European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014), 1–8
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Early neuropsychological detection of Alzheimer's disease
C Bastin1,2 and E Salmon1,3
Lifestyle modification offers a promising way of preventing or delaying Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In particular, nutritional
interventions can contribute to decrease the risk of dementia. The efficacy of such interventions should be assessed in individuals
thought to be prone to AD. It is therefore necessary to identify markers that may help detecting AD as early as possible. This review
will focus on subtle neuropsychological changes that may already exist in the predementia phase, and that could point to
individuals at risk of dementia. Episodic memory decline appears consistently as the earliest sign of incipient typical AD. An episodic
memory test that ensures deep encoding of information and assesses retrieval with free as well as cued recall appears as a useful
tool to detect patients at an early stage of AD. Beyond the memory domain, category verbal fluency has been shown to decline
early and to predict progression to AD. Moreover, in line with current diagnosis criteria for prodromal AD, combining
neuropsychological scores and neuroimaging data allows a better discrimination of future AD patients than neuroimaging or
neuropsychological data alone. Altogether, the detection of cognitive changes that are predictive of the typical form of probable
AD already in the predementia stage points to at risk people who are the best target for therapeutic interventions, such as nutrition
or physical exercise counseling or dietary interventions.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 3 September 2014; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2014.176
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by severe cognitive
deficits, which worsen and affect an increasingly broad range of
domains as the disease progresses. Although there exist some
atypical forms starting with language, visuospatial or executive
dysfunction, the most common syndromic presentation consists
of memory impairment together with cognitive dysfunction in at
least one other domain (language, reasoning, visuospatial abilities
and so on).1 Importantly, clinically evident dementia is preceded
by a period lasting presumably one or more decades during which
amyloid and tau proteins accumulate in the brain.2 Moreover,
during the predementia period, cognitive deficits already exist.
A recent study suggested that abnormal amyloid deposition could
be detected about 17 years, hippocampal atrophy around 4 years
and cognitive impairment 3 years before a clinical diagnosis of AD
is made.3
Given that neuropathology has reached a critical point when
dementia occurs, the predementia period is considered the best
target for therapeutic interventions (e.g., Reiman et al.4). Among
possible interventions, besides pharmaceutical treatment, cognitive rehabilitation and lifestyle modifications appear as promising
avenues for preventing or delaying dementia onset. In particular,
lifestyle modifications, such as nutritional interventions, physical
activity training and stimulating leisure activities, have received an
increasing interest in recent years. They are thought to contribute
to build a reserve allowing individuals to resist longer to Alzheimer
neuropathology5 and to reduce AD risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, oxidative stress and so on. For instance,
healthy nutritional habits, including the consumption of omega-3based fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins, seem to reduce the risk
of dementia in late life.6–8 Moreover, interventions proposing the
adoption of the Mediterranean diet, sometimes in combination
with supplement nutrients, may lead to an attenuation of
cognitive decline.9–11 As these promising preventive and/or
therapeutic approaches become available, future work should
evaluate their efficacy in individuals who are in the predementia
phase of AD.
Currently, research on the detection of the earliest signs of AD
points to several kinds of biomarkers: genetic biomarkers (e.g.,
APOEε4), neuroimaging biomarkers (e.g., cerebral atrophy, hypometabolism, amyloid deposition), cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers
(e.g., tau and amyloid levels) and cognitive markers (i.e.,
neuropsychological measures). In this review, we will focus on
cognitive markers that may contribute to early detection of AD
and hence to identify the best candidates to therapeutic
interventions. It should be noted that the reviewed neuropsychological predictors apply to the typical form of AD, that is, dementia
with prominent and initial memory deficits.1
The process of selection of articles is illustrated in Figure 1. Articles
dealing with predictors of AD were searched for by means of an
initial Pubmed search with the following criteria and keywords:
((memory AND longitudinal AND Alzheimer's disease) AND
(prodromal OR conversion OR preclinical)), (mild cognitive
impairment AND (Alzheimer's disease OR dementia) AND neuropsychology AND (prediction OR longitudinal)), and (Alzheimer's
disease AND conversion AND neuropsychology). Further search
through the bibliography of reviews and meta-analyses led to 84
additional publications focusing on neuropsychological predictors
of dementia. After excluding references related to animal studies,
non-Alzheimer dementia, treatment outcomes, cognitively normal
individuals with APOE ε4 genotype and depression, we reviewed
Cyclotron Research Center, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; 2Fund for Scientific Research, F.R.S.-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium and 3Memory Clinic, CHU Liège, Belgium.
Correspondence: Dr C Bastin, Cyclotron Research Center, University of Liege, Allée du 6 Août, B30, Liège 4000, Belgium.
Received 9 July 2014; accepted 28 July 2014
Cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease
C Bastin and E Salmon
Figure 1.
Selection of reports included in the review.
216 publications describing work on neuroimaging and/or
neuropsychological indicators of AD. From these, the current
review included those that describe longitudinal assessments (i.e.,
involving at least two neuropsychological assessments over a
follow-up period of minimum 1 year) of healthy older subjects or
patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), with statistics
evaluating the predictive power of neuropsychological measures
in the discrimination between subjects who progress to AD and
those who remained either cognitively normal or with MCI.
Two main approaches have been used to identify the cognitive
markers of future development of AD, both having in common the
reliance on longitudinal assessments of participants. Whereas one
approach consists in population-based studies that follow large
cohorts of community-dwelling normal older participants, the
other focuses on patients with MCI.
Large-scale population studies recruit healthy participants in
the community and test them repeatedly with a more or less
extensive neuropsychological battery. These longitudinal studies
follow the participants for several years (e.g., from 4 years for the
Bronx Aging Study12 to 22 years for the Framingham study13).
During the course of the follow-up, a proportion of the population
develops AD. It is therefore possible to identify the cognitive
functions that were impaired in the prodromal phase in the future
AD patients in comparison to participants who remained normal,
and hence to picture the chronological sequence of these
cognitive impairments.14,15 Alternatively, researchers can point
to the earliest cognitive changes in preclinical AD by detecting the
point in time at which the slope of decline in a neuropsychological
task becomes steeper in future AD patients than in stable healthy
In the past 15 years, research on the predementia stage of AD
has particularly focused on people with MCI. Initial criteria for MCI
were the presence of subjective memory complaints and objective
memory deficits, without other cognitive impairment, with
relatively preserved functioning in daily life and no dementia.19
However, it soon appeared that MCI is a heterogeneous entity and
that the different clinical MCI subtypes do not have the same
prognosis. In particular, a distinction has been made between the
amnestic forms of MCI (either single domain if only memory is
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 1 – 8
affected, or multiple domain if other cognitive functions are also
deficient) and non-amnestic forms of MCI (single-domain or
multiple domain).20 Given that the annual rate of progression to
AD among patients with amnestic forms of MCI is much higher
than that in healthy older people (6.5% versus less than 1%,
respectively21) whereas non-amnestic MCI patients more frequently progress to non-AD dementia,20 the amnestic form of MCI
has been considered as a clinical manifestation of incipient AD or
the prodromal phase of AD. Nevertheless, all amnestic MCI
patients are not to develop AD dementia symptoms. It is therefore
necessary to find specific markers that would indicate whether a
patient is likely or not to become demented in the near future.
This motivated longitudinal studies that selected groups of MCI
patients either in the community or in clinical settings and
evaluated them regularly until they develop AD or for follow-up
periods that typically vary between 1 and 4 years. Performance
from the initial cognitive assessment is then retrospectively
analyzed to find the measure that best discriminates between
MCI patients who remained stable throughout the follow-up
period and those who progressed to AD.
Other studies have also investigated the issue of cognitive
markers of AD in other at-risk people, such as carriers of the APOE
ε4 allele (see Caselli et al.22 for a review). The current review will,
however, focus on longitudinal studies in large cohorts from the
population and in MCI patients.
Typically, longitudinal assessments of cohorts of healthy older
adults or of patients with MCI involve a more or less extensive
battery of standard neuropsychological tests. The cognitive
domains that are usually evaluated comprise episodic memory
(memory for new information personally experienced in a specific
context), working memory (to maintain a small quantity of
information for a very brief period of time), executive functions
(high-order functions that facilitate adaptation to new or
complex situations, when highly practiced cognitive abilities no
longer suffice), language and semantic memory (such as fluent
word retrieval), and visuospatial abilities. Comparison between
studies is made difficult because of the variety of tests that have
been used, the heterogeneity of the population investigated (in
terms of sample size, characterization of MCI patients, follow-up
duration), the diversity of the cognitive testing (either several
memory tests versus only one, the number of other neuropsychological scores) and the use of different statistical
approaches (logistic regression analyses, survival analyses and so
on). Therefore, only general trends can be drawn from current
research on the earliest sign of cognitive decline in the
predementia stage of AD.
Among the cognitive domains that are evaluated with standard
neuropsychological batteries, episodic memory was consistently
identified as the first domain to decline in population-based
studies of preclinical AD (see Table 1). In the majority of
longitudinal studies of MCI patients, measures of episodic memory
also emerge as the best predictors of progression to AD.23–51 This
seems to be true for verbal episodic memory as well as for visual
episodic memory, when the latter is evaluated. The memory
decline initiates many years before the clinical diagnosis of AD. For
instance, future AD patients may present with subtle episodic
memory deficits compared with stable healthy individuals for as
long as 9–10 years before the emergence of the first clinical
symptoms.13,15,52 Furthermore, it has been suggested that,
although episodic memory is affected very early, performance
plateaus for several years before showing an abrupt decline 2 or 3
years before dementia onset.53
Standard tests of episodic memory consist in presenting a list of
items (e.g., words or pictures) and subsequently evaluating
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© 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Table 1.
Population-based longitudinal studies testing for the cognitive measures that predict future development of Alzheimer’s disease
Cohort name
Masur et al.12
Bronx Aging Study
Framingham study
North Manhattan Aging Project
Linn et al.
Jacobs et al.76
Howieson et al.54
Small et al.72
Small et al.55
Elias et al.13
Grober et al.61
Chen et al.56
Chen et al.89
Kungsholmen project
Kungsholmen project
Framingham Study
Einstein Aging Study
Monongahela Valley Independent Elders
Monongahela Valley Independent Elders
Bronx Aging Study
Earlier emerging cognitive impairments
4 years
Verbal and visual episodic memory, working memory, category fluency (2 years
before diagnosis)
Verbal episodic memory, working memory
Verbal episodic memory, language, abstract reasoning
Verbal episodic memory (2.8 years before diagnosis)
Verbal and visual episodic memory; phonemic fluency (3 years before diagnosis)
Verbal episodic memory (6 years before diagnosis)
Verbal episodic memory and abstract reasoning (10 years before diagnosis)
Verbal episodic memory (5 years before diagnosis)
Verbal episodic memory, executive function (1.5 year before diagnosis)
13 years
4 years
5 years
3 years
6 years
22 years
10 years
10 years
Berlin Aging Study
Canadian Study of Health and
Amieva et al.52
1255 (215)
9 years
Amieva et al.70
Grober et al.17
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
3777 (350)
1006 (92)
14 years
15 years
444 (134)
25 years
1160 (60)
2071 (462)
5 years
16 years
121 (32)
627 (48)
825 (29)
7.5 years
12 years
13 years
Constructional praxis, verbal episodic memory, category fluencya
Verbal episodic memory
Verbal and visual episodic memory, verbal fluency, visuospatial ability
Bäckman et al.
Saxton et al.14
Kungsholmen project
Cardiovascular Health Study
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 1 – 8
Johnson et al.92
Auriacombe et al.93
Wilson et al.18
Riley et al.71
Rabin et al.94
Schmid et al.57
3C study
Religious Orders Study & Rush Memory and
Aging Project
Einstein Aging study
10 years
488 (75)
19 years
120 (15)
693 (72)
6 years
8 years
187 (15)
5-years: 551 (77)
10 years: 263 (47)
4 years
5 and 10 years
Cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease
C Bastin and E Salmon
Rapp et al.91
Tierney et al.15
Verbal episodic memory and executive function (decline between 3.5 and 1.5 years
before diagnosis)a
Verbal episodic memory (7–8 years before diagnosis); Performance IQ (2 years
before diagnosis)a
Verbal episodic memory (6 years before diagnosis)
Verbal and visual episodic memory (5–8 years before diagnosis); category fluency
and executive function (3.5–5 years before diagnosis)
Attention, executive function, verbal episodic memory
5 years before diagnosis: verbal episodic memory,
category fluency, information.
10 years before diagnosis: verbal episodic memory
Visual episodic memory, category fluency, abstract reasoning, global cognition
(9 years before diagnosis)a
Category fluency; abstract reasoning (12 years before diagnosis)a
Verbal episodic memory (7 years before diagnosis); executive function (2–3 years
before diagnosis)a
Visuospatial function (3 years before diagnosis), global cognition (2 years), memory
(1 year)a
Verbal episodic memory
Semantic memory, working memory (6 years before diagnosis)a
Hall et al.16
551 (68)
Abbreviation: N, number of participants (number of progression to AD). aAnalysis of change point (time at which the rate of decline changes).
Cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease
C Bastin and E Salmon
memory for these items by either asking the participants to recall
as many studied items as possible or to identify among
propositions those items that were studied (recognition). For
recall tests, participants may have to retrieve studied items
without any support (free recall) or to retrieve studied items on
the basis of some cue, such as the semantic category to which the
item belongs (cued recall). Several tests assess recall immediately
after the study phase (immediate recall) and then again after 20 or
30 min (delayed recall). Recall measures are more often
cited as good cognitive markers of future AD than recognition
scores. Moreover, many population-based studies and MCI
follow-up studies point toward the usefulness of scores
of delayed recall as excellent predictors of progression to
As mentioned above, the question of which memory test and
which measure are the best has currently no definitive answer
given the heterogeneity of the tests that have been used in the
different studies. Nevertheless, assuming that the different
memory tests do not have the same sensitivity and specificity, a
few studies have tried to compare the predictive accuracy of
several memory tests, in an attempt to find the one that would be
particularly appropriate for identifying early AD among MCI
patients.27,37,42 The Free and Cued Selective Reminding test (and
its longer versions avoiding ceiling effects in healthy subjects, the
Double Memory test58 and the RI-48 test in French language59)
was found to best discriminate between AD or MCI patients and
healthy subjects, and also between MCI patients who will progress
to AD and MCI patients who will remain stable, when compared
with other standard memory tests. In the Free and Cued Selective
Reminding test, participants are shown 16 items (e.g., grapes)
presented four at a time on a card. For each card, the participants
have to point and name aloud each item after its unique category
cue (e.g., fruit) has been provided. When all four items of a card
have been identified, immediate cued recall of those four items is
tested. Once all four items have been successfully recalled (or for a
maximum of three trials), the next card is presented following the
same procedure until all 16 items have been studied. After a brief
retention interval of 20 sec, three recall trials are proposed, each
consisting of free recall followed by cued recall (e.g., what was the
fruit?) for items that have not been spontaneously recalled. After
30 min, free and cued delayed recall is assessed. The advantage of
the Free and Cued Selective Reminding test (and RI48 test) has
been explained by the fact that it provides cognitive support at
both encoding and retrieval. Indeed, in these tests, cognitive
support consists of controlled encoding of materials by relating
the items to their respective semantic category followed by a cued
recall test where the categories serve as cues. This would facilitate
performance of participants whose main difficulties concern the
initiation of memory strategies (e.g., healthy older participants,
demented patients with frontal lesion), but not performance of
participants who have genuine difficulties with memory encoding
and storage (e.g., AD patients).60,61 Consistently, cued recall in the
Free and Cued Selective Reminding test (as well as Double
Memory test and RI48) is better than free recall in differentiating
AD from healthy aging and other forms of dementia like frontotemporal dementia, Huntington’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.62
Building upon these findings, a revision of the research criteria for
MCI has been proposed to better define prodromal AD:63 an
episodic memory deficit taking the form of ‘recall deficit that does
not improve significantly or does not normalize with cueing or
recognition testing and after effective encoding of information
has been previously controlled’ is considered the core diagnostic
The predominance of episodic memory deficits as cognitive
markers of incipient typical AD has been interpreted as reflecting
the early pathological involvement of the medial temporal lobe in
the course of Alzheimer’s dementia.64 In line with this view, the
cued recall score of the Free and Cued Selective Reminding test
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 1 – 8
was related to medial temporal glucose metabolism65 and total
recall score (i.e., free+cued recall) of the Free and Cued Selective
Reminding test was found to correlate with hippocampal volume
in patients with AD.66 Also, tasks like Paired Associates Learning
and face-name associative memory, that rely on the hippocampus
for encoding relational bounds between pieces of information,67
have a very good discriminative power for detecting MCI patients
who will develop AD.24,26,44 This is consistent with the idea that
hippocampus-dependent tasks are sensitive to early cerebral
changes in AD.
As stressed by Gainotti et al.,68 to propose an operational
criteria of the best neuropsychological predictors of conversion to
AD, one needs not only to identify specific memory tests that are
the most efficient predictors, but also to define the most
appropriate cutoff scores for discriminating at-risk individuals.
Ideally, stringent cutoff scores should be used, as stricter measures
seem to provide better prediction of conversion.69 As an
illustration, in addition to showing the adequacy of the Free and
Cued Selective Reminding test as predictor of AD, Sarazin et al.37
proposed a free recall score of 17/48 (corresponding to the sum of
free recall scores for the three trials) together with a total score
over the three trials of 40/48 as optimal cutoff score to
discriminate MCI patients with a high probability of progressing
to AD within 36 months (90%).
Beyond the episodic memory domain, poor verbal fluency
performance is put forward as a good predictor of future AD in
several population-based studies (Table 1) and a few MCI followup studies.25,31,43,49 In particular, category verbal fluency (e.g., to
provide as many animals exemplars as possible in 2 min) predicts
significant progression to AD,12,14,15,17,52,70,71 whereas phonemic
verbal fluency (e.g., to provide as many words starting with the
letter F as possible in 2 min) was less frequently identified as a
cognitive marker of AD.57,72 The relative sequence of the decline
of episodic memory and category fluency is controversial, as some
studies indicated that memory impairment arises first,14,15,17
whereas another work reported initial disruption of category
fluency preceding memory decline by a few years.70 Category
fluency tasks are multi-determined, involving mainly semantic
memory and executive functions like flexibility and inhibition.
Hence, it is not clear whether predementia impairment in these
tasks reflect early emergence of executive or semantic difficulties.
In favor of an early executive impairment is the observation that
category fluency has been found to decline together with a
measure of flexibility (Trail Making Test).14,17 Moreover, a
qualitative analysis of response production during a category
fluency task in individuals who were to develop AD 5 years later
showed that difficulties concerned switching between subcategories during word production (e.g., to cite farm animals, then
insects, birds and so on) which is an executive ability rather than
accessing many items within one subcategory that measures
semantic memory storage.73 However, given that an executive
decline would also affect phonemic fluency, the semantic account
has sometimes been favored,68,74 notably in light of the severe
semantic memory deficits found in MCI patients.74 Moreover,
Wilson et al.18 suggested that semantic memory deficits may even
precede episodic memory decline in the predementia period, a
finding paralleling the very initial decline of category fluency put
forward by Amieva et al.70
Other early neuropsychological predictors of AD have also
been described, such as visuospatial abilities,57,71,75 abstract
reasoning,13,52,70,76 recognition memory of objects48,77,78 or short
term memory for conjunctions of features.79–81 Even though
controlled episodic memory tests and category fluency tasks
emerge as the most discriminant measures that allow pointing at
future AD patients, most studies found actually that the
predementia stage of AD can involve subtle deficits in a broad
range of neuropsychological tests. Indeed, a combination of
cognitive measures often provides greater predictive accuracy
© 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease
C Bastin and E Salmon
Table 2.
Predictive accuracy of cognitive measures, neuroimaging or CSF biomarkers and combination of markers for detecting progression to AD in
longitudinal studies of MCI patients.
Follow-up duration
27 (9)
3 years
20 (9)
3 years
Borroni et al.95
Devanand et al.82
31 (18)
148 (39)
2 years
3 years
Gomar et al.96
Venneri et al.97
Schmand et al.47
320 (116)
25 (11)
175 (81)
2 years
3 years
1.6 years
—Episodic memory
—Visuospatial ability
Neuropsychology battery+SPECT
—Neuropsychology battery
Neuropsychology battery+MRI
—Neuropsychology battery+MRI
—Neuropsychology battery
—Neuropsychology battery
—Neuropsychology battery
Visser et al.
Arnaiz et al.75
Peters et al.86
40 (18)
2 years
Segovia et al.87
46 (26)
3 years
Classification accuracy
Sensitivity 91%
Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; MCI, mild cognitive impairment. N, Number of MCI patients (number of patients who progressed
to AD); MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, measure of cerebral grey matter volume or cortical thickness; FDG-PET, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography, measure of cerebral glucose metabolism; SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography, measure of cerebral perfusion; CSF, measure of tau
and Aβ1-42 levels in CSF.
than a single score.15,26,28,38,49,50,82 Thus, in the face of the
variety of measures that was found to be sensitive and specific to
early AD, future search for the best predictors should probably
consider combination of tasks assessing episodic memory,
semantic memory, executive functioning, visuospatial processing
and abstract reasoning.
Current research criteria for MCI due to AD83 and the recent
recommendations for defining preclinical AD84 incorporated
biomarkers like cerebrospinal fluid measures of amyloid and tau
pathology, medial temporal atrophy on magnetic resonance
images and reduction of glucose metabolism in the temporoparietal and medial posterior cortices or cerebral accumulation of
amyloid on positron emission tomography scans. In this context, it
seems advisable to combine several markers of AD as this may
improve prediction accuracy.
Actually, several studies have reported good predictive power
for classifying MCI patients as future AD versus stable MCI when
using combination of neuropsychological measures and biomarkers (medial temporal atrophy, temporoparietal glucose metabolism, cerebrospinal fluid amyloid, cortical thickness) (see Table 2).
Some argued that combining neuroimaging and neuropsychological markers improved discrimination accuracy compared with
each kind of predictor alone. This was in fact based on mere
inspection of classification accuracies. For instance, Visser et al.85
used logistic regression analyses to assess the predictive power of
a memory measure and the manually drawn volume of the medial
temporal lobe to classify subjects with MCI as a function of
whether they developed dementia or not in a 3-year follow-up
period. They observed that the highest classification accuracy was
obtained by combining the memory score and the medial
temporal lobe volume (96%). Memory or cerebral atrophy alone
© 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
correctly classified, respectively, 88% and 77% of the patients. In
the same vein, in Schmand et al.,47 combining a verbal episodic
memory score, hippocampal volume and cerebrospinal fluid
amyloid measure correctly predicted progression from MCI to
AD with an accuracy of 70%, whereas classification accuracy was
below 70% for each individual measure. Similarly, Peters et al.86
indicated that cortical thickness of the anterior cingulate gyrus
combined to specific memory measures yielded a classification
accuracy of 87.5% in the discrimination between stable MCI versus
MCI who developed AD. These were considered more accurate
predictions than those based on neuroimaging (75%) or cognitive
measures (82.5%) alone.
In an attempt to provide support to this observation, we
recently assessed the statistical significance of the improvement in
predictive accuracy from individual predictors to combined
markers.87 As hypothesized, combining well-known neuropsychological markers of AD (RI48 and verbal fluency scores) and
measures of cerebral glucose metabolism fluorodeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography allowed to discriminate stable and
progressor MCI patients significantly better (89%) than using
neuroimaging data alone (74%) (permutation test, P o 0.001).
Individuals who will develop AD present with specific cognitive
difficulties several years before any clinical sign of pathology is
detected. When they exhibit MCI, it is possible to predict whether
they have a high risk of progressing to the typical form of AD
(amnesic presentation) based on performance in some neuropsychological tests. Prediction of AD achieves high sensitivity and
specificity for a measure of verbal cued recall following controlled
encoding (Free and Cued Selective Reminding test, RI48). This
measure is thought to be particularly sensitive to early hippocampal neuropathological changes in AD and their cognitive
consequence, namely a specific deficit of memory encoding and
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 1 – 8
Cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease
C Bastin and E Salmon
consolidation, as opposed to a deficit in elaborative encoding and
retrieval strategies like in normal aging and other forms of
dementia. Future AD onset is also well predicted by category
verbal fluency scores. These neuropsychological measures significantly improve predictive accuracy when they are added to
neuroimaging biomarkers. This finding has been incorporated in
recent revisions of diagnostic criteria for the prodromal phase of
AD.63,83 Thus, specific neuropsychological deficits involving
encoding of new information into episodic memory and word
retrieval into semantic memory, combined with neuroimaging
biomarkers, may allow to point at older individuals with greater
risk to develop AD in coming years. Importantly, these markers
alert about an increased probability of dementia, but should not
be taken as definitive sign of future dementia. As stressed in the
revised diagnostic criteria, the combination of neuropsychological
profile and biomarkers should be used for research purposes
rather than for the sake of clinical diagnosis. Indeed, one of the
main goals of detecting at-risk individuals is the identification of
targets for testing therapeutic interventions that have the
potential of attenuating the rate of cognitive decline, such as
individualized cognitive rehabilitation programs or modification of
lifestyle, including nutritional interventions.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
CB is a Research Associate at the F.R.S-FNRS. Research conducted at the Cyclotron
Research Centre is supported by ULg, FRS-FNRS, IUAP 7/11, ARC n° 12/17-01 REST,
and SAO/FRA.
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