A litrature review paper on Ergonomic -IEC2017.pdf

Ergonomics can be defined as the study of work. More specifically, ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job. Ergonomic is not a new science, for the first time it was used in 1857 by a polish scholar. However it is still a new science for the most under developed countries including Iraq. The main aim of this study is overviewing of Ergonomic program. The objective is to give a basic introduction and clear definition of ergonomic. From the study, it was found that ergonomic save money and improves quality, productivity, employee morale and create better safety culture. Each employee needs to understand the ergonomic risk factors (ERF) related to his or her work tasks and solutions to minimize such risks. The researched believes that the most important elements of successful ergonomic program are management and training program. Key words: Ergonomic, Job, Worker, quality, productivity, ERF, Management

3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) A LITERATURE REVIEW OF ERGONOMICS PROGRAMS Ass. Lect. Haval M. Salih 44000, 100 m St., Civil Engineering, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq ABSTRACT Ergonomics can be defined as the study of work. More specifically, ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job. Ergonomic is not a new science, for the first time it was used in 1857 by a polish scholar. However it is still a new science for the most under developed countries including Iraq. The main aim of this study is overviewing of Ergonomic program. The objective is to give a basic introduction and clear definition of ergonomic. From the study, it was found that ergonomic save money and improves quality, productivity, employee morale and create better safety culture. Each employee needs to understand the ergonomic risk factors (ERF) related to his or her work tasks and solutions to minimize such risks. The researched believes that the most important elements of successful ergonomic program are management and training program. Key words: Ergonomic, Job, Worker, quality, productivity, ERF, Management 1. Introduction Generally, Ergonomics is a science concerned with the ‘fit’ between people and their work. It puts people first, taking account of their capabilities and Limitations. Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks, equipment, information and the environment fit each worker (1, 2, 3 & 4). Based on many researchers, Ergonomics can be defined simply as the study of work. More specifically, ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job (5, 6, 7, 8 & 9). Ergonomics draws on a number of scientific disciplines, including physiology, biomechanics, psychology, anthropometry, industrial hygiene, and kinesiology (10 & 11). In addition, it is not a new science, it was firstly used by a polish scholar in 1857. However it is a new for the most under developed countries including Iraq. Inyang (12) believes that Ergonomics is not only a local, but also a global issue. . The impact of poor ergonomic practices 191 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) is not limited to specific industries, though some industries have higher propensity for injury because of the general nature of work, such as construction industry. 1.1 The aims & Objectives: The main aim of this study is overviewing of Ergonomic and the objectives are to introduce ergonomic and study ergonomic risk factors. 2. Literature review: 2.1 History of Ergonomics The term ergonomics originally comes from the Greek words ergon (work or labor) and nomos (natural laws) (13). The fact that the word ergonomics was coined by a Polish scholar, Wojciech Jastrzębowski, in 1857 (14). The kinds of “health problems” caused by “working” was often reported even in the age of ancient Egypt, Greek and Roman period. It is in “De morbis artificum diatriba,” a classic by Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714), an Italian physician, that the relationship between working conditions and pathology was first systematized from an occupational health perspective (15). In 1919 “The Science of Labour and Its Organization” by Józefa Joteyko, a Polish scientist, was published in English, in which measurement of occupational fatigue and principles in scientific management of labour were discussed in detail. The pioneer of ergonomic research in Japan was Gito Teruoka. He founded the Kurashiki Institute of Science of Labour in 1921 and became its director. That year, “Research of Efficiency: Ergonomics” by Kan-ichi Tanaka was also published (16). In the US, several ergonomically-renowned textbooks written by scientists such as Woodson, McCormick and Sanders have been published since the 1950s. In 1963 the first edition of a masterpiece by Grandjean, “Fitting the Task to the Man,” was published. In 1996, the IEA and the ILO jointly launched “Ergonomics Checkpoints” with easy-to-understand illustrations for the improvement of workplaces and working conditions (17). The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) was founded in 1959 (18), organizing ergonomics-related societies or associations formed in different countries/areas around the world. Its international conference is held every three years, and was hosted mainly by European cities such as Stockholm, Dortmund, Birmingham, and Strasburg in the past. However, it has also been held in cities in Asia and Australia recently: Tokyo in 1982, Sydney in 1988, Seoul in 2003 and Beijing in 2009. 2.2 Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)? Musculoskeletal disorders are an injury or disorder of the musculoskeletal system resulting from repeated exposure to various hazards and/or risk factors in the workplace (19). The 192 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) musculoskeletal system includes all muscles, bones, tendons, tendon sheaths, ligaments, bursa, blood vessels, joints, intervertebral discs … etc (20). Other terms used to describe MSDs include Repetitive Strain Injury, Musculoskeletal Injury, Cumulative Trauma Disorder, Occupational Overuse Syndrome, or Strain or Sprain (21). MSDs can affect all major areas of the body, including the: neck, shoulders, wrists, back (upper and lower), hips, legs, knees, and feet (22). 2.3 Ergonomics risk factors Ergonomic risk factors are the aspects of a job or task that impose a biomechanical stress on the worker. The most important factor that results in the formation of MSD is the balance between local soft tissue fatigue and the individual’s ability to recover from this fatigue. Understanding basic ergonomic principles is essential for prevention of these injuries. Each employee needs to understand the ergonomic risk factors related to his or her work tasks and solutions to minimize such risks. Following risk factors can lead to discomfort and injury (23). . 2.3.1 Repetitive Motions: If motions are repeated frequently (e.g. every few seconds) and for prolonged periods such as an eight- hour shift, fatigue and muscle strain can accumulate. Highly repetitive tasks have cycle times of 30 seconds or less (24). Repetitive motion disorders are often characterized by: pain, tingling, numbness, visible swelling or redness of the affected area, loss of flexibility and strength of the affected area (25). 2.3.2 Posture: Awkward Postures Awkward posture is the primary ergonomic risk factor to which employees are exposed when the height of working surfaces is not correct. Working at surfaces that are too high can affect several parts of the body. Employees may have to lift and/or bend their shoulders, elbows and arms (including hands and wrists) into uncomfortable positions to perform the job tasks on higher surfaces. On the other hand, when surfaces are too low, employees may have to bend their backs and necks to perform their tasks while hunched over the working surface. Working surfaces that are too low usually affect the lower back and occasionally the neck (26). Static Postures "Static work" refers to the musculoskeletal effort required to hold a certain position, even a comfortable one. For example, when we sit and work at computers, keeping our head and torso 193 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) upright requires either small or great amounts of static effort depending upon the body positions we choose. Static force or effort refers to the amount of tension our muscles generate (27). 2.3.3 Vibration Exposure to local vibration occurs when a specific part of the body is exposed to a vibrating object, for example, a power hand tool. Whole body exposure occurs whilst standing or sitting on and object that is vibrating, such as vehicles or large machinery (28 & 29). 2.3.4 Excessive force: Higher force means higher mechanical load to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. This will result in fatigue and reduces physical work capacity. Can cause acute effect or long term effect (chronic) if excessive load are not handled correctly. Example: Lifting heavy loads, pinch grips, operating levers/buttons (30). 2.3.5 Compression or Contact Stress Compression occurs when an object presses on soft tissue. This concentration of force on small areas reduce blood flow and nerve transition and can damage the soft tissue. Compression occurs from:    Leaning or pressing against hard edges, sharp surfaces, or corners Supporting excessive weight Gripping tools Contact stress results from occasional, repeated or continuous contact between soft body tissue and a hard or sharp object, such as workstation edges, tools, machinery, products or the floor. Contact stress commonly affects the soft tissue on the fingers, palms, forearms, thighs, shins and feet. This contact may create pressure over a small area of the body, such as the wrist or forearm that can inhibit blood flow, tendon and muscle movement, and nerve function (31). 2.3.6 Extreme Temperatures Extreme temperatures can cause various problems for workers. Hot temperatures can lead to dehydration and muscle fatigue, especially in conjunction with high humidity. When you are subjected to a high-heat environment, your internal body temperature rises resulting in your body’s attempt to regulate its temperature through increased blood circulation and increased perspiration. Relatively less blood goes to the active muscles, brain and other internal organs, which reduces 194 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) strength and brings on fatigue more quickly. If your body is prevented from cooling down, it will continue to try to cool down and expend more energy, increasing fatigue (32). Cold temperatures make the muscles less flexible, resulting in muscle strain and pulls. Problems may include: trouble breathing, fatigue, reduced dexterity, sensory sensitivity, and reduced grip strength (33). 2.3.7 Psycho-social Issues Psychosocial risk factors are to do with the way individuals interact with the demands of their job, their work environment and the social contacts within their job. The main sources of psychosocial risk factors are work demands and mental load, job control, social support and work stress and this can be sources of stress which increases muscle tension, decreases break frequency and directly impacts on work techniques. As a result, psychosocial risk factors affect the productivity of individuals (34). 1.1. The basic elements of ergonomic program in any workplace: The main aim of safety program is eliminate or decrease incidents, accidents and injuries by removing or reducing of their root causes. Based on many organization with good safety performance, ergonomic program is the best choice to achieve this goal. Having successful ergonomic program depend on several elements. Amongst them, training and education are considered as critical element of a successful ergonomic program, as it can familiarize workers with such principals such as risk identification, risk reduction, injuries management etc, which are essential for ergonomic improvement process. It can increase the worker’s potential regarding skills, abilities and knowledge to execute their intended obligations. Besides training and education, management, employees’ participation, development of solutions and program evaluation are also essential elements of successful ergonomic program (35). It can be seen in the following table (36). Table 1: Key elements in successful ergonomic program (Source: (37) ) Key elements Management Training Employees participation Successful ergonomic program Focusing the employer’s belief on necessity of ergonomics program Appointing persons in charge for ergonomic program execution Establishing goals Increasing knowledge of ergonomic Improving skills & abilities in reducing ergonomic hazards Enhancing Job satisfication Enhancing motivation Creating team 195 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) Program evaluation Development of solution 2.4 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2.5 Improving communication Auditing of targeted performance Evaluating of program efficiency Ergonomic hazards identification Controlling development to mitigate hazards Appropriate engineering Appropriate work practice controls PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment) Administrative controls The importance of ergonomic Saves money: Based on many studies, 1$ out of 3$ of worker compensation costs are due to MSDs related problem (38 & 39). Improves productivity: Increase the workability of labors by fitting the jobs to the workers (40). Improves quality: stress on training courses, emphases on using high quality tools and equipment. This leads to improve the skill of workers (41). Improves employee engagement: employees get interested when the company attempt to compliance with standard of health and safety. This increase morale and labor involvement. As a result, it reduces absenteeism and turnover (42). Creates a better safety culture: the cumulative of above points shows the commitment of company or employers and this change employees view towards safety to safety culture (43). Results and Discussion As it has been mentioned, this study is based on the previous researches (paper review) to define ergonomic, describe ERF in brief. The writer has explored many reliable sources including books, journals, electronic reports, safety guide and so on. As a result, the researcher summarized ERF and dived by three to upper limb, Vertebra and lower limb. In each part, he illustrated in a way to be simple and clear for readers. For instance, any injury occurs, its symptoms ERFs and diseases’ names have been showed and also who will be affected. For further detail see figure (). 196 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) Upper limb Injuries Symptoms Thumb pain at the base of the thumbs ERF Workers affected Excessive force Diseases names cutters De Quervain’s disease Fingers hands loss of feeling and Control, numbness, tingling; ashen skin; Vibration pneumatic hammer Raynaud’s syndrome (white finger) Hands, wrists Pain, swelling Repetitive meatpacking tenosynovitis Shoulders pain, stiffness operators, welders, painters, rotator cuff tendinitis Neck and upper limb disorder Awkward posture  Pain fatigue  Repetitive   Hammering Drilling Driving screws Sawing Figure 1: Musculoskeletal Disorders examples, Upper Limb. 197 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) Injuries Vertebra Back Symptoms low back pain, shooting pain or numbness in the upper legs    ERF Workers affected whole body Vibration Awkward posture Static posture truck and bus drivers, tractor and subway operators; warehouse workers; nurses aides; Figure 2: Ergonomic Risk Factors, Vertebra Limb. 198 Diseases names back disability 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) Injuries Symptoms  Foot   Lower limb Pallor followed by numbness. Suffering of skin Inflammation, Pain, Burning or stabbing sensation and If in pain when your feet touches the earth, whilst walking, standing ERF Workers affected Diseases names Excessive temperature Labour Trench foot Excessive stress Forman, Labour Leg Fatigue Static posture Or stand for long time Uk prince guard Knee Pain, swelling Blocking Repetitive Awkward posture workers 199 Foot Tendonitis 3rd International Engineering Conference on Developments in Civil & Computer Engineering Applications 2017 (ISSN 2409-6997) 2.6 Conclusion and recommendations: In conclusion, as it has been mentioned, Ergonomics is a science concerned with the ‘fit’ between people and their work. It puts people first, taking account of their capabilities and Limitations. Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks, equipment, information and the environment fit each worker. Based on this, each employee needs to understand the ergonomic risk factors related to his or her work tasks and solutions to minimize such risks namely repetitive motions, awkward postures, static postures, vibration, excessive force, compression or contact stress, extreme temperatures, psycho-social issues. To mitigate or remove those risks, it is the responsibility of employers and employees to corporate each other to have successful ergonomic program. First of all, management must establish goals to achieve ergonomic principles. Secondly, the key elements of any ergonomic program is training in order to increase knowledge of ergonomic and improve skills and abilities in reducing ergonomic hazards. From previous studies, Ergonomic improve the morale of employees and this leads to have a better quality and reduces errors which improves productivity. Eventually, it save a big amount of money which considered as 30% of total worker compensation costs. 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