Risk informed resource allocation policy: safety can save costs

2000, Journal of Hazardous Materials

During economic doldrums, decision making on investments for safety is even more difficult than it already is when funds are abundant. This paper attempts to offer some guidance. After stating the present challenge to prevention of losses in the process industries, the systematic approach of quantified risk assessment is briefly reviewed and improvements in the methodology are mentioned. In addition, attention is given to the use of a risk matrix to survey a plant and to derive a plan of action. Subsequently, the reduction of risk is reviewed. Measures for prevention, protection, and mitigation are discussed. The organization of safety has become at least as important as technical safety of equipment and standards. It is reflected in the introduction of a safety management system. Furthermore, the design process in a pro-active approach is described and the concept of inherent safety is briefly addressed. The concept of Layer of Protection Analysis is explained and also the reason why it is relevant to provide a cost-benefit analysis. Finally, after comments regarding the cost of accidents, the basics of costing and profitability are summarized and a way is suggested to apply this approach to risk-reducing measures. An example is provided on how a selection can be made from a number of alternatives. q

Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 Ž2000. 375–394 www.elsevier.nlrlocaterjhazmat Risk informed resource allocation policy: safety can save costs Hans J. Pasman ) TNO, P.O. Box 6006, 2600 JA Delft, Netherlands Abstract During economic doldrums, decision making on investments for safety is even more difficult than it already is when funds are abundant. This paper attempts to offer some guidance. After stating the present challenge to prevention of losses in the process industries, the systematic approach of quantified risk assessment is briefly reviewed and improvements in the methodology are mentioned. In addition, attention is given to the use of a risk matrix to survey a plant and to derive a plan of action. Subsequently, the reduction of risk is reviewed. Measures for prevention, protection, and mitigation are discussed. The organization of safety has become at least as important as technical safety of equipment and standards. It is reflected in the introduction of a safety management system. Furthermore, the design process in a pro-active approach is described and the concept of inherent safety is briefly addressed. The concept of Layer of Protection Analysis is explained and also the reason why it is relevant to provide a cost–benefit analysis. Finally, after comments regarding the cost of accidents, the basics of costing and profitability are summarized and a way is suggested to apply this approach to risk-reducing measures. An example is provided on how a selection can be made from a number of alternatives. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Investment; Profitability; Risk matrix 1. The safety challenge In pioneering new approaches, new concepts, and new materials, the community of engineers has been faced with catastrophic mishaps including over-estimation of the strength of structures. In fact, for the engineer to have become mature, it means to be able to design and build a technical installation that will be able to produce for what it ) Tel.: q31-15-269-48-25; fax: q31-15-262-73-19; e-mail: 0304-3894r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 3 8 9 4 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 8 8 - 6 376 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 has been designed for with sufficient quality against an economical price. For the chemical engineering community, it also implies that the substances and materials produced and packaged are to be of benefit to the user and society and not detrimental. Hazards shall be curbed and hazardous materials shall remain contained. The paradox is that in the 70s and 80s, with the increase of knowledge of the science of safety and engineering and the decrease on the frequency of accidents, the requirements of the general public to suppress accidents went up. It led to more stringent legislation as, e.g. by OSHA and EPA in the US and the Seveso-II directive in Europe. It also led to industry initiatives as Responsible Caree. In the US in 1985, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers founded in 1985 the Center for Process Safety in New York with about 100 corporate members. In Europe, this was followed in 1992 by the creation of the European Process Safety Centre based in the UK; EPSC has currently 35 member companies. Slowly, awareness has become apparent regarding Safety, Health and Environmental protection, i.e. the SHE-measures have become important and shall be initiated by the highest level of management of the company. These shall not be left to staff experts, but must be felt and appreciated by the company as a whole. To achieve this is as much a technical as an organizational task and it requires good communication. The human factor is a major element in safety. In the present era of pronounced market mechanisms and efficiency, the drive is to make production as cheap as possible, to save investment money where possible, and to avoid overdoing measures that just serve to safeguard. History, however, learns that in the end, safety pays well, but it requires the wisdom of a longer-term view to make this truth operational. The major companies of the chemical process industry have learned their lessons, therefore, the requirement for safety experts is to maximize inherent safety and to quantify remaining risks. The downward trends in accident indicators such as the Fig. 1. Safety performance benchmark of the multinational company Norsk Hydro based in Oslo, Norway, showing zero accidents as an ultimate goal. H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 377 Lost Time Incident Frequency ŽLTIF. and the Lost Time Incident Severity Rate have been apparent for many years ŽLost time being a worker not able to resume working the following day.. In Fig. 1, an example is given from the Norsk Hydro safety annual report 1997 w1x. The goal of zero accidents is coming in sight. The challenge to the engineering community is to further improve safety under severe economic pressure. In the process of renewal and innovation, there is also the challenge to be able to predict the hazards; to determine beforehand both the maximum effect and the probability of occurrence. With the aid of statistical methods, we learn to deal with uncertainty; however, we shall be beaten by ignorance. To protect against phenomena which are fully unknown is almost impossible. Hence, there is a challenge to safety research to further improve methods and gain knowledge. This paper will address the methodology to consider the costs involved in improving safety and how to make the best judgement given investment limitations. 2. Systematic hazard identification and risk assessment 2.1. Hazards in the process industries Knowledge of material properties and hazard mechanisms is elementary for safety. In addition, thoughtful design of components like pumps, flanges, etc. is crucial to improve technical safety. Engineering codes and standards contributed much to improvement. For larger installations, the whole system shall be examined; systems analysis is required. Potential accident scenarios shall be conceived, to determine the likelihood and possible consequences. The most complete textbook in this field is: Loss Prevention in the Process Industries w2x. In the 70s, analytical methodology of risk assessment came in use for process installations. In its ultimate form, it became quantified and was called Quantified Risk Assessment ŽQRA.. It was originally derived for nuclear safety studies and is known in that field as Probabilistic Safety Assessment ŽPSA.. QRA developed rapidly in the 80s, specifically the consequence analysis segment. In Fig. 2, the various steps in risk assessment are shown. Initially, it was seen as a means for governments to more strictly regulate safety. Fierce politically motivated discussions followed. An EFCE Study Group on RA published a report in 1985 w3x of which a second edition came out in 1996 w4x. Today, the methodology is widely used and remains under development. As was shown at a recent CCPS conference in Atlanta w5x, it is finally becoming applied to support decision making within a company to assist safety investment policy and to meet the self-set safety goals. 2.2. Identification of an unwanted eÕent The imaginative capability of a human being for something that he has never experienced before, is rather limited. We, therefore, need techniques to stimulate the 378 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 Fig. 2. Flow diagram of risk assessment: tasked by the Netherlands government, TNO prepared manuals on calculation of physical effects, Yellow Book Ž1., of damages and their probability, Green Book Ž2. and the probabilities of accident scenarios, Red Book Ž3.. human mind and to structure the collection of information. The most widely spread technique is ‘HAZOP’ ŽHazard and Operability Study.. The method originated in ICI w6x. On the basis of an engineering line diagram, a team of engineers, preferably with different backgrounds and led by an experienced chairman, would systematically check the effect of deviation from the design conditions. This is done by use of guide words like ‘No’, ‘More’, ‘Less’, ‘Reverse’, etc. and consideration of possible effects. A drawback is the time needed to perform HAZOP. A recent estimate for a team to do one piping and instrument diagram is a week of roughly 80 man hours w7x. To enhance the productivity of the exercise, there have already been several attempts to support the HAZOP by knowledge-based computer systems tapping from incident data banks, as e.g. FACTS w8x, or applying a neural network to obtain a learning effect. Alternative identification techniques are the What-If method w9x, Index methods w10,11x, Cause– Consequence Analysis w12x, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis w13x. Helpful in the identification and scenario development is the logic diagram approach of the Event Tree w2x, to identify possible hazard effects branching out from an ‘Initiating Event’ and to H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 379 show the various possibilities of fire, explosion, and toxic dispersion given loss of containment. 2.3. Quantification of consequences The calculation of physical effects and the damages due to those effects is also called consequence analysis. For certain critical design features, a quantitative consequence analysis can be required. It consists of two stages: effect and damage analyses. The physical source terms, i.e. the outflow of hazardous material due to a leak, spray release if it was stored as a liquid under pressure, jet flow, pool formation and evaporation, neutral or heavy gas dispersion, heat radiation from pool and jet fire, flame balls, the blast from vapour cloud explosions and BLEVEs, and the fragments of ruptured vessels are calculated w14x. In this field, the concepts are relatively well developed. In The Netherlands recently, the third much improved edition of the Yellow Book w15x has been published Žin English. and TNO is about to launch EFFECTS software under Windows which will make consequence analysis easier. The EFFECTS give input to the estimation of damage in the environment, e.g. on the basis of probit functions w16,17x. These are compiled in the Green Book, which has been put into the DAMAGE software. A consequence not considered in great detail is the ecological effect. Attempts to include this in quantitative risk analysis are increasing. Consequences are expressed as the ratio of predicted environmental concentration divided by the no-effect concentration ŽPECrPNEC.. 2.4. Quantification of expected frequency To determine event probability, it is necessary to obtain reliable information regarding accident statistics and failure probabilities of piping and other equipment such as vessels and tanks. Fault Tree Analysis ŽFTA., as developed for Reliability Engineering w18x, helps to estimate the frequency of an unwanted ‘Top Event’ from a logic model of failure mechanisms of a system; it does not resolve all uncertainties. In chemical processes, often delays occur as in a runaway reaction. This is not simple to handle in FTA. Likewise, there are dependent and common cause failures also due to chemical problems associated with contamination, fouling, etc. The Human Factor in design, operation, and maintenance provides another element of uncertainty. 2.5. Rapid ranking and the risk matrix Consider a chemical plant. Because of the complexities of reality, a full analysis of all possible incidents and scenarios is, given limited resources, impractical. Therefore, an order of magnitude ranking of events is desired before any detailed work is to be carried out. A risk matrix approach is often the solution Žsee Fig. 3.. The plant is sectioned and for the various parts, estimates of the order of magnitude of the damage due to an unwanted event and the expected corresponding frequency are estimated. Frequencies range from once in a year until once in 10 million years, while the event damage has been grouped in five classes. These classes have been specified in Table 1 380 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 Fig. 3. Risk matrix approach of consequence class vs. expected frequency with the areas indicated in which a certain action level is required. Žsee, e.g. Refs. w5,19x., with some modification by this author. The financial part of the damage can range from US$10,000 to over US$100 million. The serious cases, either due to their high frequency or due to their effect, are collected along the first rows and the columns most to the right, while in the upper right corner those appear, which must be addressed without delay in more detail and need to be quantified ŽQRA.. The company itself will set the risk criteria. The application of QRA for high risk parts of an installation is now starting to produce results for industry and to improve safety. In the off-shore industry, this trend was already visible some time ago Žsee, e.g. Vinnem w20x who put, e.g. probability values to the strength of semi-confined gas explosions.. Table 1 Consequence class characteristics Consequence class Plant personnel Community Environment 10 10 2 10 3 No lost time Single injury )1 Injury No notification Permit violation Serious impact 10 4 Fatality 10 5 Multiple fatalities No hazard Odorrnoise Injuries; local news Injuries; regional news Fatality; international news Severe short term effects Disastrous effects, long term Financial loss, k$ Ž$ is US dollar. -100 )100 )1000 )10,000 )100,000 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 381 After hazards are identified and consequences estimated, risks can be evaluated. This shall be followed by suggestions for risk reduction: prevention–protection–mitigation. Economic pressure, however, will lead companies to perform risk management in such a manner that process safety will be linked to business objectives. In this context, quantified risk analysis is increasingly becoming applied in cost–benefit considerations. Below, we shall see how this can be achieved. 3. Risk reduction measures 3.1. Safety management system (SMS) The organization of safety has become at least as important as technical safety of equipment. Attention of management to safety matters has proved to be of utmost importance and it is a major improvement in the past 10 years that this has been understood in many large companies. SHE ŽSafety, Health and Environment. shall be no less important than production, quality, cost, and personnel w21x. It should reflect in installing a safety management system in both production, as in trans-shipment or storage facilities. The critical ingredient is leadership directed towards the desired level of safety performance. Management systems are comprehensive sets of policies, procedures, and practices designed to ensure that barriers to major incidents are in place, in use, and effective. The functions to be distinguished are planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. An SMS is therefore a true management system. According to an early CCPS publication on this topic w22x, an SMS contains 12 elements: 1. Accountability, i.e. clarity in objectives Žwho is responsible for what, which lines of communication, how to report and audit. 2. Process knowledge and documentation, records of design criteria and management decisions 3. Critical project review and design procedures for new or existing plants, expansion, and acquisition 4. Process risk management including encouragement of clients and suppliers to conform 5. Management of change of technology, facility or organization, both temporary and permanent 6. Process and equipment integrity Žreliability, materials, installation, inspection, maintenance, alarms. 7. Human factors Žerror assessment, task design, man–machine interface, ergonomics. 8. Training and performance Ždevelopment of programs, design of procedures, manuals. 9. Incident investigation Žnear-miss reporting, accidents, follow-up. 10. Standards, codes and laws Žin- and external. 11. Audits and corrective actions 12. Enhancement of process safety knowledge by research and improvement of predictive techniques. 382 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 Table 2 Principles of inherent safety w23–25x 1. Intensification 2. Substitution 3. Attenuation 4. Limitation of effects 5. Simplification Žchange early-on. 6. Avoiding knock-on effects 7. Making incorrect assembly impossible 8. Make status clear 9. Tolerance 10. Ease of control 11. Administrative controlsrprocedures 3.2. Inherent safety The concept, strongly promoted by Kletz w23–25x starting 15 years ago, is creating great furore. Recently, a CCPS committee published a concept book on the topic w26x. The 11 principles inherent safety is based on are given in Table 2. A practical checklist is given by Lutz w27x. The EU sponsored project INSIDE w28x, in which TNO participated, has brought together a variety of inherent SHE expertise for process development and plant design, since August 1994. The concepts have been developed to produce the Inherent SHE Evaluation Tool INSET w29x. Embracing the inherent safety concept in a company implies breaking down communication barriers between the various subcommunities such as management, engineers, designers, and maintenance personnel. Ashford and Zwetsloot w30x advocate a technology options analysis in an inherent safety opportunity audit. The experience with such an audit is highly encouraging. 3.3. Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) To evaluate safety of existing installations or plans for a new plant — after developing a risk matrix and focusing on the major issues — severity of consequences and likelihood of undesired events are quantified where necessary and thus mapping risk. The next step is to perform layer of protection analysis ŽLOPA., i.e. defining which independent protection layers ŽIPLs. are in place Žsee Dowell w31x.. The concept of LOPA can be depicted as in Fig. 4. It can also be considered as series of independent layers of defense against undesired events and their effects. The first layer can be process design and the mechanical safety system including pipe specifications, relief valves, etc. On top of that, an organizational safety system is put in place with procedures, an SMS, quality designers, quality operators, and maintainers, etc. Then a basic control system follows with process alarms and operator supervision. The next layer of defense will be that of critical alarms and manual intervention. The probability of human error leading to hazardous situations can be lowered by a layer consisting of H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 383 Fig. 4. Independent layers of protection around a process installation Žsee, for example, Ref. w26x.. an automated system: the safety interlock system or emergency shutdown. A further protection layer can be obtained by an emergency pressure relief. Subsequently, a structural safety system can be installed with concrete cubicles, safe haven Žoff-shore., fire and blast walls, dikes, passive fire protection, etc. As final layers, emergency response planning can be prepared both for the plant and the community outside. Risk reduction needs to be quantified per identified layer. In the event that layers fail, the impact on the environment shall be considered. As with HAZOP, LOPA is performed by a multidisciplinary team. For each IPL, the Probability of Failure on Demand ŽPFD. is to be determined. This includes not only equipment reliability, but also human error. A Safety Instrumented System ŽSIS. or interlock based on a Programmable Electronic System ŽPES. can also be used as an IPL. According to standard IEC 61508 Žand ANSIrISA S84.01., it shall fulfil a specified target Safety Integrity Level ŽSIL. w32x. These run from 1 to 4 corresponding to PFD 384 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 value ranges from - 10y1 to G 10y2 at SIL 1, to - 10y4 to G 10y5 at SIL 4. At the same time, false alarm rate shall be extremely low. Establishing the adequacy of protection layers can be combined by studying opportunities for automation, manpower reduction, and other cost reduction at the same time. The trend will give new stimulus to improving consequence and other models and collecting reliability data. Consequence model predictions on close-in effects should become more reliable and reflect the probabilistic distribution of effect intensity better. Because of automation, this will include the reliability of programmable electronic systems ŽPES. or what is generally known as computers and software. Certification of emergency shutdown systems and other safety critical systems are interesting topics. 3.4. Maintenance Maintenance statistics are to be used in the analysis of the effectiveness of the protection layer over the life cycle, thereby maintaining a balance between availabilityrquality and safety. Chemical plants are complicated; there are many components sometimes functioning under adverse conditions. A number of companies have created their own information gathering system with the aim to improve inspection and maintenance schemes. Certainly with instalment of process computers and high integrity protective control systems, including redundancy and diversity to avoid common cause failures, reliability considerations are essential. As large investments are at stake and well-chosen maintenance schedules can reduce cost significantly, research will continue to improve methods and obtain better data. An example is Reliability Centered Maintenance ŽRCM. with which maintenance of pressure equipment can become optimized with respect to availability by applying Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and by subsequent prioritization. A variant based on Bayesian statistic is Structural Reliability Analysis ŽSRA, developed by DNV.. Optimizing for lowest risk is Risk-Based Inspection ŽRBI.. For the process industry the method is still under development w33x. 3.5. Design reÕiews The design of a new plant will be a focus for further cost savings, both in effort, and in time of realization. By use of computerized tools, the design process itself is producing better results and making more efficient trade-offs. At different stages in the development of a process, several companies have introduced formal reviews on the basis of safety studies in increasing detail as the design progresses Žsee James and Wells w34x.. At the exploration stage Žconceptual engineering., a process safety study — supported by experiments if required — can help to avoid risky process routes or hazardous chemical intermediates and by-products. Event data banks on accidents may be consulted. At the process and project specification stage Žbasic engineering., significant hazards and their causes shall be identified in order to make necessary design changes timely as soon as a process flow-sheet is available. Management decision on further investment in licensing detailed design and cost estimates is opportune Žfor an example, see the procedure depicted by Falke and Kuschnerus w35x.. H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 385 When a detailed line diagram and full operating instructions are available Ži.e. at the detailed design stage and the development of specification., HAZOPs and where necessary more detailed studies shall be performed like FTA and consequence analysis. This shall result in a process safety management audit. At actual plant construction, an operability review, and after commissioning an operating review Žor pre-start-up safety review. shall take place to confirm whether plant operation is consistent with the design basis. An additional design aspect is the consideration of ergonomics such as the location of valves, the accessibility of equipment for maintenance and repair, etc. The advent of modern computational techniques promises further progress in plant siting and structural design, and the provision of temporary refuge and escape routes for personnel on off-shore platforms. Mitigation of the effects takes many forms. In Fire Hazard analysis, the obvious goal is to minimize damage; fire protection, therefore, is an established expertise. It can be attempted to dissolve toxic or flammable clouds in water sprays or to lift them by steam curtains. Also emergency planning aims to minimize the consequences of an accident. In an industrial project, it shall be considered at a stage in the design process before plant layout is decided. It follows the same pattern as risk analysis of the plant itself. In addition, the planner shall address two important aspects: - the emergency organization in acute operation must be able to cope with nonsteady activity with rapid and unforeseen changes: crisis management; - cooperation with Žthe surrounding. society is vital during major accidents including the demanding task of provision of adequate information. Efficient crisis management takes the interaction with the media into account. Powerful information technology tools become available to assist in quick, effective decision making. TNO prepared a project for the Rotterdam–Rijnmond public regional emergency service. It is linked to fire-brigade, police, medical service and companies. It makes use of new concepts of military command and control information technology. It is based on a geographic information system, displaying maps of the threatened area including actual information on, e.g. toxic release, estimated cloud contours, messages on traffic jams, etc. all in real time. It is controlled from the coordination centre of operations; the latest updates are available to all involved via intranet, enhancing ‘situational awareness’. The infrastructure provides access to data banks and models like TNO EFFECTS, which can be consulted during the incident. 4. The costs of accidents In 1974, the first International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, took place in Delft, Netherlands. Webster w36x pointed out that ‘Safety is Good Business’. At that time, his paper drew little attention and it even had to be renamed as the original title ‘Safety is a Money Spinner’ was not acceptable because of the ethical aspect of safety. However, Webster’s message was clear: in analogy of the 386 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 Fig. 5. Accident pyramids show the spectacular serious accidents at the top, but serve to remind us that overall seen total losses at the base are much larger. well-known accident pyramid, at which one can perceive against one serious accident at the top one to two orders of magnitude larger number of minor accidents and again a larger number of near misses on a lower plane. So when considering cost, the pyramid is applicable as well. Accidents are costly due to lost working days, but also due to lost production, damage to equipment and plant, investigation time and liability claims. The pyramid may be steep: the serious event will be costly, but due to their sheer number minor accidents, which will go past more or less unnoticed, will in total cost more. The pyramid is reproduced as Fig. 5. Explosions followed by fire can have a notoriously high damage effect on plant. The vapour cloud explosion accident following a massive gas release at the Phillips polyethylene plant in Pasadena, Texas in 1989, is known as the most costly accident so far. The financial losses were at least US$1400 million due to equipment damage and interruption of business. They exceeded those of the disaster of the Piper Alpha, the off-shore platform in the North Sea that was wrecked too by explosion and fire. ŽFor more data on financial losses, see also Ref. w37x.. 5. The costs of safety 5.1. InÕestment and profitability Standard concepts of process economics are summarized below, while reference is made to Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook w38x. H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 387 Annual sales income minus various types of annual expense minus annual tax and minus expenditures of investment capital Žin particular, the first year. produces an annual cash flow A CF . In calculating profitability from cash flow figures, depreciation of assets is taken care of by including in the calculation capital recovery. Profitability can be expressed in different ways. A simple measure is the payback period ŽPBP. in years. This is the number of years required to accumulate a cash flow equal to the amount of fixed capital cost C FC assuming the scrap value is zero. A current, more adequate method for determining profitability is calculation through the Net Present Value ŽNPV. of the project. This takes into account the so-called time value of money. The present worth of money P is related to the value F of that money j years in future through the discount factor, being the reciprocal of the annually compounded interest i over j years: j P s F ) fd Ž j . ; fd s Ž j . s discount factor Ž over j years . s 1r Ž 1 q i . . When considering the profitability of an investment over a life cycle of n years, the NPV Žat the moment of the investment. is built up from the discounted cash flow annual values at years 0, 1 . . . n: n Ž A DCF . j s Ž A CF . j ) fd Ž j . ; Ž NPV. s Ý Ž A DCF . j . js0 A measure of profitability is the Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return ŽDCFRR., which is the interest r producing up until and including year n a value of ŽNPV. s 0. It means that the return on investment is such, that at year n, the project generated sufficient money to pay all expenses and taxes and to raise the money to repay the original investment. Unlike the usual investment that generates income, an investment in safety measures may only prevent a negative cash flow to occur when an accident would happen. The cost terms are the fixed capital cost at the start of operation and cost of maintenance. These have to be placed against the cost an accident would cause in case the safety measures are not taken. However, we do not know whether and, if so, when the accident will happen. In the original state an accident frequency or event likelihood p 0 wyeary1 x and expected loss D 0 can be estimated producing a risk p 0 ) D 0 . After risk reduction measures are installed, the residual risk is p 1 ) D 1. The difference: p 0 ) D 0 y p 1 ) D1 s D Ž p) D . expresses the risk reduction. It is usually almost equal to the original risk, since the residual risk is relatively small. The investment results in a reduced expected annual loss cost A LC s DŽ p) D .. ŽThe maintenance cost for the safety devices can be included in the latter.. In analogy with the above formula for the NPV, a discounted loss cost at j years from now can be calculated as: Ž A DLC . j s Ž A LC . j ) fd Ž j . . Suppose the life cycle of the project is n years. The safety device investment shall be such that the reduced accumulated discounted loss costs over that period are larger than H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 388 the investment required, or the loss NPV shall be larger than or equal to the fixed capital cost, C FC , invested in the risk reduction. Hence: n Ž NPV. D loss s Ý Ž A DLC . j G C FC . js0 ŽNote that in case of cash flow, the negative capital expenditure is included in the terms. This is not the case in the terms of loss cost.. Since A LC has a constant value DŽ p) D . in all years, the terms of the discounted loss cost at 0, 1, . . . n years in this equation can further be evaluated to: D Ž p) D .  Ž 1 q i . n y 14 r  i Ž 1 q i . n 4 G C FC or D Ž p) D . rfAP G C FC , in which fAP is called the annuity present-worth factor. As an example, consider a plant built for 20 years. The interest value on investment capital is 10%. The fixed capital cost in safety equipment is 250 k$. The value of DŽ p) D .r0.117 shall then exceed 250 k$ or the risk reduction DŽ p) D . G 29.3 k$. Assume p equals one event in 100 years or 10y2 wyeary1 x, then on average, the investment is adequate if the possible damage reduction does not exceed 2940 k$. In case the life cycle foreseen would be only 5 years, an investment of 250 k$ would be justified if at the same event frequency, the loss reduction could become at least as high as 6600 k$. Since safety devices may need to be installed on the basis of government regulations and licensing and not on the basis of economics or because the loss may include elements which cannot be expressed in money value, the above reasoning will often be of no value. 5.2. Cost optimization When a larger project is studied and safety features are considered, for economic reasons, the costs of the installation shall be minimized over the life cycle of the asset. Total cost Ct can be written as the sum of initial investment costs C FC , maintenance costs Cm , other running costs including insurance Cins and decommissioning costs. In fact, for the life cycle costs as a whole to be calculated, it is required to develop a lifetime scenario the installation could be exposed to in terms of availability, and the capacity profile it will operate on. Other factors will be derived from that. In case risk reduction is considered, for given investments, residual risk has to be estimated in terms of probability and damage. As above, damage is formulated as the economic loss D as a consequence of an event occurring and the expected event frequency p wyeary1 x. The expected overall life cycle cost of safety will then be: Ct s CS FC Ž p, D . q Cm Ž p . rfAP q Cins Ž p, D . rfAP q p) DrfAP . Both investment costs, maintenance, and insurance costs are a function of the event probability tolerated, the first two increasing with risk reduced, the latter decreasing. Total cost can be plotted as a function of risk, in which the first two terms are taken together on the curve increasing when the risk decreases, while at the same time, the H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 389 Fig. 6. An optimum can be found in the total costs of safety, when risk reductions are applied. loss curve increases Žsee Fig. 6.. So at a certain value of the residual risk, the total cost is at minimum. 5.3. Loss of life A problem is how to take into account loss of life and other grief caused by the accident. When claims are expressed in money value, it is relatively simple. On loss of life, much has already been written Žsee, e.g. Ref. w38x.. It can be expressed as the value of a person’s future economic output of earnings, together with a notional sum for ‘pain, grief, and suffering’ felt by those affected by the death. Along this line, one arrives at an order of magnitude ŽUS$3.5 = 10 5, 1989. per fatality averted. However, there is more to it. The challenge is to avoid any fatality, even injury as mentioned at the introduction. Therefore, depending on economic strength, the investments to save a life go up to several millions, till, e.g. $5 = 10 6 ŽRef. w39x specified the amounts in Pound Sterling as £2 = 10 5 and £3 = 10 6 , respectively.. 5.4. The law of large numbers Probability is a statistical quantity expressing the likelihood of occurrence of the event over a given time. It involves uncertainty. The event likelihood is distributed. For this type of event, the ‘memory-less’ exponential or Poisson distribution is usually applied. Besides a mean value, there is a dispersion connected to it. The expected mean is the frequency p wper yearx. It will show itself when a sufficient number of cases can be considered. So either the statistic concerns a component that repeats itself often enough in the plant or it concerns the plant as a whole, but in that case, the company should own a number of these plants in the world to make the statistics feasible. Depending on the number of cases considered, confidence limits can be specified. 390 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 Fig. 7. Graphical means to obtain an overview of the relative costs of various safety measures to curb a risk, and the cost-effectiveness of these measures as derived from the tangent slope of the optimum risk reduction envelope w40x. 5.5. Limited scope: selection of alternatiÕes If a certain case is considered in which risk shall be reduced and a number of options are available, a graphical procedure can be followed. This can be done in a graph of risk as a function of costs of alternative risk-reducing measures Žsee e.g. Fig. 7 as shown in Ref. w39x.. It is more effective to design a decision matrix. As an example, we can consider a petrochemical plant in which, if no further risk-reducing measures would be taken, a scenario of a minor incident of a leak in piping and a major accident caused by fracture of a tank or vessel could occur. The first could lead to a small explosion followed by a small fire, the other to a strong blast, followed by a catastrophic blaze. Then, risk reduction measures are studied. A relative small investment would reduce the risk of the small explosion; a large investment would be needed to reduce the risk of the heavy Table 3 Decision matrix for risk reduction measures, minor leak Options of C FC wk$x p 0 resp. D 0 wk$x NPV0 loss DŽ p) D . NPV Dloss C FC q risk reduction p1 wyeary1 x D1 wk$x Ž20 years, 10%. wk$ryearx Ž20 years, 10%. NPV0 loss wk$x wk$x wk$x No measure Small Medium Large 0 100 1000 10,000 10y1 10y2 10y3 10y4 10 5 10 4 10 3 ;10 5 ;10 4 ;10 2 ;1 0 9000 990 10 0 ;10 5 ;10 4 ;10 2 ;10 5 ;10 4 ;10 3 ;10 4 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 391 Table 4 Decision matrix for risk reduction measures, major leak ; is approximated value. Options of C FC risk reduction wk$x p 0 resp. D 0 wk$x NPV0 loss DŽ p) D . NPV Dloss C FC q p1 wyeary1 x D1 wk$x Ž20 years, 10%. wk$ryearx Ž20 years, 10%. NPV0 loss wk$x wk$x wk$x No measure Small Medium Large 10y3 10y4 10y5 10y6 0 1000 10,000 100,000 10 8 10 8 10 7 10 6 ;10 6 ;10 5 ;10 3 ;10 0 90,000 9900 99 0 ;10 6 ;10 5 ;10 3 ;10 6 ;10 5 ;10 4 ;10 5 explosion followed by fire. Calculated are the NPV y values of the original risk and the reduced risks for the situations of a minor and a major leak. The difference loss Ž Dloss. is always taken incremental, i.e. relative to the previous less stringent option Žthe line above.. The last columns of Tables 3 and 4 contain the sum of the capital investment cost in the risk-reducing measures and the NPV y value of the original risk. It can be concluded that with the parameter values selected, the risk reduction measures for the medium reduction produce the largest benefit. The large reductions prove to be too costly in both cases. Then also the criterion of NPV Dloss to be larger or equal to the capital cost is not met. The law of the diminishing returns has clearly its effects here as well. 6. Conclusion Despite the ever decreasing trend in accident frequencies, there is a strong challenge to improve safety. This is not only because expectations have gone up and regulations have become more preventive of nature. Although of course every life lost is one too much, the reason for the challenge is also an increasing financial incentive to improve processes and to produce less hazardous substances. Due to worldwide competition, cost reduction obtains priority and this is a driving factor for down-sizing the work force as well as investment in automation and inherent safe production. In this paper, it is shown that by the technique of, e.g. decision matrices, optimization of cost vs. safety can be achieved. Since this results in a larger demand for models and data, there is also a challenge to improve scientific risk assessment methods. Notation AIChE BLEVE CCPS DNV EFCE EPA EPSC American Institute of Chemical Engineers Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion Center for Chemical Process Safety ŽAIChE, New York, USA. Det Norske Veritas European Federation of Chemical Engineering Environmental Protection Agency, USA European Process Safety Centre ŽEFCE, Rugby, UK. 392 H.J. Pasmanr Journal of Hazardous Materials 71 (2000) 375–394 EU FTA HAZOP HF HSE IChemE IPL ISO LOPA LTIF NPV OSHA European Union Fault Tree Analysis Hazard and Operability Study Human Factors UK Health & Safety Executive Institution of Chemical Engineers Independent Protection Layer International Organization for Standardization Layer of Protection Analysis Lost Time Incident Frequency Net Present Value Occupational Safety and Health Administration, of the US Department of Labor Programmable Electronic System Probabilistic Safety Assessment Žnuclear energy. Quantified Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Safety, Health and Environment Safety Management System Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek ŽApplied Scientific Research. United Nations United States Žof America. PES PSA QRA RA SHE SMS TNO UN USŽA. Acknowledgements The critical remarks of my colleagues at TNO, Jitse Schaafsma, Gerard Opschoor, Rolf Perie´ and Nettie Veldhoen for the improvement of this paper are acknowledged. 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