Sounds and Words through the Ages: Afroasiatic Studies from Turin

Thc Department of Humanities (Asia, Africa and thc Mediterranean) University ofTurin, Italy StudiUm DOST Critica l Studies 14 Editorial Board: Esterino Adarni, Malteo Cestari, Corrado Martone, Alberto Pe/issero StudiUrn Dost is a series subjecled to a blind peer-reviewing process A ceiling in rhe Gorresio building (DOST) Sounds and Words through the Ages: Afroasiatic Studies from Turin Editors Alessandro Mengozzi Mauro Tosco aセlr R 1,-, i セゥ - セイtオ 7 Edizioni dell'Orso Alessandria © 2013 Copyright by Edizioni dell'Orso s.r.l. via Rattazzi, 47 15J 2J Alessandria te!. O131.252349 fax 0131.257567 c-mai I: http://v''ww .ediorso. it Real izzazione ed itori al e e informati ca di Arun Maltese (]ine.ll) È vietata lo riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguihj[e a norma del/'art. I 7J della Legge n. 633 del 22.04.41 lSBN 9n-88-6274-438-G Table of Contents Foreword The ltaliao Meetings 01' Afroasiatic Linguistics p. IX XI Pari 1. Sounds Olga Stolbova: Post-velars in Chadic: Internai Reconstruction ond Exfernal Parallels. Part f. Chadic * y- 3 Alessandro Suzzi Valli: On the Latera! Fricatives in Maaka and Their Implicalionsjor the Phonology ofthe Sole-Tangale languages (Wesl Chadic) 9 Aryeh Levìn: The MediaI 'Imala Vawe! in the Old Arahic Dia!ed'; Described by Sibawayhi 17 C6cile Lux: Système phonologique du tetserret, langlle herhère du Niger 3 l Giulia Bertolotto: Acquisizione di fonemi estranei alla LI: il caso della consonante /p/ per gli studenti arahofimi che imparano l'italiano 5S Part 2. Words Vaclav Bla.zck: Cushitic Year 65 David Calabro: The E1ymology ofthe Northwest Semitic Roots Htp and nHt 81 MassimiJiano Franci: Classi tipologiche nella loponomaslica semitica nord-occidentale del terzo millennio a. C.: i dati dei lesti di esecrazione egiziani 103 vr Tllble of Contents Sergey Loesov: A New AUempt al Reconstructing Proto-Aramaie- ParlI! 113 Francesco Aspesi: Un 'ulteriore testimonianza nei lessico semitico nord-occidentale deL sostralo "labirinlico" egeo-cananaico." a proposito di gr{fòni e cheruhini 133 139 Sergio Baldi: !deophones in f1allsa Pablo Kirtchuk: Onomatopoeia and PhorlO-lconicity in Hebrew in the framework o./LUn:· Language - a Unified and Integrative Theory 159 Part 3. Sentences Abdelaziz A Ilati: La réorganìsation de l 'ergalivité proto-berbère : de l'état à l'élat / procès 177 Giulia Francesca Grassi: Analytical and synthetic genitive construclions 191 in Epigraphic MiddLe Aramaic Khaled Bouziani: A1-Gセャゥ。ィk theory as presented by Abderrahmane Hadj Salah 215 Gian Claudio Batie: Documenting Bure, a Chadic Language 01Northern Nigeria: the Clallse Struclure 225 Nizha Chatar-Moumni: La préposilion en dufrançais comparée auxprépositions li- et bj- de l'arabe marocain 239 Ougaye Oda Orkaydo: The Category 0./Number in Konso 253 Adam Mahamat: Le mouvement du verbe et des Olcciliares dans le système verbal en mpàdiJ 267 Part 4. The Wrillen W'ord Sara Caramello: Funny Inscriptions on Some oセヲj・イウ ofthe 70mb ofKha 283 Edoardo Guzzon: I coltivatori deifiori di loto del tempio di Amon 293 Table o[ Conteots VB Simone Isacco Maria Prate:lli: Remarks on Linguistic and Philologicai scholia to the Prophets in Gregory Barhebraeus' Storehouse af Mysleries 303 Marco Moriggi: Ha/ra and Western .!azfrah: Some Remar/Q' on the Epigraphic Evidence 3 J5 Massimiliano Marrazza: Oppositions and Lexematic Functiol1s 01the Adjectives smn, dsn and bry' in the Lexical Fields 01 'Heallh .and 'lllness' in Ancìent Hebrew 323 gッ、Zセヲ。」・_ 339 Bruno Chiesa, Maria Luisa Russo, Chiara Pilocanc, and Francesca Bellino: PauJ Ernsl k。ィャ・セG research seen through {he documents in his archive: The KADMOS project 349 Alessandra Pecchioli: Tmwnh: Foreword This vohone contains most of the papcrs which were prcscnted and discussed at the 14th Italian Meeting of Afraasiatic Linguistics (Turin, 14-18 June, 2011), as well as a few papers which cauld oot be delivcred during thc Meeting but which the authors have voluntccred to have published here. As its name implics, thc Turin Meeting was one aod, at the time of wTiting tbese lines, stili thc last of a by now more than thirty ycar-old serics which siarted as a smal1, informai gathering af scholars and students, but gradual1y grew up to hecomc, we bdieve, a lcading periodical gathering far Afraasiatic linguistics. Procccdings of the Mcctings bave appearcd regularly - far details, see below. One of the authors of thcse bnes has thc - dubious - privilcge of having attcnded as a student thc very first of these mcctings - aptJy called, then, Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camitosemitici (NaÙooal Day of HamitoScmitic Studies), al the Univcrsity of Venice in 1978. lt was organized by Francesco Aspcsi, Vèrmondo Brugnatclli, Frederick M. Fales, .Felice Israe1, Antonio Lopricno, Fabrizio A. Pcrmacchietti, Alessandro Roccati - namcs which wc ali know and which wc find in many 01' thc following editions, either as convenors, editors or contributors. From Venice the Meeting roamed to diffcrent ltalian towns at no fixcd limes. Evcry two to threc years has now hccome tbe average intcrval between two Mcctings. From tbe second (1980) to the seventh Meeting in 1993, both hcld in Milan, thc Meeting grouped togcthcr Hamito-Semitic and lndo-Europcan comparative studies. Starting from the eighth Meeting (Naples, 1996) tbe nowadays dominant label 01' Afroasiatic took the pIace of or shared it with the traditional appellatioo of Hamito-Scmitic. More importantly, the Meeting grew steadily in number of attendees, including more and more colleagues from EUTope and beyond. Also scholars from countries whcre Afroasiatic lanbruages are spoken soon slaTted to make thcir appcarancc - something which we hopc wiU bccome a centraI and cvcr-growing fcature ofthe future Mectings. The Turin Meeting was 00 exception, and a good half af the attendccs carne from countries as diverse as Algeria, Australia, Austria, France, Gcrmany, Hungary, lsracl, the Netherlands, Poland, tbc Russian Federation, x Foreword tlle United Kingdom, aod lhe United States of America. Oespite their willingness lo attcnd the Meeting, a few collcagues from the Cameroun, thc Czeeh Republie, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Tunisia could not be present, but some of tbeir eontributions are tound in lhc followiog pages. Tbc Meetings have grown up and becomc of age, but they stili kecp tbc original charaeter of pretty informaI meetings, wbere undcrgraduate studcnts can presenL and discuss lbeir work with some of the leading figures of the ficld. At thc Meeting and in tbe prescnt volume thc papers have bcen grouped thematically rather than aecording to tbc different brancbes of Afroasiatic languagcs. Tbis volume is structurcd in four parts. Thc first part ("Sounds") eontains papers dealing witb phonctic and phonologieal questions, inc1uding a paper on tanguagc acquisition. In thc second part ("Words"), papers are dcdicated lo morphological and Icxical reconstruction as well as word and root formalion. Thc third seetion ("Sentences") is devoted to morpho-syntax. Tbe fourth part ("The Wrilten Word") contains papers on epigraphy, Jexieography and a prcscntaLion 01' Paul Ernsl Kah1c arcbives, prcserved in Turin. Many people and institutions played a piyotal role in the organization of tbe Meeting and tbe publication of this work. Special thanks are due to thc inslitutions which, through tbcir financial support, madc the very organization of thc Meeting possible: the Dipartimento di Orientalistica (tbe Dcpartment of Orientai Studies of tbc University of Turin) and thc Fondazione CRT (the Foundation of thc Turin Savings Bank). A few other institutions, such as thc Rector of the University of Turin, Lbe Region of Piedmont, and the Piedmontese Centrc for African Studies bave greatly belped us in different ways. A few studcnts in our Departmcnt yolunleercd lO help us during tbc crucial days of Lhc Meeting. Thcy are: Loredana Cupi, Fabio Gasparini, Giorgia Mcndola, and Maria Chiara Miduri. Wc could not have made it without them. All tbe attendecs helped us wìth thcir enthusiasm, patiencc and support. Alessandro Mengozzi Mauro Tosca The Italian Meetings of Afroasiatic Linguistics I Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camitosemitici, Seminario di Ebraistica, Università diVenezia "Ca' Foscari" 8-6-1978; a report by M. G. Masetti can be found in Annali della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere di Ca' Foscari 17.3 (1978): 186-8. Il Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camitosemitici e Indocuropei, Università Statale di Milano, Milano 11- J-1980; proccedings published in Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 21 (1981): 1-93. IJI Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camita-semitici e Indoeuropci, Fondazione Einaudi, Torino 7-12-1982; F.A. Pcnnacehietli -A. Roceati (a c. di), Alti della Terza Giornata di Studi Camifo-semiticì.e Indoeuropei, Università di Roma I "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di Studi Orientali, 1984. IV Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camito-semitici e lndocuropei, Istituto Universitario di Bergamo, Bergamo 29-] ] -1985; G. Bemini- V. Brugnatelli (a c. di), Atti della IV Giornata di Studi Camita-Semitici c Indoeuropei, Edizioni Unicopti, Milano 1987. V Giornata Nazionale di Studi Camita-Semitici ed lndoemopei: "La formazione delle categorie verbali in camito-semitico e in indoeuropeo", Università di Perugia 13-3-1989; A. Loprieno (a c. di), Atti della Quinta Giornata Comparatistica, Dipartimento di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza, Perugia [991. VI Giornata Camito-Semitica e lndoeuropea. Convegno Internazionale di Linguis tica de II ' Arca Mediterranea sul tema "Circo lazioni cu ltural i nel Mediterraneo antico". Sassari 24/27-04-1991 (organizzatori: M. Pittau, M. Ncgri e F. Aspesi); Circolazioni culturali ne! Mediterraneo antico, Cagliari 1994. VII Giornata di Studi Camita-Semitici e lndoeuropei, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuorc Milano 1-6-1993; V. Brugnatelli (a c. di), Sem Cam iafet, Milano 1994. VIIf IncontTo di Linguistica AFroasiatica (Camito-Semitica), Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli 25/26-1-1996; A. Bausi- M. Tosco (a c. di), Afroasiatica NeapoLitana, Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale 1997. IX Incontro di Lin,b'1Jistica Afroasiatica (Camita-Semitica), Scuola Superiore XIl The Ilalian Meetings of aヲイッ。ウゥセエ 」 Linguistic di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Trieste 23/24-4-1998; M. Lambertì - L. Tanelli (cds.), Afroasiatica Tergestina, Unipress, Padova 1999. X Incontro di Linguistica Afroasiatica (Camita-Semitica), Firenze 18/20-4200 I;' P Fronzaroli - P. Marassini (eds.), Proceedings o/lhe 10th Meeling 01 Hamito-Semilic (Ajroasialic) Linguistics, Quaderni di Semitistica 25, Dipartimento di Linguislica dell'Università di Firenze, 2005. XI Incontro Italiano di Linguistica Camitosemitica, Bergamo 517-6-2003; A. Mcngozzi (ed.), Sludi ajroasiatici, Milano: FrancoAogeli, 2005. X Il Incontro Hai iano di Lingui s ti ca Camita-semi tica (Afroasi ati ca), Ragusa, 6/9-6-2005; M. Moriggi (a c. di), X1l1ncontro Ilaliano di Linguistica Camila-semitica (Afroasiatica), Soveria Mannelli: Rubettino 2007. XIU Incontro Ilaliano di Linguistica Afroasiatica. Udine 21/24-5-2007; F. M. Fales - G. F. GTassi (eds.), CAMSEMUD 2007, Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N., 2010. Alessandro Mengozzì, PhD Leiden University, is tenured researcher in Semitics at the Universily ofTurin, where he teaches Semitic Philology to graduate and undergraduate students. He is a collaborator of the project Comparative OrientaI Manuscript Studies (ESf). His most recent pubI ications include: Religious Poefly in VernaCI/lar Syriacjrom Northern Iraq (77Ih20lh Centuries). An Anthology (C SCO 627-8, Leuven 2011) and [he papers On Genres in Traditiona! Modern Aromaic Literature (JSS 57.2, 2012: 321-46), The History or Garshuni as (/ Wriling System (CAMSEMUD 2007, Padova 2010: 297304), and The contribution oj early Christian vernacular poetryfrom northern Iraq lo Neo-Aramaic dialeClology (ARAM, forthcom i ng). Mauro Tosco is Professar of African Linguistics al the University of Turin. Since 1986 he has carried oul tìeldwork in the Hom of Africa, mainly working on the analysi sand descriplion of UDderdescribed Cushitic languages in aD areai and [ypo logica l perspecti ve. Among his books: A Grommafical Skelch oJ Dohalo, including (exts and a glossary (Hamburg, 1991), TunniGrommar, Texls and Vocabulary or a Sou/hern Somali Dia/ed (Koln, )997), The Dhaasanac Language (K6Jn, 200 I). His other interests and domains of research include pidgins, creoJes and language contact (Pidgin and Creole Languages. A Basic fntroduclion; M i.inchen , 2001; with Alan S. Kaye), lhe expansion and revitalization of minority languages, and language policy and ideology.