Serv Bus (2011) 5:155–172
DOI 10.1007/s11628-011-0108-8
Innovation and imitation effects in Metaverse service
Sang-Gun Lee • Silvana Trimi • Won Ki Byun
Mincheol Kang
Published online: 5 June 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
Abstract This study examines the innovation and imitation effects in Metaverse
service adoption. ‘‘Metaverse services’’ is a collective term for services such as
Augmented reality, Life logging, Mirror world, and Virtual world. Among them,
Twitter, Google, iPhone, and Secondlife (T.G.I.S) are the most popular services/
products these days. To measure the adoption of these product/services, the most
commonly used are IP traffic and iPhone sales. Thus, in this study, we measured
adoption by measuring changes in the IP traffic volume of,,, and sales for iPhone during a 2-year period
(from the first quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2009). To analyze this time
series data to reveal the innovation and imitation effect, we employed the Bass
model. The results showed that each of these services yields different innovation
and imitation coefficient values. Imitation effects for all Metaverse services are
greater than innovation effects, and Secondlife’s innovation effects are larger than
others. Also, iPhone sales, as a measurement for information and communication
technology (ICT) products, showed greater innovation effects than the other
S.-G. Lee W. K. Byun M. Kang
College of Business Administration, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749, Korea
W. K. Byun
M. Kang
S. Trimi (&)
Department of Management, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 209 CBA, Lincoln,
NE 68588-0491, USA
S.-G. Lee et al.
services. Implications are drawn to explain these differences, such as, Googlemap’s imitation effects are based on network externalities, while Twitter’s imitation effects are caused by the interactions of individuals; iPhone sales’
innovation effects are explained by the timing of the measurement.
Metaverse iPhone Bass model Innovation Imitation Service
1 Introduction
Not so long ago, when people started connecting to each other through a wired
communication system, the Internet, it brought about a revolution in the rate of
users’ adoption of the technology involved. As wired technology has migrated to
mobile technology, users could more easily communicate anywhere and at any time.
Today, coupled with smart devices such as the personal digital assistant (PDA),
laptops and smart phones, wireless technology is opening up the possibility of a real
ubiquitous society, as Weiser (1995) predicted that technology would become so
ubiquitous that society takes new technology for granted as being inseparable from
everyday life.
The ubiquitous gadgets and their corresponding services will have a transformational impact on society as a whole and the lifestyle pattern of its citizens
(Agarwal and Lucas 2005). Among these gadgets, smart phones are now bringing an
outpouring of diverse services toward the Metaverse. Metaverse is a combination of
the ‘‘meta’’ (beyond) and ‘‘universe’’ and is a three-dimensional virtual space that
uses the metaphor of the real world ( It is a combination of
virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the internet. Thus, Metaverse consists of four
major dimensions: Augmented reality, Life logging, Mirror world, and Virtual
world, which are established on the criteria of: Augmentation versus Simulation and
External versus Intimate (
iPhone is perhaps the most popular and well-publicized device made by Apple
Inc. According to a Gartner report in 2009, 2.5 billion applications were
downloaded, and 99.4% of the downloads were from the iPhone’s application
store. Given that Metaverse services are mainly enabled with these diverse
applications, it seems that iPhone is the most promising candidate for the world of
Several of such applications were originally web-based services on PC. However,
smart phones take these applications outdoors and augment them through the
location-based (GPS) and individual-based (compared to PCs, phones are truly
personal, belong to one individual) that only smart phones provide. Thus, Twitter,
Google, iPhone, and Secondlife (T.G.I.S) was coined as an expression of this
technological enjoyment in the new era. Based on the definition and the above
discussion, we can say that T.G.I.S parallels the Metaverse concept.
In this article, we observe Metaverse services to analyze and compare the users’
adoption patterns among these services. To draw implications about innovation and
imitation effects, we utilize Bass’ theory. This article is organized as follows: Sect.
Innovation and imitation effects
2 presents a review of relevant literature; Sect. 3 explains the research model used
and develops the hypotheses; Sect. 4 provides the research methodology for data
collection and analysis, and the results; Sect. 5 discusses the findings of the study;
and Sect. 6 concludes with the study’s implications.
2 Literature review
In reviewing relevant literature, we first examine previous research on the
dimensions of Metaverse and the criteria for the classification; second, the
characteristics and the role of smart devices in social interactions; and finally,
measurement of S-shaped technology adoption.
2.1 Types of Metaverse
Being an unprecedented concept, the definition and classification of Metaverse
remains little explored in academic fields. Metaverseroadmap took the first step in
defining Metaverse in 2007 and set the academic background by classifying Metaverse
into Augmented reality, Life logging, Mirror worlds, and Virtual worlds (Table 1).
The criteria for this typology are based on the level of Augmentation versus
Simulation, and the level of External versus Intimate (Fig. 1). Augmentation refers
to technologies that add new capabilities to existing real systems. These
technologies superimpose a calque of information layers over the physical
environment so that people can have control of it. Simulation refers to technologies
that model realities into virtualities. This process simulates the physical world as the
locus for interaction. Intimate technologies focus inwardly, on the identity and
Table 1 Dimensions of Metaverse
Dimensions of
Technologies enhance information about the external physical
world. This information is layered and networked so that
individuals can exploit it
Life logging
Augmentation technologies record and report the intimate states
and life histories of objects and users. They are largely divided
into two kinds: Object Lifelogs, which record the environment
and condition of the physical world, and User Lifelogs, which
record users’ lives
Mirror world
Mirror worlds are informationally-enhanced virtual models or
‘‘reflections’’ of the physical world. This world codes external
sources such as environmental and geospatial information into
the web
Virtual world
In contrast to the existing virtual worlds, the newly-emerging
virtual worlds gradually simulate the economic and social life of
physical world communities. The extreme simulation opens up
the possibility that individuals can have a second identity in a
virtual world
Adapted from
S.-G. Lee et al.
Fig. 1 Classification of Metaverse (
actions of the individual or object, while External technologies focus outwardly,
toward the world at large (
2.2 Smart devices as the mean for the rise of Metaverse services
Implementation of the Metaverse world is enabled by technological support.
Perhaps one of the most influential changes for Metaverse during the last few years
has been the massive distribution of smart devices. Smart devices encompass smart
phones, PDAs, handheld consumer devices with Internet access, and the accompanying suites of accessible services (Bergman 2000). As described by Hong and
Tam (2006), the characteristics of these smart devices as multipurpose information
appliances are that they have a one-to-one binding with the user, offer ubiquitous
services and access, and provide a suite of utilitarian and hedonic functions. Also
Lyytinen and Yoo (2002) note that smart handheld devices can successfully deliver
nomadic computing.
Among those smart devices, the most recent and popular type is the smart phone.
The global smart phones market grew 90% in the third quarter of 2010 alone, with
vendors shipping 81 million smart phones, which accounted for 20% of all mobile
phones (Kirk 2010). The smart phone is almost always available, making it an ideal
system for pervasive and supportive social computing (Beale 2005).
Consumers’ decision-making process on adopting a new product involves not
only the mass media but also individual factors like word-of-mouth, personal
preferences, and experience (Mahajan et al. 1990). Interpersonal communications
constitute an important medium especially for social groups that are hardly reachable
by mass media advertising (De Valck and Van Bruggen 2009; Kiss and Bichler
2008). Therefore, social interaction and imitation effects can cause an abrupt rise in
technology adoption. Bass’ imitation model of technology adoption (Fig. 2) shows
Cumulative adopters
Innovation and imitation effects
Fig. 2 The Bass/Mansfield imitation models
that during the imitation period the adoption rate rises exponentially (the concave
section). Bass explained the imitation effect with the word-of-mouth: people are
influenced by their peers’ behaviors of technology adoption.
2.3 Technology adoption measure
While smart phones trigger more social interaction which results in an abrupt
growth of Metaverse services along the service adoption curve, it would be of
interest to find out how to measure such change so that one can draw implications.
The adoption of IT services has a long history and has been one of the most popular
topics in the information systems field (Davis 1989; Taylor and Todd 1995).
However, traditional research on IT adoption is not fully applicable to modern
multi-purpose appliances. Several other relevant factors have been identified in IT
products diffusion, and the old models have been criticized because of their inability
to account for the modern complex and networked technologies (Lyytinen and
Damsgaard 2001).
The evolution of Internet-based peer-to-peer services and avalanche-like
diffusion of them demonstrate the difficulties of using traditional models to predict
the adoption of such services (Kivimaki and Fomin 2001). As the diffusion of
multiple-purpose devices is closely related and highly sensitive to users’ communities in Metaverse, peer influence effects are expected to be found. Thus, adoption
will be reflected in an interrupted time series data which is difficult to explain.
Rogers (1995) argues that when firms that have adopted an innovation contact the
non-adopting firms, their evident superior performance will encourage non-adopters
to adopt the innovation, and this results in the rapid growth stage, in an S-shaped
diffusion curve. Another popular innovation diffusion models is in the marketing
S.-G. Lee et al.
field: the Bass model. This model assumes that the adopters of an innovation
comprise two groups. One group is influenced only by mass-media communication
(external influence) and the other group is only influenced by the word-of-mouth
communication (internal influence). Bass termed the first group ‘‘Innovators’’ and
the second group ‘‘Imitators’’ (Bass 1969).
Innovation diffusion models have been traditionally used in the context of sales
forecasting (Mahajan et al. 1990) which is only one of the objectives of diffusion
models (Kalish and Lilien 1986). In addition to forecasting, many researchers have
used these models for descriptive inferences. For example, Olshavsky (1980)
employed the Bass model to explain that product life cycles (PLCs) of consumer
durable goods are shortening because of rapid technological development, and Kobrin
(1985) used it to establish that the pattern of oil production nationalization is a social
interaction phenomenon. Takada and Jain (1991) exploited this model to reveal the
different patterns of diffusion according to national cultures. We also chose Bass
model in this study, as our purpose is to measure the Metaverse service adoption
pattern influenced by innovation and imitation effects.
3 Research model
For this study, we use Metaverseroadmap’s typology to group T.G.I.S: Twitter as
Life logging, Secondlife as Virtual World, and Googlemap as Mirror World. We did
not considered Facebook here since its characteristics overlap that of Twitter. We do
not conduct analysis for Augmented reality as it represents a challenge for
collecting the data. In contrast to Life logging, Mirror world, and Virtual world,
Augmented reality services are mostly based on mobile applications rather than
web-based (we use IP traffic as a measurement unit). Finally, iPhone sales data are
measured in unit sold (Table 2).
3.1 Hypotheses development
Rogers (1995) theorized about the diffusion of innovation in terms of timing. He
suggests IT adoption is influenced by a process of communication and social
influence, and this forms an S-shaped curve as shown in Fig. 3. The sequential
process in the adoption curve is: Innovators, Opinion leaders, Early majority, Late
Table 2 Metaverse T.G.I.S classification
What we employ
IP traffic
Life logging
Mirror world
Virtual world
Sales data
iPhone 1G, 2G,
3G, 3GS
Innovation and imitation effects
Fig. 3 Category of adopters in sequence and S-shaped curve (Rogers 1995)
majority, and Laggards. Rogers pinpointed that the major and abrupt increase along
the S-shaped curve is generated among the Early majority and the Late majority and
is explained by overcoming the chasm that exists between the Opinion leaders and
the Early majority. A chasm is the transition phase where sufficient momentum is
needed to create the de facto standard (Moore 1991).
In order to create imitation effects within groups, a social interaction is needed so
the product or service could overcome the chasm. Many Metaverse services were
pioneered as starts-up a few years ago as wired web-based services. With the
introduction of iPhone and its current massive diffusion in the number of users and
services in the last 2 years, Metaverse services offered and used have increased and
are getting into the stage of mass growth. People are interacting more and
influencing each other for products and services they use. Therefore, we can assume
that the Metaverse services have already passed the chasm and are causing imitation
effects among the groups of services. Thus, the following hypothesis is drawn:
H1 In the adoption process of Twitter, Googlemap, and Secondlife, imitation
effects is greater than innovation effects.
As a social network-based service, Twitter has spreads into market through
human networks. Within the service, users leave their opinions for other users to
read them casually. Readers selectively enroll opinion uploaders as those with
whom they have a close-knit relationship or those who are their favorite celebrities.
S.-G. Lee et al.
Thus, Twitter is an in-born social network service that strongly follows the imitation
diffusion pattern.
Googlemap also relies heavily on the imitation diffusion pattern. As the number
users on a certain network increases, so does the utility for that service. Googlemap
originally started a merely web service, but now many other applications that
exploit Googlemap have emerged as the number of users has dramatically increased
over years.
Unlike Twitter and Googlemap, first time users of Secondlife need to learn much
more about the new virtual world, need to be more innovative. However, once users
learn and are involved in using the service, their imitation effect becomes stronger.
Thus, one can induce that Twitter and Googlemap’s strong network effects surpass
their innovation effects (Lee and Lim 2009; Lee et al. 2010), thus have a lower
innovation effect than Secondlife. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed:
H2 The innovation effects for Twitter and Googlemap is smaller than that for
Schumpeter deemed technological progress as a process of ‘‘creative destruction’’ in which existing products are superseded by innovations of new ones (1942).
In the same mode, Hague (2002) presented the PLC point of view whereby
improved products lead to rejuvenation of PLC as shown in Fig. 4.
We have witnessed such abrupt technology development in the market place
during the last two decades where the greater the innovativeness of the technology,
the shorter the time taken for diffusion. Figure 5 provides an insight into the speed
with which new technologies have taken over the older ones. Many competitors are
entering the information and communication technology (ICT) market and
businesses, continuously introducing new products and services to seize a greater
market share.
In contrast to tangible ICT products, innovative services have more stayingpower from inertia. For example, the service of Googlemap has continued while the
devices that support it have been constantly replaced over time. Unlike tangible
goods, services are almost exclusively based upon person-to-person interaction
(Gremler and Brown 1996). These interpersonal relationships are important for the
development of loyalty to services (Berry 1995) and it takes time to build them thus,
Fig. 4 Rejuvenation of the PLC (Hague 2002)
Innovation and imitation effects
Fig. 5 Years taken until 25% of US population used the technology (Simon 2010)
making the life span of innovative services longer than that of ICT products.
Considering that the iPhone is an ICT product, and Twitter, Googlemap and
Secondlife are services, we propose the following hypothesis:
H3 The innovation effect on sales (adoption) is greater for iPhones than for
Twitter, Googlemap, or Secondlife.
4 Research methodology
4.1 Bass model
Mahajan and Muller (1990) developed a white-noise model as a null hypothesis.
They argued that the difference in the number of adopters at times t and (t - 1) is
random, implying that the rate of diffusion is driven by the error term as follows:
xðtÞ ¼ xðt 1Þ þ eðtÞ
The nonlinear least squares method was used in this study because a linear method
has some limitations like the multicollinearity and nonavailability of standard errors
for crucial parameters: p (coefficient of external influence), q (coefficient of internal
influence), and m (number of eventual adopters).
We adopt the Bass model against the null hypothesis to explain the diffusion due
to imitation and innovation effects. Bass shows that based on the timing of the
technology life cycle, the diffusion of technology will show a different shaped curve
(Fig. 6).
Imitation effects are presented as exponential growth in the graph. Unlike the
innovation effects curve where the speed of adoption becomes slower at the end,
imitation effects bring about more adoption by communication among group
members which results in exponential spread of the technology.
Bass theory implies product adoption by individuals is due to both internal
(word-of-mouth) and external influences (mass communication). Word-of-mouth,
S.-G. Lee et al.
Adoptors N(t)
Adoptors X(t)
The Bass/ Mansfield Model ( imitation and innovation)
Time (t)
Time (t)
Fig. 6 The Bass/Mansfield model (imitation and innovation)
which largely encompasses the concepts of social norms, the bandwagon effect,
social interaction and so on, leads to imitation effects. It is within-group influences
that lead to the imitating of what others do. In contrast, adoption by external
influences refers to product’s or service’s innovation. Users’ perceptions solely of
the product are considered but have nothing to do with those of other users. Bass
incorporates these two factors, developing the following equation as a mixed model.
¼ ½p þ qNðtÞ þ ½m NðtÞ
where N(t) is the number of cumulative adopters, p is the coefficient of external
influence (imitation), q is the coefficient of internal influence (innovation), and m is
the market potential or potential number of ultimate adopters (Venkatraman et al.
4.2 Data selection
There has been a significant amount of research on the adoption of technologies,
which did not precisely measure the actual usage. When one measures web-based
service adoption, measurement by the number of registered users is not valid
because registration does not guarantee actual use. Recently, there are many internet
service companies that provide data gathered from IP traffic. These data are often
used in the marketing field. Among them, Unique Visitor and Visits are the most
popular indicators for website usage. We collected two-year time series data from
one of these traffic information companies, the
Wollebaek and Selle (2002) separate the notion of scope and intensity. Scope is a
concept that represents the size of the membership while intensity indicates the
participation of members. Intensity is measured by the amount of time the members
spend in a certain session. Thus, we borrow the concept of intensity to reflect the
actual usage of the services. In this study, we use Visit counts, an IP traffic indicator.
Unlike Unique Visitor, which reflects only IP traffic information logged onto a site
(and thus is counted as one hit regardless of the length of the stay), data of Visits are
initiated when a user logs onto a site. As the user stays on the site, the Visit is live.
Visits are counted during the stay for every 30 min interval.
Innovation and imitation effects
4.2.1 for Life logging
The example of Life logging focuses on capturing life records. These records might
be letters, photos, music, movies, or daily activities. In an interview, Gordon Bell, a
researcher at Microsoft explains that the use of proves that people
instinctively capture more life records whenever there is an easier way (Elgan
2009). Metaverseroadmap defines Life logging by two characteristics: Object lifelogs and Users lifelogs. Twitter represents Users lifelogs, since users can log their
intimate details via Twitter in real time.
4.2.2 for Mirror world
In 2006, Google first introduced ‘‘Google Maps for Mobile’’ for any Java-based
phone or mobile device. This was a basic form of utilizing web-based service on
mobile phones. Subsequently, in November 2007, ‘‘Google Maps for Mobile 2.0’’
was released. It introduced a more advanced function of tracking users’ location,
and this service became available and flourished on several mobile platforms
including the iPhone in December 2008. Any device that has wireless communication capability can connect to the website and get the geographical information. In
contrast to iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G is equipped with GPS. This allows users to have
more personalized location services. The service areas are diverse. People can
exploit the GPS function for navigation, real life social networking, or location
tracking games.
4.2.3 for Virtual world
In this study, is used as a representative example. Although there
are several other virtual worlds, such as online games and social networking sites,
only fits the characteristic of Metaverse. Secondlife is the Internet’s
largest user-created 3D virtual world community. Kumar and Chhugani note that
Secondlife presents a single persistent world where users can transparently roam
around without predefined objectives and it is the most popular Metaverse (2008).
Gartner predicted 80% of active internet users would have a Secondlife account in
the virtual world by the end of 2011 (2007).
To support Secondlife service availability on mobile phones, various efforts have
been undertaken. For example, there are applications such as VolleeX, and Sparkle
IM. VolleeX acts as a bridge between a mobile phone and a Vollee server running a
PC game or application. Sparkle IM is especially oriented to the iPhone, connecting
the virtual world with its users.
4.3 Coding process
We coded the Bass formula into SAS software with the gradient method. The
purpose of using the gradient method is because of its function of fixing the number
of potential adopters of iPhones during a specified period of time, 2 years in this
study. As the mass distribution of iPhones took place during the fourth quarter of
S.-G. Lee et al.
2008, we collected data that spans the period from December 2007 to December
In terms of data purification, large numbers of IP traffic values were divided into
reasonably sized sets for convenience. Also since we needed at least ten units of
time series data, and more data is better than less, we used per-month data rather
than per-quarter data. For the analysis of each service, the tests were conducted
several times applying different parameters for p, q, and m, to make sure that the
result would not be seriously biased by them.
4.4 Results
In our proposed model, a fixed number of adopters is expected to reach at the end
point by design. Thus, we could draw two curves: the actual measurement and the
theoretical one for a comparison.
Twitters’ visit counts revealed a significant model fit, as shown in Fig. 7. Another
major finding was that imitation effects were larger than innovation effects. The
graph clearly indicates adoption was boosted right after the fourth quarter of 2008.
Users’ Visit counts on Google maps also highly exceeded Bass’s expectations, as
shown in Fig. 8. In addition, there was a big increase around the fourth quarter of
2008, the time of the iPhone 3G release. The growth of Google maps’ visitors more
closely follows the model fit. Although the coefficients, the innovation factor, p and
the imitation factor, q were about the same as those of Life logging, Mirror world
had a higher significant F value than Life logging.
The results for Virtual world shows that the model fit and null value were not
significant, as shown in Fig. 9. Even though the graph visually shows us that the use
of surged when the iPhone’s use spread massively in the market
during the fourth quarter of 2008, this model does not appear to reject the null
hypothesis. This is mainly because of the indented shape of the actual use graph.
Although an explicit increase in the number of adoptions was shown, this did not
yield constant usage.
Fig. 7
Innovation and imitation effects
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Interestingly, the iPhone sales curve appears to perfectly fit the Bass model, as
seen in Fig. 10. iPhone sales encompass data for iPhone 1G, iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G,
and iPhone 3GS. This indicates the product has evolved fast enough for users to
replace the old version with a new one which accelerated the sales. Good model fit
makes it easier to predict its life cycle as to when the iPhone will mature and how
big the market size will be.
We conducted an extra analysis for iPhone sales. It is worth forecasting the future
sales of iPhones, as smart phones have been demonstrated a powerful support for
Metaverse service diffusion. We answer this by measuring expected sales of the
iPhone in the future, as shown in Fig. 11.
Table 3 summarizes the results of our analysis. There are several important
points that deserve our attention.
S.-G. Lee et al.
Fig. 10 iPhone sales
Fig. 11 Forecast of iPhone sales
First, the results tell us that the q levels for all dimensions are much greater than
the p levels. This means imitation effects are much greater than innovation effects,
supporting our H1. Second, the p level for Virtual world is about two or three times
higher than that of Life logging and Mirror world although it did not have a
significant F and t value. However, this does not imply that the Virtual world results
are meaningless. This is because we employed IP traffic information to measure
usage intensity, and the weak t value is due to the occasional minus diffusions that
could often happen among IP logs. As Bass’ experiment was based on products, not
on services, he did not consider recessions as normal phenomena and defined them
as a white noise model. Thus, considering the experiment condition, although the
F and t values were not significant, we judge the high p value for Virtual world to be
meaningful. Third, iPhone sales as an ICT product showed greater innovation
effects than Metaverse services. For ICT products the time period of their
Innovation and imitation effects
Table 3 Test results
iPhone sales
Parameter estimation
p (innovation effect)
q (imitation effect)
F value
0.73 (not sig.)
Model fit
Hypothesis testing
Null value
Test statistic
t = 2.54**
t = 1.32 (not sig.)
t = 1.55 (not sig.)
t = 2.65**
p \ 0.1,
p \ 0.05,
p \ 0.01
replacement by the new products is faster than services. When replaced, the product
starts to exhibit some new innovation effect again and again.
5 Discussion
We have found that Twitter, Googlemap, Secondlife, and iPhone, all show greater
imitation effects than innovation effects. From this result, we assume that Metaverse
services are now in the maturing stage in service adoption. Although we gained a
weak t value for Secondlife, we believe this comes from the characteristic of Virtual
world that it simulates reality into virtuality. This requires high-end devices perform
the task. Since the iPhone’s hardware and applications cannot support the simulation
fully as yet, it may result in user resistance. Also, unlike Googlemap, a mirror world
where services are more external world-oriented, Virtual world users may not find it
beneficial to use intimate services on mobile devices. Thus, the effects of
intermittent recessions were found on the graph for these reasons, and subsequently,
an insignificant q coefficient occurred.
We also found an interesting result for Googlemap. We can borrow the concept
of network externality to explain the result. Network externality means that the
utility that a given user derives from a good depends on the number of other users
who are in the same ‘‘network’’ (Katz and Shapiro 1985). This concept has been
further developed to explain the reason for imitation effects in regard to the product
usage. Katz and Shapiro (1985) explain network externalities in the manner of
competition and compatibility. In other words, the wider the scope of the
technology, the more inter-business competition and thus technology compatibility
comes into play. As Googlemap shows significant imitation effects, we can predict
that there will follow more related services and technology infrastructures.
We believe Twitter’s imitation effects will be derived from users’ social
interaction within the service, because unlike a mirror world, Twitter, which is Life
logging focuses heavily on individuals’ information. Resnick (2002) suggests social
S.-G. Lee et al.
interaction, mediated by technology may produce ‘‘SocioTechnical Capital’’. This
socio technical capital is upgraded with the help of technology. Girgensohn and Lee
(2002) also argue that such capital causes future social interactions through webbased technology. As community networks become stronger than ever in support of
smart devices, and since people continuously leave trails of their lives on the web,
this behavior can be intensified with the help of smart devices in the years to come.
Technologies that are in the business of connecting people to people are now in
high demand. Thus we conclude the imitation effects shown in Twitter are more
based on the human community, rather than the scope of technology usage.
Metaverse grows as technology is opening up the possibility of seamless and
ubiquitous computing. As we noticed in relatively high innovation effects for the
iPhone with a perfect F value, it is a relatively new product for customers compared
to other Metaverse services. Perhaps this is because the iPhone is a tangible product
with the flexibility for diverse purposes, and thus the users are more sensitive to its
innovative aspects than their former devices. We believe this is the main reason that
the evolution of iPhones 1G, 2G, 3G, and 3GS has been so fast. Thus, we conclude
that now the timing is right for enterprises to focus on ICT products that support
Metaverse services more intensively because they can survive only through constant
investment in innovation.
6 Conclusion
Research on Metaverse is still at an early stage, and most Metaverse research is now
being conducted at the conceptual level as compared to other diversified methods in
IS studies. This research analyzed the four dimensions of Metaverse with different
characteristics in the hope that it will help pave the way for technology diffusion
analysis in the field. From the industrial point of view, this research can shed new
insights to Metaverse service entrepreneurs about future directions for the industry.
They can exploit the implications of how technological Augmentation and External
affect social interaction, thus leading to S-shaped growth in the years to come.
Because there are not many generalized theories about Metaverse due to its short
history, the efforts to research the service adoption based on the Bass model will
provide a new resource for decision-makers in the relevant industries.
Although measuring the intensity of Metaverse service usage represents a new
ground, continuous research of Metaverse and its relationship with smart devices
requires many improvements in analysis.
First, since this research used the Bass model to reveal the intensity of the usage,
the experiment conditions are a bit different from those of the original Bass study.
Bass employs an enterprise system while we used IP traffic. Using IP traffic has pros
and cons. For pros, we can mirror the usage more accurately, and for cons, the
information is volatile in that it contains occasional falls and causes a weak t value.
Thus, to have stronger experimental support, it would be better to use cumulative
data and at the same time incorporate data that mirror the intensity of usage in
further research. Second, it would be better to include other variables that affect the
Metaverse distribution. There are other variables than just innovation and imitation
Innovation and imitation effects
effects, such as changes in users’ preference and cultural values, the launch of new
business services, or changes in government policies. Therefore, a comprehensive
approach incorporating business, cultural, political, psychological, and sociological
factors should be used in the future.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the
Korean Government (KRF-2009-32A-B00055) and completed with Ajou university research fellowship
of 2009–2010.
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