Artificial Intelligence in Law

Artificial Intelligence in Law ADRIANA KURNIAWAN GRAHAM DESMON YUDHA VIKI ALVIONATA Graduate School – Telkom University Introduction Why law need AI technology • • • Serve more clients more effectively Law firm can focus on professional skills Increase access to justice Introduction [1] History of AI in Law 1970 : Buchanan and Headrick – The possibilities of modeling legal research 1977 : Thorne McCarty - TAXMAN system 1978 : Carole Hafner - legal infromation retrieval. 1981 : Donald Waterman & Mark Peterson – expert system for legal decision making 1987 : The first International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL) at Northeastern University. (The beginning of AI in Law era) 1990's : The dramatic rise of the World Wide Web. 90s-now : Machine Learning - NLP Introduction [2] General concept of AI in Law Kind of AI in Law AI in Contract Analysis Example tools or software Research in AI in Law (1) Automation draft contract (2) Risk contract analysis (3) Decision maker from a contract (4) Comparison on business model and contract analysis (5) Contract retrieval by search engine approach (6) Contract summarization. Research in AI in Law Title A Natural Language Processing and Semantic based System for Contract Analysis [5] Goal Searching the contract in repository and information about decision contract Towards Business Process Modeling in Business Contracting – Analyzing Collaboration Contracts as a Field of Application for Process Models [6] Using Semantics to Process Legal Document Updates [7] analyze the contract conformity to the NLP Semantic technology company's business processes and find the different Handle amendment changes in a contract AI Method NLP Semantic technology Semantic technology Conclusion High-quality provision results are extracted using SVO semantic approach, while coverage is guaranteed by keyword search approach. To see the difference structure between contract and business process, this approach visualizes the text to business model This research proposes a new solution to capture the information behind partial renewal of amendments in the legal domain. The solution uses a variety of techniques including entity recognition, syntactic parsing, and semantic modeling. This process will result in a model of information extraction which is then used for more effective information retrieval systems. This solution can be seen as a rule-based approach that captures the semantics of amendment actions. Reference [1] Winthrop, P., & Pittman, S. (2017). AI in Law—It’s Here, It’s Coming, 18(2). [2] Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. P. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15. [3] Mills, M. (2016). Legal Executive Institute Artificial Intelligence in Law : the State of Play 2016. Thomston Reuters, Legal Executive Institute, 6. [4] Contract, R., Pain, R., & Learning, M. (2016). Reduce Contract Review Pain Points with Machine Learning. [5] D. Yang et al., ―A natural language processing and semantic-based system for contract analysis,‖ Proc. - Int. Conf. Tools with Artif. Intell. ICTAI, pp. 707–712, 2013. [6] J. Becker, M. Heddier, and R. Knackstedt, ―Towards Business Process Modeling in Business Contracting--Analyzing Collaboration Contracts as a Field of Application for Process Models,‖ 2012 45th Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., pp. 4376–4385, 2012. [7] C. Leber, D. Yang, L. Tari, A. Crapo, and A. Chandramouli, ―Using semantics to process legal document updates,‖ Proc. sixth Int. Work. Exploit. Semant. Annot. Inf. Retr. - ESAIR ’13, pp. 53–56, 2013. THANK YOU