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Acest studiu a fost iniţial susţinut sub titlul "Un trio imposibil: Codul administrativ, capacitatea administrativă (restrânsă) și calitatea procesuală pasivă în contenciosul administrativ", la Conferinţa bienală de la Timișoara (6-7 noiembrie 2020), la Secţiunea Drept public (Contenciosul constituţional și contenciosul administrativ-garanţii juridice ale respectării drepturilor și libertăţilor fundamentale). Concluziile preliminare susţinute acolo au fost însă parţial modificate ulterior, prin reinterpretarea unor surse doctrinare găsite și prelucrate între timp de d-ra Andreea-Carla LOGHIN, a cărei contribuţie la această formă finală a studiului este, astfel, una substanţială (n. Ov.P.).
Revista Română de Sociologie, 2011
THE AROMANIANS IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANIA Romanians are one of the native people from this part of Europe, the only heirs of the eastern Roman Empire. Romanians were born, as showed in historical and linguistic studies, on both sides of the Danube River, an ethnical continuity on both banks of the river, until the Slav people arrived in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The political situation created after the First World War caused serious problems for the Aromanians in the newly created Balkan states. There were substantial population exchanges among the Balkanic countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria). This situation led to the change of the ethnic composition in these countries There were three main emigration centers: Meglenia, Veria and Vodena. The idea of the Macedo-Romanians' migration to Cadrilater represents a consequence of the demographic pressure put on the Aromanian population living in Greece. The difficulties, which appeared, caused the migration to Cadrilater of an important Aromanian segment (more than 25 000), between 1925 and 1933. But these circumstances did not mean the end of their tragedy because they were displaced to Constanţa and Tulcea when territory in Cadrilater was ceded to Bulgaria (September 1940). In Dobrudja, the Macedo-Romanians are a linguistic and cultural community, but, at the same time, south-Danubian Romanians, due to hostile historical events, were forced to settle here. In their native lands, they were in contact with other Balkan people, being separated from the body of Carpathian and Danubian Romanianhood. Looking after sheep, carrying merchandise and trading were the main issues that shaped the common ethnic and linguistic aspects of survival on both sides of the Danube River. The paper is focused upon the situation and specific problems of the Aromanians living in contemporary Romania.
The article highlights the printing activity in Chisinau in the old period and the circumstances in which the synodal exarchate was abolished. The idea of creating a new religious administrative unit and framing the annexed territory in a new diocese is analyzed. Important contributions regarding the history of printing in Chisinau are reflected
Бюллетень Уральского отделения Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2010
Реалии уголовно-процессуальной науки демонстрируют признаки одной из ее проблем, связанной с нечетким различием исследований уголовно-процессуального закона de lege lata, которые могут быть актуальны, например, для создания юрисдикционных технологий участников уголовного процесса, и исследований de lege ferenda - наиболее традиционных для большинства работ, поскольку их результатом является предложение об улучшении уголовно-процессуального закона. Последние, отражая закон системно и имею целью его совершенствование, должны ориентироваться на ядро системы, определяющее ее тип и связи с периферийными элементами системы (институтами, нормами), а так же элементами между собой.
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae (Seria Ştiinţe Sociale), 2019
Studii și cercetări lingvistice
This article is a proposal to standardize a punctuation mark – the semicolon –, and describe the situations of use and the communication implications of the sign: prosodic, pragma-semantic and stylistic functions. The relationships between the semicolon and other punctuation marks, as well as recommendations for use in writing practice are also considered. Semicolon is less and less known and used nowadays; its use depends on the author’s preferences. Among the stylistic varieties, the semicolon is used most frequently in the scientific and argumentative style. It is recommended to use semicolon in enumerative series, especially vertically, in constructions containing parallelisms, or in long and complex statements that also contain other internal punctuation marks.
This paragraph examines the impact of Creangă' narrative modelon Paul Goma's prose. The relationship between the character and the author, the narrative figures, the stylistic dominants of the story "Amintiri din copilărie" by Ion Creangă and the novel "Din calidor"by Paul Goma are analysed. It examines the dialogical poetics of the novel, the dialectical relations of the bivoc word, the hybrid construction, plurilingvism, the instinctive genius sense of the language, the intrinsec elements of the narrative model in the line of the Creangă-Sadoveanu tradition.
Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop
Lesbians and gay men face discrimination because of societal attitudes. Unfortunately, these attitudes are often taught by churches and, sadly, the Bible is frequently used as a weapon to " bash " lesbians and gays. It is important to remember that such hurtful things are not a reflection of Christ, or the way God wants the church to be, or even what the Bible really says. Only a small number of passages in the entire Bible reference same-sex sexual activity (six out of sixty-six books of the entire Bible). Obviously this topic was not of great concern to the biblical writers. Yet these verses have been used to justify hatred, condemnation and exclusion of God's lesbian and gay children. The word 'homosexuality' is a modern term and did not exist during biblical times. Biblical writers had no concept of sexual orientation or sexual development as we understand those today. Therefore, passages that reference same-sex sexual activity should not been seen as comprehensive statements concerning homosexuality, but instead should be viewed in the context of what the ancient world that produced the Bible understood about sexual activity. Sexuality in the Mediterranean World Sexuality in the Mediterranean World Sexuality in the Mediterranean World Sexuality in the Mediterranean World Biblical scholars have employed the social sciences to study the relational and gender patterns of the ancient Mediterranean world—the world that produced the Bible. Professor Mary Tolbert summarizes that research with the following words: The single most important concept that defines sexuality in the ancient Mediterranean world, whether we are talking about the kingdoms of Egypt or of Assyria or whether we are talking about the later kingdoms of Greece and Rome, is that approved sexual acts never occurred between social equals. Sexuality, by definition, in ancient Mediterranean societies required the combination of dominance and submission. This crucial social and political root metaphor of dominance and submission as the definition of sexuality rested upon a physical basis that assumed every sex act required a penetrator and someone who was penetrated. Needless to say, this definition of sexuality was entirely male—not surprising in the heavily patriarchal societies of the Mediterranean. In these societies sexual acts between men did happen, but they happened in order to show dominance of one group of men or a man over another, especially during times of war. It was not uncommon for men who had conquered a foreign army to rape them in order to show they were dominant and of a higher status. This understanding is helpful when we read the story of the city of Sodom, Lot, and the visitors (or angels). The men of Sodom want to 'know' (yadah-a Hebrew word that can mean sexual
Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, 2023
European Yearbook of Minority Issues Vol. 12 (2016): 42-46
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018
Comentários ao Código de Processo Civil - Volume 4 - arts. 442 a 538, 2021
Spinal Cord, 2016
Araştırma Makalesi, 2024
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2002
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2015
Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 2020
Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2019