Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44(4), 2019, 403–414
doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsy104
Advance Access Publication Date: 4 January 2019
Featured Article
Featured Article: Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain
Yale University and 2Georgia State University
All correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Brian D. Earp, Associate Director, YaleHastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy, Yale University and The Hastings Center, 2 Hillhouse Avenue, New
Haven, CT 06511, USA. E-mail:
Received June 15, 2018; revisions received November 19, 2018; accepted November 26, 2018
Accurate assessment of pain is central to diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, especially in pediatrics. However, few studies have examined potential biases in adult observer ratings
of children’s pain. Cohen, Cobb, & Martin (2014. Gender biases in adult ratings of pediatric pain.
Children’s Health Care, 43, 87–95) reported that adult participants rated a child undergoing a medical procedure as feeling more pain when the child was described as a boy as compared to a girl,
suggesting a possible gender bias. To confirm, clarify, and extend this finding, we conducted a replication experiment and follow-up study examining the role of explicit gender stereotypes in shaping such asymmetric judgments. Methods In an independent, pre-registered, direct replication
and extension study with open data and materials (, we showed participants
the same video from Cohen et al. (2014), with the child described as a boy or a girl depending on
condition. We then asked adults to rate how much pain the child experienced and displayed, how
typical the child was in these respects, and how much they agreed with explicit gender stereotypes
concerning pain response in boys versus girls. Results Similar to Cohen et al. (2014), but with a
larger and more demographically diverse sample, we found that the “boy” was rated as experiencing more pain than the “girl” despite identical clinical circumstances and identical pain behavior
across conditions. Controlling for explicit gender stereotypes eliminated the effect.
Conclusions Explicit gender stereotypes—for example, that boys are more stoic or girls are
more emotive—may bias adult assessment of children’s pain.
Key words: gender; pain; pediatric; stereotypes.
Across healthcare settings and in everyday life, accurate
assessments of another’s pain are critical for guiding
appropriate responses. Yet pain is a private experience
and as such is not directly accessible to outside observers. Instead, an inference must be drawn from behavioral and situational cues, which are often ambiguous
and may therefore be interpreted in a biased or otherwise distorted manner (Higgins, 1996). In the case of
children, the ability to verbalize pain in a reliable way
may not yet be fully developed, creating more room for
ambiguity. Children also lack full autonomy, and must
therefore often rely on others to meet their pain control
needs (see Earp, in press). In pediatrics, for example,
parents and medical staff are often responsible for evaluating and responding to children’s pain, especially
when the child is very young (Cohen et al., 2008). In
such cases, adult inferences about the child’s subjective
experience of pain are central to understanding pathology and determining a suitable intervention. It is therefore crucial to identify any biasing factors that may
influence such third-party pain assessments.
C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
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Brian D. Earp,1 MSC, M.PHIL, Joshua T. Monrad,1 Marianne LaFrance,1 PHD,
John A. Bargh,1 PHD, Lindsey L. Cohen,2 PHD, and
Jennifer A. Richeson,1 PHD
relevant studies—with women receiving less adequate
pain medication compared with men, having a lower
probability of admission to intensive care units, and a
higher likelihood of being denied additional diagnostic
procedures in response to complaints of pain (see
Bernardes, Keogh, & Lima, 2008 for a review including exceptions and contrary findings). Where such differences occur, they may plausibly be explained by a
number of factors including some that correspond at
least in part to genuine differences between adult
males and females: for example, differences in average
or typical pain responses along various biopsychosocial dimensions (Racine et al., 2012; Sorge & Strath,
2018; see also work on the social communication
model of pain, e.g., Craig, 2018).
However, prior expectations or biases concerning
culturally defined male and female gender roles—
which do not necessarily apply at the individual level—
may also be a part of the explanation (Myers, Riley, &
Robinson, 2003; Robinson & Wise, 2003; Robinson
et al., 2001; Wise, Price, Myers, Heft, & Robinson,
2002). Hoffmann and Tarzian (2001) argue that “the
subjective nature of pain requires health-care providers
to view the patient as a credible reporter, and stereotypes or assumptions about behavior in such circumstances (oversensitivity, complaining, stoicism) add to
the likelihood of undertreatment of some groups and
overtreatment of others” (p. 20). Specifically, insofar as
women are assumed to be oversensitive and more emotionally expressive (Barrett & Bliss-Moreau, 2009;
Hutson-Comeaux & Kelly, 2002), their requests for
pain treatment may be taken less seriously, whereas if
men are generally seen as more stoic and hence reluctant to report pain, their requests may be taken more
seriously (Bernardes & Lima, 2011; Sch€afer, Prkachin,
Kaseweter, & Williams, 2016).
Do similar stereotypes influence the assessment of
children’s pain? To date, this possibility has received
little empirical attention. Among the studies that do
exist, the primary focus has often been on the gender
of the adult observer (e.g., comparing pain ratings of
mothers and fathers; Rosenbloom et al., 2011;
Vervoort, Huguet, Verhoeven, & Goubert, 2011). In
contrast, when the child’s gender has been the focus,
the child’s actual and perceived gender are typically
confounded, because the child’s gender is known to
the adult (e.g., Moon et al., 2008). Thus, any differences in pain ratings based on sex or gender could reflect
either true differences in the pain response of boys
when compared with girls (Boerner et al., 2014), or biased interpretations of such responses based on stereotypes held by the observer (or some combination of
both). To tease these possibilities apart, an experimental design is required that varies the perceived gender
of the child, while holding all else constant (Hirsh,
Alqudah, Stutts, & Robinson, 2008).
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In this article, we focus on potential biases related
to the perceived gender of a child. We define perceived
gender as the gender an observer assumes of a target
individual, whether correctly or incorrectly, whereas
actual gender refers to the gender by which the individual self-identifies (e.g., male, female, genderqueer,
non-binary, transgender; for discussion, see Earp,
2016a; Harrison, Grant, & Herman, 2012; Richards
et al., 2016). Neither concept should be conflated
with a target individual’s sex, a term used in pain research to refer to “physiological differences between
males and females, [including] genetics, anatomy, and
hormonal and immune functioning” (Keogh, 2018, p.
434). In other words, sex refers to certain bodily
attributes, whereas gender is used in pain research to
refer to the wider cultural or psychosocial significance
of sex. This may involve constructs such as masculinity and femininity, understood as a cluster of behavioral norms, characteristics, and social expectations
that are stereotypically associated with persons presumed to be of male or female sex, respectively
(Keogh, 2018).
For the sake of simplicity and continuity with previous research, we will be using the binary terms “boy”
and “girl” to refer to the target child’s gender in this
study. This is also consistent with the categorical way in
which gender is automatically processed in, for example, face perception (Freeman, Rule, Adams, &
Ambady, 2010). However, the question of how the pain
experiences of genderqueer or non-binary children, including (some) trans or intersex children, are interpreted
by adults is of great practical, theoretical, and ethical
significance, and we hope to investigate such cases in future research (see Steinfeld & Earp, 2017).
Some studies looking at pediatric pain and its assessment have taken child sex and/or gender into account. According to a recent meta-analysis, male and
female children usually give similar self-report ratings
for pain intensity, pain threshold, pain tolerance, and
pain affect in the cold pressor task, with no statistically or clinically significant differences prior to puberty (Boerner, Birnie, Caes, Schinkel, & Chambers,
2014). Other pain stimuli, such as experimental heat
pain and pressure pain, have been less well-studied in
children, and the existing evidence is insufficiently robust to draw strong conclusions about the presence or
absence of a sex-based difference on such measures
(Boerner et al., 2014).
With respect to pain treatment, there is little reliable information concerning possible disparities in
children as a function of either sex or gender prior to
adolescence; this has been identified as a priority for
future research (Musey et al., 2014). In contrast, the
literature on adults has identified numerous gender
differences—potentially corresponding to sex, although this distinction is typically neglected in the
Earp et al.
Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment
actually felt), underreacting (displaying less pain than
is actually felt), or accurately reacting (displaying the
same amount of pain as is actually felt). The adult
then discounts, augments, or accepts the level of pain
displayed in the child’s behavior, and judges the felt
level of pain accordingly.
Based on the research reviewed previously, it is reasonable to think that stereotyped gender-role expectations concerning the appropriate or at least typical
pain response for boys as compared to girls will play a
role in such judgments (Hoffmann & Tarzian, 2001).
Specifically, when the male gender role is salient, the
inferred level of pain sensation from a fixed display of
pain should be relatively high (and vice versa with the
female gender role). In line with this hypothesis, we
sought to replicate, clarify, and extend the preliminary
finding of Cohen et al. (2014) as well as to assess its
generalizability in a larger and more demographically
diverse population.
To do this, we experimentally manipulated the perceived gender of a target child while holding the display of pain constant across conditions, and measured
the influence of this manipulation on adult assessments of the child’s pain experience. We had two predictions: first, that when the child was described as a
boy as opposed to a girl, “he” would be rated as
experiencing more pain; and second, that this effect
would be eliminated when controlling for participants’
explicit gender stereotypes concerning the expression
of pain.
Study 1
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or
to what extent adult participant judgments of a target
child’s pain would differ depending on whether the target was described as a boy or a girl. As a first step, we
conducted a direct replication of Cohen et al. (2014) to
establish the reliability of the basic effect, albeit with a
larger and more demographically diverse sample (see
Earp and Trafimow, 2015 for a discussion of replication terminology and the relevant context). We contacted the lead author of Cohen et al. (2014) to ask for
the original materials and for guidance on running the
study in a way that would be maximally faithful to the
original apart from being adapted to an online computer interface. The author was very helpful and also
shared the materials freely; it was also affirmed that
our final design was adequate for purposes of fair replication. Otherwise, the original research team was
uninvolved with the data collection, analysis, and writing of the first draft of the report. The lead author of
Cohen et al. (2014) was then invited to join as a coauthor, contributing to subsequent versions of the
manuscript. To minimize potential researcher degrees
of freedom (Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011),
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To our knowledge, only one study has manipulated
a child’s perceived gender while controlling the source
and display of pain. Cohen, Cobb, and Martin (2014)
asked 183 undergraduate students, of whom 154 were
female (i.e., 85% of the sample), to rate the pain of a
5-year-old child dressed in gender-neutral clothing
who was undergoing a medical procedure as seen in a
video. The same video was presented to participants
regardless of condition, with the child described as a
boy, “Samuel,” in one condition, and as a girl,
“Samantha,” in the other condition. Surprisingly, the
authors found that the “boy” was rated as experiencing more pain than the “girl” despite identical clinical
circumstances and an identical behavioral display of
This result is surprising because it appears to conflict with the common cultural belief that girls are
more sensitive to pain than boys (Myers, Riley, &
Robinson, 2003; however, see Earp, 2016b for a discussion of different pain stereotypes in some nonWestern contexts). Thus, one might have expected
participants to rate the child as experiencing more
pain when it was described as a girl rather than the
other way around. However, the finding from Cohen
et al. (2014) can plausibly be explained in light of
equally common social norms concerning the appropriate pain response for boys when compared with
girls. As Cohen et al. (2014) argue: “socialization
based on gender may influence gender-based pain expression in which boys learn to display stoicism in response to pain whereas girls may engage in more
expressive responses to encourage support.” In addition, “both males and females have stereotypical
beliefs regarding pain tolerance, such that males are
perceived to be more tolerant of pain” (p. 93).
Thus, the findings reported by Cohen et al. (2014)
could reflect salient sociocultural norms according to
which it is less acceptable for boys to display overt
pain behaviors than it is for girls (Bernardes et al.,
2008; Robinson & Wise, 2003). Since the child in the
video was clearly displaying pain (e.g., saying “Ow!”),
participants in the Boy condition might have
inferred—whether consciously or unconsciously—that
he must really be in pain to behave in such a way.
Whereas, in the Girl condition, participants might
have inferred that less actual pain would be needed to
elicit the observed behaviors.
Our proposed inferential model thus has the following structure: adults first notice a display of pain
produced by a particular child. They then use various
sources of information in their environment, in conjunction with relevant prior beliefs, to make a judgment about the trustworthiness of that display as an
indicator of the underlying sensation of pain actually
felt by the child. For example, they might judge that
the child is overreacting (displaying more pain than is
Earp et al.
we pre-registered our design and analysis plan with The pre-registration form, along with
all materials, data, and syntax for reproducing the
reported analyses are available at the Open Science
Framework (OSF) project folder associated with this
paper, at
Pain Sensation and Pain Display. Participants were given
two questions designed to capture their judgments
about how much pain the child in the clip was sensing
and displaying. For both questions, participants were
given a sliding Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), a measure often used in pain research (Bourdel et al., 2015).
The questions were presented in a fixed order as follows: (a) “How much pain did she [he] experience
during the finger stick?” (Pain Sensation) and (b)
“How much pain did she [he] display during the finger
stick?” (Pain Display).
1 As a reviewer notes, the use of two questions—for pain sensation
and pain display—could potentially predispose participants to observe the child or respond differently than they might in real life,
where consciously distinguishing between these facets is presumably less likely to happen.
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This study was approved by the Yale University
Research Ethics Committee (Human Subjects
Committee Protocol ##2000021893). Five hundred
and two U.S. participants were recruited via Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and received $1 for their
time. MTurk is a “marketplace for work that requires
human intelligence” (, which
matches requesters and workers for short-term tasks.
Requesters, including psychology researchers, pay a
fee to Amazon to post self-contained jobs on the platform, such as an experiment or a survey. Research
suggests that MTurk participants are generally more
demographically diverse than traditional student samples, while typically being more attentive (Hauser &
Schwarz, 2016) and no less reliable (Buhrmester,
Kwang, & Gosling, 2011). The platform has become a
standard research tool across the social sciences
(Buhrmester, Talaifar, & Gosling, 2018).
To ensure high-quality data from this online sample, we pre-registered extremely strict exclusion criteria, based on multiple attention, comprehension, and
other checks embedded throughout the survey. Thus,
we erred on the side of caution, and recruited roughly
twice as many participants as we needed according to
a power analysis based on the effect size reported in
Cohen et al. (2014) (i.e., 500 for a target sample of
260); this analysis was conducted using G*Power
(Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007), with
Cohen’s d ¼.31, a ¼ .05, and power ¼ .80.
Because this was an online replication of a study
originally conducted in-person in a laboratory, we
wanted to make sure that participants were fully attending to, understanding, and complying with the
given instructions. Therefore, we included several
attention and comprehension checks in addition to
an audio check and a manipulation check (see
Table I). Ultimately, 238 participants were excluded
for failing one or more of these criteria (i.e., some
participants are double or triple counted in the
exclusions listed in Table I, having failed more than
one). The final sample consisted of 264 participants
(136 female, 128 male) ranging in age from 18 to
75 (M ¼ 38.05, SD ¼ 11.21). See Table II for complete demographic information. Participants were
randomly assigned to one of two conditions, Boy
(n ¼ 133) or Girl (n ¼ 131), reflecting described target gender.
Participants completed an online survey with both
between-subjects and within-subjects components.
Depending on condition, they were told “You are
about to watch a short video clip of a little girl [boy]
receiving a fingerstick to test iron levels during her
[his] doctor visit.” They then saw a short clip of a
5-year-old child whose perceivable gender characteristics were deemed by Cohen et al. (2014) to be ambiguous between male and female in pre-testing—a topic
to which we will return in the discussion. The clip was
the same one used in Cohen et al. (2014). Please note
that the child was consulted about and agreed to the
use of the video for research purposes; the actual video
is not included in the online materials to preserve the
child’s privacy. However, a protected link for viewing
can be shared upon request.
In the clip, the child is undergoing a short medical
procedure involving a finger-stick to draw blood.
Participants were shown the same clip, regardless of
whether they were in the Boy or Girl condition. They
were instructed to pay close attention to how much
pain the child was sensing (experiencing) and displaying (showing).1 We defined sensation of pain as “a
measure of how much pain a person actually experiences” and display of pain as “a measure of how
much people express that they are in pain. This
includes behavior such as crying, grimacing, or saying
it hurts.” Depending on condition, participants were
then told “You just watched a video clip of Samantha
[Samuel] receiving her [his] Pre-Kindergarten finger
stick,” and were then asked a range of questions about
how much pain they thought the child in the clip was
sensing and displaying. Participants were then asked
to report their explicit beliefs regarding pain reactions
in boys versus girls as well as the typicality of the target child in these respects, followed by demographic
Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment
Table I. Summary of Excluded Data
Exclusion criterion met
Type of check
Excluded N
Included in
Excluded from all
pre-registered analyses.
Reintroduced for exploratory
robustness analysis
Not included in any analysis
Not included in any analysis
Attention check
Failed to identify target child gender or hair color
Failed audio test (listen to a pre-recorded sentence and
identify the correct sentence among options)
Failed to spend at least 4 min completing the survey
Failed age or English fluency requirements (mark being
age 18 or older and fluent in English)
Manipulation check
Equipment check
Quality check
Demographic check
Not included in any analysis
Not included in any analysis
Note. Some participants failed two or more criteria and were thus counted double in the table.
Table II. Participant Demographic Characteristics for Study 1
Black/African American
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Parental Status
No Children
The male or female pronoun was used depending
on condition. The VAS ranged from 0 to 100, with 0
labeled “No Pain” and 100 labeled “Severe Pain.” It
should be noted that Cohen et al. (2014) did not include the second measure (Pain Display) in their original study. In consultation with Cohen, however, we
added this measure so that we would have a complete
set of observational-judgment measures and explicit
belief measures for both sensation and display (see below for further discussion).
Explicit Sensation and Explicit Display. Participants were
given two questions designed to capture their explicit
beliefs about differences in pain sensation and pain
display between boys and girls in general. Consistent
with Cohen et al. (2014), these questions were taken
from the Gender Role Expectations of Pain
Questionnaire (Robinson et al., 2001) but were modified to fit the VAS format. As in the Cohen et al. study,
the questions were presented in a fixed order as follows: (a) “In general, compared with girls, boys’ sensation of pain is . . .” (Explicit Sensation) and (b) “In
general, compared with girls, boys’ display of pain is
. . .” (Explicit Display). These questions were the same
across both conditions. Participants were given a sliding scale ranging from 0 to 100, with 0 labeled “Far
Less,” 50 labeled “The Same,” and 100 labeled “Far
Target Typicality. Participants were next shown four
measures assessing the typicality of the target child
(i.e., how closely their sensation and display of pain
aligned with what is typical for a boy or girl). These
measures were included in the original study materials
given to us by the lead author of Cohen et al., (2014),
although no associated results were reported in the
published paper. We decided to include the measures
for purposes of exploratory analysis. The questions
were presented in a fixed order as follows: (a)
“Compared with the typical girl, the child in the video’s sensation of pain was . . .,” (b) “Compared with
the typical boy, the child in the video’s sensation of
pain was . . .,” (c) “Compared with the typical girl, the
child in the video’s display of pain was . . .,” and (d)
“Compared with the typical boy, the child in the video’s display of pain was . . .” These questions were the
same across both conditions. Participants were given a
sliding scale ranging from 0 to 100, with 0 labeled
“Far Less,” 50 labeled “The Same,” and 100 labeled
“Far Greater.”
Other questions—drawn from the original Cohen
et al. (2014) materials—that were included but not
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Failed to identify at least one definition or measure presented on previous screen(s) but met no further exclusion criteria
Earp et al.
Mean Pain Sensation
Pain Sensation
As pre-registered, a two (participant gender: male, female) by two (target gender: boy, girl) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to test for an
interaction between participant gender and target gender on judgments of pain sensation. Neither the main
effect of participant gender, F(1, 260) ¼ 1.34, p ¼
.248, gp2 ¼ .005, nor its interaction with condition,
F(1, 260) ¼ 2.61, p ¼ .107, gp2 ¼ .010 was statistically significant; we therefore collapsed across participant gender and performed a t-test to see whether
ratings of pain sensation differed between conditions.
Consistent with Cohen et al. (2014), ratings for
pain sensation were significantly higher in the Boy
condition (M ¼ 50.42, SD ¼ 20.35) than in the Girl
condition (M ¼ 45.90, SD ¼ 22.12), t(262) ¼ 1.73,
p ¼ .043 (one-tailed), d ¼ .21, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1,.20]. In other words, participants rated
the child as experiencing more pain when it was
described as a boy as compared to a girl. The onetailed p-value we report here is due to having preregistered a directional hypothesis for the main finding, favoring a reduction in risk of committing a Type
II versus Type I error for purposes of replication (see
Boyle, 2018). Note that the absolute scores in our
study were lower (i.e., shifted down the scale) compared with the original (Figure 1).
Before proceeding further, we performed a visual
inspection of the data. Although as noted we did not
find a moderating effect of participant gender on
judgements of pain sensation, a look at the means for
male and female participants as a function of condition strongly suggests that female participants drove
Cohen et al. (2014)
Earp et al. (Study 1)
Figure 1. Mean pain sensation scores for Cohen et al.
(2014) and Earp et al. (Study 1). Error bars are 95% CI.
Cohen et al. (2014) reported higher pain scores for the Boy
target (M ¼ 65.15; SD ¼ 20.77) than the Girl target
(M ¼ 58.75; SD ¼ 20.83), t (181) ¼ 2.07, p ¼ .04, with no
moderation by participant gender. Please note that the yaxis has been truncated for ease of interpretation. CI ¼ confidence interval.
Mean Pain Sensation
For the following analyses, the alpha level was set at
.05 based on the criterion used by Cohen et al. (2014),
with p-values falling below this threshold defined in
advance as statistically significant. Note: “statistically
significant” does not entail “clinically significant.”
The goal of the present study is to test new-sample effect replicability of an original finding (see LeBel
et al., 2018 for a discussion of this terminology);
assessing clinical or practical implications is a task for
future research.
Male Participants
Female Participants
Figure 2. Mean pain sensation scores for Study 1: male and
female participants as a function of condition. Error bars
are 95% CI. The y-axis has been truncated for ease of interpretation. CI ¼ confidence interval.
the main effect in our study (Figure 2). To assess this
possibility, we conducted an exploratory robustness
analysis which we had not pre-registered. Such an
analysis (also sometimes called a sensitivity analysis),
is especially desirable as a complement to confirmatory analyses conducted after a large number of participants have been excluded based on pre-registered
criteria. This is to ensure that any resultant findings
are robust against different sets of plausible exclusions
(Schuwerk, Priewasser, Sodian, & Perner, 2018;
Thabane et al., 2013). Prior research with online samples suggests that MTurk workers who fail one or
more embedded attention checks nevertheless often
are paying sufficient attention to the rest of the study
that their judgments remain informative; systematically excluding their data thus results in only negligible improvement to reliability (Rouse, 2015). For
purposes of our exploratory robustness/sensitivity
analysis, therefore, we reintroduced participants who
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analyzed for the present report were: “How anxious
was [s]he before the finger stick?”, “How anxious was
[s]he during the finger stick?”, “How anxious was
[s]he after the finger stick?”, and “How anxious were
you watching this video?” The reason we did not analyze these data is because we had no a priori hypothesis concerning them and we wanted to run as few
statistical tests as possible for purposes of replication
so as not to inflate the chance of a Type 1 error for
peripheral results.
Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment
Pain Display
Returning now to the smaller, full-exclusion data set
to continue with our pre-registered analyses, we conducted a two (participant gender: male, female) by
two (target gender: boy, girl) ANOVA on judgments
of pain display. There was no main effect of participant gender, F(1, 260) ¼ .01, p ¼ .925, gp2 < .001,
nor an interaction between participant gender and
condition, F(1, 260) ¼ .27, p ¼ .607, gp2 ¼ .001.
Collapsing across participant gender, ratings for pain
display were similar for the Boy (M ¼ 71.64, SD ¼
19.88) and Girl (M ¼ 69.02, SD ¼ 19.38) conditions,
t(262) ¼ 1.082, p ¼ .280, d ¼ .13, 95% CI [7.38,
2.14]. Please note that results from the larger data set
used for the robustness/sensitivity analysis were similar to the results reported here from the full-exclusion
data set (all ps > .284).
Explicit Sensation
Continuing with the stricter, smaller data set and our
pre-registered analyses, a two (participant gender:
male, female) by two (target gender: boy, girl)
ANOVA was conducted on explicit sensation beliefs.
There was no main effect of participant gender, F(1,
260) ¼ 1.17, p ¼ .281, gp2 ¼ .004, nor an interaction
between participant gender and condition, F(1, 260)
¼ 1.68, p ¼ .197, gp2 ¼ .006. We therefore collapsed
across participant gender and ran a t-test comparing
explicit sensation beliefs against the midpoint of the
scale (“In general, compared with girls, boys’ sensation of pain is . . .” 50 ¼ The Same).
Ratings for explicit sensation beliefs did not differ
from the midpoint of the scale (M ¼ 49.63, SD ¼
11.73): t(263) ¼ .52 p ¼ .604, d ¼ .04, 95% CI
[1.80, 1.05]. In other words, participants did not express any explicit beliefs that girls and boys experience
pain differently in general. This result differs from that
of Cohen et al. (2014), whose participants did explicitly state that girls are more sensitive to pain than boys
(M ¼ 44.30, SD ¼ 15.78), t(182) ¼ 4.89, p ¼ .001,
d ¼ .36.
Unexpectedly, there was a main effect of condition
(target gender) on explicit sensation judgments, suggesting a priming effect on explicit, general attitudes
about the pain experiences of boys compared with
girls: F(1, 260) ¼ 5.47, p ¼ .020, gp2 ¼ .021.
Specifically, when the target was described as a girl,
participants rated boys as in general experiencing less
pain than girls (M ¼ 47.82, SD ¼ 12.84), whereas
when the target was described as a boy, participants
rated boys as in general experiencing more pain than
girls (M ¼ 51.41, SD ¼ 10.25). To see whether either
of these means differed from the midpoint of the scale,
we analyzed each condition separately. Within the
Girl condition, a one-sample t-test did not show a significant difference: t(130) ¼ 1.95, p ¼ .054, d ¼ .24,
95% CI [4.40, .04], however, the p-value is very
close to the alpha threshold. Within the Boy condition,
there was similarly no significant difference: t(132) ¼
1.58, p ¼ .116, d ¼ .19, 95% CI [.35, 3.16].
Together, it seems that there was a small priming effect in the Girl condition, whereby participants in that
condition rated boys in general as experiencing less
pain than girls.
Explicit Display
As pre-registered, a two (participant gender: male, female) by two (target gender: boy, girl) ANOVA was
conducted on explicit display beliefs. There was no
main effect of participant gender, F(1, 258) ¼ 3.46, p
¼ .064, gp2 ¼ .013, nor an interaction between participant gender and condition, F(1, 258) ¼ .004, p ¼
.953, gp2 < .001. We therefore collapsed across participant gender and ran a t-test against the midpoint of
the scale (“In general, compared with girls, boys’ display of pain is . . .” 50 ¼ The Same).
Ratings for explicit display beliefs did differ from
the midpoint of the scale (M ¼ 44.95, SD ¼ 18.00),
with participants rating boys as in general displaying
less pain than girls: t(261) ¼ 4.54, p < .001, d ¼ .40,
95% CI [7.24, 2.86]. This result supports the
Downloaded from by Yale University user on 03 May 2019
had failed one or more of the multiple attention checks
but not the manipulation checks—nor met any other
exclusion criteria—in order to increase power
(Table I). This left us with a sample of N ¼ 327 participants (170 female, 156 male, 1 other) ranging in age
from 18 to 75 (M ¼ 37.15, SD ¼ 11.03).
As before, a two (participant gender: male, female)
by two (target gender: boy, girl) ANOVA was conducted on judgments of pain sensation. This time,
with the larger sample, the main effect of condition,
F(1, 322) ¼ 1.28, p ¼ .258, gp2 ¼ .004 was not reliable, but there was a significant main effect of participant gender, F(2, 322) ¼ 3.70, p ¼ .048, gp2 ¼ .019,
which was qualified by an interaction between participant gender and condition, F(1, 322) ¼ 3.83, p ¼
.051, gp2 ¼ .012. Simple effects tests revealed no effect
of condition among the male participants: t(154) ¼
.57, p ¼ .571, d ¼ .09, 95% CI [4.91, 8.86]; however, among female participants, those in the Boy condition rated the child as experiencing significantly
more pain (M ¼ 53.10, SD ¼ 20.43) than those in the
Girl condition (M ¼ 45.69, SD ¼ 22.57), t(168) ¼
2.25, p ¼ .026, d ¼ .34, 95% CI [13.92, .89].
This suggests that the main finding from the smaller,
full-exclusion data set (Boy: M ¼ 50.42, SD ¼ 20.35;
Girl: M ¼ 45.90, SD ¼ 22.12) was indeed likely driven
by female participants. We note that the larger effect
size estimate from this higher-powered analysis, d ¼
.34, is closer to, and in fact slightly larger than, that
reported by Cohen et al. (2014), namely d ¼ .31.
Target Typicality
Condition: Girl. Starting with sensation of pain, there
was no effect of participant gender on ratings of target
similarity to the typical girl (p ¼ .530) or the typical
boy (p ¼ .545). Compared with the typical girl, the
child in the video was rated as experiencing a similar
amount of pain (M ¼ 50.96, SD ¼ 11.47): t(130) ¼
.96, p ¼ .339, d ¼ .12, 95% CI [1.02, 2.94].
Likewise compared with the typical boy: (M ¼ 51.43,
SD ¼ 11.65): t(130) ¼ 1.40, p ¼ .163, d ¼ .17, 95%
CI [.59, 3.44]. In other words, participants judged
“Samantha” as experiencing pain in a manner that is
no different from what is typical for a girl (or a boy).
For display of pain, there was also no effect of participant gender on ratings of target similarity to the
typical girl (p ¼ .876) or the typical boy (p ¼ .366).
Compared with the typical girl, the child in the video
was rated as displaying a similar amount of pain
(M ¼ 50.75, SD ¼ 14.39): t(130) ¼ .60, p ¼ .553, d ¼
.07, 95% CI [1.74, 3.24]. However, compared with
the typical boy, the child was rated as displaying more
pain (M ¼ 54.27, SD ¼ 17.10): t(130) ¼ 2.86, p ¼
.005, d ¼ .35, 95% CI [1.32, 7.23]. This is consistent
with our finding for explicit display beliefs, wherein
participants rated girls in general as displaying more
pain than boys. Taken together, participants rated
“Samantha” as typical for a girl, both in terms of experience and display of pain.
Condition: Boy. Starting with sensation of pain, there
was no effect of participant gender on ratings of target
similarity to the typical girl (p ¼ .668) or the typical
boy (p ¼ .242). Compared with the typical girl, the
child in the video was rated as experiencing a similar
amount of pain (M ¼ 50.99, SD ¼ 9.40): t(132) ¼
1.21, p ¼ .229, d ¼ .15, 95% CI [.63, 2.60].
However, compared with the typical boy, the child in
the video was rated as experiencing more pain
(M ¼ 53.02, SD ¼ 11.16): t(132) ¼ 3.11, p ¼ .002,
d ¼ .38, 95% CI [1.10, 4.93]. Thus, even when participants were explicitly told that the child in the video
was a boy, they rated “Samuel’s” experience of pain
as being greater than that of a typical boy, and similar
to that of a typical girl.
For display of pain, there was again no effect of
participant gender on ratings of target similarity to the
typical girl (p ¼ .069) or the typical boy (p ¼ .158).
Compared with the typical girl, the child in the video
was rated as displaying a similar amount of pain
(M ¼ 51.26, SD ¼ 10.81): t(132) ¼ 1.35, p ¼ .180, d
¼ .16, 95% CI [.59, 3.12]. However, compared with
the typical boy, the child was rated as displaying more
pain (M ¼ 53.43, SD ¼ 12.46): t(131) ¼ 3.16, p ¼
.002, d ¼ .39, 95% CI [1.29, 5.58]. Thus, “Samuel”
was not seen as being typical for a boy, either in terms
of sensation or display of pain, both of which were
rated as higher than what is typical for boys. Taken together with the results from the Girl condition, we
find that, regardless of condition, the child in the video
was rated as both sensing and displaying pain in a
manner that is typical for a girl but greater than what
is typical for a boy.
Controlling for Explicit Beliefs
To test the hypothesis that explicit beliefs or stereotypes concerning male versus female child pain display
behaviors could account for the main finding of a difference in pain sensation scores between conditions,
we controlled for such beliefs and re-ran the corresponding analysis (based on Martin & Ruble, 2010).
We reasoned as follows: if the belief that boys tend to
display less pain than girls is what is driving the relevant inferential process—that is, that this particular
“boy” must really be in pain—then controlling for that
belief should make the between-subjects difference in
pain sensation ratings diminish or disappear. Indeed,
this is what we find: when controlling for explicit gender stereotypes, the implicit effect of condition on inferred sensation of pain was no longer statistically
significant: F(1, 257) ¼ 1.65, p ¼ .200, gp2 ¼ .006.2
In this direct replication and extension of Cohen et al.
(2014), we used highly similar methods and materials
and found evidence that is supportive of their main
published finding, albeit in a larger and more
2 To be able to report interpretable 95% CIs for this analysis, we provide here the results of the same ANOVA on pain sensation (fixed
factor: target gender, covariates: explicit display and sensation), conducted as a regression: B ¼ 3.45, SE ¼ 2.65, 95% CI [8.67, 1.77],
t(258) ¼ 1.30, p ¼ 0.200.
Downloaded from by Yale University user on 03 May 2019
findings of Cohen et al. (2014), who also reported that
(M ¼ 41.38, SD ¼ 18.21), t(180) ¼ 6.37, p < .001, d
¼ .47. Cohen et al. (2014) reported that this effect
was significantly differentiated by participant gender,
with male participants (N ¼ 28) reporting a greater
difference between the display of pain in boys and girls
(M ¼ 33.33, SD ¼ 19.73) than female participants
(N ¼ 124, M ¼ 42.75, SD ¼ 17.67), t(178) ¼ 2.51, p
¼ .013, d ¼ .50, 95% CI [1.95, 16.89]. Although our
p-value for participant gender was not less than .05, it
was near this threshold at .064. If we run the same ttest as Cohen et al. (2014) on our own data, we find a
similar pattern of results, albeit with a smaller effect
size. That is, male participants (N ¼ 128) reported a
greater difference between the display of pain in boys
and girls (M ¼ 42.63, SD ¼ 16.98) than did female
participants (N ¼ 134, M ¼ 47.16, SD ¼ 18.72),
t(260) ¼ 2.05, p ¼ .041, d ¼ .25, 95% CI [.24,
Earp et al.
Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment
plausibly be regarded as male or female depending on
framing. If, in the absence any gendered framing, participants would overwhelmingly have seen the child as
a girl—as she is in real life—this would complicate our
interpretation of the findings.
This is for the following reason. Previous research
suggests that children are socialized into distinct male
or female gender roles starting at a very young age
(Martin & Ruble, 2010). Such socialization includes
learning the “appropriate” behavioral displays in response to pain for one’s assigned gender category
(e.g., “boys shouldn’t cry”). Given that the child in the
video was an actual 5-year-old girl, it is almost certain
that she will have been socialized to some extent, thus
raising questions about sociocultural factors which
may have influenced her learned behavioral reactions
to pain (Cohen et al., 2014, p. 93). In other words, it
is possible that participants, rather than exhibiting a
biased judgment grounded in unreflective gender stereotypes, were making a reasonable gender-based inference about the likely relationship between pain
sensation and pain display in the video they watched,
given real-life socialization pressures that tend to affect boys and girls differently.
On the other hand, if participants would have been
roughly as likely to believe that the child was a boy or
girl in the absence of gendered framing, their tendency
to rate the child as more “typical” for a girl even in
the Boy condition may indeed have reflected such gendered stereotypes. In other words, the overt display of
pain they observed might have conflicted with the stoicism characteristically expected of boys, appearing
more in line with the relative emotivism characteristically expected of girls. This, then, could lead participants to judge that this particular boy must really be
in pain, as we hypothesized. To look into this issue,
we conducted a short follow-up study with a new sample of MTurk workers.
Study 2
The purpose of Study 2 was to determine whether,
without any gendered framing, participants would be
far more likely judge the child in the stimulus video to
be a girl as compared to a boy or vice versa (low gender ambiguity), or roughly equally likely to judge the
child to be a girl or a boy (high gender ambiguity). As
this study was exploratory, we did not pre-register a
numerical cutoff for high or low ambiguity, nor did
we run inferential statistics. Instead, we provide simple descriptives to aid interpretation.
Based on available funding, we recruited 117 new
MTurk participants (42 female, 75 male), none of
Downloaded from by Yale University user on 03 May 2019
demographically diverse sample. In Cohen et al.
(2014), when a target child was described as a boy,
undergraduate participants rated the child as
experiencing more pain than when the child was described as a girl. In our study, we found the same effect among US-based MTurk workers, but it was
smaller in size and only statistically significant using a
one-tailed t-test. However, an exploratory robustness
analysis with fewer exclusions and increased power
resulted in a larger effect size estimate comparable to
that of Cohen et al. (2014), as well as a statistically
significant p-value using a two-tailed t-test.
Notably, we found that this effect was driven by female participants. This finding is in some tension with
that reported by Moon et al. (2008), who found that
fathers, but not mothers, rated the pain of their sons
higher in a cold pressor task, as well as Rosenbloom
et al. (2011), who found no difference between fathers
and mothers in ratings of their children’s pain.
However, the present study did not assess parental
judgments of their own children’s pain, but rather
adult ratings of an unrelated child’s pain. The results
may therefore not be directly comparable.
Nevertheless, the finding that female participants
drove our main effect is worth considering. As noted
previously, the original study by Cohen et al. (2014)
had a large number of female participants compared
with male participants (n ¼ 123 vs. n ¼ 28). This was
due to the authors’ sampling of psychology and nursing
students, who are disproportionately female. Thus, the
possibility is raised that female participants were primarily responsible for their main finding as well, as the
authors acknowledge (see Cohen et al., 2014, p. 93).
Why it is that female, but not male, participants in our
study rated “Samuel” as experiencing more pain than
“Samantha” is not immediately clear, but this should
be kept in mind and explored in future research.
An unexpected finding was that the child in the
video was consistently rated as being more typical for
a girl than a boy, in terms of both sensation and display of pain. As noted, we used the same video clip for
our experimental stimulus as did Cohen et al. (2014),
who through a pilot study had concluded that the target child’s features and clothing were such that one
could plausibly believe the child to be either a boy or a
girl. The pilot study was informal and involved showing the video to students and asking them to guess the
gender of the child. In reality, the child was a girl. As
Cohen et al. (2014, p. 91) state: “The child was
dressed in gender neutral clothing, consisting of a red
tee-shirt and sports-style shorts. The child’s hair partially covered her face, which made determining her
gender difficult.”
Yet there is a difference between a child being perceived as equally typical in appearance for either a boy
or girl, and having an appearance (or behavior) that is
simply sufficiently ambiguous that the child could
After an audio check to confirm that their sound was
working, participants were told “You are about to
watch a short video clip of a child receiving a fingerstick to test iron levels during a doctor visit. Please
watch the video closely and think about how much
pain you think the child is experiencing during the
procedure.” Participants were then shown the same
video as in the original study. After watching the
video, participants were asked, “What do you think
the sex of the child in the video was?” They were given
the options “Male” and “Female” with the order of
presentation randomized for each participant.
Participants were also asked to guess the age and ethnicity of the child as filler questions.
We found that, absent any gendered framing, 58.2%
of participants correctly judged that the child was female, while 41.8% thought the child was male. The
percentages were very similar for male and female participants: 58.0% versus 58.5% correct judgments, respectively. Thus, although the distribution of
judgments was not exactly evenly split between male
and female, the child’s appearance seems to have been
characterized by a high degree of gender ambiguity.
In line with our prediction, this finding suggests that
the asymmetrical judgments concerning target typicality observed in the previous study may indeed reflect
gendered stereotypes. Specifically: a “boy” exhibiting
overt discomfort in response to a painful stimulus was
judged to both feel and express pain in a manner that
is more typical for a girl than a boy. Yet in the absence
of any gendered framing, that same child was roughly
equally likely to be perceived as a boy or girl in a new
sample of naı̈ve participants.
General Discussion
In this research, we found that adult participants rated
a child undergoing a medical procedure as experiencing more pain when the child was described as a boy
as opposed to a girl—despite identical behavior and
circumstances—and that this effect was eliminated by
controlling for explicit gender stereotypes concerning
the pain responses of boys and girls. We therefore replicated the findings of Cohen et al. (2014), while providing a plausible explanation for their results. In
addition, since we relied on a larger and more demographically diverse sample than those authors, we
have shown for the first time that the effect can generalize beyond a university student population.
That being said, the participant observers in our
study were neither parents of the target child, nor—to
our knowledge—medical professionals, but rather
unrelated virtual bystanders. We therefore cannot
speak to the applicability of our findings to judgments
made in the context of a parent-child relationship or
in a healthcare consultation. Further studies should
explore these real-life contexts. A further limitation of
our study concerns its reliance on a single video, identical to that used in Cohen et al. (2014). Although this
was necessary for purposes of direct replication, it
does raise the possibility of a stimulus-specific effect.
As noted previously, the face of the child in the video
was partially covered by her hair. This likely increased
the gender ambiguity of the stimulus; yet facial expressions of pain are often an important source of information for observer judgments of child pain. This
should be kept in mind as a potential limitation of the
stimulus used in this study.
Another potential concern with the stimulus is that
the child in the video was rated as more typical for a
girl than a boy in terms of pain response regardless of
condition. This complicated our interpretation of the
results of Study 1 for the reasons described previously.
However, in Study 2, we sought to address this concern, finding that only 58.2% of participants correctly
judged that the child was female when no gendered
framing was employed. This suggests that the relevant
gender cues—from clothing, behavior, and so on—
were highly ambiguous as intended. Future studies
should use multiple videos including a mix of both
male and female children with tightly controlled gender cues between conditions. Other characteristics
such as the child’s age and race or ethnicity should
also be varied, so that the boundary conditions for the
observed effect can be determined.
In conclusion, fair and appropriate treatment of pediatric pain requires judgments about children’s internal mental states that are as free from distorting biases
as possible. We have provided evidence that the perceived gender of a child—holding all else constant in
an experimental design—can make a difference to
how their pain is interpreted by observers. Attempting
to understand the specific factors that play into such
differences across a range of demographic factors, and
with respect to various types of painful experiences,
should be a priority for researchers working in this
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whom had been involved in the previous study, and
paid them 20 cents each for their time. Two were excluded for indicating that their age was below 18 and 5
were excluded for failing an embedded audio check,
leaving a final sample of N ¼ 110 (41 female, 69 male)
ranging in age from 20 to 70 years (M ¼ 34.33 SD ¼
11.60). Of these, 64.5% identified as White, 15.5% as
Asian, 8.2% as Black/African American, 8.2% as
Hispanic/Latinx, 1.8% American Indian/Alaska Native,
0.9% as Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and 0.9% as Other.
Earp et al.
Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment
area. For healthcare providers, reliable information
about potential biases in judgments concerning the
private pain experiences of their patients—especially
children—will be an important step in improving diagnosis and treatment going forward.
Funding for this research was provided by the Yale
University Psychology Department.
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