European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
MRI of normal fetal brain development
Daniela Prayer a,∗ , Gregor Kasprian a , Elisabeth Krampl b ,
Barbara Ulm c , Linde Witzani a , Lucas Prayer d , Peter C. Brugger e
a Department of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
c Department of Prenatal Diagnosis, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
d Diagnosezentrum Urania, Vienna, Austria
e Center of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Received 11 November 2005; received in revised form 14 November 2005; accepted 16 November 2005
Normal fetal brain maturation can be studied by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from the 18th gestational week (GW) to
term, and relies primarily on T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted (DW) sequences. These maturational changes must be interpreted with a
knowledge of the histological background and the temporal course of the respective developmental steps. In addition, MR presentation of
developing and transient structures must be considered. Signal changes associated with maturational processes can mainly be ascribed to the
following changes in tissue composition and organization, which occur at the histological level: (1) a decrease in water content and increasing
cell-density can be recognized as a shortening of T1- and T2-relaxation times, leading to increased T1-weighted and decreased T2-weighted
intensity, respectively; (2) the arrangement of microanatomical structures to create a symmetrical or asymmetrical environment, leading to
structural differences that may be demonstrated by DW-anisotropy; (3) changes in non-structural qualities, such as the onset of a membrane
potential in premyelinating axons. The latter process also influences the appearance of a structure on DW sequences.
Thus, we will review the in vivo MR appearance of different maturational states of the fetal brain and relate these maturational states to
anatomical, histological, and in vitro MRI data. Then, the development of the cerebral cortex, white matter, temporal lobe, and cerebellum
will be reviewed, and the MR appearance of transient structures of the fetal brain will be shown. Emphasis will be placed on the appearance
of the different structures with the various sequences. In addition, the possible utility of dynamic fetal sequences in assessing spontaneous
fetal movements is discussed.
© 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fetal magnetic resonance imaging; Fetal brain development; Cell density
1. Introduction
A firm knowledge of the magnetic resonance (MR) appearance of fetal brain maturation is mandatory to be able to
recognize impairment of fetal brain development. While even
subtle anatomical details of the fetal brain can be visualized by ultrasound (US) [1,2], the layers of parenchyma do
not display enough impedance differences to be delineated
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringerguertel 18-20, A 1090 Vienna, Austria.
Tel.: +43 1 40400 4895; fax: +43 1 40400 4864.
E-mail address: (D. Prayer).
0720-048X/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
sonographically. Thus, the assessment of the processes associated with the formation of the cerebral mantle lies beyond
the methodological capabilities of US. MR studies, however,
can combine information about structural and ultrastructural
brain development [3,4].
2. Background
Fetal MRI is usually done after the 17th gestational week
(GW) when the main steps of organogenesis are completed
[5]. At this stage, the fetal brain consists, histologically, of
seven layers that may readily be displayed by MRI in vitro
[6]. The thickness and number of these layers changes until
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 1. Decrease in ventricular size between 18 and 24 GW. T2-weighted axial sections at the level of the interventricular foramen of an 18-week-old (a),
20-week-old (b), 22-week-old (c) and 24-week-old (d) fetus. Note the wide ventricles and thin brain parenchyma in the 18 GW fetus (a). The increasing
thickness of the pallium results in a reduced ventricular size and the five-layered appearance of the fetal brain (arrows in b and d) compare with Fig. 2b.
the 36th GW [6]. Supratentorially, in the 18th GW, the ventricles appear rather large compared to the thickness of the brain
parenchyma [7]. Later, the cerebral mantle increases more in
thickness than do the lateral ventricles in width. In addition,
the formation of the basal ganglia leads to the typical shape of
the supratentorial ventricular system. These processes contribute to an apparent decrease in ventricular size between
the 18th and 24th GW (Fig. 1). Hemispherical growth and
beginning sulcation and gyration also lead to an increase of
the skull size. In infratentorial regions, the bony posterior
fossa is formed independently of cerebellar growth [8].
3. Methods
For optimal image quality, the fetal head must be in the
center of the coil. This means a centered positioning of a
mobile coil (such as the cardiac coil) around the mother, or,
in case of the use of the body coil, a proper positioning of the
pregnant woman within the magnet. Sequences used for the
assessment of normal fetal brain development are selected
based on their ability to:
1. delineate surface structures, such as gyri, sulci, contours
of the brainstem and cerebellum, and cranial nerves; this
information is best provided by T2-weighted contrast;
2. show differences in cell density (as evolve, for instance,
during development of the basal ganglia); this may be
done using T1-weighted information;
3. display the maturing processes of the layers of brain
parenchyma, which is reflected by different signal behaviors on the various sequences;
4. visualize the predominantly premyelinating processes of
the primary white matter tracts.
As described in a previous work [9], T2-weighted,
ultrafastspin-echo sequences, T1-weighted gradient-echo
sequences, steady-state free precession sequences, and
diffusion-weighted sequences are used, with their parame-
ters adjusted to the changing ultrastructural composition of
the developing brain. MR signals of the different layers of
the brain mantle depend, on the one hand, on cellular density
[10], and, on the other hand, on the amount of extracellular
matrix [6], and the spatial course of ultrastrucural elements
4. Supratentorial cortical development
Primitive cerebral hemispheres can be detected as early as
3 weeks after conception [12], with the beginning of formation of the cortical plate after the 7th GW, in the most lateral
aspect of the cerebral wall [13]. Production of future cortical
neurons starts with symmetric divisions of neuroepithelial
cells [14] that are located in the germinal ventricular zone, as
early as five GW [15], and reaches peak performance until
GW 16 [16]. This time period also marks the end of neuroblast generation in the ventricular zone [17]. Cells originating
from the ventricular zone are direct descendants of the neural
plate [18], differentiating to both glia cells and neuroblasts.
At first, a preplate is formed in the peripheral aspect of the
brain, and contains the first postmitotic neurons, the so-called
pioneer neurons [19]. The outermost layer of the cortical plate
is called the marginal zone, the future layer I of the mature
cerebral cortex [20]. Layer I is also the result of the first postmitotic cell generation from the ventricular zone [21], and has
an impact on the future establishment of the laminar organization of the cerebral cortex [22]. While the germinal ventricular zone is the source of cells during embryology and early
fetal life, this task is transferred eventually to the subventricular zone during the latter third of pregnancy [18]. Deep
layer neurons of the future six-layered cortex are produced
in the ventricular zone, the subventricular zone gives rise to
more superficially located neurons [23] and, later in development, is the major source of glia cells [22]. The subventricular
zone lies between the ventricular zone and the intermediate
zone. Four distinct regions of the ventricular/subventricular
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 2. Sagittal (a), coronal (b), and axial (c) T2-weighted sections of a 20 GW fetus. The black arrows indicate the hypointense signal in the superior and
inferior parts of the ganglionic eminence. The laminar organization of the fetal brain is visible—the hypointense cortical plate (CP), the hyperintense signal of
the subplate (SP), the slim hypointense intermediate zone (IZ), and the hypointense ventricular zone (VZ). The subventricular zone can also be identified in
the frontal regions (asterisks).
zone have been identified: the medial; lateral; caudal ganglionic eminences; and the fetal neocortical subventricular
zone. The ganglionic eminences are thickened parts of the
ventricular and subventricular zones, partly protruding into
the ventricular lumina [18]. Anatomically, the ganglionic
eminences are a single structure, but due to the C-shaped
form, which follows the expansion of the hemispheres, the
structure is cut twice on transversal sections [24] and coronal sections (Fig. 2). Thus, a superior (medial) and inferior
(lateral) part may be distinguished [18,24]. Neurons originating from these ganglionic eminences create the transient
gangliothalamic body [25], the amygdala, the basal nucleus
of Meynert [24], and the basal ganglia and thalamus. Neurons originating from the neocortical parts of the subventricular zones are thought to migrate directly toward the
cortical plate.
Until the 20th GW, a cortical plate (giving rise to cortical
layers II–IV [20]) is formed within the preplate, by radially and tangentially migrating neurons, accompanied by an
exponential increase in cell numbers [16,21,26]. This layer
is rich in cells, and thus, appears hyperintense to the underlying subplate on T1-weighted images, hypointense on T2weighted images, and hyperintense on diffusion-weighted
source (isotropical) images. In addition, the cortical plate
shows anisotropic behavior [27,28]. This is due to the fact
that the cortical plate is predominantly composed of radially
orientated elements that create an anisotropic environment.
The subplate can be visualized adjacent to the cortical
plate. The subplate (the remnants of which form the future
layer VII of the mature cortex [20]), is a transient structure
of the developing human brain, widest around the 22nd GW
(about four times thicker than the cortical plate at that time)
and gradually dissolving after the 30th GW [6]. The subplate
serves as reservoir for neurons that form temporary neuronal
circuits in this region [29], which provide thalamocortical
connectivity. The thickness of the subplate also varies in different brain regions [6] (Figs. 1 and 2). Cells of this zone are
generated in the ventricular zone. Together with the marginal
zone and the cortical plate, the subplate builds the anlage of
the future cortex [30].
Cortical organization and cellular differentiation is accompanied by increasing synaptogenesis. Few synapses are built
earlier than the beginning of the eighth GW, and are built
more frequently with the building of the subplate [30]. When
migration is completed, neurons are locked in position by the
formation of specific axon–target interaction [21].
4.1. MRI
The germinal zone appears hyperintense on T1-weighted
images, markedly hypointense on T2-weighted [28,31], and
hyperintense on diffusion-weighted, and is associated with a
low ADC and medium-graded fractional anisotropy on postnatal scans of preterm babies [28]. The bright periventricular
band on diffusion-weighted source images (corresponding
to a dark band on ADC maps) corresponds to the intermediate zone, subventricular zone, periventricular zone, and
germinal zone [28] (Figs. 3 and 4). These signal qualities
may be ascribed to the high cell densities in this region, and
also to the microvessel density that is higher in the germinal zone than in any other region of the developing brain
[32], and to the inconsistent radial alignment in these layers
[28]. In the frontal regions, where the subventricular zone is
thick [23], it can be delineated from the adjacent layers [28]
(Figs. 2 and 3). On T2-weighted images, the hypointense
periventricular rim is thinner than the diffusion-weighted
periventricular band (Fig. 3). There, the intermediate zone
appears as a hypointense band between the subventricular
zone and the subplate [16] (Fig. 2).
The subplate appears hypointense to the cortical plate
on T1-weighted images, hyperintense on T2-weighted, and
hypointense on diffusion-weighted source images, without
showing anisotropy. These signals may be explained by a high
content of extracellular matrix in the cells, on the one hand,
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 3. Coronal diffusion-weighted sequence of a fetus at 24 GW compared to similar sections of a T2-weighted sequence. On sections marked with the slim
arrows, the anisotropic cortical plate, the intermediate, and the ventricular zones can be identified. Note the isotropic appearance of the subplate on DW images
and the difference in width on T2-weighted images (wider) and DW images (more narrow). The thick arrow indicates the anisotropy in the posterior limb of
the internal capsule. Asterisks indicate frontal crossroads.
and, on the other hand, by the variety of synapses composed of
ultrastructural elements that have random alignment, preventing anisotropical behavior. However, on diffusion-weighted
sequences, the subplate appears thinner than on T2-weighted
images. This is due to the fact that the subplate is not a homogeneous layer of tissue, with the more internal hyperintense
part corresponding to the bundle of fibers emerging from
the thalamus, which enters the subplate in a curved course
(Fig. 4).
The cortical plate displays anisotropical behavior on
diffusion-weighted sequences, as primarily radially migrating neurons create an asymmetrical environment [27,28]
(Figs. 4 and 5). A thickening of the brain parenchyma, and
a consecutive decrease in ventricular width can be detected
later, when the cortex becomes isotropical on diffusionweighted images, as synaptogenesis causes an isotropically
behaving network. Anisotropy is lost earliest in the central
regions, followed by the occipital cortex, while continuing
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 4. Axial diffusion-weighted sequence of a fetus at 28 GW, compared to similar sections of a T2-weighted sequence. The germinal zone (upper line,
arrowheads) and the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) (lower line, arrows) display anisotropy. On T2-weighted images, the PLIC does not show
hypointensity at that age.
to be present in the frontal and temporal regions until
around the 35th GW [27,28]. This development mirrors the
sequence of maturation of the primary cortical areas [16]
(Figs. 5 and 6). Recently, DWI revealed different values of
fractional anisotropy in the right and left frontal cortex, indicating a faster maturation of the right side [33].
On MR images, gyration starts with the appearance of a
shallow indentation of the fetal brain in the temporal regions
at the 18th GW. At the same time, the anterior cingular fissure and the parietooccipital fissure occur. The central sulcus
begins to be visible at 24 GW (Fig. 6). Fissures then become
deeper, tighter, and gyri bulge into the subarachnoid space.
Until the 35th GW, all primary, and most of the secondary
sulci, are present [4,16], with secondary sulci appearing from
the 24th GW, and tertiary after the 28th GW. Certain sulci
may be used as “landmarks” for a respective gestational age
[34,35], enabling the determination of age-related cortical
development (Figs. 5 and 6).
5. White matter development
The prospective white matter appears primarily between
the ventricular zone and the marginal zone, and is thus called
the intermediate zone [6,21]. This layer results from the second postmitotic wave of cells, generated in the ventricular
zone [21]. The intermediate zone increases by a factor of
3.8 between the 13th and 20th GW [21]. Oligodendrocyte
progenitor cells have their greatest proportional presentation
in this layer, guided by glial fibers [36]. Early afferents and
efferents to and from the cortical plate run through this area,
and migrating immature neurons have to pass through here as
well [22,37]. During midgestation, as many as 30 generations
of radially migrating axons, along a single glial shaft, have
been identified in the intermediate zone [38]. In addition,
zone cell groups have also been found, migrating perpendicular to the radial glia, in a tangential direction [37,39].
Neurons at the border between the subventricular zone and
the intermediate zone may constitute a path for callosal axons
[40]. Between the 15th and 29th GW, the intermediate zone
contains the sagittally orientated radiation of the external capsule, an intermediate stratum of thalamocortical afferent and
cortical efferent fibers, and a deep stratum that holds the fibers
of the callosal projections [30].
6. White matter tract formation
The directed growth of axons is an important step for
appropriate neural connectivity [41]. Thus, the phylogenetically older internal capsule and pyramidal tract form earlier
than the phylogenetically younger corpus callosum [41,42].
A primitive internal capsule is already shaped by the thalamic
axons, which emerge at the time of preplate formation [43].
Thus, an internal capsule can already be distinguished in the
late embryonic period [44]. However, in the 20th GW, the
internal capsule is only a space, filled with undifferentiated
blastic cells [45]. Later, internal capsule-forming axons are
mainly derived from the subplate [42]. The development of
pyramidal tracts also starts in the late embryonic period [22],
with axons that come from the subplate. Pyramidal decussation is complete by GW 17, and myelination is partly present
in this region at GW 25. Corticospinal fibers reach the spinal
cord by 24 GW [46]. The corpus callosum does not develop
before GW 11 in the commissural plate, collecting axons
from the cortical plate. However, the first cells to send axons
across the corpus callosum are located in the cingulate cortex
Cerebral myelination is a predominantly postnatal process
[47], progressing in a craniocaudal direction and centrifugal
manner [35,48]. While histological evidence of myelin in the
fetal spinal cord shows a spurt phase between the 15th and
21st GW [49], the first histological proof of brain myelination appears in the 21st GW, in the brainstem and internal
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 5. Development of the primary visual cortex. Coronal T2-weighted sequences of fetuses at 18 GW (a), 20 GW (b), 26 GW (c), and 28 GW (d). Beginning
with 20 GW, the calcarine fissure can be visualized. Based on the short distance between the cortical surface and the ventricle, the laminar organization of the
brain is densely aggregated at area 17. On DW images, the cerebellum is homogeneously hyperintense.
capsule [50], and in the 22nd GW, in the thalamus [36].
As oligodendrocyte progenitors are already formed during
embryonic stages, there is a considerable delay between the
generation of myelin-building cells and the onset of their
activity [36,51]. As early as about 3 months before the onset
of myelination, the number of immature oligodendrocytes
increases [51], a phase that has been called myelination gliosis [52]. Premyelinating changes, such as the appearance of
proteolipidprotein in the globus pallidus and pallidothalamic
fibers, occur in the 20th GW [53]. This reflects the phase of
transformation of the oligodendrocyte progenitors into oligodendrocytes. Recently, three phases of myelination have been
identified in the human brain [51]:
1. the formation of the “premyelin sheath” produced by
immature oligodendrocytes, with no myelin basic protein
(MBP), which is a characteristical component of mature
myelin sheaths;
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 6. Development of primary sensory and motor cortex. Axial (upper row) and parasagittal (lower row) T2-weighted sequences of fetuses at 20 GW (a), 25
GW (b), 27 GW (c), and 32 GW (d). Beginning with 25 GW, the central sulcus can be delineated as a slight indentation of the posterolateral aspects of both
2. the building of a “transitional sheath”, which already contains MBP in some layers;
3. the formation of a mature myelin sheath, which contains
MBP in all parts.
dinal fasciculus at the level of the brainstem (Fig. 4), the
internal capsule, the corpus callosum, and the optic chiasm
(Figs. 3 and 4).
6.1. MRI
7. Transient structures of the fetal brain
On MR images, the intermediate zone and the subventricular zone cannot be separated from each other [6]. They show
intermediate signals on T1- and T2-weighted sequences, and
no anisotropy (Figs. 1–3). This is probably attributable to the
different directions of fibers traversing this layer. The borders between the intermediate zone and subplate zone begin
to blur after the 27th GW, as the high water content in the
subplate diminishes.
Myelination-corresponding signals are seen on MR
images after a delay of several weeks [11,54]. However,
diffusion-weighted imaging allows recognition of premyelinating stages as well [55–57] (Figs. 3 and 4). White matter
tract anisotropy appears before the onset of myelination,
probably due to preceding microscopic changes and to the
establishment of an axon potential [59]. The latter has
been recognized as a promoter of differentiation of immature oligodendrocytes, and a stimulator of myelination [58].
White matter tract maturation is associated with an increase in
diffusion anisotropy [59]. Based on these qualities, diffusiontensor imaging may be used to demonstrate white matter
tracts in the postnatal setting [28,55,60].
Prenatally, the slice thickness (with a minimum of 2 mm)
does not allow following the thin fiber tracts continuously.
However, anisotropy images provide information about premyelinating changes in the corticospinal tract, the longitu-
In addition to the subplate that has already been discussed
above, other transient structures of the fetal brain are known,
the integrity of which are crucial for normal brain development [25,61,62]. The histological and in vitro presentation
of most of these structures are discussed in “In vitro MRI of
Brain Development.” [63]
The perireticular nucleus lies among the fibers of the
internal capsule and serves as an intermediate target for outgrowing axons [62]. The neurons of the perireticular nucleus
are thought to act as guidepost cells, which may sort corticofugal from corticothalamic fibers, directed toward either
the dorsal thalamus or toward the brain stem. In addition, the
pioneer axons, originating in the internal capsule and moving
to the thalamus, could form a substrate for thalamo-cortical
connections [64]. Involution of the perireticular nucleus has
been ascribed to apoptosis of the cells, migration [65], and
the growing of the fibers of the internal capsule, spreading the
cells further apart [45]. The neuronal axis of the perireticular
cells has been found to be parallel to the reticular nucleus axis,
and to the fibers of the internal capsule [45] (Fig. 4). Quantitatively, the average number of cells, consisting of neurons, and
non-orientated glial cells in a relationship of 1:3, was higher
in the posterior crus of the internal capsule than in the anterior crus [45]. Thus, the number of cells increases between
the 20th and the 32nd GW to sharply decrease subsequently.
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 7. At 26 GW: the T2-weighted hypointensity and the T1-weighted (T1-weighted FLAIR sequence) hyperintensity of the basal ganglia on axial images
reflect cellularity.
The gangliothalamic body is a transient structure present
between 15 and 34 GW that extends from the ganglionic
eminence to the pulvinar thalami, and consists of a stream
of migrating neurons [25]. It is located under the external
surface of the thalamus. The disappearance of this structure
is probably due to cell migration [25].
Crossroads are regions characterized by immature fibers
that result from radial and tangential migration, with a transiently high content of extracellular matrix [66].
7.1. MRI
On in vitro MR scans, the formation of a ganglionic eminence was observed by 10 GW [67]. The peak volume of
the germinal zone is reached at about 26 GW, to diminish
subsequently, persisting longest at the level of the superior
ganglionic eminence [31,62].On in vivo fetal MR images,
the internal capsule is homogeneously hypointense to the
adjacent basal ganglia on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images until the 28th [47] and 30th
GW [35] (Fig. 4), when T2-weighted hypointensity and T1hyperintensity appears in the posterior crus of the internal
capsule. However, diffusion-weighted anisotropy in the posterior crus can be detected from the 22nd GW onward (Fig. 4).
In addition, the posterior crus of the internal capsule was
shown to present with lower mean diffusivity and higher fractional anisotropy in preterm brains than most of the other
unmyelinated white matter tracts [55]. These signal changes
may be attributed, on one hand, to the increased cell density provided by perireticular-nucleus neurons and microglia,
and, on the other hand, by the creation of an asymmetrical environment enhanced by the alignment of perireticular
nucleus neurons in this region (Fig. 4).
On MR scans, the gangliothalamic body cannot be delineated from the adjacent gray matter nuclei and the ganglionic
eminence: the ganglionic body equally displays T1-weighted
Fig. 8. Coronal T2-weighted images (GW 26 (a) and GW 30 (b)) depict hyperintense frontal crossroads (asterisks).
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
hyperintensity, and T2-weighted hypointensity (Fig. 7). The
lack of anisotropy may be explained by the non-linear course
of the stream of migrating neurons.
Crossroads appear on fetal MR scans in the frontal
and occipital white matter, appearing hypointense on T1weighted, and hyperintense to the surrounding white matter
on T2-weighted images. Crossroads do not show diffusionweighted anisotropy. On fetal MR scans, these crossroads
become detectable around GW 24 and persist to postterm
stages (Fig. 8). They have also been described on MR scans
of preterm babies [68], where they have a “cap-like” appearance on MR scans [69]. Crossroads may also be visible on
MR scans in the region lateral to the posterior crus of the
internal capsule, adjacent to the caudal part of the ganglionic
eminence. They have signals identical to crossroads in the
frontal and occipital region, but appear in normal subjects
between the 20th and 30th GW, to blur subsequently with the
surroundings [70] (Figs. 1d and 2c).
8. Temporal lobe development
In the ninth GW, the hippocampal primordial can be identified histologically by its position on the medial aspect of
the developing cerebral hemisphere. The four-layered structure consists of the ventricular zone, the intermediate zone,
the hippocampal plate, and a wide and pronounced marginal
zone [71]. Specifically, the hippocampus of primates and
humans lacks a subventricular zone; thus, its anterior transition to the subiculum is demarcated early [72]. According
to the developmental pattern of the cortical plate almost all
neuronal and glial hippocampal precursors are derived from
the ventricular zone [73,74], and will subsequently assemble in the same “inside out” spatiotemporal manner to create
the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus [72]. Beginning with the second half of gestation, the thickness of the
pyramidal cell layer decreases from the designated first hippocampal subfield toward the hilus of the forming dentate
gyrus. This gradient is mirrored by the intrinsic order of subfield maturation and differentiation, beginning with the first
subfield (CA1) and ending with CA4 and the dentate gyrus,
respectively [75]. Macroscopically, the hippocampus appears
as an upright “S” shaped structure at 15 GW. At this early
stage, the first axons, reportedly derived from neurons located
in the entorhinal cortex [76] and supramammillary nucleus
[77], form synapses in the marginal zone [78]. These early
synapses are organized by Cajal Retzius cells [79,80], and
later, by GABAergic interneurons [81] derived from the ganglionic eminence [82].
During the 15th to 24th GW, cell proliferation and horizontal migration toward CA 4 [83], together with the enlargement of subicular and parahippocampal cortices, result in a
changing topology of the hippocampus. Until the 24th GW,
the vertical orientation is gradually lost, and resembles the
adult morphology positioned inferomedially in the temporal
The subsequent period is characterized by an increase in
the volume of the hippocampal formation. As most of the
pyramidal cells have already formed and are currently undergoing the process of differentiation, the cellular components
that increase in number are mainly of glial or endothelial origin. Furthermore, the majority of dentate gyrus granule cells,
which began to develop by 13 weeks, are born during the
third trimester and the first year of life [84]. Ongoing granule
cell production in the adult human brain has been detected
[85], but the dimensions and consequences are still a subject
of dispute [86]. In addition, the production of endothelial
cells in the developing hippocampus must not be neglected,
as the process of hippocampal neurogenesis is intimately
associated with active vascular recruitment [87]. During the
last gestational months, the most prominent developmental
processes are represented by the establishment of hippocampal fiber connections, paralleled by the functional maturation
of the hippocampal network. GABAergic interneurons play
an eminent role in this process, according to recent findings, which postulate an early fetal excitatory function of
this important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain
Correlative animal studies have suggested that early, synchronized activity in the hippocampal or neocortical networks
is present during late gestation [89]. Moreover, recent studies with full-band EEG recordings [90] have demonstrated
the presence of these events in human preterm babies as
well. They disappear soon after term age, together with
the appearance of hyperpolarizing (“inhibitory”) GABAergic transmission [91], roughly coinciding with the time,
when long range cortical afferent systems have reached
high enough maturity for activity-dependent plasticity to
8.1. MRI
On in vitro MR images, the immature hippocampal formation may be recognized, as evidenced in 13- and 14-week-old
specimens that showed an unfolded hippocampus along the
medial surface of the temporal lobe, bordering a widely open
hippocampal sulcus [92].
While the depiction of the intrinsic details of the hippocampal formation of fetuses in vivo is technically limited, coronal T2-weighted sequences can be used to determine the gross anatomic position [93]. As early as 18 GW,
the hippocampus appears as a slim “S” shaped hypointense
structure. A deep horizontally oriented indentation between
the parahippocampal gyrus and the forming cornu ammonis (CA), the hippocampal sulcus can be delineated in vitro
[92] and in vivo (Fig. 9). According to Humphrey [94], the
borders of the hippocampal sulcus fuse in its medial aspects
approximately at the 20th week. In the depth of the sulcus,
this process is partially incomplete, leaving residual cysts that
are occasionally detectable by MRI in adults [95,96]. At this
stage, the hippocampus is still the most prominent structure
of the medial temporal lobe. Coronal T2-weighted images of
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 9. Coronal T2-weighted sequences of fetuses at 18 GW (a), 21 GW (b), 26 GW (c), and 31 GW (d). On the left, the region anterior to the hippocampal
head is depicted. Please note the hypointense signal of the amygdaloid nucleus (black arrow). On the right, the changing morphology of the hippocampus is
shown. At 18 weeks, the hippocampal fissure can be delineated (white arrowhead).
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 10. Axial T2-weighted (left) and T1-weighted sequence of a fetus at 32 GW. The amygdaloid nucleus (black arrow) can be delineated as a T2-weighted
hypointense and T1-weighted hyperintense structure anterior to the hippocampal head. After 28 GW, a T2-weighted hyperintense and T1-weighted hypointense
signal is visible in the temporopolar subcortical region (white arrow).
fetuses between 20 and 24 GW can be used to demonstrate
the growth of the parahippocampal gyrus, paralleled by the
changing morphology of the hippocampus (Fig. 9). After 24
GW, the hippocampus shows its adult position as a horizontally oriented structure at the inferior ventricular border of
the temporal horn (Fig. 9).
The hippocampus then increases in thickness and volume.
On axial T1-weighted sequences (Fig. 10), a marked hyperintense signal is visible throughout all areas, which most
probably reflects the increasing amount of cellular components (glial, endothelial, neuronal). According to Arnold and
Trojanowski [83], myelination of hippocampal axons does
not start before 39 weeks and primarily occurs during the
first postnatal year [84]. Therefore, it is less likely to cause
a bright signal on T1-weighted images. In the future, proof
of this hypothesis should be provided by direct correlation of
imaging and histological data. After 24 GW, the different gyri
of the temporal lobe are beginning to form. The appearance of
the superior temporal gyrus (STG) correlates well with gestational age [97] and serves as marker of the regular progress of
gyral development. The posterior part of the STG develops as
early as 25 GW [98], and as the STG is detectable in the temporopolar area at 32–34 weeks, its formation is complete [93].
The collateral sulcus appears slightly after or at the same time
as the STG. All primary sulci of the temporal lobe are visible
after 34 weeks [34]. Subcortically, a prominent T2-weighted
hyperintensity within the temporopolar white matter appears
around 28 weeks (Fig. 10). This coincides with the formation of amygdalo-cortical tracts and the reorganization of the
temporal cortical plate [99].
9. Development of the amygdala
Neurons destined for the amygdaloid complex are among
the earliest postmitotic cells in the primate telencephalon
[100,101]. They are mainly derived from the ganglionic eminence [102] and migrate toward the amygdaloid nucleus.
Histologically, clustered migratory neurons are visible as
radially oriented columnar cell aggregations [102] at 12 GW
[103,104] in the lateral amygdaloid nucleus, where they persist until 24 GW [103]. After 24 GW, the basolateral nuclei
of the amygdala begin to lose their contacts to the ganglionic
eminence [102], which begins to gradually diminish by 26
GW. From now on, the macroscopic aspect of the amygdaloid
complex remains unchanged until birth, whereas major developmental events take place at the level of cell differentiation
9.1. MRI
By 18 GW, the amygdaloid complex appears as a poorly
defined hypointense area rostral to the temporal horn of
the lateral ventricle on coronal T2-weighted MR sequences
(Fig. 9). The resolution of axial as well as coronal MR
sequences is actually insufficient to depict the narrow borders of the inferiorly located hypointense ganglionic eminence. The rostral parts of the complex cannot be separated
from the thick and hypointense ribbon of the piriform cortex
[105]. Before the convolution and formation of the anterior
temporal lobe gyri begins by 31 GW, different structures
(amygdala, piriform cortex, hippocampal head) are depicted
as a continuous hypointensity at the medial temporopolar area on axial T2-weighted sequences (Fig. 10). Later,
growth of the temporal lateral neocortex advances and displaces this area more posteromedially within the temporal
A hyperintense appearance of the amygdala on in vivo T1weighted images is present by 18 weeks and persists until the
end of gestation (Fig. 10). This appearance is comparable to
the signal properties of the cortical plate and the hippocampus
and most likely reflects cellularity.
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 11. Sagittal T2-weighted sequence of a fetus at 25 GW (a). The primary fissure of the cerebellum (black arrow) separates the anterior and posterior lobes of
the cerebellum. Please note the hypointense signals at the tips of the cerebellar foliae. Coronal T2-weighted sequence of a fetus at 35 GW. The flocculonodular
lobe is visible by its marked hypointense signals (white arrow).
10. Cerebellar development
The first of four steps of cerebellar formation consists
of the characterization of the cerebellar territory from the
hindbrain. Arising from the metencephalon as well as the
mesencephalon, the brainstem and cerebellum share their
originating structures. The pontine flexure develops simultaneously with the cerebellar hemispheres during embryonic
stages [106]. Compared with the telencephalon, the cerebellum shows a delayed maturation [107]. Cerebellar development starts as early as the 5th to 6th GW, but continues after
birth [108,109]. The rate of development of the cerebellum
varies as a function of the region [110]. At the end of the
8th GW, the vermis is formed at the time of the fusion of the
cerebellar hemispheres that, later, grow faster than the vermis [106], with the vermis and cerebellar hemispheres having
their newborn-shape (but not yet size) by GW 22 [106]. As
developing cerebellar structures are very small, their detection by MRI lags behind histological proof [106,111]. On
in vitro MR, it was possible to trace the development of the
rhombencephalic vesicle or primitive fourth ventricle from
10 weeks onward, as the first morphological correlate of the
developing cerebellum [111]. The second developmental step
is cell production, also occurring during embryologic stages.
There are two primary regions (germinal zones, which disappear at birth [112]) that are thought to give rise to neurons
that make up the cerebellum. The first region is the ventricular zone (the roof of the fourth ventricle). This area produces
Purkinje cells, Golgi cells, and deep cerebellar nuclear neurons that migrate between GW 9 and 13 [112] radially into
the body of the cerebellar anlage [113]. These cells are the
primary output neurons of the cerebellar cortex and cerebellum, respectively. The second germinal zone is known as the
external granular layer. Originating at the caudal portion of
the 4th ventricle, starting at GW 11–13, a second wave of
migrating cells moves at the surface, to give birth postnatally
to the granule cell layer [113]. The third developmental step is
characterized by inward migration of the granule cells, starting in the 16th GW and continuing through the whole fetal
period [108,112]. Between 20 and 32 GW, a transient zone
appears, the lamina dissecans [114], consisting of a meshwork of migrating cells [108,112] that separates the external
granular cell layer from an internal granular cell layer. Abraham et al. [115] observed the highest proliferation rate in
this zone between GW 28 and 34. The external granule cell
layer is also a transient structure, but only involutes after birth
[112]. The fourth step consists of further cell differentiation
and formation of circuits [108], necessary for the cerebellar
function as a coordination center [116].
The first anatomical area to form is the flocculonodular
lobe [109].
The first fissure to appear in the cerebellum is the posterolateral fissure, visualized by 12/13 GW [106] and separating
the “corpus cerebelli” [117] from the flocculonodular lobe
(Fig. 11). The development of the primary fissure, deepest in
the midline (Fig. 11), follows at GW 14/15. Subsequently, the
prepyramidal, preculminate, and precentral fissures are seen
by GW 15/16, and the horizontal fissure by GW 21 [106].
The foliation of the vermis starts in GW 14, and, between 24
and 37 GW, the number of foliae in each lobule accounts for
50% of the amount in adults [110].
The deep gray-matter nuclei of the cerebellum are derived
from the ventricular zone [117]. The dentate nucleus can be
detected within the cerebellar white matter by 11 [118] or 16
GW [119].
10.1. MRI
Compared to other brain regions, the developing cerebellum has an extremely high cell density [120]. Thus, it
appears rather hypointense on T2-weighted, hyperintense
on T1-weighted, and bright on diffusion-weighted source
images. The lack of anisotropy is probably due to the different courses of migrating neurons as described above
(Fig. 5).
On MR images, the primary fissure can be recognized
from GW 20 (Fig. 11). The other fissures appear afterward,
and their delineation is strongly dependent on image quality
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
[109]. The peripherical tips of the cerebellar foliae are more
hypointense on T2-weighted images than is the depth. This
might be due to the higher density of Purkinje cells in the
periphery [110] (Fig. 11). The foliae of the vermis can be
discriminated on T2-weighted images around the 24th GW,
and those of the hemispheres at the 30th GW [121].
T2-weighted hypointensity in the depth of the cerebellar hemispheres, recognized best on sagittal images around
GW 21, has been attributed to the cell-dense dentate nucleus
[109]. The gyration of the dentate nucleus, visible from
GW 30, appears hypointense on T2-weighted images, compared to the hyperintense core (Fig. 11). The other deep
cerebellar nuclei can hardly be differentiated on fetal MR
11. Brainstem maturation
The human brainstem is formed around the sixth to seventh GW and matures caudally to rostrally, thus forming
the medulla, pons, and midbrain [122]. Medullary functions appear prior to those of the pons, which precede those
of the midbrain [122]. Brainstem development is not complete before the seventh postnatal month [123]. The medulla
houses the descending motoric tracts and the nuclei of cranial
nerves VIII–XII. The somatotopic organization of gray and
white matter in the developing medulla oblongata is rather
The most important structure of the medulla oblongata is
the nucleus of the solitary tract, an important site of central
integration and control and vital functions [124]. Anatomically, lying in the dorsal part of the medulla, this nucleus
has a craniocaudal orientation. This is also true for the corticospinal tract that is situated more ventrally (Fig. 12).
12.1. MRI
From the 24th/25th GW, the dorsal part of the pons is
hypointense on T2-weighted (Fig. 11) images and hyperintense on T1-weighted images, while the ventral part
stays hyperintense on T2-weighted and hypointense on T1weighted images until after birth on fetal MR scans [47,111].
On diffusion-weighted images, the pons appears homogeneously hyperintense with no anisotropy.
13. Midbrain maturation
The midbrain, which is least differentiated during fetal
life, contains the substantia nigra, the inferior and superior
colliculi, the nuclei of cranial nerves III–VI, and structures
that continue from the pons [122]. The most mature structures
in the fetal midbrain are related to the auditory pathways
[122]. This is mirrored, for instance, by early maturational
changes of the inferor colliculi, the relay station for auditory
input. The development of the inferior colliculi accelerates
after 18 GW with regard to columnar volumes and lengths,
areas of neurons and circularity ratios, and matures gradually
after 33 GW with regard to the maturation of Nissl bodies
13.1. MRI
On MR images, the inferior colliculi appear hypointense
on T2-weighted images from GW (Figs. 3, 5 and 11), and are
barely delineable on other sequences because of their small
14. Infratentorial myelination
11.1. MRI
Both structures can be delineated on fetal MR images as
early as in the 18th GW. While the ascending sensory tracts
are hypointense on T2-weighted images, due to cell density
and myelination, the pyramidal tract is hyperintense to its
surroundings. T1-weighted contrast is usually not sufficient
to allow a delineation of these structures. On DW-images,
both behave anisotropically (Fig. 12).
12. Pontine maturation
The pons begins to emerge after the medulla, around the
eighth week of gestation [122].
The pontine structures include the nuclei of cranial
nerves V–VIII, the tegmentum, the raphe nucleus, the locus
coeruleus, and the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Pontine
functions (reactions to acoustic stimulation, vibration) gradually evolve after 26 GW [122].
The ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar tracts and the tectocerebellar tracts are already formed during the early embryonic stages [117]. Myelination begins between the 20th and
24th GW. The first structures to myelinate are the vestibular fibers, the floccular region, and the vermian commissure
14.1. MRI
On fetal MR images, the flocculonodular lobe can be recognized as a hypointense structure on T2-weighted images
from GW 22, preceding myelination of the spinocerebellar system (Fig. 11). The inferior and superior cerebellar
peduncles show T2-weighted hypointensity at 28 GW. Subsequently, the primary, secondary, and prepyramidal fissure
myelinate, followed by hemispherical myelination of the
anterior and biventral lobe. Then, the remainder of the hemisphere is myelinated gradually, with the superior and inferior semilunar lobes and the medial parts of the tonsilla
myelinated last [117].
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
Fig. 12. At GW 28: axial DW- and T2-weighted images at the level of the mesencephalon. Arrowheads indicate premyelination in the corticospinal tract.
Arrows point at premyelinating ascending sensory tracts.
15. Fetal behavior
Fetal behavior is characterized by spontaneous and reflective movement [126]. Fetal movements require a certain
neuromuscular development and a normal metabolic state
of the central nervous system [127]. Thus, movements are
regarded as the output of the developing fetal CNS. Evaluation of fetal behavior adds accuracy to the overall assessment
of the fetal central nervous system. The first fetal movements,
consisting of flexion and extension of the vertebral column,
causes a passive displacement of arms and legs, occurring
at 7.5–8 GW [128]. Thus, unprovoked movements predate
reflectory patterns, predating afferent information that later
modulates movement patterns [126]. Coordinated, so-called
general movements are complex movements that involve the
whole body in a variable sequence of arm, leg, neck, and trunk
movements, which are observed from the 9th GW onward
[129]. At these stages, movement is not yet influenced by
cerebral input, as cortical areas important for target-oriented
behavior and their connections to functionally important subcortical areas, are not developed before GW 19 [30]. At 12
GW, isolated, random-appearing movement of the extremities is observed [130]. Hand-to-head movements occur from
the 12th GW onward, with increasing frequency [131]. From
14 GW, movements become more “organized”, the uterine
wall is touched by palms, and legs extend. Around the 20th
GW, bilateral movement is favored over unilateral movement, and hands are held preferably near the face [130].
Between GW 26 and 32, extremities are moved independently to all parts of the uterus, and extremity movement
follows a distal proximal pattern [130]. During late gestation (GW 37 and 38), movement frequency decreases, and
the dorsum of the hands rest against the uterine wall [130].
In early stages, while singular movements occur randomly,
later rest-activity stages alternate [132]. Coordinated movement gradually develops by synchronization and evolves into
the so-called behavioral states [133] that are linked to specific
parameters of the fetal heart rate pattern and eye movements
[132]. Fetal mouth movements may occur in the form of pure
mouth movements (opening and closing, swallowing, protruding the tongue, etc.) [133], or as so-called “mouthing”
movements, which are mouth movements characterized by
a specific rhythm and frequency [133]. These movements
represent ingestive cycles that have been recognized as the
core movement of human motor speech development [134].
“Mouthing” is increasingly seen in late fetal stages (after
the 34th GW), and occurs preferentially during “quiescent
stages” [135].
Fig. 13. Single acquisitions of a dynamic sequence show the head-turning movement of a fetus at 28 GW.
D. Prayer et al. / European Journal of Radiology 57 (2006) 199–216
15.1. MRI
Gross fetal movements and intrinsic movements, such as
mouthing and swallowing, can be visualized by dynamic MR
sequences. An observation period of 3 × 30 s during the MR
examination time of 30–45 min has been estimated to allow
a qualitative assessment of fetal general movements [127].
However, when movement is absent during this period, it
is not necessarily indicative of a developmental abnormality
of the fetus (Fig. 13).
16. Conclusion
Normal fetal brain development, and its functional expression in the form of spontaneous movement patterns, can now
readily be assessed in vivo. The interpretation of the findings
is based on a knowledge of the histological background, the
temporal appearance and disappearance of transient structures, and their characteristic presentation on MR images.
The authors want to thank Sampsa Vanhatalo, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University
of Helsinki, Finland for his valuable input.
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