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Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth. “Yoga derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit” Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.
Today in the 21 st century we are faced with various global challenges for humanity and many other health issues such as debilitating chronic illnesses, and disorderly lifestyles which are continuously haunting the life of one and all and unfavorably affecting the balance of human life. It's a hard time to reconnect with our roots to find a stable and permanent solution and it can only be possible through YOG. Yoga is not just a gesture or posture only rather it's a way of living, an art of managing life. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. Yoga in Daily Life is an arrangement of practices consisting of different levels of development in the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. When the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and stress is under control. This gives the space to connect with loved ones and maintain socially healthy relationships. The word "Yoga" originates from Sanskrit and means "to join, to unite". Yoga exercises have a holistic effect and bring body, mind, consciousness, and soul into balance. The sole purposes of "Yoga in Daily Life"
The word Yoga, itself sounds very soulful and divine. Today, yoga is very trending among the people from old age to youngsters who want to run their life smoothly as it covers a broad range of benefits in human's life. Yoga is a method, art or discipline that have been practicing since ancient times to promotes good physical and mental health through postures and breathing technique and synchronizing the body and mind together to achieve the harmony in life. Every move makes in yoga is done very smoothly and calmly. Yoga enhances the muscles, tendons, and ligaments move through a full range of motion decreasing the chances of getting injured and making bones healthy. Yoga is for everyone and every sport. Yoga toils on strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, agility, endurance, core strength and overall strength. Athletes today include yoga on their training schedule as it works on the overall body.
Ultimate Reality and Meaning
Bulletin for Technology and History , 2023
Today, with sophisticated and technology aided education, a child and student will learn things at a great speed/understanding, while in absence of our moral values and over exposure of media, they are also learning things that will destroy the core of humanity, respect, discipline, integrity and such. To meet these needs, specialists of Yoga feel proud to inculcate Sadvidya via Yoga into our students. Of course, the ultimate goal of Yoga is moksa (liberation), although the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated. Yoga is a meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it for release from suffering, inner peace and salvation. Yoga, as the raising and expansion of consciousness from oneself to being coextensive with everyone and everything. Yoga as a path to omniscience and enlightened consciousness enabling one to comprehend the impermanent (illusive, delusive) and permanent (true, transcendent) reality.
isara solutions, 2009
Yoga derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, it means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. The science of Yoga imbibe itself the complete essence of the Way of Life, including - Gyan Yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or path of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or path of blissful action, and Raja Yoga or path of mind control. Raja Yoga is further divided into eight parts. At the heart of the Raja Yoga system, balancing and unifying these various approaches, is the practice of Yoga Asana.
Yoga is a science of healthy living. For a common man yoga is a fashion for keeping himself healthy and fit. While for some others it’s a boon for developing their concentration, memory and creativity. It helps to improve muscle strength, stamina, immune stability, perpetual sharpness, intelligence, memory, emotional stability and altogether maintain a positive physical and mental health. Yoga is a way of life for good living and for the benefit of the body. Yoga is the only way through which the body will be fit and fine without any trainer, without equipment and medicine. The word “Yoga” originated from
This article is about “Yoga”. Yoga is a practical aid, not a religion. Yoga is an ancient art based as a harmonizing system of development for the body mind and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment. Keyword: Patanjali Yog Sutra Samadhi, Sadhana, Asan, Kaivalya, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana,
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