John Corcorans Logical Investigations 2019

JOHN CORCORAN (born 1937, Baltimore, USA), philosopher, logician, mathematician, linguist, and historian of logic, whose work stems from the desire to understand proof and demonstrative knowledge. This has led to concern with the interrelations of objectual, operational, and propositional knowledge and with the nature of logic, the nature of mathematical logic, information-theoretic foundations of logic, conceptual structures of metalogic, relationships of logic to epistemology and ontology, and roles of proof theory and model theory in logic. His interests, hypotheses, and conclusions continue to evolve but many are foreshadowed in his earliest works, especially his 1973 paper "Gaps between logical theory and mathematical practice". See References below. Corcoran's papers have been translated into Arabic, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. His 1989 signature essay "Argumentations and logic" has been translated into four languages. His 1999 instructional essay "Critical thinking and pedagogical license." has been translated into five languages. Several of his papers have been reprinted. His 2015 article "Existential import today", co-authored with the Iranian logician Hassan Masoud, is currently first on its journal's most-read list.

John Corcoran’s Logical Investigations: a Scholar’s Bio 2019 John Corcoran (born 1937, Baltimore, USA), philosopher, logician, mathematician, linguist, and historian of logic, whose work stems from the desire to understand proof and demonstrative knowledge. This has led to concern with the interrelations of objectual, operational, and propositional knowledge and with the nature of logic, the nature of mathematical logic, information-theoretic foundations of logic, conceptual structures of metalogic, relationships of logic to epistemology and ontology, and roles of proof theory and model theory in logic. His interests, hypotheses, and conclusions continue to evolve but many are foreshadowed in his earliest works, especially his 1973 paper “Gaps between logical theory and mathematical practice”. See References below. Corcoran’s papers have been translated into Arabic, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. His 1989 signature essay “Argumentations and logic” has been translated into four languages. His 1999 instructional essay “Critical thinking and pedagogical license.” has been translated into five languages. Several of his papers have been reprinted. His 2015 article “Existential import today”, co-authored with the Iranian logician Hassan Masoud, is currently first on its journal’s most-read list. Corcoran consults with his colleagues in the community of scholars. All of his publications were vetted by friends before submission. He has been principal author on over 40 co-authored works. His dedication and service to his colleagues and his constant interest in their contributions are attested in his many published reviews, over 100 in Mathematical Reviews alone, the latest in 2019. He participated in the founding of two journals and he regularly serves as a referee. He founded the Philadelphia Logic Colloquium and the Buffalo Logic Colloquium. He was principal organizer of four international conferences and was speaker at many more. He chaired the committee that successfully petitioned the University of Buffalo to award the Doctor Honoris Causa to Alonzo Church. He recognizes the scholar’s obligation to reach beyond the community of scholars, as indicated by his many dictionary and encyclopedia entries, over 25 in the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy on whose Board of Editorial Advisors he serves. Education. Pre-doctoral studies: Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, Engineering 1956, Johns Hopkins University BES Engineering 1959, MA Philosophy 1962, PhD Philosophy 1963. Dissertation: Generative Structure of Two-valued Logics; Supervisor: Robert McNaughton, a PhD student of Willard Van Orman Quine. Post-doctoral studies: Yeshiva University, Mathematics 1963–4; University of California, Berkeley, Mathematics 1964–5. Corcoran’s student years, the late 1950s and early 1960s, were wonderful times to be learning logic, its history, and its philosophy. His first logic teacher was Albert Hammond, who transmitted from his own dissertation supervisor Arthur Lovejoy the tradition of the history of ideas—a tradition his university, Johns Hopkins University, was known for. Corcoran studied Plato and Aristotle with Ludwig Edelstein, the historian of Greek science and medicine who taught at the University, in Philosophy and in Classics, and at the School of Medicine in History of Science. Corcoran’s next two logic teachers were both accomplished and knowledgeable 1 symbolic logicians: Joseph Ullian, a Quine PhD, and Richard Wiebe, a Benson Mates PhD who had studied with Carnap and Tarski. Corcoran’s dissertation supervisor, his “doctor father”, was Robert McNaughton, who had already established himself in three fields: the metamathematics of number theory, the theory of formal languages, and the theory of automata. McNaughton encouraged Corcoran to do post-doctoral studies at Yeshiva University in New York City with Raymond Smullyan and Martin Davis, both doctoral students of Alonzo Church. McNaughton later encouraged Corcoran to go to the University of California at Berkeley, then world center for logic and methodology, and he recommended Corcoran for a Visiting Lectureship there. McNaughton was also instrumental in Corcoran’s move to his first tenure-track position, in Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, where McNaughton was a Professor of Computer and Information Science. In those early years Corcoran also attended semester-long courses and seminars by several other logicians, including John Addison, a Stephen Kleene PhD, Leon Henkin, another Church PhD, and John Myhill, another Quine PhD. Corcoran often mentions his teachers with great respect and warmth. History of logic. Corcoran’s work in history of logic involves most of the discipline’s productive periods. His approach to history has evolved but he still holds to the basic principles outlined in his 1974 article “Future research on ancient theories of communication and reasoning”. He has discussed Aristotle, the Stoics, Peter of Spain, William of Sherwood, William of Ockham, Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri, George Boole, Charles Peirce, Richard Dedekind, Giuseppe Peano, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, the American Postulate Theorists, David Hilbert, C. I. Lewis, Jan Łukasiewicz, Stanisław Jaskowski, Alfred Tarski, Willard Van Orman Quine, Warren Goldfarb, and others. Aristotle. Corcoran’s 1972 interpretation of Aristotle’s logic of the Prior Analytics, considered radical at the time, came to be regarded as faithful both to the Greek text and the historical context. It was adopted for the 1989 translation of the Prior Analytics by Robin Smith and for the 2009 translation of the Prior Analytics Book A by Gisela Striker. His 2009 article “Aristotle’s demonstrative logic” presents to a broad audience an amended and refined version of the philosophical and historical consequences of the 1972 work without the mathematics. His interpretation of the logic in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, proposed independently by Timothy Smiley of Cambridge University at about the same time, has also been instrumental in subsequent investigations by established scholars such as George Boger, Newton da Costa, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, James Gasser, Kevin Flannery, John Martin, Mario Mignucci, Michael Scanlan, Robin Smith, and Kevin Tracy. The 2015 “Bibliography: John Corcoran’s publications on Aristotle 1972–2015” lists all of his publications on Aristotle through 2015 and it documents and responds to their reception in hundreds of publications discussing his work. Boole. Corcoran’s controversial 1980 critical reconstruction of Boole’s original 1847 system revealed previously unnoticed gaps and errors in Boole’s work. Moreover, it established the essentially Aristotelian basis of Boole’s philosophy of logic thus undermining the groundless opinion that Boole sought to refute Aristotle. In a 2003 article he provided a systematic comparison and critical evaluation of Aristotelian logic and Boolean logic. A series of his abstracts and articles reveal the richness of Boole’s fertile imagination and Boole’s previously unrecognized philosophical depth. For example, his 2005 article shows the connections of 2 Boole’s 1847 Principle of Wholistic Reference to doctrines later proposed by Frege and then, in a more modern setting, by Quine. Tarski. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Corcoran worked with Alfred Tarski on editing and correcting Tarski’s classic 1956 Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics, a collection of translations into English of Tarski’s most important early papers including the famous truth-definition paper. The new edition appeared in 1983 with Corcoran’s Editor’s Introduction. In 1991 Mathematical Reviews invited Corcoran to review Alfred Tarski’s Collected Papers, 4 vols. (1986). His collaboration with Tarski resulted in publications on Tarski’s work including the 2007 article “Notes on the founding of logics and metalogic: Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski”, which traces Aristotelian and Boolean ideas in Tarski’s work and which confirms Tarski’s status as a founding figure in logic on a par with Aristotle and Boole. The 2011 article, co-written with his former student José Miguel Sagüillo, “The absence of multiple universes of discourse in the 1936 Tarski consequence-definition paper” shows, contrary to widespread belief, that Tarski had not yet arrived at the now-standard “no-counter-models” conception of logical consequence. Mathematical logic. His mathematical logic treats propositional logics, modal logics, identity logics, syllogistic logics, standard first-order logics, the first-order logic of variable-binding term-operators, second-order logics, categoricity, definitional equivalence, model theory, and the theory of strings—a discipline first axiomatized in Tarski’s 1933 truth-definition paper. The theory of strings, also known as concatenation theory and as abstract syntax, is foundational in all areas of logic. Corcoran’s work in string theory dates to his earliest meetings as a graduate student with McNaughton who was then applying string theory to computer science and formal linguistics. String theory provides essential background for all of Corcoran’s other mathematical work and it plays a seminal role in his philosophy. Linguistics. Corcoran’s work in linguistics is intertwined with logic, mathematics education, philosophy of logic, and epistemology. It spans the spectrum from theoretical and formal linguistics influenced by his 1969 interpretation of the work of his University of Pennsylvania colleague Zellig Harris, Noam Chomsky’s “doctor father”, to empirical studies of the use of English in number theory and metalogic. His interpretation of Harris appeared in the 1972 paper “Harris on the structures of language”. The Harris-related theoretical and formal work is represented by his three-article series in the Journal of Structural Learning applying Harris’s discourse analysis to mathematical education. Corcoran’s work on the use of English in metalogic is exemplified by his 2009 paper sub-titled “Speaking about the written English used in logic”. Philosophy. In all of Corcoran’s philosophy, especially his philosophy of mathematics, he has been guided by a nuanced and inclusionary Platonism which uses the word ‘true’ in the literal, correspondence sense explicated by Tarski and which takes mathematics literally, especially, number theory, string theory, and set theory. He strives to do justice to all aspects of mathematical, logical, and linguistic experience including those aspects emphasized by competing philosophical perspectives such as logicism, constructivism, deductivism, and formalism. All of his work is grounded in the classical two-valued logic that was codified in the 1900s, often but not exclusively standard first-order logic. Non-standard logics have little relevance to his thinking. 3 Although several of his philosophical papers presuppose little history or mathematics, his historical papers often involve either original philosophy (e.g. his 2006 article “Schemata”) or original mathematics (e.g. his 1980 article “Categoricity”). His mathematical papers sometimes contain original history or philosophy (e.g. the 1974 article “String theory”). He has referred to the mathematical dimension of his approach to history as mathematical archaeology. A few of his philosophical papers involve original historical research. Corcoran has also been guided by the Aristotelian principle that the nature of modern thought is sometimes fruitfully understood in light of its historical development, a lesson that he attributes to Arthur Lovejoy’s History of Ideas Program at Johns Hopkins University. Corcoran’s attempt to integrate philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, logic, and history was encouraged for many years by his Buffalo colleagues, especially the late American philosopher and historian Peter Hare. References. 1971. Discourse grammars and the structure of mathematical reasoning: I, II, and III. Journal of Structural Learning 3, #1, 55–74; #2, 1–16; #3, 1–24. 1972. Harris on the structures of language. Transformationelle Analyse, Ed. Senta Plötz, Athenäum Verlag. 275–292. 1972. Completeness of an ancient logic. Journal of Symbolic Logic 37, 696–702. 1973. Gaps between logical theory and mathematical practice. Methodological Unity of Science, Ed. Mario Bunge. Reidel. 23–50. 1974. Future research on ancient theories of communication and reasoning. Ancient Logic and Its Modern Interpretations, Ed. John Corcoran. Reidel. 185–187. 1974. String theory. (Co-authors: William Frank, Michael Maloney). Journal of Symbolic Logic 39, 625–37. 1980. Categoricity. History and Philosophy of Logic 1, 187–207. 1980. Boole's Criteria of validity and invalidity. (Co-author: S. Wood). Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21, 609–39. 1983. Editor's introduction to the revised edition. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics by Alfred Tarski, translated by J. H. Woodger. Hackett. 1989. Argumentations and logic. Argumentation 3, 17–43. 1991. Review: Alfred Tarski’s Collected Papers, 4 vols. (1986) edited by Steven Givant and Ralph McKenzie. Mathematical Reviews MR1015501. 1999. Critical thinking and pedagogical license. Manuscrito XXII, 109–116. 2003. Aristotle's Prior Analytics and Boole's Laws of Thought. History and Philosophy of Logic 24, 261–288. 2005. Wholistic reference, truth-values, universe of discourse, and formal ontology: Manuscrito 28, 143–167. 2006. Schemata: the concept of schema in the history of logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12, 219–40. 2007. Notes on the founding of logics and metalogic: Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski. Eds. C. Martínez et al. Current Topics in Logic and Analytic Philosophy / Temas Actuales de Lógica y Filosofía Analítica. Imprenta Univeridade Santiago de Compostela (University of Santiago de Compostela Press).145–178. 2009. Aristotle's demonstrative logic. History and Philosophy of Logic 30, 1–20. 4 2009. Sentence, Proposition, Judgment, Statement, and Fact: Speaking about the Written English Used in Logic. The Many Sides of Logic. Eds: W. Carnielli, et al. College Publications. 71–103. 2011. The Absence of Multiple Universes of Discourse in the 1936 Tarski ConsequenceDefinition Paper. History and Philosophy of Logic. 32 (2011) 359–374. (Co-author: José Miguel Sagüillo) 2015. Existential import today: New metatheorems; historical, philosophical, and pedagogical misconceptions. (Co-author: Hassan Masoud). History and Philosophy of Logic 36, 39–61. 2015. Bibliography: John Corcoran’s Publications on Aristotle 1972–2015. Aporía · Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Filosóficas 10, 73–118. 2017. Review of Paseau, Alexander, “Knowledge of mathematics without proof”. British J. Philos. Sci. 66 (2015), no. 4, 775–799. Mathematical Reviews. MR3427518. Acknowledgements. Thanks to the following for help with this biographical sketch: Roger Bissell, Charles Broming, Mark Brown, Lynn Corcoran, William Demopoulos, Idris Samawi Hamid, Allen Hazen, James Gasser, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Hassan Masoud, Kristo Miettinen, Joaquin Miller, Mary Mulhern, Frango Nabrasa, Sriram Nambiar, Paliath Narendran, Charles Pailthorp, Woosuk Park, José Miguel Sagüillo, Michael Scanlan, Stewart Shapiro, Barry Smith, Kevin Tracy, Jeffrey Welaish, and others. 5