Independent Task Scheduling in Grid Computing Based on Queen Bee Algorithm

The inherent dynamical in grid computing has made it extremely difficult to come up with near-optimal solutions to efficiently schedule tasks in grids. Task Scheduling plays crucial role in Grid computing. It is a challenge-able issue among scientists to achieve better results especially in makespan based on various AI methods. Nowadays, non deterministic algorithms provide better results for these tasks. In this study the task scheduling problem in Grid computing environments has been addressed. In this paper, Queen Bee Algorithm is used for resolving scheduling problem and the obtained results are compared with several Meta–heuristic Algorithms which are developed to solve the problem. As it illustrated, queen bee algorithm is declined considerably makespan and execution time parameters rather than others in different states.

Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec 2012, pp. 171~181 ISSN: 2252-8938  171 Independent Task Scheduling in Grid Computing Based on Queen-Bee Algorithm Zahra Pooranian*, Mohammad Shojafar**, Bahman Javadi*** * Department of Computer Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran ** Electrical and Computer Department, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran *** School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia ABSTRACT Article Info Article history: th Received August 05 , 2012 Revised Oct 1st, 2012 Accepted Oct 16th, 2012 Keyword: Grid computing Scheduling Queen-Bee PSO Genetic SA Grid computing is a new model that uses a network of processors connected together to perform bulk operations allows computations. Since it is possible to run multiple applications simultaneously may require multiple resources but often do not have the resources; so there is a scheduling system to allocate resources is essential. In view of the extent and distribution of resources in the grid computing, task scheduling is one of the major challenges in grid environment. Scheduling algorithms must be designed according to the current challenges in grid environment and they assign tasks to resource to decrease makespan which is generated. Because of the complex issues of scheduling tasks on the grid is deterministic algorithms work best for this offer. In this Paper, the Queen-bee algorithm is presented to solve the problem and the results have been compared to several other meta-heuristic algorithms. Also, it is shown that the proposed algorithm decline calculation time beside decreasing makespan compared to other algorithms. Copyright © 2012 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. Corresponding Author: Mohammad Shojafar, Electrical and Computer Department, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Barajin, Qazvin, Iran. 34197-416, Tel: +98-281-366-5275 Fax: +98-281-366-5279. Email: 1. INTRODUCTION The idea of task distribution has been considered from many centuries ago in order to achieve high speed and in other words, to save the time. In fact, Grid technology makes it possible to make use of the resources and decentralized systems and the interconnection of these systems. When the Grid technology invented for the first time, it just aimed at cooperating the resources of the system and provide a powerful system and generally it was at the disposal of research institutes. But today, there are higher expectations from the Grid and much more importance had been dedicated to it, especially in the e-commerce and the decentralized and distributed commercial systems. The modern Grids could be found in different organizations like scientific research and medicine detection organizations and also in the analysis of financial risks, Weather Forecast, designing, simulating, commercial intelligence and the transaction processing environments all over the world. In fact, Grids make use of the resources of the computers interconnected with the network and they could perform complex calculations using the resultant power of these resources. They do this by segmenting this operation and assigning each segment to a computer in the system. Journal homepage: w w w . i a e s j o u r n a l . c o m 172  ISSN: 2252-8938 One of the most important parts in the Grid systems is scheduler. Due to the vastness of grid and the assignation of each task to a specific computer and the necessity for each computer to assign a time to the grid, there is a need to use a scheduler. Scheduling plays the most important role in the improvement of grid’s efficiency. Weak scheduling increases the execution time and therefore reduces grid’s performance. Grid system performs hundreds or thousands jobs simultaneously and therefore making weak about the execution place could notoriously decrease the efficiency. But, effective scheduling or in other words, good decision – making about the execution place in NP-complete problem that faces with different challenges. Different scheduling algorithms have been proposed for grid systems; such as, max-min, min-min[1] and because of the complexity of the scheduling problem, it has been shown that using heuristic algorithms is more suitable for this purpose, different algorithms such as GA (Genetic Algorithm)[2], PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) [3], PSO-SA (Simulated Annealing) [4], TS (Tabu Search) [5], GA-TS [6], GA-SA [7] have been proposed in this area. In GGA [8], A combination of two genetic and GELS Algorithms has been proposed to solve the problem of independent task scheduling. Since genetic algorithm works weakly in local searches, combining it with GELS Algorithm has improved this problem. In this algorithm, two factors including time and the number of missed tasks have been considered. On the other hand, GGA takes much time to analyze Tasks and if the tasks are increased enormously, it is unable to perform good results in task deadlines. MSA [9] algorithm is a mutated SA algorithm to perform scheduling in the grid. This Algorithm has been applied to schedule the independent tasks and acts statistically. The difference between static and dynamic scheduling is that in static scheduling, all the data necessary for the tasks, processors, execution times and the number of processors are specified a priori. The change in this algorithm in comparison with standard SA is that in search neighboring step per temperature range more than one neighboring solution is provided. In other words, the mutated stimulation provides more than one solution and then selects one of them on the basis of its fitness function. This change provides for better solutions and increases the change for finding out the global optimization. Its weakness is searching in global problems because, it able to work in local search for tasks and most of grid tasks are assigned globally to the resources. Global searching means that algorithm is able to search whole space problem generally, but local searching could have one solution that searches part of space problem. GSA [10] is a combination of genetic algorithm and SA for solving the problem of independent task scheduling. The main function of this algorithm is finding out a solution with the minimum execution time. Since the genetic algorithm searches the problem space globally and acts weakly in local searches, by mixing it with SA which is a local searching algorithm. It is tried to resolve this deficiency and this way a mixture of the advantages of these two algorithms have been used. In a contrary, although GSA is an combined algorithm which is formed by local and global search, It able to search problem suitable, but, its searching duration raised dramatically, and it is less beneficial for grid scheduling which is dynamic and needs to schedule before task deadlines. In this Study, the Queen-bee [11] algorithm has been used for scheduling independent tasks in computing grids. In addition to this, also, four other heuristic algorithms have been used including GA, SA, GSA, PSO-SA and the results of the simulation of these algorithms have been shown. The aim of this paper is to investigate a new biologic algorithm inspire of bee insects for resolving scheduling problem with minimized mean makespan and rune-time. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the problem studied in this research is described in detail. In Section 3, the structure of the proposed algorithms is explained. Then numerical tests are established to solve the problems in section 4. This is followed by a demonstration of the simulation results. Finally Section 5 presents a summary of the research with concluding remarks and recommendations for further research. 2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The scheduling problem of independent tasks is a NP-hard problem that consists of N tasks and M machines. Each task should be processed by each M machine, as the Makespan is minimized. In other word, we have introduced a Deadline (D) for every task as each task should end its implementation before ending D. Each task can be just implemented on a resource and it is not stopped before finalizing its execution. We use the expected time to compute (ETC) matrix model. Since the proposed scheduling algorithm is as static, we have supposed that expected implementation time for each task, i, on each resources j, was determined before and was set on ETC matrix, ETC[i, j]. In this paper, we propose five meta-heuristic algorithms for the above problem. The framework of these algorithms is described in the next section. 3. THE PROPOSED ALGORITHMS In this section, we have offered 5 Meta-heuristic algorithms to solve the scheduling problem of the grid. IJ-AI Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec 2012 : 171 – 181 IJ-AI ISSN: 2252-8938  173 3.1. Queen-Bee Algorithm Human being is hard wired to achieve the best, so, the problem of optimization theory have been raised since a long time ago, but since in most cases recognizing and defining all the dominant conditions is impossible, instead of the best solution or the absolute optimal solution a satisfactory solution suffices. Therefore, due to human disability of optimization the improvement receives a specific value. In most cases the improvement is what is done for optimization. Optimization seeks to improve the performance in order to reach the optimal point or points. Algorithms which have been obtained inspiring the physical and biological rules are called heuristic algorithms. These algorithms are able to find out solution approximate with optimal solutions for the problems that there are or are not optimal solutions for them will the sound calculation time. Genetic algorithms are the oldest type of Evolutionary algorithms has been widely used to solve the optimization problems. It was first proposed by John Holland in 1975[12], but Queen Bee [13] algorithm has been proposed in 2003 for the first time. Queen bee algorithm has got common concepts with genetic algorithms like, gens, chromosomes. Population crossover and mutation operators – This algorithm has two major differences with genetic algorithm. First in the normal genetic algorithm, a cost function is calculated for the initial population and the population is arranged in proportion with increase in this function. Then some of the worst members of the population are cross out and the rest are selected which have lower cost for generating descendants. This means that equal numbers of parents are selected and using crossover algorithm they reproduce some offspring equal to the number of population disposed previously. So, the new offspring are replaced for the worst population. In Queen Bee Algorithm, the stages of selecting the initial population and classifying them are on the basis of the cost function and disposing the worst similar genetic members. But in this algorithm just one mother is selected which is the Queen Bee and the queen produces a number of offspring by mixing with male counter parts using crossover operator. Therefore the number of marriages in Queen Bee is less than this number in genetic algorithm this leads to much speed rate in this algorithm in comparison with the genetic algorithm. But the high speed rate of convergence results in the emergence of this premature phenomenon. In this phenomenon, Instead of finding out the optimum result, the algorithm converges to a local minimum. One of them mutates with a normal mutation rate and the other one does so will strong mutation by Pm probability rate which is normally higher than Pm; i.e., P’m is higher than Pm. Therefore a variety is emerged in the offspring will be more and the premature convergence is avoided. The proportion of these two probabilities is defined equal to the four parameters. You could see the Pseudo-code of the algorithm in Figure 1. // t: time // // n: population size // // p: populations // // σ: normal mutation rate // // Pm: normal mutation probability // // P’m: strong mutation probability // // Iq: a queen-bee // // Im: selected bees // 01 t 0 02 initialize P (t) 03 evaluate P (t) 04 while (not termination-condition) 05 do 06 t t+1 07 select p (t) from P (t-1) (*) 08 P (t) = {Iq (t-1), Im (t-1)} 09 recombine P (t) 10 do crossover 11 do mutation (*) 12 for i = 1 to n 13 if i ≤ (σ x n) 14 do mutation with Pm 15 else 16 do mutation with P’m 17 end if 18 end for 19 evaluate P (t) 20 end Figure 1. Queen-Bee Pseudo-code Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 174  ISSN: 2252-8938 3.2. Genetic Algorithm(GA) After offering the genetic algorithm by Holland [12], this method was completed in 1989 by Goldberg [14]. In order to use genetic algorithm to solve task scheduling problem, a number of parameters must be defined. That is described in the following parts. • Showing Chromosomes Here, a simple method has been used to present chromosomes, so that real numbers are used to coding the chromosomes. So that the numbers of gens are random numbers between 1 to k. k is the resources N.O. and the length of chromosomes is considered equal to the size of the number of input tasks. Figure 2 show a sample of chromosomes arrangement which is assigned T1 to the resource 2, R2, in chromosome2, and then the primary population of chromosomes is made randomly. T1 R1 R2 Chromosome1 Chromosome2 • T2 R2 R3 T3 R3 R4 T4 R4 R2 Figure 2. The sample of chromosomes illustration Fitness function The main purpose that is considered in all proposed algorithms in this paper for scheduling problem is to make it possible to minimize makespan. This time is considered equal to the maximum completion time for each task, i, per resource, j, in addition to the Time – Finish [j] that is calculated as equations (1) and (2) as follow: Fitness(chromosomei)= 1 makespan(chromosomei ) (1) Makespan=Max(Time_Finish[j]+ ETC[i,j] ) 1≤i≤N , 1≤j≤M • (2) Selection Operator Before using mutation and crossover operators, it is the selection step. Here tournament operator has been used of chromosome selection. • Crossover Operator Two points crossover operator has been used in the proposed algorithm. Therefore, two random points over two selected chromosomes have been chosen by previous level and the gen between these two points are transferred in chromosome (Figure 3). Parents Children T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 R3 R3 R2 R1 R2 R3 R1 R1 R3 R3 R3 R2 R3 R1 R2 R1 R1 R3 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 R1 R3 R1 R3 R1 R2 R2 R1 R3 R1 R3 R1 R1 R2 R3 R2 R1 R3 • Figure 3. A sample of operation for two-point crossover Mutation Operator In the previous level, one point is selected randomly over each chromosome and one random number in the range of 1 to M is created. Figure 4 shows a sample of this operation. IJ-AI Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec 2012 : 171 – 181 IJ-AI T1 R3 •  ISSN: 2252-8938 T2 R3 T3 R2 T4 R3 T5 R2 T6 R3 T7 R1 T8 R1 175 T9 R2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 R3 R3 R2 R1 R2 R3 R1 R1 R2 Figure 4. A sample of Mutation Operating Termination Condition Algorithm finishes when the iteration time of the algorithm reaches its maximum. The best chromosome is selected as a solution for scheduling issue. 3.3. Simulated Annealing (SA) SA method is one of the possible algorithm methods that have been offered for solving optimization problem by Kirkpatrick [15] in 1983 which has a big searching space. SA method has been originated from cooling metals. In this method, if each searching space is supposed to be s. Each s' state from searching space is a reply to the problem. The problem begins with a primary state and moves gradually towards the optimum solution by transferring from one state to another in searching space. In each iteration, SA algorithm of s’ state is selected as a neighbor and moves towards the next state from the existing possibility to the existing state or remains in the existing state. This trend continues till the relatively optimum solution is found out or it continues ill the maximum iteration time of the algorithm is resulted. Accepting the neighboring state as a reply to this problem is based on a probability. Accepting the neighboring state is considered as a solution for the problem based on a probability. If the cost of neighboring state is better than that of the existing state, the neighboring state will be accepted as a solution. The cost of this algorithm is the criteria and parameter that is used in searching a solution for the problem. So, it could go beyond the scope of the local optimum solution. In SA method, the temperature parameter (T) is used for achieving the acceptance probability of the neighboring state, so that first the maximum number of neighbors is selected as a solution and this temperature gradually reduced by increasing the number of iterations, so that before the finishing time of maximum iterations, the algorithm execution equals to zero. Therefore, increasing the number of iterations leads to a decrease in the possibility of accepting the neighboring state that has no better cost saving advantage for the problem. How T parameter reduces in each step and how to reach the neighboring state in this algorithm and also determining the primary amount for the temperature parameter (T) and the maximum number of iterations of max algorithm is considerably important. The Pseudo-code of SA algorithm has been shown in Figure 5. Showing the primary solution in the algorithm is similar to Figure 1. Also the cost algorithm is like Equation 1. t= T0 Initial Solution= S0 Best solution= S0 OF0= Object Function(S0) OF Best Solution= OF0 For i=1 to Max do { S1= Generate neighbor(S0) OF1= Object Function(S1) If OF1 ≥ OF0 then { S0= S1 OF0 = OF1 If OF1 ≥ OF Best Solution then { Best Solution= S1 OF Best Solution= OF1 } } Else { ��0 −��1 Accept= � −( � ) r= Random(0,1) if ( r > Accept) then { S0= S1 OF0 = OF1 } } T= 0.95 *t }// end For Return (Best Solution) Figure 5. Simulated Annealing Pseudo-code Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 176  ISSN: 2252-8938 3.4. GSA In this part, hybrid GSA algorithm has been formed by mixing genetic and SA algorithms. Since the genetic algorithm searches the space of the problem globally and searching local space it hasn’t any ideal performance, mixing it with SA algorithm which is a local one, it has been tried to improve this weak point and this way a mixture of the advantages of these two algorithms has been utilized. The illustration form of chromosomes is like Figure 1; also, fitness function is like Equation 1. The hybrid schema has been shown in Figure 6. As it is specified in the figure instead of assigning each number of populations to SA, after finishing the genetic algorithm, the best solution is delivered to SA algorithm so that a solution is made for it. This could reduce the calculation cost. Selection operation Random initial population Best solution Mutation/ Crossover Y Terminate condition N Genetic algorithm SA Outpu Figure 6. Hybrid proposed for Resolving Scheduling Problem Methodology 3.5. PSO-SA PSO method has been offered by Abrhat and kennedy [16] in 1995. This method has been inspired by behavior of bird flocking and schooling fish. In this algorithm, we have a swarm of the particles; the structure of this algorithm is as follow: • Initialize Swarm The first issue in using PSO to solve optimization problem is to create a correspondence between the problem and particle vector. The dimensions of the problem are equal to the number of input tasks. So the length of each particle and speed vector is considered equal to the number of tasks – the amounts in each particle has been considered as an integer random number between 1 to K. You see a population of particles in Figure 7. So that T4 is executed on resource, R4, in particle1. Then, the initial population is produced randomly and then for each particle an initial velocity vector is produced in which the amounts in the speed vector interval have been defined: T1 R3 R4 R2 Particle 1 Particle 2 Particle 3 T2 R1 R1 R1 T3 R3 R1 R4 T4 R4 R2 R2 … • Figure 7. Particle Presentation Fitness Function In order to estimate each particle defined fitness function in equation 1 has been used. The fitness amount is calculated for each particle and if the fitness amount of each particle is less than that of pbest of each particle; new coordinate is set in pbest. It is clear that in the first moment, the coordinate of each particle is considered as pbest. The best pbest is considered as gbest. • Update of the Particles Position After producing the initial particle population as Xi, a position vector has its own velocity and fitness amount. In each iteration, the algorithm of position ad velocity amounts changes by Equations (3) and (4). IJ-AI Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec 2012 : 171 – 181 IJ-AI  ISSN: 2252-8938 Vi+1= ω Vi + C1 rand1(pbesti - Xi) + C2 rand2(gbesti - Xi) Xi+1= Xi + Vi+1 177 (3) (4) In the above mentioned equation, ω is a factor of inertia weight that is obtained by Equation (5), pbest is the optimum position of the before particle and gbest is the best position of the previous position of all particles in all previous steps, Vi is position and the velocity of ith particle, rand1, rand2 are two random numbers, and C1& C2 are two constant indices. w = wmax − wmax − wmin .iter itermax (5) Where, ω max: Initial value of weighting coefficient; ω min: Final value of weighting coefficient; itermax: Maximum of iteration; iter: Current iteration; After producing the new population, it is possible that the amounts in the position vector are decimal position amounts which are invalid amounts for resources number. So, in the offered algorithm, the nearest obtained decimal amount is rounded to the nearest integer number. This trend keeps on going so that the algorithm reaches its maximum iteration number. • Update gbest by SA After finishing PSO algorithm, gbest is obtained from it is considered as the best solution to this problem. Since PSO algorithm works weakly in the local search, in order to keep away from falling into a local optimum, achieved gbest from PSO is given to SA in order to produce a neighboring solution. 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In this section, the result achieved from proposed algorithm is described and it is compared with other algorithms. Here, performance measurement is considered makespan minimizing. All algorithms are simulated in java environment on a PC with CPU 2.66 GHZ and RAM 4GB. Table 1 illustrates initialized parameters in proposed algorithm. The simulated results are shown in Table 2. Here, achieved results are surveyed for 100 and 300 iterations. Also, task numbers are changed in iteration between 50 to 500 and resource numbers between 10 to 30 resources. As a result, Queen-bee algorithm provides better result compared SA, GA, and GSA. Moreover, it produces less makespan compared to combined algorithm (PSO-SA) in three parameters. Table 1. Tuned Values of the Parameters of the Algorithms Algorithms Parameter Value Vmax number of resources PSO C1,C2 1 Initial Velocity [1, W max] ω max 0.9 ω min P-Crossover 0.1 0.85 P-Mutation 0.02 Pm 0.01 P’m 0.6 Genetic Queen-Bee Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 178  ISSN: 2252-8938 Table 2. Comparison of makespan produced by different algorithms (task, resource) (50,10) (50,20) (50,30) (100,10) (100,20) (100,30) (300,10) (300,20) (300,30) (500,10) (500,20) (500,30) (50,10) (50,20) (50,30) (100,10) (100,20) (100,30) (300,10) (300,20) (300,30) (500,10) (500,20) (500,30) iteration 100 300 SA GA GSA PSO-SA Queen-bee 136.742 98.944 71.442 307.738 190.862 138.632 973.728 585.848 384.928 1837.662 833.996 721.596 131.12 74.832 62.055 233.2 173.116 120.452 911.68 523.33 408.714 1492.616 893.262 626.162 99.198 62.496 50.53 183.49 111.1742 99.25 638.082 352.698 262.166 1105.56 602.174 449.73 89.486 60.87 47.637 172.628 111.946 90.716 570.466 327.522 253.132 1071.014 602.134 430.32 95.562 60.968 49.476 190.353 111.646 89.822 597.8 337.648 256.664 1072.362 571.796 446.646 86.98 57.304 42.932 179.062 105.314 87.846 532.968 337.428 246.48 1037.942 593.116 412.7152 89.586 53.266 40.45 167.33 100.714 73.318 511.532 288.962 216.402 887.195 504.33 352.978 87.694 53.77 41.208 167.16 100.098 70.572 526.71 296.168 205.496 896.586 493.9 339.331 93.5 60.85 45.0 177.83 105.62 73.71 521.0 315.25 248.66 1018.33 556.33 419.75 84.6 52.75 45.14 167.57 94.6 79.0 541.5 343.33 246.33 959.16 557.0 400.25 In Table 3 illustrates implementation time for proposed algorithms for 100 and 300 iterations. In fact, Queen-bee algorithm consumes less time rather than others. Hence, although it is important to run tasks in allotted resources in least possible time and based on grid environment is dynamic, proposed algorithm is more suitable compared to others. Table 3 . Algorithms Compare in Terms of Runtime iteration 100 300 (task, resource) (50,10) (50,20) (50,30) (100,10) (100,20) (100,30) (300,10) (300,20) (300,30) (500,10) (500,20) (500,30) (50,10) (50,20) (50,30) (100,10) (100,20) (100,30) (300,10) (300,20) (300,30) (500,10) (500,20) (500,30) SA GA GSA Queen-bee 0 0 0 0.2 0.8 1.4 1 1.6 2.4 1.4 2.8 3.4 0.4 1.4 1 1 2 1.8 2 3.8 3.8 3.2 5.4 6.2 2.6 3.4 3.4 8.8 5.4 6 13.4 15.4 16 21.2 22.2 26 28.2 29.2 26.6 28.2 44.6 48.8 105.4 99 108.6 90.8 111 176.6 3 3.4 3.6 5.6 6.6 7.4 16.2 18.4 20 25.8 30 31.8 10.6 12.4 12.8 17 20 21.4 48.2 55 58.2 78.6 90.4 93.2 2 2 2 5 5 4 12 12 13 19 20 22 6 8 7 10 12 13 32 38 39 53 65 65 Figure 8 provides comparison of makespan between algorithms for 300 iterations in 50 independent tasks with {10, 20, 30} resources. IJ-AI Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec 2012 : 171 – 181 IJ-AI  ISSN: 2252-8938 179 140 Makespan Comparison (in 300 Iterations) 120 100 (task, resource) 80 (50,10) (50,20) (50,30) 60 40 20 0 Figure 8: Makespan Comparison among algorithms for 300 iterations In Figure 8, PSO-SA is the best (lowest makespan) for (50, 10) state and SA is the worst one. Besides, while resources increase and reached to its double one, Queen-bee (proposed method) is the best one, although SA is fallen dramatically but it still the worst one. But, while resources are reached to 30, PSOSA will be the best, because, if we have sufficient resources PSO will be free to use them and allocate tasks to these 30 resources in less waiting time for each task in the queue of each resources. Moreover, while we have tested 50 tasks in 10 resources (50, 10) in SA algorithm, we have seen makespan has just upper than 130 units but rest of them has less than this amount. When resources increase, Queen-Bee algorithm declines makespan more than half of its amount compared to other algorithms (just upper than 40 units). 35 Runtime Comparison (in 100 Iterations) 30 (task, resource) 25 (500,10) (500,20) (500,30) 20 15 10 5 0 SA GA GSA Queen Figure 9: Runtime Comparison among algorithms for 100 iterations Figure 9 illustrates runtime of GA, SA, GSA, and Queen Algorithms for 500 tasks in different resources in 100 iterations. In Figure 9, GSA is the worst time consumer and SA is the least time consumer. Although, SA has the best solution among these algorithms but it produce worst makespan, because, it would locally in problem space and it could not search space of the problem clearly, hence, it could not produce an optimum result for makespan, so, we do not consider this method among others. As a result, Queen is the best method among others in runtime. As is shown, while free resources are grown, all algorithms takes more time to search and allocate tasks among the queue of resources. The rate of increment in Queen is less than others (approximately 4 seconds). For example, in (500, 20) state, runtime in GSA is 30 seconds; in GA just upper than 20 seconds, and in Queen is just lower than 20 seconds. Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author) 180 5.  ISSN: 2252-8938 CONCLUSION Nowadays, increase the complexity and the necessity to improve the calculating power is considered as a characteristic of scientific issues. Therefore, creating and optimizing the computing grid systems have been considered very much. Scheduling in the grid is one of the most important problems in determining the efficacy. Considering that the grid scheduling is a nondeterministic problem, hence, deterministic algorithms are not suitable. 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She has worked on several papers in decreasing time and makespan in grid computing by using several AI methods such as GA, GELS, PSO, and ICA. She has published more than 5 papers especially in grid scheduling and resource allocation in various conferences, such as WASET 2010-11, ICCCIT 2011, and ICEEE 2011. Mohammad Shojafar Received his Msc in Software Engineering in Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran in 2010.Also, he Received His Bsc in Computer Engineering-Software major in Iran University Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2006. Mohammad is Specialist in Network Programming in Sensor field and Specialist in Distributed and cluster computing (Grid Computing and P2P Computing) and AI algorithms (PSO, LA, GA). He Published two Journals in IEEE, 4 papers in IEEE, 2 papers in WASET, and two papers in WORLDCOMP Conferences Series held in USA till now. Now, Mohammad is a Faculty of Somesara Islamic Azad University in Iran. Moreover, He is a system analyzer in FFSDB project in Exploration Directorate in N.I.O.C. Dr Bahman Javadi is a Lecturer in Networking and Cloud Computing at the University of Western Sydney. Prior to this appointment, he was a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia. From 2008 to 2010, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the INRIA RhoneAlpes, France. He received his MS and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Amirkabir University of Technology in 2001 and 2007 respectively. He has been a Research Scholar at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia during his PhD course. He has served on program committees for multiple international conferences and workshops and was co-guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems on Desktop Grids. Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)