Job description is an informative documentation of the scope, duties, tasks, responsibilities and working conditions related to the job listing in the organization through the process of job analysis. Job Description also details the skills and qualifications that an individual applying for the job needs to possess. It basically gives all the details which might be good for both the company and the applicant so that both parties are on the same page regarding the job posting. Basically, job analysis is bifurcated into two components namely job description and job specification. The job description is used in the recruitment process to inform the applicants of the job profile and requirements, and used at the performance management process to evaluate the employee's performance against the description. Job description is the most important thing which a candidate gets about a job listing. Job description gives all the relevant and necessary details about a job. The details which can help one decide whether the job is relevant or not. Qualifications, roles, responsibilities etc are included in the job description document which paints a clear picture of what is expected from the particular role. Job Specification A job specification defines the knowledge, skills and abilities that are required to perform a job in an organization. Job specification covers aspects like education, work-experience, managerial experience etc which can help accomplish the goals related to the job. Job specification helps in the recruitment & selection process, evaluating the performance of employees and in their appraisal & promotion. Job specification, along with job description, is actually derived from job analysis. Collectively, job specification and job description help in giving a overview of the job in terms of its title, The importance and purpose of job specification is a thoroughly understand the specific details of a job. Jobs can be of different types and can require a different skill sets to get the maximum output from a particular. Job specification gives important details related to the job like education & skills, prior work experience, managerial experience, personality traits etc which would help an employee accomplish the objectives of a job. For a recruiter, job specification lays down the guidelines basis of which the company can recruit and select the best possible candidate who would be best suited for the job. Apart from actually finding the right candidate or employee, job specification can be used for screening of resumes & shortlist only those candidates who are the closest fit to the job. Hence, a job specification gives specific details about a job and what kind of skill sets are required to complete the job.