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The thesis is an investigation into the logical pluralism debate, aiming to understand how the philosophical commitments sustaining each side to the debate connects to more general issues connected to the foundations of logic. My... more
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      Model TheoryPragmatismPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic
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      PhilosophyA Priori KnowledgePhilosophy of LogicA Priori
Alfred Tarski’s semantic conception of truth is arguably the most influential – certainly, most discussed - modern conception of truth. It has provoked many different interpretations and reactions, some thinkers celebrating it for... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmatismSemanticsTruth
Klasik Mantık-2, AUZEF Felsefe, Ders Notu Özeti
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      PhilosophyLogicPhilosophy of LogicFelsefe
The limited aim here is to explain what John Dewey might say about the formulation of the grue example. Nelson Goodman’s problem of distinguishing good and bad inductive inferences is an important one, but the grue example misconstrues... more
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      LogicSemanticsNelson GoodmanInductive Reasoning
Classic and fuzzy logic and their usefulness in clinical diagnosis. The theory of probability is often considered a device to protect the classical two-valued logic from the evidence of its inadequacy to understand and show the complexity... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceLogicFuzzy Logic
We investigate the treatment of fractions in Russell’s 1919 classic Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. In contrast to rational numbers, every fraction has an integral numerator and a non-zero integral denominator, but usage varies... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsOntology
► JOHN CORCORAN AND SRIRAM NAMBIAR, Five Goldfarb implications. Expanding Corcoran’s “Meanings of implication” , we discuss five implication relations in Goldfarb’s Deductive logic , an important logic textbook that contains the latest... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogicLearning and TeachingFuzzy Logic
Traducción del texto de Donald Gillies "“The Fregean Revolution in Logic”, en Revolutions in Mathematics , ed. Gillies, D. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). Traducción de Marcela del Pilar Gómez y Ángel Rivera Novoa. En: "Saga",... more
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      LogicPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of LogicThomas S. Kuhn
The main of the paper is to discuss the meaning of negation involved in the logic of First Degree Entailment in the context of a dialogical analysis of tonk-like operators The dialogical framework is an approach to meaning that provides... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer SciencePhilosophyLogic
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      Critical TheoryModal LogicComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
A brief overview of a logic game design involving computer logic and colour. Explains the basic premise and plan for game design.
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      Coding TheoryAlgorithmsProgramming LanguagesLogic
CITE AS: Corcoran, John. 1999. “Laws of thought”. Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. R. Audi, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. p. 489. Laws of thought are laws by which or in accordance with which valid thought proceeds, or that justify... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsAnalytic PhilosophyLogicLearning and Teaching
Аннотация: В докладе предложена формализованная процедура тре-компонентной оценки аргументов на основе многозначных логик аргументации Д.Бочвара – В. Финна. Процедура обоснована при помощи понятия пост-правды и трех концепций истины,... more
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      PhilosophySemanticsTruthFormal Epistemology
South America is one of the 7 continents of the earth with many different countries and languages. The SAJL will promote interaction among logicians based in South America and also between logicians from South America and logicians from... more
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      SemioticsLogicFuzzy LogicHistory of Logic
Este artículo muestra como nustra noción de infinito elimina el carácter paradójico de la Paradoja de Yablo. Comenzando con conjuntos finitos (que no generan situaciones paradójicas) y extrapolando a infinito, nuestra noción de infinito... more
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      Philosophy of LogicLogical ParadoxLiar Paradox
In this interview Haack not only discusses with Dra. Carmen Vazquez not only her work in logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, etc., and in legal philosophy, but also tells some good stories abut her life, and the very... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceResearch Methodology
Estudiante de Licenciatura en Filosofía de la Universidad del Valle. Acaba de presentar trabajo de grado en área de lógica, recibiendo la mención Laureada. También ha sido monitor de los cursos Introducción a la lógica e Introducción a la... more
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      LogicPhilosophy of LogicParaconsistent logic
This study deals with Peirce's writings on topology by explaining key aspects of their historical contexts and philosophical significances. The first part provides an historical background. The second part offers considerations about... more
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      History of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsCharles S. PeircePhilosophy of Logic
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      LogicPhilosophy of LogicMathematical LogicSymbolic Logic
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAristotlePhilosophy of LogicAncient Greek Philosophy
We introduce a framework for a graph-theoretic analysis of the semantic paradoxes. Similar frameworks have been recently developed for infini-tary propositional languages by Cook [7], [9] and Rabern, Rabern, and Macauley [20]. Our focus,... more
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      LogicTruthPhilosophical LogicPhilosophy of Logic
The Laws of Form was created to represent propositional logic and Boolean algebra. But Spencer Brown (and later commentators) also claimed that it could represent Aristotelian syllogistic logic although, as he showed in his book, at least... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic
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      PragmatismEducationLogicPhilosophy of Education
Resumen Muchos creadores, a lo largo de la historia, se han sumergido en un ámbito oscuro y trasgresor; las pinturas negras y la trágica serie "Los desastres de la guerra", de Goya; los seres metamorfoseados y devorados en un violento... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Parallel to David Bohm´s development of a realistic interpretation of quantum physics, German philosopher and logician Gotthard Günther worked on a generalization of the classical two-valued logic to satisfy the ontological requirements... more
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      ConsciousnessPhilosophy of LogicPhilosophy of Quantum MechanicsDavid Bohm
“What the Tortoise said to Achilles” (WTSA), sometimes known as Carroll’s paradox of inference, appeared in the leading British journal "Mind" in 1895. Unlike Carroll’s earlier publication, “A logical paradox” (1894), commonly known as... more
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      History of LogicPhilosophy of LogicInferenceLewis Carroll
1981. A note on categoricity and completeness, History and Philosophy of Logic 2, 113–19. Current study of axiomatic method presupposes concepts and results of string theory and set theory. But axiomatic method was vigorously pursued in... more
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      MathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsSet TheoryLogic
Obsah FORMÁLNÍ A TRANSCENDENTÁLNÍ LOGIKA Úvod PŘÍPRAVNÉ ÚVAHY § 1. Východisko od významů slova logos: mluvení, myšlení, myšlené § 2. Idealita jazykového. Vyloučení určitých příslušných problémů § 3. Jazyk jako výraz "myšlení". Myšlení v... more
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      LogicPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlPhilosophy of Logic
1: Belief. Belief is the rational weighing of probabilities and faith in a certain subject of matter.
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      ReligionMathematicsAlgebraGeometry And Topology
Truth-preservation, implication-preservation, and cognition-preservation. This is one in a series of presentations designed to alert the philosophical community that claims made for the importance of truth-preservation are often... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogic
One of the reasons colours, or better the conceptual organisation of the colour system, could be relevant to the philosophy of logic is that they necessitate some mutilation of truth tables by restricting truth functionality. This paper... more
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      Philosophy of LogicWittgensteinHistory of PhilosophyHistory and Philosophy of Logic
Participation à l'édition du texte de ces cours. Jacques Brunschwig (1929-2010) fut l'une des grandes figures des études antiques en France dans la seconde partie du siècle dernier. Les leçons ici présentées, dispensées sur plusieurs... more
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      Philosophy of LogicAristotelesHistory and Philosophy of Logic
First days of a logic course This short paper sketches one logician’s opinion of some basic ideas that should be presented on the first days of any logic course. It treats the nature and goals of logic. It discusses what a student can... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyTeaching and Learning
written 2016
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      Gender StudiesLogicFeminist TheoryAristotle
What would happen if we tried to read the thinking and some writings of Machiavelli using the propositional logic? This short paper moves from this aim: clarify the arguments of the Florentine thinker, making explicit the inferences just... more
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      PhilosophyLogicPhilosophy of LogicPropositional Logic
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      PsychoanalysisHistory of IdeasHistory Of PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of Psychoanalysis
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      MathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
A wee bit of humor in Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of LogicBertrand RussellMathematical Logic
1972. Weak and Strong Completeness in Sentential Logic, Logique et Analyse 59/60, 429–34. MR0337476 (49 #2245) This is another study illustrating the fruitfulness of thinking of “logics” as three-part systems composed of a language, a... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsModal LogicModel TheoryLogic
Resumen La siguiente charla pretende ser una introducción al concepto de "paradoja", su problemática, y, su relevancia en lógica y distintas áreas afines. Nos centraremos en analizar en las paradojas autorreferenciales y su papel en... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of LogicParadox
This is the 1st part of a whole essay explaining debated historical details about Dharmakirti's life, his philosophical works, and his thoughts, being a first complete account on him in Bahasa Indonesia.
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      EpistemologyTibetan PhilosophyIndonesian HistoryTibetan Studies
In this paper, I examine anti-realist remarks made by Wittgenstein in the begin- ning of the 1930s on the nature of contradictions. An anti-realist view of logic rejects the paradigm of correspondence to facts and an independent reality... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of LogicWittgensteinContradiction
Resumo Resumo: a abordagem de ?A Lógica da História faz com que seja possível concretizar a dialética do natural (incluindo o biológico) e o social. O desenvolvimento criativo do método de investigação científica foi possível revelar a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
By the thematic division of Wittgenstein works, brought into account at this thesis, we may distinguish all possible philosophical orientations of Wittgenstein's thoughts. Therefore, we shall investigate Wittgenstein's remarks concerning... more
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      MathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophical Logic
This paper aims to illuminate the fundamental flaws of the basic theory of arithmetic. No further introduction needed.
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      Critical TheoryMathematicsNumber TheoryAnalytic Number Theory
Nel presente lavoro si andranno ad analizzare i possibili punti di contatto tra le cornici teoriche di Matte-Blanco e di Fonagy e colleghi. Passando in rassegna i punti chiave della bi-logica (Matte-Blanco 1975; 1988) e del concetto di... more
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      PsychoanalysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisPsychology of UnconsciousSigmund Freud
Computational and information-theoretic research in philosophy has become increasingly fertile and pervasive, giving rise to a wealth of interest-ing results. In consequence, a new and vitally important field has emerged, the philosophy... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation ScienceInformation Technology
Un saggio fondamentale di Frege dove vengono distinti nettamente concetti e oggetti e dove vengono elaborate le prime ipotesi sulla natura dell'identità. L'articolo espone le tesi di Frege e ventila qualche congettura alternativa
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic
Abstracts for 20 papers to be discussed at a symposium on Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933, From the Notes of G. E Moore, edited by David Stern, Brian Rogers, and Gabriel Citron. The symposium will be held at the University... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAestheticsPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic