Roman and Roman-friendly Women Writers Bibliography (Poetry)


"Roman and Roman-friendly Women Writers Bibliography (Poetry)" in D. Mantzilas, Roman and Roman-friendly Women Writers: Poetesses and Prose Writers from the Beginnings of Latin Literature to Late Antiquity [Ρωμαίες και Φιλορωμαίες συγγραφείς: ποιήτριες και πεζογράφοι από τις απαρχές έως την ύστερη Αρχαιότητα], Ioannina: Carpe Diem Publications, 2018, passim

BIBLIOGRAPHY Roman and Roman-friendly Women Writers Part I: Poetry (From our book: Roman and Roman-friendly Women Writers: Poetesses and Prose Writers from the Beginnings of Latin Literature to Late Antiquity, Ioannina, 2018, in Modern Greek) General Bibliography-Literary Works by Women Balmer, J., Classical Women Poets, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1996. Barnstone, A & W. (εκδ.), A Book of Women Poets From Antiquity to Now, New York, 1980. Bernabé Pajares, A.-Rodrígues Somolinos, H. (εκδ.), Poetisas Griegas, Madrid, 1994. Bowie, E. L., “Greek Poetry in the Antonine Age” στο D. A. Russell (εκδ.), Antonine Literature, Oxford, 1990, 53-90. Burzacchini, G., “Sul ‘canone’ delle poetesse (Antip. Thess. A. P. IX 26 = XIX G.-P.)”, Eikasmos 8 (1997) 125-132. Cavallo, G., “Donne che leggono, donne che scrivono” στο R. Raffaelli (εκδ.), Vicende e figure femminili in Grecia e a Roma, Ancona, 1995, 517-526. Churchill, L. J.-Brown, P. R.-Jeffrey, J. E, (εκδ.), Women Writing Latin From Roman Antiquity to Early Modern Europe, 3 vols, London-New York, 2002. De Martino, F., Poetesse Greche, Bari, 2006. De Vos, M. J, Negen aardse muzen: gender en de receptive van dichteressen in het oude Griekenland en Rome, Diss. Nijmegen, 2012. Fairweather, J. A., “Biographies of Ancient Writers”, AncSoc 5 (1974) 231-275. Greene, E., Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome, Norman, 2005. Haines-Eitzen, K., “Girls Trained for Beautiful Writing: Female Scribes in Roman Antiquity”, JECS 6 (1998) 629-646 = Ιδ., Guardians of Letters: Literacy, Power, and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature, Oxford-New York, 2000, 41-52. Hemelrijk, E. A., Matrona Docta: Educated Women in the Roman Elite from Cornelia to Julia Domna, London-New York, 1999. Κεφ. 5. Women and writing: Poetry, 146-184 & Κεφ. 6. Women and writing: Prose, 185-209. Homeyer, H., Dichterinnen des Altertums und des frühes Mittelalters, Paderborn, 1979. López López, A., “Escritoras latinas: las prosistas”, EFL 1 (1980) 47-70. —, No solo hilaron lana. Escritoras romanas en prosa y en verso, Madrid, 1994. —, “Escritoras romanas y escritoras actuales: puntos de convergencia” στο J. Mª García González – A. Pociña Pérez (εκδ.), Pervivencia y actualidad de la cultura clásica, Granada, 1996, 209-233. [1996a] —, “Rasgos caracterizadores de las escritoras romanas” στο Actas del IX Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Madrid, 1996, 127-131. [1996b] —, De Safo a Alfonsina. Las mujeres en su literatura y en la masculina, Sevilla, 2008. Μαντζίλας, Δ./Mantzilas, D., «Αρχαίες Ελληνίδες Ποιήτριες: Σαπφώ, Κόριννα, Πράξιλλα, Μύρτιδα, Τελέσιλλα» (εισαγωγή, μετάφραση, σχόλια), Αθήνα, 1992 (ανέκδοτη φοιτητική εργασία)-Επίβλεψη: Α. Βοσκός. —, «Λατινόφωνες και λατινόφιλες γυναικείες φωνές» στο Ζ. Γαβριηλίδου-Μ. Κωνσταντινίδου-Ν. Μαυρέλος-Ι. Ντεληγιάννης-Ι. Παπαδοπούλου-Γ. Τσομής (επιμ.), Πρακτικά διεθνούς επετειακού συνεδρίου: Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία (20 χρόνια λειτουργίας του τμήματος Ελληνικής Φιλολογίας Δ. Π. Θ.), Κομοτηνή, 2017a, Ι, 321-338. McIntosh Snyder, J., The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome, Carbondale, 1989. Plant, I. M., Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome: An Anthology, Norman, 2004. Prins, Y.-Shreiber, M., Dwelling in Possibility: Women Poets and Critics on Poetry (Reading Women Writing), Ithaca, 1997. Stevenson, J., Women Latin Poets: Language, Gender, and Authority, from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century, Oxford-New York, 2005. Thiébaux, Μ., The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology, New York-London, 1987 (1994²). Waithe, M. E., A History of Women Philosophers, I. 600 B.C. / 500 A.D., Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster, 1986 (repr. 1992). West, M. L., “Die griechischen Dichterinnen des Kaiserzeit” στο H. G. Beck-Α. Kambylis-P. Moreaux (εκδ.), Kyklos [Festschrift R. Keydell], Βerlin-New York, 1978, 101-115. —, Die griechische Dichterin. Bild und Rolle, Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1996. Wright, F. A., “The Woman Poets of Greece”, Forthnightly Review 113 (1923) 323-333. —, The Poets of the Greek Anthology: A Companion Volume to the Garland of Aphrodite, London-New York, 1924. Sulpicia I Albrecht von M., Ιστορία της Ρωμαϊκής Λογοτεχνίας, μτφ. Δ. Ζ. Νικήτας, Ηράκλειο, 2007-7η έκδοση (1988), 870-5. Alfonsi, L., Albio Tibullo e gli autori del ‘Corpus Tibullianum’, Milano, 1946, 37-40, 90-6. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Elegiaca”, Latomus 12 (1953) 22-4. Argetsinger, K., “Birthday Rituals: Friends and Patrons in Roman Poetry and Cult”, CIAnt 11 (1992) 175-193. Ayrmann, Chr. F. Albii Tibulli equitis Romani poetarumque elegiacorum principis vita, Vitebergae, 1719. Badian, E.-Pelling, C.-Heath, T., “Sulpiicus Rufus, Servius” στο S. Hornblower-A. Spawforth, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 1996³, 1455. Balmer, J., Classical Women Poets, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Michigan, 1996, 100 κ. εξ. ꟷꟷꟷ, Piecing Together the Fragments: Translating Classical Verse, Creating Contemporary Poetry, Oxford, 2013, 127-133. Belling, H., “Über 4.2-12” στο Ιδ., Untersuchung der Elegien des Albius Tibullus, Berlin, 1897, 1-84. [1897a] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Cornutus und Sulpicia”, αυτόθι, 291-303. [1897b] Bernays, L., “Zur Elegie Tib. 3.9 und zur Problematik der Sulpicia-Gedichte”, Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 209-14. Boucher, J.-P., “A propos de Cerinthus et de quelques autres pseudonymes dans la poésie augustéenne”, Latomus 35 (1976) 504-519. Βουτσίνου-Κικίλια, M., «Ο λυρισμός και η ευαισθησία στην ποίηση της Σουλπικίας», Δ΄ Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Λατινικών Σπουδών, Ρέθυμνο 2-4 Νοεμβρίου 1990, Ρέθυμνο, 1994, 157-168. Bowerman, H. C., “The Birthday as a Commonplace of Roman Elegy”, CJ 12 (1916-7) 310-8. Bradley, J. R., “The Elegies of Sulpicia: An Introduction and Commentary” NEC 22 (1995) 159-164. Bréguet, E. Le Roman de Sulpicia. Élégies IV, 2-12 du ‘Corpus Tibullianum’, Genève, 1946. Bürger, R., “Studien zu Lygdamus und den SulpiciaDichten”, Hermes 40 (1905) 321-5. Butrica, J., “Lygdamus, Nephew of Messalla?", LCM 18.4 (1993) 51-53. Calcaterra, A. K., The Poetry of Sulpicia, Southern Illinois, 1994. Campos Vargas, H., “Sulpicia una sobreviviente de la literatura femenina en Roma”, Filología y Lingüística, 37.1 (2011) 9-25. Cantarella, E., Passato prossimo. Donne romane da Tacita a Sulpicia, Milano, 1996 και ισπ. μτφ. Μ. Ι. Núñez Paz, Pasado próximo: mujeres romanas de Tácita a Sulpicia, Madrid, 1997. Carcopino, J., “Séance du 30 Janvier [Communication l’épitaphe de Sulpicia]”, BSAF (1929) 84-6. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Notes bibliographiques sur M. Valerius Messalla Corvinus” RPh 72 (1946) 96-117. Cartault, A., Tibulle et les auteurs du Corpus Tibullianum, Paris, 1909. Cesareo, E., Il carme natalizio nella poesia latina, Palermo, 1929, κεφ. 2. Ciaffi, V., Lettura di Tibullo, Torino, 1944, 135-139. Corelis, J., Roman Erotic Elegy: Selections from Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, and Sulpicia, Salzburg, 1995. Cozzolino, A., “Il Carme III 13 del Corpus Tibullianum e il Fragmentum Grenfellianum”, Athenaeum 80 (1992) 475-478. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Due note esegetiche all’Appendix Tibulliana”, Vichiana 11 (2009) 21-30. Creekmore, H., The Erotic Elegies ofAlbius Tibullus with the Poems of Suplicia Arrangedas a Sequence Called No Harm to Lovers. New York, 1966. Crusius, R. E., “Elegie”, RE V A, Stuttgart, 1905, col. 2297-8. Currie McLeod, H., “The Poems of Sulpicia”, ANRW 30.3 (l983) 1751-1764. Dainville, J., «Le genethliakon dans la poésie de Sulpicia: une transgression érotique», Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, May 30, 2014 (ανακοίνωση). Davies, C., “Poetry in the Circle of Messalla”, G & R n. s. 20.1 (1973) 25-35. Dettmer, H., “The Corpus Tibullianum (1974-1980)”, ANRW II.30.3 (1983) 1962-1975. Di Monaco, F., “Adulescens poetria in litteris Latinis: Sulpicia”, VL 95 (1984) 24-6. Dickinson, Sh. K.-Hallett, J. P., “Tibullus 3.9, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16; L’Année Epigraphique 1928.73; Cicero, ad Familiares 4.5. Writings by and about the Augustan Elegist Sulpicia”, στο Ιδ., A Roman Woman Reader: Selections from the Second Century BCE through the Second Century CE, Mundelein, 2015, 22-5, 112-126. Doncieux, R., “De qui sont les élégies du livre IV de Tibulle?”, RPh 15 (1891) 76-81. Dronke, P., “Alcune osservazioni sulle poesie di Sulpicia (c.a. 25 a.c.)” στο F. Bertini (εκδ.), Giornate Filologiche “Francesco Della Corte” 3, Genova, 2003, 81-99. El-Nowieemy, M., “From the Realm of Women Writers: A Comparative Study of Mayy Ziyada and Sulpicia”, Union of Arab Historians Balqahrhn, December 2011, Le Caire, 2012, 519-539. Fabre-Serris, J., “Sulpicia: An/other Feminine Voice in Ovid’s Heroides: A New Reading of Heroides 4 and 15”, Helios 36.2 (2009) 149-173. ꟷꟷꟷ, “La réception d’Empédocle dana la poésie latine. 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C., “A Poetic Experiment in the Garland of Sulpicia (Corpus Tibullianum, 3, 10)”, Latomus 35 (1976) 761-82. Gaertner, J. F., “The Literary Background of an Amatuerish Poetess: on [Tib.] 3.13”, PP 54 (1999) 198-200 Giangrande, G., “Motivi epigrammatici ellenistici nell’elegia romana” στο E. Flores (εκδ.), Dall’epigramma ellenistico all’elegia romana, Napoli, 1984, 29-58. Gibson, R., “Love Elegy” στο S. Harrison (εκδ.), A Companion to Latin Literature. Malden-Oxford, 2007, 159173. Giordani, D., Sulpiciae Elegidia. Saggio di commento a [Tib.] 3.13, Scuola Normale Superiore, Colloquio di filologia latina, 10.IV.2014 (ομιλία). Grainger, J., A Poetical Translation of the Elegies of Tibullus; and of the Poems of Sulpicia, London, 1759. Greekmore, J., The Erotic Elegies of Albius Tibullus, New York, 1968, 105. Greer, G., “Poet, Poetaster, Poetess” στο Ιδ., Slip-shod Sibyls: Recognition, Rejection and the Woman Poet, London, 1995, κεφ. 2. Grimal, P., L’amour à Rome, Paris, 1963· Love in Ancient Rome, μτφ. W. Nethercut, Norman 1980. Groag, E., “Caecilius 46”, RE III, Stuttgart, 1899, col. 1200. Gruppe, O. F., Die römische Elegie, Leipzig, 1838, I, 25-64. Guepin, J. P., “De Krans van Sulpicia”, Hermeneus 36 (1965) 209-217. Günther, H. Ch., Sulpiciae Elegidia. Text, Übersetzung, Einleitung und Anmerkungen, Nordhausen, 2016 (Studia classica et medievalia, 13). Habinek, T., The Politics of Latin Literature, Princeton, 1998. Hadas, R., “The Garland of Sulpicia” στο D. J. Rayor-W. W. Batstone (εκδ.), Latin Lyric and Elegiac Poetry. An Anthology of New Translations, New York-London, 1995, 87-90. Hallett, J. P., “The Role of Women in Roman Elegy: Counter Cultural Feminism”, Arethusa 6 (1973) 102-124. ꟷꟷꟷ, Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family, Princeton, 1984, 175-192. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Martial's Sulpicia and Propertius' Cynthia” CW 86, 2 (1992) 199-124 = M. DeForest (εκδ.), Woman's Power, Man's Game: Essays in Classical Antiquity in Honor of Joy K. King, Wauconda, Illinois, 1993, 322-353. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Women as Same and Other in Classical Roman Elite”, Helios 16 (1989) 59-78. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Contextualizing the Text: The Journey to Ovid”, Helios 17 (1990) 187-195. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Suplicia and the Valerii: Family Ties and Poetic Unity” στο B. Amden-P. F. Jensen-T. H. Nielsen-A. Schwartz-Chr. G. Tortzen (εκδ.), Noctes Atticae: 34 Articles on Graeco-Roman Antiquity and its Nachleben. Studies Presented to Jørgen Mejer, Copenhagen, 2002, 141-9. [2002a] ꟷꟷꟷ, “The Eleven Elegies of the Augustan Poet Sulpicia” στο L. J. Churchill-P. R. Brown-J. E. Jeffrey, Women Writing Latin, from Roman Antiquity to Early Modern Europe, 3 vols., New York-London, 2002, I, 4565. [2002b] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Suplicia and her fama: an Intertextual Approach to Recovering her Latin Image”, CW 100.1 (2006) 3742. [2006a] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Catullus and Horace on Roman Women Poets”, Antichton 40 (2006) 65-88. [2006b] ꟷꟷꟷꟷ, “Sulpicia and her Resistant Intertextuality” στο D. van Mal-Maeder-A. Burnier-L. Nunez (εκδ.), Jeux de voix: Enonciation, intertextualité and intentionnalité dans la littérature antique, Bern-BerlinBruxelles-Frankfurt am Main-New York-Oxford-Vienna, 2009, 141-155. [2009a] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Absent Roman Fathers in the Writings of their Daughters: Cornelia and Sulpicia” στο S. Huebner-D. M. Ratzan (εκδ.), Growing up Fatherless in Antiquity, Cambridge, 2009, 175-192. [2009b] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Corpus Erat: Sulpicia’s Elegiac Text and Body in Ovid’s Pygmalion Narrative (Metamorphoses 10.238297)” στο T. Foegen-M. Lee (εκδ), Bodies and Boundaries in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Berlin, 2009, 111-124. [2009c] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Ovid’s Sappho and Roman Women Love Poets”, Dictynna 6 (2009), στο διαδίκτυο. [2009d] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Ovid’s Thisbe and a Roman Woman Love Poet” στο B.W. Boyd-C. Fox (εκδ), Approaches to Teaching World Literature: Ovid and Ovidianism, New York, 2010, 414-433. [2010a] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Human Connections and Paternal Evocations: Two Élite Roman Women Writers and the Valuing of Others” στο R. M. Rosen-I. Sluiter (εκδ.), Valuing Others in Classical Antiquity, Leiden-Boston 2010 (Mnemosyne Supplementum, 323), 353-373. [2010b] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Recovering Sulpicia: the Value and Limitations of Prosopography and Intertextuality” in J. Nelis (ed.), Receptions of Antiquity, Gent, 2011, 297-312 [2011a]. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Scenarios of Sulpiciae: Moral Discourses and Immoral Verses,” EuGeStA 1.6 (2011) 79-97 [2011b] ꟷꟷꟷ, “Women in Augustan Rome” στο Sh. L. James-Sh. Dillon (εκδ.), A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, Pondicherry, 2015, 372-384. Hanslik, R., “Der Dichterkreis des Messalla”, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien 89 (1952) 22-38. ꟷꟷꟷ, RE VIIIA Valerius Messala 261, Stuttgart, 1955, col. 131-157. Harrauer., H., A Bibliography to the Corpus Tibullianum, Hildesheim 1971. Haupt, M., “Varia”, Hermes 5 (1871) 32-4 = Ιδ., Opuscula, Leipzig, 1875 (επανέκδοση Hildesheim, 1967), ΙΙΙ, 502-3. Heath-Stubbs, J., The Poems of Sulpicia, London, 2000. Hemelrijk, E. A., Matrona Docta: Educated Women in the Roman Élite from Cornelia to Julia Domna. London-New York, 1999, 151-3. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Roem, roddel en reputatie: de Romeinse dichterin Sulpicia”, Hermeneus 72 (2000), 76-9. Herrmann, L., “Reconstruction du livre de Sulpicia”, Latomus 9 (1950) 35-47. ꟷꟷꟷ, “Un nouveau fragment de Sulpicia?”, Latomus 23 (1964) 322-3. Heyne, Chr. G., Albii Tibulli carmina libri tres cum libro quarto Sulpiciae et aliorum, Lipsiae, 1755 (1975-4η έκδοση). Hinds, S., “The Poetess and the Reader: Further Steps towards Sulpicia”, Hermathena 143 (1987) 29-46. Ho Rose, A., “Translating an Echo: Intersubjective Voices of Sulpicia's Poetry”, Poetry & Translation Conference, University of Stirling, Scotland. 16-19 July 2008 (ανακοίνωση). Holzberg, N., “Four Poets and a Poetess or a Portrait of the Poet as a Young Man? 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