of several food items such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., has gained popularity in recent years. Probiotic supplements are now considered a major driver of the functional food market that is projected to reach 64 billion USD by 2023 [2]. The medical use of probiotics has also become a subject of intense research commensurate with the recent revolutionization in gut microbiota identification methods and a renewed focus on microbiome studies [1, 2]. Several common autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, and type 1 diabetes (T1D), which have disturbances of the gut microbiome, are apparent candidates for probiotic supplementation [1, 3]. And while the effects of probiotic treatment are complex and not entirely determined in a truly rigorous scientific manner, it is widely believed that probiotics are beneficial in helping the intestine stabilize bacterial content through at least two known pathways viz. pattern recognition receptors pathway and short-chain fatty acids pathway [1]. The gut microbiome changes, in turn, are believed to exert changes in the immune system in patients with autoimmune conditions. Probiotics thus find their application in the prevention or treatment of autoimmune diseases, including T1D. The incidence of T1D has increased tremendously over the past few decades, and it has become a significant public health concern worldwide [4, 5]. The major factors that drive the increased incidence of T1D are modern lifestyles and rapid environmental changes that have predominantly led to changes in food intake [6]. Consequently, there are alterations of epigenetic regulations of the genome and composition of gut microbiota, which may ultimately play
Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 22, No. 3, June 2024, 2024
Renaissance and Reformation, 2012
Aragón en. la Edad Media, 2021
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 2018
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Material Culture Review Revue De La Culture Materielle, 1981
Electroanalysis (Wiley VCH-Wiley Online Library) , 2019
Revista de Enseñanza de la Física, 2021
Bisnis & Birokrasi Journal, 2016
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO), 2016
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 2021
Veterinary Parasitology, 2008
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2005
Journal of Endourology, 2008