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PowerPoint for talk given December 2018. Prepared to present talking points upon request.
Information technology can change the way businesses compete. For this reason, you should view information systems strategically, that is, as vital competitive networks, as a means of organizational renewal, and as a necessary investment in technologies that help an enterprise achieve its strategic objectives.
Water, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Infections are the most common complications in individuals with sickle cell anemia. The splenomegaly of these individuals results from erythrocytes being sequestrated, resulting in organ atrophy and fibrosis. However, even before splenomegaly, phagocytic capacity and antibody production are affected as a result of splenic activity, leading to functional asplenia and increased susceptibility to infections. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by phagocytes when activated by pathogenic microorganisms act as bactericides. On the other hand, oxidative damage to erythroid cells also plays a crucial role in hemolysis. We investigated the influence of GSTP1 and TLR2 genetic polymorphisms on susceptibility to infections in 278 patients with sickle cell anemia. These proteins offer protection against oxidative damage and play a key role in host defense against infection, respectively. However, our results do not support any major role of GSTP1 or TLR2 polymorphisms in susceptibility to infection in subjects with sickle cell anemia.
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, 2019
Mosques have a strategic function in Islamic society. Apart from being a place of worship, the mosque also functions as a medium for guiding people in a holistic manner. Rasulullahh SAW built the first mosque in the city of Medina with the aim of enlightening the people and introducing divine messages. Mosques are not only used for carrying out ceremonial worship activities such as congregational prayers, dzikir, reading the Koran, and praying but can also be used to carry out socio-religious activities in an effort to develop an Islamic community (Yani, 2007: 5). Even today The existence of a mosque is very potential, especially in empowering Muslims for every aspect of their life. The existence of a reading slogan for a mosque was the initial inspiration for the spirit to restore the glory of Islam from the mosque. History has proven that a Rasulullah GERGAJI chose to build a mosque as the first step in his intention to build a civil society. The concept of a mosque at that time was not only a place of prayer, or a gathering place for certain community groups (tribes), but a mosque was a central place for all public activities, namely the center of education, politics, economy, social and culture. Based on the example of the Prophet, mosques are a major part of the development of Muslims. This shows that mosques in Islam distance are very important in order to foster personalities in particular and Muslims in general (Kurniawan, 2014). The role of mosques for the development of the people is very large and vital. Gazalba (1986) argues that apart from being a center of worship, a mosque is also a center of culture or civilization. The mosque is the first and foremost institution or organization in Islam. The mosque as the center of civilization has a significant role in developing social activities, building the intellectual capability of the people, improving the economy of the people, and becoming a discussion space to find solutions to the current community problems. The importance of the existence of mosques for the Muslim world in Indonesia is indicated by the growing number of mosques and prayer rooms
Irish Journal of Sociology, 2003
A common theme of the media portrayal of adolescent sexual behaviour in Ireland is that of the 'debauched and decadent lifestyles' referred to by Devlin (this volume).
echnological and Economic Development of Economy, 2024
The relationship between China (PRC) and the United States (USA) has reached an unprecedented level of tension, mainly due to economic and technological rivalry. This study introduces an original quantitative method, the Pentagon of Technological Competitiveness of Economy (PTCE) to measure the technological competitiveness of both countries from 2000 to 2020. The findings reveal that while the USA remains a global technological leader, the PRC is emerging as a formidable challenger. Although the USA still holds the lead, signs of decline are visible, while the PRC exhibits a remarkable upward trajectory in technological competitiveness. The findings provide actionable recommendations for policymakers. To reinforce its position as the unrivaled technological leader, the USA should prioritize enhancing capabilities in areas such as patents, scientific articles and the export of high technology and STEM-related products. For the PRC there is an unprecedented opportunity to surpass the USA in technological leadership by strategic investments in research, innovation and human capital development. The novelty of this research lies in two main areas: (i) its significant contribution to competitiveness analysis through the introduction of the PTCE method and (ii) its provision of a comprehensive assessment of the shifting technological dynamics between the USA and the PRC.
Ökologie der Arten der Schlag-und Vorwaldgesellschaften 5.3. Zur Ökologie wichtiger Waldbaumarten 6. Anmerkungen zur potentiell-natürlichen Vegetation 7. Intensität neuartiger Waldschäden in verschiedenen Waldtypen 7.1. Baumgruppensterben 7.2. Wirkung des Waldsterbens auf den Unterwuchs 8. Ausblick: Waldbauliche Möglichkeiten 411 Abb. 2: Lage des Fichtelgebirges im nordöstlichen Bayern. (vermutlich großteils Granite) aus einer früheren, kaledonischen Gebirgsbildungsphase (vor ca. 450 Millionen Jahren) zu Gneisen umgewandelt. Mit den in zeitlich getrennten Schüben ablaufenden Granitintrusionen ist eine Aufwärtsbewegung der Kruste und damit eine raschere Auskühlung verbunden. Es lassen sich deshalb heute aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Kristallisationsbedingungen mehrere Granitvarietäten unterscheiden. Im Untersuchungsgebiet kommen davon drei vor: Großflächig am Ochsenkopf und am südlichen Teil des Schneebergmassivs steht der porphyrische Randgranit an. Dieser zeigt große Feldspateinsprengsel in fein-bis mittelkörniger Grundmasse. Der unter dem Schutz des Randgranites gut auskristallisierte Kerngranit (lebhafte, grobkörnige Struktur) ist im Untersuchungsgebiet nur kleinflächig verbreitet, z. B. im Bereich der heutigen Weißmainquelle und nordwestlich vom Nußhardt. Am nördlichen Teil des Schneebergmassivs einschließlich Rudolf stein steht der jüngste Granit, der mittelkörnige Zinngranit, an. Bei der allmählichen Erstarrung der Granite entstehen (hercynisch gerichtete) Klüfte. Die variskische Gebirgsbildung wird im Fichtelgebirge mit dem Aufdringen z. T. basischer Schmelzen in diese Klüfte in der Zeit des Rotliegenden abgeschlossen. Ein solches, nur wenige Meter breites Ganggestein, in diesem Fall Proterobas, durchschneidet den Ochsenkopf in der Mitte in SO-NW-Richtung. Seit dem beginnenden Erdmittelalter (vor ca. 250 Mio. Jahren) ist die saxothuringische Landscholle, zu der u. a. Fichtelgebirge, Frankenwald und Münchberger Gneismasse gehören, stabil. Das ursprünglich mehrere hundert Meter unter der Erdoberfläche verborgene Granitgestein tritt infolge der Abtragung in den folgenden Erdzeitaltern immer großflächiger zu Tage. So sind heute im Wesentlichen die Hochlagen granitisch; sie werden von einem Phyllit-und Gneismantel umgeben. Chemisch unterscheiden sich diese sauren Gesteine kaum (Tab. 2):
Since 1970 the Earth has been warming from effects of human activities. Claims to the contrary are not credible. Atmospheric composition is changing and carbon dioxide is one third higher than preindustrial levels. Global surface temperatures today are 0.75ºC warmer than at the beginning of the 20 th Century and over 0.5ºC above values in the mid-1970s, as land has warmed at double the sea surface rate. Ten of the last 11 years are the warmest on record. Global ocean temperatures are rising and ocean expansion accounts for over half the rise in global sea level of 37 mm in the past 13 years. Melting glaciers and land ice account for about 1.2 mm/year of sea level rise, and snow cover and Arctic sea ice extent are decreasing. Water vapour has risen about 4% over the oceans since the 1970s and is a key reason for widespread observed increases in intensity of precipitation and risk of floods. Hurricanes are more intense and lasting longer, and droughts have increased in intensity and extent, especially in the subtropics. All these vital signs are consistent with a warming climate. Climate models have improved and enable attribution of past change unequivocally to increased greenhouse gases, and warming is guaranteed to occur in the future from this source.
Advances in analytics for learning and teaching, 2022
The goals on this chapter are to: • introduce the basics of methods and tools for analyzing and interpreting online learners' data to facilitate their personalized support, • focus on organizing, analyzing, presenting and interpreting learnergenerated data within their learning context, and • elaborate on ethical concerns and policies for protecting learner-generated data from mistreatment and misuse. 3.1.2 Chapter Learning Objectives This chapter learning objectives Learn2Analyse Educational data Literacy Competence profile Know what the common measurements of learner data and their contexts are, and understand the processes needed to collect both learner and context data in online and/or blended learning settings 1.1 Be able to identify and describe the limitations and quality measures on collecting learners' data in online and/or blended learning settings 1.2 Know methods for learners' data analysis and modelling as part of learning analytics methods 3.1 Know and understand learner-generated data presentation methods 3.2
One apparent limitation of the truth table approach is that it is designed for causal conditions that are simple presence/absence dichotomies (i.e., Boolean or "crisp" sets-chapter 3) or multichotomies (MVQCA--chapter 4). Many of the causal conditions that interest social scientists, however, vary by level or degree. For example, while it is clear that some countries are democracies and some are not, there is a broad range of inbetween cases. These countries are not fully in the set of democracies, nor are they fully excluded from this set. Fortunately, there is a well-developed mathematical system for addressing partial membership in sets, fuzzy-set theory (Zadeh 1965). Section 1 of this chapter provides a brief introduction to the fuzzy-set approach, building on Ragin (2000). Fuzzy sets are especially powerful because they allow researchers to calibrate partial membership in sets using values in the interval between 0 (nonmembership) and 1 (full membership) without aband...
Pp. 285-327 en Primer informe sobre la democracia: México 1988. Pablo González Casanova y Jorge Cadena-Roa, coords. Siglo XXI Editores, 1988
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
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