Comparative Semitic Linguistics
Recent papers in Comparative Semitic Linguistics
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
Introduction to Semitic Linguistics 2016-2017: course text #14: Tense—Aspect—Mood [Hebrew]
In this book, Daniel Boyarin offers a wide-ranging introduction to the many fields of study to which the Talmud can contribute, from linguistics to gender studies to the relations between formative Judaism and Christianity and the... more
This paper presents a spatio-temporal data mining regarding the origin of the names of the 218 longest European rivers. The study shows that 35.2% of these river names originate in the Near East and Southern Caucasus. The study also... more
Course material from Comparative Semitics class
The study of the Samaritan version of Saadya Gaon’s translation of the Pentateuch (the tafsīr), mainly based on MS London BL OR7562, shows that a Saadyan version in Arabic Characters was adopted by the Samaritans and adapted to the... more
This paper examines the term "Tripartite Nominal Sentence" in Biblical Hebrew, questions its justification, and supports analysis of it as involving extraposition. The paper reviews the so-called "Tripartite Nominal Sentence" in several... more
Reviewed by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich, published in "Revue des études juives", 163 no. 3 - 4 Jul. - Dec. 2004, p 554-556.
Introduction to Semitic Linguistics 2016-2017: course text #3: Relationship Between Languages [Hebrew]
الملخص: يتناول البحث إعداد ودراسة المقاييس الضابطة للنقد الترجمي التي يمكن من خلالها ضبط العملية الترجمية بوصفها عملية نقل يفترض أن تتم بأمانة مع مراعاة تامة لتحويل الافكار المغلفة بمفردات في لغة ما إلى لغة أخرى، وبيان آلية تطبيق كل... more
par Jean-Claude Haelewyck. — Le but de l’étude comparée des langues sémitiques est de retrouver les traits (phonologiques, morphologiques et syntaxiques) les plus primitifs du sémitique, à partir de l’étude des formes attestées dans... more
Derives dates for a genealogical tree of the West-semitic languages. Dates provided by the Bible and science appear to line up very well.
This thesis contributes to lexicographic method in Biblical Hebrew, by seeking empirically-based criteria for evaluating homonyms proposed on the basis of comparative Semitic philology.
University of Liverpool, 1988
University of Liverpool, 1988
This history emphasizes the continuous linguistic accumulation, manifold connections and mutual enrichment among various Semitic languages, which have shared a long and complex history. The Middle East is the oldest field of cultural... more
The paper surveys the state of research of Hebrew syntax from approximately the mid-20th century onward. It indicates the themes which have already received the attention of scholars to varying extents and points out areas of research... more
The present article deals with the comparative method as applied to the Semitic cognate sets with phonological correspondences. It demonstrates how one with help of comparative Semitic approach and certain principles of analysis can... more
A complete edition of all known Latino (and Graeco)-Punic inscriptions along with a detailed, comparative grammatical analysis, esp. with regard to phonology and orthographic practice. Several texts are presented here for the first time.... more
The introductory chapter to "Points of Contact: The Shared Intellectual History of Vocalisation in Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew", because who wants to download a whole book. You can also download the whole book here:... more
Introduction to Semitic Linguistics 2016-2017: course text #2: The Semitic Languages [Hebrew]
Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2018. | Series: Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics ; volume 93 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: lccn 2017059465 (print) | lccn 2018003264 (ebook) | isbn... more
Parallelism in Arabic is investigated through data from three Arabic varieties: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Classical Arabic (CA), and (Yemeni) Adeni Arabic (AA). Parallelism in Arabic is examined at different linguistic levels:... more
Translation of the Damascus Document from Wise-Abegg-Cook 2005.
The grammatical categories of tense, mood and aspect have close semantic correlations. In Old Babylonian, one grammatical form can express more than one category and one category can be expressed by more than one form. Thus, and in view... more
Introduction to Semitic Linguistics 2016-2017: course text #5: Language and Writing [Hebrew]
Abstract: The origin of Mishnaic Hebrew and its differences from Biblical Hebrew have been explained in different ways, e.g., in terms of chronological development (MH is later), register (MH is colloquial), or geographic (MH originated... more
تتنوع صور المبالغة وتختلف تقنيات اللغات السامية في التعبير عنها، ويهدف البحث إلي تحديد تلك التقنيات في اللغة الجعزية واللغة العبرية واللغة العربية، في إطار تطبيق المنهج المقارن للوصول إلي أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بين التقنيات التى تتبعها... more
The Hebrew language is a wonderful example of linguistic resilience in the wide and diverse realm of world languages. The language is today the revived and flourishing medium of communication for the people of the modern state of Israel,... more
In Antoine Lonnet et Amina Mettouchi (Eds.), Les langues chamito-sémitiques (afro-asiatiques), "Faites des Langues" 26/I, Ophrys 2005, pp. 171-180
The present paper provides a typological study of the semantic shift from ‘word’ or ‘speech’ and from speech act verbs to nouns with the meaning ‘thing’. The evidence for such a shift was found in various Indo-European and Semitic... more