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2017, Social Science Research Network
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Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2015
Dans cet article, le sexe des athlktes en compktition pose un skrieux probkme critiqukpar les deux auteures qui sont des scientijques et qui questionnent le rnanque de rigueur scientifique et les mkthodes non-approprikes utiliskespar les juges. Il existe des examens de cas d'anomaliessexuelles ozi la discrimination estfhgrante. Les auteures exigent que des efforts soient intens6ks a j n d %miner ces mesures discriminatoires various World Championship events. Only women Although it has taken some time for the North American public to accept are tested, females as serious athletes, at the end presumably SO of this millennium, it is safe to say that sport that these athletes have earned respect for their professionalism in organizers Can training and representation of their catch any male sports as much as for their outstandathlete; who ing performances. What is not well known is that danslesvkrtfcationsdusexedesfemmes
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2012
Based on DNA analysis of a historical case, the authors describe how a female athlete can be unknowingly confronted with the consequences of a disorder of sex development resulting in hyperandrogenism emerging early in her sports career. In such a situation, it is harmful and confusing to question sex and gender. Exposure to either a low or high level of endogenous testosterone from puberty is a decisive factor with respect to sexual dimorphism of physical performance. Yet, measurement of testosterone is not the means by which questions of an athlete's eligibility to compete with either women or men are resolved. The authors discuss that it might be justifi able to use the circulating testosterone level as an endocrinological parameter, to try to arrive at an objective criterion in evaluating what separates women and men in sports competitions, which could prevent the initiation of complicated, lengthy and damaging sex and gender verifi cation procedures.
Sex Roles, 2010
In this paper we critically review how research on girls or women and sport has developed over the last 35 years. We use a post-positivist lens to explore the content of the papers published in Sex Roles in the area of women, gender and sport and examine the shifts in how gender and sport have been conceptualized in these accounts. In order to initiate a broader dialogue about the scholarly analysis of gender and sport, we subsequently explore ideas inspired by feminist theorizing that have dominated/guided related research in other outlets over this time period but have received relatively little attention in papers published in Sex Roles. We conclude by briefly making suggestions for further research in this area.
Journal of Sport History, 2013
Int Rev Sociol Sport, 2003
This article analyses the biographical and contextual elements favouring the involvement of female athletes playing high-level team sports in homosexual practices, a recurring issue in the sporting arena. The study takes place in the world of soccer, archetype in France — along with rugby— of a male-oriented, homophobic sociability that is unfavourable to feminization of the sport. Based on in-depth interviews and on a long observation period, this study contributes to the current scientific debate regarding the construction of identity, notably gender identity. It focuses in particular on Becker and Goffman's work on the process of normative construction. We first point out the role of female-team homosociability in the acquisition of knowledge that facilitates involvement in homosexual practices. Next, we discuss the biographical life routes — either circumstantial or relatively permanent — that tend to favour homosexuality.
African Sun Media eBooks, 2022
Gender in Sport Caster Semenya as a case in point Juri van den Heever & Chris Jones Biologists may have been building a more nuanced view of sex, but society has yet to catch up. (Ainsworth, 2015:291)
Advances in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, 2024
Today, the question of who can compete as a woman or a man in different sports is becoming more and more important. Is it biological sex that determines the legitimacy of a sport or gender identity? There is also the question of what motivates athletes to compete in the sport of the opposite sex. There are sports where it is worth competing as a man in the women's event or as a woman in the men's event. In many cases, the conflict between gender identity, biological sex and perceived self-image is indeed an inner fulfillment of the individual, while in other cases the laws allow the athlete to change gender and thus compete in the category of the opposite sex. Our research is focusing on the last 10 years of sport results in the field of Olimpic Programm, we have examined the issues that arise in sports, which we believe should be addressed in the future in all cases in order to sort out the gender categories in relation to sports. In some sports, gender segregation has a positive impact on the performance of the athlete, such as athletics, which is in the spotlight in this area. Boxing, weightlifting, skiing, etc. are among the sports in which men have a significant technical and physical advantage over women, while in gymnastics there is a significant potential for gender role reversal. As a starting point for discussion, we would like to raise the question of what is fair and what is not fair to athletes. Is there any chance for women against transgender participants?
Turcica, 2021
Eusèbe de Césarée et la philosophie. Christianisme et philosophie en Palestine au tournant du IVe siècle de notre ère, ed. Sébastien Morlet, Brepols, Turnhout, 2024
Built Heritage, 2017
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2024
Journal of 9/11 Studies, 2024
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2019
Neural Networks, 2007
Microbiologia Medica, 2018
El Cristo Viejo de Xichú. Resistencia y rebelión en la Sierra Gorda durante el siglo XVIII, 2007
Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2012
Turkish journal of urology, 2018
Nature Communications, 2021
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Nature chemical biology, 2015
Cold War Science and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge, 2015