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Heritage, 2023
Early November 1597. After an intense combat with four enemy ships, San Giacomo di Galizia (also known as Santiago), a just over 1000-ton galleon, enters the Ribadeo harbour in a terrible state, where it wrecks. This war vessel had been built in Naples in 1590 and sailed the Mediterranean and the Atlantic until it sank. In late November 2011, during an archaeological survey of the dredge area to improve the navigation of the ports in Galicia, a large ship was found and identified as the San Giacomo, which wrecked 414 years prior to its discovery. Several archaeological campaigns permitted a thorough record of the wreck and the recovery of hundreds of objects which this ship carried on its final journey. These artefacts included ceramics, metalwork, and wood, objects which reflected the activities that occurred on board during its short life. Combining an interdisciplinary approach based on artefacts, documents, and chemical analysis, the aim of this paper is to, on the one hand, attempt to reconstruct the sailing itinerary of the ship over its period of use and, on the other, to discuss how these commodities can help to write new narratives about the activities which occurred on board.
Memoire en Jeu. Dossier "Illiberal Policies Regarding the Past", 2019
The main purpose of Ukraine’s so-called “decommunization” laws of spring 2015 is not “decommunization” but “nationalization” shaped by a memory-political project to venerate World War Two ethno-nationalists of the OUN and UPA, notwithstanding their record of right-wing authoritarianism, pronounced fascist tendencies, antisemitism, Holocaust participation, mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Hence, the 2015 Laws also discriminate, whether deliberately or in a stunning display of revealed bias, against the victims of these nationalists: the Laws in effect reproduce the exclusion from the Universe of Obligation that was part of their initial victimization.
¿Te has preguntado para qué sirve la educación? Es más, ¿cualquier tipo de enseñanza es una buena educación? ¿Qué es lo que puedes esperar e, incluso, exigir de una buena educación?, ¿acaso que no tengas que trabajar mucho? Si consideras algunas cosas que sabes hacer ahora, ¿las aprendiste en algún momento o siempre supiste cómo realizarlas? La educación nos hace conscientes del mundo y nos permite transformar la realidad COMUNICACIÓN ESCRITURA TIEMPO MUERTE 1. Pregunta a tu mamá, papá o a cualquier otro familiar qué es la educación y para qué sirve, así como lo que consideran que debe enseñarse en la escuela. Luego realiza las mismas preguntas a algunos de tus vecinos. Compara y separa las respuestas que coinciden de las que difieren. Elabora un resumen, entrégalo y coméntalo con tu profesor(a). 2. ¿Cuál es la relación y la diferencia entre la educación y la ignorancia? 3. ¿Por qué la Filosofía reflexiona sobre la educación? Identifica cuál es el interés de la Filosofía por la educación, es decir, ¿qué problemas encuentra ésta en la educación? Argumenta tus respuestas y discútelas con tu profesor. 4. Investiga el significado y la etimología de los términos educar, enseñar y aprender. Tambié de las palabras Estudiante y Alumno A partir de ellos, explica con tus propias palabras de qué trata cada uno.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
This study focuses on women who define themselves as being undecided about becoming mothers. It addresses the question of how these women navigate their lives between two main conflicting cultural directives and perceptions: pronatalism and familism entwined in perception of linear time on one hand; and individualism and its counterpart, the notion of flexible liquid society, on the other. The research is based on group meetings designated for these women, which were facilitated by the first author. Ten women participated in the study-of whom, most were heterosexual, half were single, and half were partnered. Data were collected using (1) questionnaires completed during individual interviews that preceded the group encounter; (2) transcripts of the discussions held during the ten group sessions; and (3) questions regarding the status of the women's doubts about motherhood asked 4 years after participating in the group. Our findings expand the existing typology of women's reproductive decision-making, and demonstrate how categories that are commonly perceived as binary intersect when one challenges the rigid classifications of "active decisions" and "passive decisions"; "motherhood" and "non-motherhood," and "want to be a mother" and "do not want to be a mother." The findings also suggest that after becoming mothers, women can change their maternal status from "non-mother" to "mother," yet still continue to view themselves as indecisive regarding motherhood. Based on our findings, we will argue that while indecisiveness about motherhood derives from individualized neoliberal rhetoric, it simultaneously undermines that same rhetoric and contradicts the injunction to "know, to decide, to strive." It opposes the expectation in post-feminist discourse, that women will make choices about their bodies and exert them, while also opposing the pronatalist rhetoric, and the temporal linear discourse positing that women should "move forward" toward motherhood along with the ticking of the "biological clock." Whereas some women sought to resolve their indecisiveness, other women found that the indecisiveness leaves all options open in a manner that expands their boundaries of autonomy in a society that seeks to limit it.
Curated exhibit at Manhattan College. Talk will connect the theory of mess, feminist art, and motherhood to larger sociological issues. Oct. 8th 12:30 Manhattan College. Exhibit is located in O'Malley Library Aug-Dec 15, 2014
The ever increasing use of network-integrated information systems is an Information Society's landmark. This universe of digital contents and media is prone to some threats that seriously compromise the security of the user-system-information relationship. Information technology can sugest part of this problem's solution, but cannot solve it integrally. The information security policies must observe the balance between the human and technology issues about information security, in contrast with current policy models, extremely devoted to technological questions. This work had for purpose the analysis of the required backgrounds for the treatment of the information security, by means of information security policies proposal, based on a strategy of phenomenologic analysis. This approach aims to give to the policies a social boarding, of humanist perspectives, focused in the users's points of view and in opposition to the current technologic models. For such, the author proceeded to the analysis of a wide collection from articles and works in the elds of information security and public and corporate policies, applying a hermeneutic analysis on these materials. Also, a characterization of the various epistemology approaches to the Information Science was released. The found results suggested a model for the design of information security policies, based on social sciences requisites and builded with emphasis on the overviewing of information systems and in the context in which they exist.
Polish Review of International and European Law, 2012
Journal Roman Archaeology, 2018
Revue TRAVAUX, 2011
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017, 2017
Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 2019
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2017
… College and the …, 2004
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2014
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2018