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In his book, Man’s Search For Meaning, psychologist Victor Frankl recalled his experiences in Nazi concentration camps, saying: "…There were always choices to make. Every day, every hour offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you would become the plaything of circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity to become moulded into the form of the typical inmate." At its heart, the study of everyday politics and everyday resistance seeks to establish the validity of such a statement, not only in the horrific circumstances of the holocaust, but in everyday interactions. These decisions, choices, and powers can also accumulate to shape larger political processes and outcomes. To understand the meaning of everyday politics, this essay will begin with a review of definitions. The remainder will then be framed around three classical studies and their critiques: Kerkvliet’s (2005) study of peasant politics, Scott’s (1985) research on everyday resistance, and finally Nina Eliasoph’s (1997) work on the political apathy in American communities. In addition to the established literature, there are an endless number of examples where one can see the real implications of everyday politics, some of which will be included throughout. Through classic and applied studies, it is clear that everyday politics and resistance is crucial to not only understanding, but altering political processes and outcomes. As Victor Frankl rightly suggests, everyday choices and interactions should never be taken for granted, since larger powers can be affected.
Through the discussion of housing and its role in the production of the everyday, Rachel Kallus develops the notion of the home as a political arena, exposing the space of everyday life as a battlefield where both national and personal struggles take place. She considers the case of the production of Gilo, a residential quarter built as part of the Israelization process of Jerusalem subsequent to the 1967 war, and its fortification process following the events of the second Palestinian Intifada. These events and the discourse around them are used to examine a process by which the residential environment, the base of everyday life, becomes the guardian of national territory and hence, the center of geopolitical struggle.
Manchester University Press, 2017
This chapter recaps the core arguments, highlights the contributions of the book and discusses the final implications. One of these implications is to take the next step in peace and conflict studies. This means that if the study of resistance is an important part of a critical project that seeks to provide a more nuanced, realistic and critical account of peacebuilding, consolidating this turn by offering a solid account of resistance is a necessary step towards that project.
An overview of the history of 'lifestyle politics' within the pacifist tradition. First published in A. Rigby & G. Chester, eds., 'Articles of Peace: Celebrating fifty years of Peace News', Bridport: Prism Press, 1986, pp. 90 - 105
The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 1989
Descriptions and analyses of open political action dominate accounts of political conflict. This is the case whether those accounts are presented by historians, political scientists, journalists, statesmen, or leaders of popular movements. Some of the most telling analyses of conflict are in fact designed precisely to explain under what circumstances groups in conflict resort to one or another kind of open political action. Thus, why some groups under certain conditions are likely to employ violent forms of political action-e.g. riots, rebellion, revolutionary movementsrather than less violent formse.g. petitions, rallies, peaceful marches, protest voting, strikes, boycotts-has occupied center stage. As aresult of careful historical comparisons social scientists have begun to grasp how certain social structures, state systems, cultural values, and historical practices help shape political action. The undeniable advances made along these lines, however, are fatalIy compromised by a damagingly narrow and poverty-stricken view of political action. There is a vast realm of political action, described below, that is almost habitually overlooked. It is ignored for at least two reasons. First, it is not openly declared in the usually understood sense of "politics." Second, neither is it group action in the usually understood sense of collective action. The argument to be developed here is that much of the politics of subordinate groups falls into the category of "everyday forms of resistance," that these activities should most definitely be considered political, that they do constitute a form of collective action, and that any account which ignores them is often ignoring the most vital means by which lower classes manifest their political interests. The balance of this essay is devoted to sustaining and elaborating this claim.
The notion of ‘everyday life’ (EDL) has found renewed analytical purchase in recent years and has become a widely used term in explorations of social life, moving all the way from studies of the family to the financial system. But what exactly is EDL and how can we understand it? This paper undertakes a preliminary investigation into how the term has been interpreted in various literatures. There are a wide variety of analytical takes on EDL and the objective is to utilize this preliminary discussion to provide the intellectual resources to deal with its connections to politics and constitutionality in particular. Although the relationship between EDL and constitutionality might at first sight seem remote the argument is that there is an emerging constitutionalization of EDL that is heralding a potentially new form of citizenship amongst those subject to its strictures. Throughout the paper it is relationships operating in the imaginary that are stressed, contrasting this to a more ...
The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2009
Editor’s introduction This is an exciting time to be working in the field of peasant – or agrarian – studies. Around and across the globe, rural actors have organised themselves to protest the dominant trends of commodity agriculture, proposing alternatives based in new and old community-environment solidarities (Borras et al. 2008, Deere and Royce forthcoming). Landless movements have forced the seemingly anachronistic topic of agrarian reform back onto national and even international agendas (Rossett et al. 2006, Moyo 2007, Wolford 2007); indigenous movements have formed to promote cultural awareness, the struggle for territory or homeland, and political autonomy (Harvey 1998, Perrault 2003, Postero and Zamosc 2004); farmers’ movements have come together to protest the environmental and social effects of large-scale industrial agriculture and to promote small-scale diversified farming for local consumption (Featherstone 2003); consumer movements have developed to champion organic, local, humane, and healthy food (Raynolds 2000, Guthman 2004); and environmental activists have entered into the fray, campaigning against new technologies in food production such as Genetically Modified Organisms and confinement livestock rearing (Shiva 2000, Schlosser 2003). Many of these movements have come together at key moments and in key sites to advocate for transnational change (Edelman 2003). Umbrella movements such as the Via Campesina as well as temporary alliances of independent organisations at global events including ministerial meetings of the World Trade Organization and alter-globalisation demonstrations have been crucial in injecting a critical voice into high-level international discussions regulating the production, trade, and consumption of food, fibre, and fuel (McMichael 2006, Desmarais 2007).
Journal of Political Power, 2020
We evaluate existing case studies of “everyday resistance” and explore the possibilities for a systematic research on its political impacts. Research concerning “everyday forms of resistance” or “infrapolitics” has grown since the 1980s, today amounting to a vast range of theoretical and empirical studies on a multitude of aspects, groups and contexts. However, due to its elusive nature, the impact of this less visible resistance has rarely been studied. We only find single case studies that make references to varied outcomes in a particular context. Main theorists within the field do suggest a loose hypothesis of “cumulative” effects in which (thousands of) individual acts can have a significant impact over time, with triggered mobilization of “scale shifts” into public mass actions. However, we still do not have any evidence-based knowledge of the mechanisms that create certain effects. Our exploration points to a potential for establishing knowledge of immediate outcomes, particularly through comparative case studies.
POLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2020
Durham: Duke University Press, 2016). Both the recent rise of populist leaders and the success of protest movements in the last decade have brought the study of political and social movements center stage. Questions to do with political subjectivity and agency, affect, and activism are at the heart of many recent works that have looked at mass politics, right-wing populism and movements for democracy in Europe, South Asia, and Northern Africa. Recently, for example, Walter Armbrust (2019) has provided an ethnographic account of the Egyptian revolution, focusing on activists and tricksters in the liminal phase of the revolution, and
Cover photograph: © Hollandse Hoogte Cover design: De Kreeft, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 5356 911 5 e-ISBN 978 90 4850 156 4 NUR 741 / 717 © ISIM / Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2010 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the author of the book. -+ To: Eric Hobsbawm, historian par excellence.
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