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III 3.1 Supply and Distribution of Gaseous Fuels. 11/3.2 Economics of Conversion to Gaseous Fuels. 11/3.3 Gaseous Fueled Vehicles: Safety and Insurance 11/3.4 Feasibility and Costs of Exhaust and Evaporative Emissions Control Devices for Used Cars. 1114 EQL Strategy No.1 for Reductions in Emissions from Stationary Sources. 11/4.1 Introduction. 84 11/4.2 Reductions in Reactive Hydrocarbon Emissions 11/4.3 Reduction in Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions 1115 Social and Economic Incentives and Disincentives Designed to Reduce Emissions. 94 11/5.1 Introduction. 94 11/5.2 The Public Policy Issues. 11/5.3 The Motor Vehicle Emissions Tax as an Air Pollution Control Measure 11/5.4 Export of Old, High Emissions Cars out of the Basin 11/5.5 Moving More People in Fewer Vehicles 11/5.6 Reducing the Annual Rate of Increase in Gasoline Consumption 117
The Industrial revolution has been the central cause for the increase in pollutants in the atmosphere over the last three centuries. Among those pollutants major problem, by which the planet is suffering from, is SMOG. The word "Smog" was coined in the early 20th century as a portmanteau of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog. Modern smog is a type of air pollution derived from vehicular emission from internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere with sunlight to form secondary pollutants. These secondary pollutants has historically been described as two types named after the places where they were first observed, industrial smog (or London smog) and photochemical smog (or Los Angeles smog). In high concentrations, smog can be extremely toxic to humans and other living organisms. In this paper our objective is to highlight the reasons, effects and mitigation measures of Smog.
Here we are about to discuss the formation of smog, it's chemical constituents, the effects of smog not only on human beings but also on vegetation and surrounding environment. Major Air Pollutants responsible for smog are carbon oxides (CO, CO2) , nitrogen oxides and nitric acid (NO, NO2, HNO3) , sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid (SO2, H2SO4), suspended particulate matter (SPM) ,ozone (O3) ,volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Efforts to control smog around the world have had significant influence in improving air quality in metropolitan areas, but each city faces its own specific challenges, and strategies that work in one region are not always applicable to others.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S
In recent years, every winter we face the problem of excessive air pollution in the cities in Poland. This phenomenon is usually called smog and is associated with the concept of acidic smog of London type. However, there is a fundamental difference between the Great Smog of London known from the literature and winter smog episodes in Poland. While in 1952 in London the smog occurred at low atmospheric pressure, in foggy and windless weather conditions, in Poland smog episodes occur most often at the influx of cold, high-pressure air masses from the east in sunny weather. There are also various harmful components of smog - in London it was dust (suspended particulate matter), sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, while in Poland it is suspended particulate matter and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, especially benzo(a)pyrene. A common factor is the inversion of temperature in the ground level of the atmosphere. The chemical composition of the “Polish smog” is analyzed in the study justifyin...
The phenomenon of above-average air pollution, i.e., smog, in urban areas is known. Two types of smog have been described in the literature: London and Los Angeles smog. They differ in the conditions of formation and areas of occurrence. In recent years, the phenomenon of smog has also been observed in Poland, where the main reason for poor air quality is exceeding the permissible PM10 concentrations. The main source of particulate matter emissions in Poland is the so-called “low emission”, i.e., released by emitters up to 40 m high, mainly from domestic boilers and traffic. Based on the data from the environmental protection inspection, an analysis was carried out of the impact of atmospheric factors, such as atmospheric pressure and air temperature, on air pollution caused by particulate matter in Poland. Next, data concerning the chemical composition of PM10 particulate matter in Poland was analyzed. In the next stage, tests were carried out on ammonia emissions from biomass and ...
Atmospheric Research, 2008
Stable weather conditions together with extensive use of coal combustion often lead to severe smog episodes in certain urban environments, especially in Eastern Europe. In order to identify the specific sources that cause the smog episodes in such environments, and to better understand the mixing state and atmospheric processing of aerosols, both single particle and bulk chemical characterization analysis of aerosols were performed in Krakow, Poland, during winter 2005.
A cura di Speranza Cerullo e Laura Ingallinella 🔗Per acquistare il volume: Una nuova stagione di studi sulla letteratura religiosa medievale ha aperto la strada negli ultimi decenni al recupero di alcuni dei più importanti testi di genere agiografico e devozionale, dei quali si va tuttora ricostruendo da un lato l’impatto sulla storia culturale del Medioevo europeo, dall’altro la collocazione nel quadro dell’evoluzione letteraria e linguistica delle diverse aree del continente. Di quello che resta un autentico monumento dell’agiografia medievale, la Legenda aurea di Iacopo da Varazze (1228 ca. - 1298), i contributi raccolti in questo volume esplorano aspetti cruciali della circolazione nell’ambito dei volgari romanzi, senza rinunciare al confronto con le nuove prospettive della ricerca sulla tradizione del testo latino. All’analisi delle dinamiche di trasmissione del leggendario, tra ambienti laici e religiosi, si affianca l’indagine sulle traduzioni parziali e integrali italiane (in toscano, genovese, siciliano) e su quelle in francese, occitano, catalano, castigliano, talora qui esaminate per la prima volta, seguendo approcci di carattere sia filologico sia storico-linguistico.
A. LATAR BELAKANG Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) merupakan hak-hak yang dimiliki manusia sejak ia lahir yang berlaku seumur hidup dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat siapapun. Hak Asasi merupakan sebuah bentuk anugrah yang diturunkan oleh tuhan sebagai sesuatu karunia yang paling mendasar dalam hidup manusia yang paling berharaga. Hak Asasi dilandasi dengan sebuah kebebasan setiap individu dalam menentukan jalan hidupnya, tentunya Hak asasi juga tidak lepas dari kontrol bentuk norma-norma yang ada. Hak-hak ini berisi tentang kesamaan atau keselarasan tanpa membeda-bedakan suku,golongan, keturunanan, jabatan, agama dan lain sebagainya antara setiap manusia yang hakikatnya adalah sama-sama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Hak merupakan unsur normatif yang melekat pada diri setiap manusia yang dalam penerapannya berada pada ruang lingkup hak persamaan dan hak kebebasan yang terkait dengan interaksinya antara individu atau dengan instansi. Hak juga merupakan sesuatu yang harus diperoleh. Masalah HAM adalah sesuatu hal yang sering kali dibicarakan dan dibahas terutama dalam era reformasi ini. HAM lebih dijunjung tinggi dan lebih diperhatikan dalam era reformasi dari pada era sebelum reformasi. Perlu diingat bahwa dalam hal pemenuhan hak, kita hidup tidak sendiri dan kita hidup bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Jangan sampai kita melakukan pelanggaran HAM terhadap orang lain dalam usaha perolehan atau pemenuhan HAM pada diri kita sendiri. Dalam hal ini penulis merasa tertarik untuk membuat makalah tentang HAM. Maka dengan ini penulis mengambil judul "Hak Asasi Manusia". Secara teoritis Hak Asasi Manusia adalah hak yang melekat pada diri manusia yang bersifat kodrati dan fundamental sebagai suatu anugerah Allah yang harus dihormati, dijaga, dan dilindungi. hakikat Hak Asasi Manusia sendiri adalah merupakan upaya menjaga keselamatan eksistensi Makalah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | Hak Asasi Manusia 1
CLAVERIE, E., 2010, « La Guerre comme Mémoire, le cas de la Yougoslavie », Chapitre V, Le Passé au Présent, Gisements mémoriels et actions historicisantes en Europe centrale et orientale, G. Mink, P. Bonnard (dirs), pp105-129
Unearthing Jerusalem, 2011
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020
Biological Trace Element Research, 2008
Revista Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina, 2017
Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017), 2017
JP3M (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika), 2018
RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, 2020