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This paper reports on the organization of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) University courses in funerary archaeology held at the Division of Palaeopathology of Pisa University. We outline the different steps involved in the practical implementation of the proposed approach, which include choice of topic, linguistic content, tasks and strategies, and we describe the ways in which CLIL can be used both in the classroom and in archaeological fieldwork excavations for teaching of the discipline and practical experience with leading scholars in the field. Each two-hour lesson slot is divided into four parts, devoted to both the receptive (reading, listening) and productive (writing, speaking) skills, which constantly expose the students to language, helping them understand the contents of the discipline. It is necessary to take into account the additional difficulties students attending the courses might have, which are due to their having to learn basic and academic language skills and new subject concepts at the same time. All the material relevant to the course is simplified and adapted to the needs and language of the students, who are supported by authentic materials in the form of text-books, articles, tutorials, illustrations, audio and video recordings, and by a number of activities ranging from gap-filling exercises, matching words with their definitions, jumbled sentences, sentence formation, preparation of posters, powerpoint demonstrations. The trainees are also involved in increasing an ongoing bilingual English-Italian glossary and contextualized English grammar. Working individually, then in pairs and in small groups, they are responsible for the different areas of the discipline. Funerary archaeology is the study of death, ancient burials and human skeletal remains, body disposal, etc., and includes skeleton anthropology, bone diagenesis, taphonomic anthropology, as well as other features comprising excavation phases, techniques and tools employed, field archaeology.
This paper reports on the differences between two specialized funerary archaeology courses conducted by a native language teacher from the Institute for Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council in Pisa and a subject specialist in paleopathology and funerary archaeology from . Lessons addressed to first cycle three-year Bachelor's degree undergraduates who were studying archaeology, art history, natural and environmental sciences took place in the second semester of the year 2012-2013. Classes in the same discipline and addressed to students from the same faculties had been held a year earlier for a second cycle twoyear Master's degree course. The classes were delivered in English using CLIL (exploitation of a vehicular foreign language to teach a special subject) associated with blended learning methodology (combination of face-to-face instructor-led training with web-based technology). Appropriate teaching materials selected by the two teachers covered a wide range of topics, from the study of death to ancient burials, rites, and dynamics of human settlements, as well as evidence of past human societies recovered by excavations. In particular, ancient Roman funerary customs (inhumation, cremation) and Medieval mortuary practices and burials were studied, alongside artifacts such as weapons, jewellery, and pottery vessels recovered from archaeological sites both in Italy and in Britain. Collaboration between language teacher and subject specialist was crucial for the selection of the reading and listening materials, for the correction of the oral and written work assigned to the students, and for the intervention on the part of the subject teacher to clarify points that had been raised, to assist the students during the individual presentations, pairwork or group discussions, and to encourage their work. Two researchers collaborating with the subject specialist also contributed to the lessons by presenting studies they had performed in their area of expertise and by assisting the students during the discussions. These student-centred tasks were aimed at accomplishing important educational goals such as student motivation, improved cognitive and academic performance, enhanced access to online learning resources, peer learning and collaboration. The 2012-2013 course proved to be much more interactive and challenging than the previous one, owing to the major emphasis given to the more practical aspects, in preparation for the fieldwork in archaeology and bioarchaeology, which was carried out in the summer of 2013, working with their peers from Ohio State University and other Universities in the USA, Canada and Australia. Particular attention was devoted to the language of funerary archaeology, and the trainees extracted definitions from the texts they were using to enrich an ongoing English-Italian glossary of funerary archaeology terms. The most important items and sentence structures of the English language were studied and revised, and an English grammar containing contextualized examples drawn from specialized works in that domain was enriched with new material. Student exchanges under different European and international programmes have emphasized on the need for specialist knowledge in specific thematic areas, alongside an oral and written command of a foreign language.
The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia, 2017
This chapter o ers an introduction to the study of the funerary archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia from ca. AD 400 to 1100. After introducing the sources and taking account of the history of research, theoretical approaches and dating criteria are considered. This is followed by a chronological overview drawing upon key sites and publications that seeks to trace major developments in cemetery and tomb typologies, as well as the social and religious dimensions of tomb locations, burial styles, and objects. The chapter concludes with some general observations on the development of burial practices between the sixth and eleventh centuries and argues that funerary archaeology is an essential source for the study of Byzantine Anatolia. DESPITE THE ubiquity of burials in the archaeological record of Byzantine Anatolia, no comprehensive study exists at present, largely because of the vast scope of the eld and the complexity of the subject. This chapter therefore aims to provide an introduction to the subject by outlining approaches and dating criteria, before o ering a tentative, chronological overview of key sites, developments, and publications. This chapter concludes that, while drawing upon ancient pagan traditions, the funerary archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia represents a cultural response to Christian concepts of death and afterlife, the profane and sacred, identity and rank, and to burial places and tombs themselves. As such, funerary archaeology is an essential source for the study of society and culture in Byzantine Anatolia. The term "funerary archaeology" is here adopted as a broader, inclusive category to refer to the multidisciplinary study of the so-called archaeology of death, and cultural reactions to mortality between the fourth and eleventh centuries. Byzantine funerary archaeology draws upon a broad range of source materials, most obviously graves, tombs, and their contents, including human remains, and thus requires a wide range of disciplines and methodologies in their interpretation. If funerary archaeology is taken to refer to the material remains of "the archaeology of death," the term "funerary culture" is here adopted to mean the cultural, ideological, and societal construct of which the archaeology is the physical relict. Cultural reactions to death can be traced in a broad range of written sources, most notably liturgical, theological, and
In this paper we present the results of an ongoing archaeoanthropology project which was started in the year 2007 at Benabbio, a village located near Lucca, in northernTuscany, Italy. Aim of the project is to exhume individuals buried in the medieval cemetery near the church of the Castle of Benabbio (also in course of excavation), and of people who died in the village during the cholera epidemic of the year 1855. Burials and artefacts, ranging between 12th and 19th centuries, have been recorded on a computer database to provide information about the cultural and physical aspects of this ancient human group. The discovery of some well preserved medieval houses led to the decision to examine the settlement in its entirety, exploring the spatial and chronological development of the site. Archaeological exploration of this vast area will involve not only the cemetery of the castle but also the houses and the manor, investigating the origins of the settlement and the early stages of encastlement, by which the local lord could dominate the surrounding countryside and control his neighbours. It will be possible to reconstruct the different phases of organization of the settlement and the life-style and diseases of the inhabitants of the castle. Furthermore, this project is an important testbed for the development of field techniques such as balloon photography, high-resolution georadar survey, GIS, as well as special laboratory techniques for palaeopathology such as computerized tomography (CT), electron microscopy (EM), stable isotope palaeonutrition and ancient DNA (aDNA), that can be used to diagnose ancient diseases. This paper has a dual purpose: on the one hand, it makes the first results of the excavations available to the widest possible audience; on the other hand, it describes the application of a CLIL methodology which uses a foreign language to study a specific discipline. In this case, English is used as supporting language to carry out a number of tasks on the archaeological site, within an environment of interaction where the peers, the archaeologist, the content and language teachers are working in collaboration. The language is embedded within the activities, in particular two separate groups of students will be working on the two different sites (the cemetery and the residential complex), communicating in English with students graduating in the same discipline in Great Britain and the United States. The two groups will be asked to keep a running diary of the daily activities, and to document this information, using the blogging features of Office Word, a familiar device offering a wide range of writing tools that can help create an ongoing online record of their experiences. The project, organized and funded by the Division of Palaeopathogy of Pisa University, has been approved by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pisa.
Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2009
The aim of this paper is to describe a project in which Italian undergraduate students at the Palaeopathology Division of Pisa University will attend a twoyear Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course combining the study of funerary archaeology with English as vehicular language. At the presence of a subject and language teacher working together, the trainees will use different types of technology including devices such as electronic blackboards and Word applications with userfriendly interfaces ...
As a response to the changing needs of society and as an anticipation for the carriers of tomorrow in archaeology, we involved the staff members beginning with the employers in archaeology and ending with the teachers involved in the higher education of the students, in order to create and develop a new curriculum that is more reliable with the needs of the labour market. This intellectual output represents a preamble of the Manual for the methods of teaching and learning on the archaeological sites. The curriculum has established the goals and the targets of the practice stages on the archaeological sites, the expected results, performance indicators, as well as the way in which the student's work will be evaluated. This curriculum aims to present in detail the knowledge and skills which a student can develop within a practice program in the archaeological field school. This pedagogical materials entitled Curriculum – International education offer in Archaeological field-schools/ Curriculum – Ofertă educaţională internaţională în şantierele arheologice – şcoală, available in bilingual format, it was created in such a way to fit perfectly into the educational programs in each universities with archaeological profile from Europe. It is consist in an introduction, were the programs was described, the general aims of this; the programme and module structure (12 modules: Non-invasive archaeology, Field-walking archaeology, Archaeological situations, Excavation Techniques, Recording the archaeological excavation, Collecting archaeological material, Primary conservation, Field drawing, Drawing archaeological finds Photography at archaeological excavation, Topographic survey and GIS, Epigraphic Databases); Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and the Assessment Methods; Programme Regulations; School Support for Students and Students’ Learning; Admission Criteria; Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards and the Quality and Standards; and the module description. To be easier to fallow and implement each module has been inserted following the same pattern: module title; module code; duration; short description; the most important aims of the modules; with a special emphasis on the intended learning outcomes, being evaluate the module module specific skills and knowledge, then the discipline specific skills and knowledge, and the personal and key transferable/ employment skills and knowledge; a summary and structure of the syllabus plan; learning activities and teaching method; formative assessment; and finally in was point out the indicative learning resources. This curriculum developed after the two-year of international programme, by the professors and researchers of the five partner institutes, in such way to offer students a solid grounding in a range of fieldwork methods applied in Roman Archaeology and tested within the specific context of the site at Sarmizegetusa, Romania.
In this paper we present the results of an ongoing archaeoanthropology project which was started in the year 2007 at Benabbio, a village located near Lucca, in northern Tuscany, Italy. Aim of the project is to exhume individuals buried in the medieval cemetery near the church of the Castle of Benabbio (also in course of excavation), and of people who died in the village during the cholera epidemic of the year 1855. Burials and artefacts, ranging between 12th and 19th centuries, have been recorded on a computer database to provide information about the cultural and physical aspects of this ancienthuman group. The discovery of some well preserved medieval houses led to the decision to examine the settlement in its entirety, exploring the spatial and chronological development of the site. Archaeological exploration of this vast area will involve not only the cemetery of the castle but also the houses and the manor, investigating the origins of the settlement and the early stages of encastlement, by which the local lord could dominate the surrounding countryside and control his neighbours. It will be possible to reconstruct the different phases of organization of the settlement and the life-style and diseases of the inhabitants of the castle. Furthermore, this project is an important testbed for the development of field techniques such as balloon photography, high-resolution georadar survey, GIS, as well as special laboratory techniques for palaeopathology such as computerized tomography (CT), electron microscopy (EM), stable isotope palaeonutrition and ancient DNA (aDNA), that can be used to diagnose ancient diseases. This paper has a dual purpose: on the one hand, it makes the first results of the excavations available to the widest possible audience; on the other hand, it describes the application of a CLIL methodology which uses a foreign language to study a specific discipline. In this case, English is used as supporting language to carry out a number of tasks on the archaeological site, within an environment of interaction where the peers, the archaeologist, the content and language teachers are working in collaboration. The language is embedded within the activities, in particular two separate groups of students will be working on the two different sites (the cemetery and the residential complex), communicating in English with students graduating in the same discipline in Great Britain and the United States. The two groups will be asked to keep a running diary of the daily activities, and to document this information, using the blogging features of Office Word, a familiar device offering a wide range of writing tools that can help create an ongoing online record of their experiences. The project, organized and funded by the Division of Palaeopathogy of Pisa University, has been approved by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pisa.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
The pedagogical potential of archaeology is widely acknowledged and has led to a multitude of formal and informal resources, either promoting or exploiting this role. Science subjects are an essential part of school curricula. Despite this, archaeological science has not received equal attention, even though it is among the most interdisciplinary fields of archaeology with immense educational potential across both the humanities and sciences. This paper presents an open access guide on 'Archaeological Science Classroom Activities,' designed primarily for elementary and junior high school students by the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center of the Cyprus Institute. The proposed hands-on activities present a range of archaeological scientific approaches adopted in human osteoarchaeology, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, ceramics, archaeometallurgy and ancient glass analysis. The aim of the current paper is to enhance the guide's international use and invite comments for further future development.
Book of Abstracts, 9th International Scientific Conference, Methodology & Archaeometry, Zagreb, 2nd-3rd December 2021 , 2021
If anything shows the interdisciplinary nature and practice of archaeology that it is its methodology. Compared to other social sciences and humanities, archaeology utilizes by far the largest arsenal of methods and techniques coming from other sciences' domains: natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, linguistics, art history, history, communication sciences, computing sciences etc. And there is also something that can be called the archaeological methods in sensu stricto: e.g. archaeological surveying, excavating, object's description, formal archaeological taxonomies etc., which are genuine archaeological combinations of various techniques. What joins this methodological apparatus in a coherent whole is an archaeological interpretation or, to put it better, the archaeological epistemology. Are we successful in doing this? This paper aims not to discuss the methodological nature and perspectives of archaeology but rather how these methods are transferred to archaeology students. The empirical background is provided by a survey of 100 students from the universities of Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade in November 2021. The survey aimed to reveal 'the methodological landscapes' in these three universities, how the learning of methods is perceived by students, shortcomings of the actual teaching and its future potentials and perspectives.
Deapertment of Archaeology, Charles University, Prague, 2020
THIS IS THE LAST LESSON OF THE COURSE Archaeology of Death E-learning Dear Colleagues, As the Covid-19 safety measures are limiting our communication, please use the following web link to download presentation of the Archaeology of Death course. Since the lesson 4, that we have already missed I include much more texts and references, so you can use it as e-learning material. Let’s hope we are going to have chance to catch up with the lectures later the spring term. Meanwhile stay safe and Good luck! Sincerely Jan Turek Center for Theoretical Study Archaeology of Death Syllabus by Jan Turek The lecture provides a basic overview of the theory and methodology of the study of funerary areas, burial contexts and social and symbolic perception of death in prehistoric societies. Through the archaeological evidence of funerary rituals will be presented not only prehistoric people's attitudes toward death and the afterlife but also their culture, social organization, symbolic systems and cosmology. The focus on archaeology of personhood will be targeted mainly on the analysis of age and gender categories. Introductory topics summarize the methodology of field and laboratory research of funerary data in archaeology including application of scientific methods, spatial analysis of burial data and palaeodemography. In the interpretation section of the course an attention is also paid to the social and ritual significance of death and the transformation of human understanding of mortality. We are going to focus on case studies from different periods and locations throughout the world from Palaeolithic to the rise of historical societies. Case studies will further shed light on the social interpretation of burial data and their use in reconstructing social relationships, and will present significant discoveries. The end of the course is devoted to the ethics of the archaeological research of funerary and the political and ethical controversies surrounding human remains. This lecture is designed for audience among archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and others who have a professional interest in funerary evidence, or general curiosity about past death and burial. 1. Introduction to burial archaeology. Forms of burial in prehistory, hierarchy of burial sites and monuments. 2. Human understanding of death and the beginnings of funerary practices. Death and perception of time, regeneration, reincarnation, immortality. The earliest evidence of funerary behaviour. The question of cannibalism. 3. Basics of field methodology of burial contexts and funerary areas. Survey and excavation methods. Taphonomy, geochemical and geophysical methods. 4. Scientific methods of analysis - Burial contexts and human remains. Paleoanthropology and Palaeopathology. 4.2 Scientific methods of analysis - Burial contexts and human remains. Palaeopathology and Paleoparasitology. 5. Population Processes, DNA and Demography Population processes. Palaeodemography and methods of molecular biology 6. Stable Isotopes & Mobility Studies; Diet reconstruction Methods used for reconstruction of individual mobility and diet. 7. GIS & Spatial analysis of funerary areas: An Introduction 8. Shamanism and burials in the Palaeolithic period. 9. Burial rites as the source for reconstruction of prehistoric society Death at the beginning of agriculture. Genealogy, Power, wealth, Cult of Death; Feasting with ancestors. 10. Age and Gender reconstruction Gender categories, children in pre-industrial societies. 11. Death and monuments in the landscape Burial sites, burial monuments and settlement structure, What is a ritual landscape? Death in the living space. Houses of dead – genesis of barrows. Human sacrifices and ancestral worship. Barrows…. 12. Archaeology of violence, warfare, disease, magic and sacrifice 13. Mummies; preservation of soft tissue. Body decoration & face reconstruction Eternity, mumification and natural environment. 14. Ethics of funerary archaeology Political and ethical treatment issues of human remains and their analysis. Scientific sampling, exhibiting human remains, repatriation and reburial.
The present and the everyday are temporal dimensions with a bizarre political status. Although present is often described as a well-recognizable juncture in the linear path of time, it also appears as a dimension that never fully offers itself. It always exhibits a kind of withdrawal, caught in a relentless movement between the past and the future. A similar form of duplicity marks the everyday: within it, countless rhythms, tempos, intervals merge, and yet it has been generally perceived as a flat domain, a sterile, monotone dimension, which lacks political interest. At a political level, such understanding of these temporalities (still the only dimensions in which our lives unfold and our actions take place) evoke the need to allocate the source of social change elsewhere, leaving little leeway for political action. In this article, I concern myself with the consequences of this rejection and make the case for a new conceptualization of ordinary time and its political import. After discussing the ways in which the present and the everyday have been dismissed as "sites" of political action, I home in on the case of everyday utopias to unearth the re-politicizing force of a new understanding of these temporal dimensions .
Perfection in late antique Syriac Christianity From Commandments and Stillness to Wonder, 2022
Revista Digital de Políticas Lingüísticas, 2018
University of Texas at Austin
Le droit par les sens
Il valore dei gesti e degli oggetti. Monete e altri elementi in contesti funerari., 2023
Periáñez-Bolaño (2024). "En nuestras casas se dice y se siente cante(-gitano)". Fundación Secretariado Gitano, pp. 1-5. En:, 2024
Journal of Islamic Numismatic Center – Egypt, 2023
Policy of Truth, 2020
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2003
Vigilância Sanitária em Debate, 2016
Atherosclerosis, 2016
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 2018
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Telecommunications Engineering, 2024
Journal of experimental botany, 2016
Sains Malaysiana, 2019
Giorgia Maria Annoscia
2009 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, 2009