Arabic Dialectology
Recent papers in Arabic Dialectology
In comparative studies, within Hamito-Semitic and between the latter and Indo-European, many scholars have tried to compare numerals as such. In this paper, it is suggested to compare other features in the domain of numerals, such as the... more
A short Description of the Dialect and a text with translation
First studies and research papers that deal with Libyan dialect in detail have not begun to appear up until the beginning of the 21st century. The interest in studying this dialect has somewhat additionally risen since 2011. It has not... more
Las más de cincuenta grabaciones realizadas en la Medina de Fez entre 2009 y 2013 a informantes principalmente femeninos y sin escolarización (salvo algunas excepciones), mayores de 60 años y descendentes de antiguos fasíes, que tienden a... more
En hommage à Dominique Caubet, Figure incontournable de la dialectologie arabe comparée et de la dialectologie maghrébine, référence incontestable en sociolinguistique, découvreuse de la nayda marocaine, innovatrice en matière de... more
Zaragoza: Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2012.
Directors of the collection: Federico Corriente & Ángeles Vicente.
Zaragoza: Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, 2012.
Directors of the collection: Federico Corriente & Ángeles Vicente.
Pubblicato nel 2002 dallo scrittore egiziano ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī, Palazzo Yacoubian è uno dei romanzi più rappresentativi della società egiziana alla vigilia delle Primavere arabe. Lo studio di Lucia Avallone ne analizza forma e contenuto,... more
This paper aims at providing a linguistic overview of Rendók, an Arabic-based secret language developed by the urban youth of Northern and Central Sudan. Generally speaking, Rendók does not represent a coherent linguistic entity; it... more
This review has been published in Romano-Arabica XVII (2017): Fictional beings in Middle East Cultures. Muhammad al-Sharkawi, History and Development of the Arabic Language, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 274 p. ISBN... more
Christopher Lucas & Stefano Manfredi (eds.). Berlin, Language Science Press, 2020, pp. 225-244.
ISBN: 978-3-96110-252-5
ISBN: 978-3-96110-252-5
Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2017.
Directores de la colección: Federico Corriente & Ángeles Vicente.
Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2017.
Directores de la colección: Federico Corriente & Ángeles Vicente.
Osmanlis un aussi grand nombre de vocables surtout d'origine arabe d'Espagne. En outre, il y a encore un groupe de vocables qui, bien que possédant toutes les apparences d'une origine turke, mais ne se trouvant pas dans les dictionnaires... more
Modalities in Baghdadi Arabic
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí 9 (2005), pp. 233-243 GÉNÉRATION DARIJA ! DOMINIQUE CAUBET
Published in: JSAI 44 (2017), pp. 109-126.
Keywords: Middle and Near East; sociolinguistics; identity; ideology
Les numéraux cardinaux appartiennent souvent à plusieurs classes syntaxiques. En arabe, la variété des usages syntaxiques s'ajoute à celle des formes, souvent irrégulières. Si la grammaire des noms de nombre est l'un des domaines les plus... more
L'article "L'arabe usuel dans le Sud oranais" de Louis Mercier paru en 1905 dans Actes du XIV congrès des orientalistes.
Learning a foreign language is not like acquiring a mother-tongue. L2 learners are confronted by various challenges in L2 learning at different linguistic levels (phonology, syntax, semantics, etc.). However, as claimed by Herschensohn... more
Article paru dans la Revue Africaine (volume 103).