Chapter 7
Process modelling, web services and geoprocessing
N. Regnauld, G. Touya, N. Gould, T. Foerster
* Author 1 coordinates
** Author 2 coordinates
*** Author 3 coordinates
Process modelling has always been an important part the research in generalisation. While in the early days, this would take the form of a static sequence of generalisation actions, today the focus is on modelling much
more complex processes, capable of generalising geographic data in to various maps according to specific user requirements. This chapter discusses
several aspects of the problem of building such systems. As the system get
more complex, it becomes important to be able to reuse components which
already exist. Web services have been used to encapsulate generalisation
processes in a way that maximises their interoperability and therefore reusability. However, for a system to discover and trigger such service, it needs
to be described in machine understandable way, and the system needs to
have the knowledge about where and when to use such tool. This chapter
therefore explores the requirements and potential approaches to design and
build such systems.
Keywords. Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3
State of the art
Early research on automated generalisation focused on developing algorithms to automate single generalisation operations (Jenks 1989, Douglas &
Peuker 1973, Jäger 1991). After a few of these emerged, the next logical
question was how to combine them to generalise an entire map? This is why
the research community started to focus on process modelling. The first
studies proposed static sequences of algorithms to derive a specific map,
this is often referred as batch processing. (Weibel et al 2007) explain how
this domain has evolved into more advanced types of modelling, which the
authors have classified into three main categories: condition-action modelling (rule based system), human interaction modelling, and constraintbased modelling. The rule based system, which has sometimes been implemented as an expert system, was very popular at first, but proved difficult
to extend beyond a certain point, due to the difficulty of formalising and
capturing all the rules required, and to avoid inconsistencies when the
number of rules grows. While inconsistencies in a rule set can be tracked
down (Brenner and Sester 2005), resolving them can be very difficult. The
human interaction model was letting the human make most decision of
what tool to apply where, but such system offer a limited increase in
productivity. In order to overcome the limitations of these two models, the
constraint-based model was developed. The principle is to express the requirements for the target map in terms of constraints (see Chap. 2), and to
use a mechanism to trigger a combination of algorithms to maximise the
satisfaction of this set of constraints. Different models have been studied to
reach the optimum:
Multi agent model
Combinatorial optimisation model
Continuous optimisation model.
Since the review of (Weibel et al 2007), no ground breaking advances have
been made in this domain. Instead, the existing techniques have been refined, and applied to real world use cases with very positive results. The
most interesting advance on the methodology front has been to add another
layer to the decision process, and apply different subsystems to different
tasks, or different geographic configurations (see Sect 7.2).
Chap. 11 provides an overview of the most recent success in applying automated generalisation to real production systems, all of them implemented
in National Mapping Agencies, using different technologies, and achieving
different level of automation on different types of products. Systems described in Chap. 11.3, Chap. 11.4 and Chap. 11.8 produce paper maps at
scales between 1:25k and 1:100k from topographic data, respectively at IGN
France, at SwissTopo and in a group of German federal states (Bundesländer). In these three cases a first pass applies automatic generalisation to the
data, before manual editing takes place to finish the maps. IGN uses Radius
Clarity (1Spatial) for the automated generalisation followed by GeoConcept
Publisher for the manual editing. SwissTopo uses Axpand (Axis Systems) in
combination with ArcGIS (ESRI). The German solution is also based on
Radius Clarity for the automated generalisation part. Chap. 11.5 describes
another system using automated generalisation, but this time the generalisation system is fully automated, and manual finishing is not required. The
product obtained is not the usual high quality topographic map, but a lighter backdrop map, designed to be used at scales around 1:25k for overlaying
other data onto it. The generalisation system is based on 1Spatial software
(Radius Clarity and Radius Studio). Chap. 6 and Chap.7 present automated
generalisation processes developed respectively at USGS and Kadaster NL
using ArcGIS (ESRI). All these systems have been built by heavily customising the original platform. In some cases the customisation and extensions
have been made by the software company itself (1Spatial for the German
federal states, Axis Systems with SwissTopo), sometimes by the customer
(IGN and OS). So platforms exist for developing complex automated generalisation processes that bring real benefits to production systems. What we
have not seen yet is a platform that can be used out of the box by simple
configuration (importing the input data into the system and expressing the
requirements). This is one of the main objectives of the current research on
on-demand mapping. The general idea is to build a system that can easily
integrate data from different sources, and generalise them together to obtain a map as specified by the user. The general idea has been described in
(Regnauld 2007), and refined since (Foerster et al 2012). (Balley and Regnauld 2012) proposes an architecture for such a system which decouples its
main components. These are summarised in Figure 1. They include
The product specifications, to formalise the requirements
The data access manager, to link the data with the system internal
Web services, to provide algorithms (generalisation algorithms, spatial analysis tools, etc.), which should be formally described
The knowledge base, which contains all the knowledge required by
the system (procedural knowledge, cartographic knowledge, geographic knowledge) (Armstrong 1991).
The engine, which is capable of using the knowledge to interpret the
specifications and build and apply the workflow that will derive the
required map from the given data, using the tools available.
Such a system, in order to deliver true on demand mapping, would be very
Figure 1: High-level architecture deriving on-demand products
big and complex, including large libraries of well described tools and rich
knowledge of all kinds. Building such a system should be done incrementally, focusing on one of few types of requirement at a time, and enriching the
system with the components required. This brings us to discuss the componentisation of the generalisation process.
1.2. Componentisation of the generalisation process
Componentisation is the process of decomposing a complex system into
simpler component. In our context we look into decomposing a
generalisation system into components that can be developed
independently and shared. These components can be simple algorithms, or
much more complex tasks. The benefit of having complex tasks is that they
can encapsulate the knowledge specific to the task. This can reduce the
amount of knowledge required in the top level system. This is a way of
organising the knowledge to avoid having a huge flat set of rules and
constraints which would quickly become unmanageable and impossible to
extend. Figure 2 shows an example of complex task from (Balley et al 2012).
Figure 2: Example of a complex task
This task was instantiated for pruning a road network (network to filter)
while making sure that roads supporting (spatial relation alignment) cycle
routes (mapped concept) were kept. This task is made of three subtasks.
The first one is a complex task in charge of marking the sections of the road
network which are aligned with a cycle route. The second task is atomic and
identifies the main roads in the road network. The final atomic subtask performs the filtering based on the attributes set during the two previous subtasks.
This is also a good way of reusing existing processes to incorporate them
into bigger, more complete systems. For example Touya & Duchêne (2011)
combines existing processes to make a generalisation system capable of
handling different complex situations. Balley and Regnauld (2012) have
proposed a model using tasks and subtasks for organising the knowledge in
their on-demand mapping system. Goals are chosen depending on the user
requirements, and then each goal is associated with a task designed to
achieve it. Each task encapsulates its own procedural knowledge, used to
trigger the appropriate actions.
To ensure interoperability between these tasks, there is a need for them to
conform to some standard. The requirements for a shared development
platform for generalisation has been identifies by Edwardes et al (2003). It
had proposed a number of possible approaches, and led to the development
of WebGen, a client-server platform for sharing processes using Web services (Neun and Burghart 2005). Here we review the different ways of sharing processes:
Open source. There are a number of open source projects (Open JUMP,
GeoTools, QGIS, GeOxygene, 52°North WPS, GRASS, sextante) that
propose a platform for developing geospatial processes. Users can either
develop on the platform, or import some libraries into their own platform to use existing tools. This approach has limitations though, as the
integration can be cumbersome (incompatible open source license models, linking libraries and writing translators to cope with different data
models), and needs to be done every time a new library is required.
There are also potential compatibility issues. Users are often already using their own development platform, integrated with their own systems.
Switching to a new one is not often possible. However, using libraries of
generic tools is a common way of reusing existing open source software
(JTS, JCS, CGAL, etc.).
Web Services. The Web service approach is a way to package processes
in a standard way. Web services are hosted on servers and can be accessed by remote clients through the web. The main advantage of the
web service is that the client does not need to run on the same platform
as the service it is calling. This provides true platform interoperability. It
is also very versatile, as there is no limit to what can be encapsulated in a
service. It could be a simple generalisation operator, or even a simple
measure, or it could be a full generalisation system. Web services for
generalisation have been studied. An initial platform called WebGen was
developed at the University of Zurich (Burghardt et al 2005, Neun and
Burghardt 2005). It was later adapted to the OGC standard WPS, at the
request of several members of the ICA Commission on Generalisation
and Multiple Representation (Foerster et al 2008). Tests have been done
at Ordnance Survey to demonstrate the cross platform interoperability
benefits of the approach. A server capable of hosting services that rely on
the platform Radius Clarity has been setup. These services have been
successfully called by an OpenJump ( client. A
client for ArcGIS is currently under development at 52°North, funded by
the Ordnance Survey (GB). More information and updates on WebGenWPS
Code moving. A disadvantage of the web service approach is that it involves moving the data from the client to the server, doing the processing
remotely and downloading the results; this can involve transferring large
amounts of data. An alternative approach would be to send the executable code to the client, where it can execute the process locally. This code
moving concept and its application to geoprocessing is described by Müller et al (2010, 2012). It has the advantage over the web services to require less data transfer, as the size of the code is often much smaller that
the size of the geographic data being processed. This could therefore result in much faster overall execution time. It also reduces the risks related to data security, as the data does not leave the client. The main problem with the method is that it requires the client to provide a compatible
runtime environment, compatible hardware, and there may also be licencing issues if the code includes third party libraries. This approach also allows organisations to publish their tools without having to maintain
a powerful server capable of running the process locally. This technology
is currently less mature, less readily available than the web service approach, but the concept is interesting.
Both the web service and the code moving approaches require a formal description of the process proposed. This includes a high level description of
what the service does, and also the type of all the parameters required. This
is often referred as the service contract, which formalises the requirement
of the service to ensure its successful execution. This should be enough for a
human to choose what service to use. In a context of automatic discovery of
services, it becomes essential that these descriptions are formalised and use
a standard vocabulary. This has been discussed in (Balley and Regnauld
2011) and led to the definition of the semantic referential, which defines all
the concepts that need to be shared by all the components of their on demand mapping system. (Touya et al 2010) also identified similar requirements, and propose a generalisation domain ontology to define these concepts. Geographic concepts relate to real world objects and can be easily
defined (see for example those defined by INSPIRE), even if reaching a con-
sensus is often difficult. Many classifications of generalisation operators
have also already been proposed (McMaster & Shea 1992, Regnauld &
McMaster 2007, Foerster et al 2007), so again, the challenge is to adopt a
common one. It becomes more difficult when it comes to formalising the
description of the parameters, as these are sometimes very specific to a particular process (cf. figure 2 in 2.1.2). The best way to overcome this seems to
be to rely on translators that derive the values of the parameters required
by a service from formalised user requirements.
1.3. Formalising the procedural knowledge
Procedural knowledge is used to guide the selection and application of generalisation operators (Armstrong 1991). These can take various forms like
rules, constraints or ontologies. Technically this is declarative knowledge,
but we often associate this to the domain savoir-faire, which we include in
the procedural knowledge. This selection mechanism depends on the input
data, the output required and of course the operators available. Formalising
this knowledge therefore requires an existing formalism to describe the
types of geographic features handled, the types of operators required, and
the requirements, often referred as map specifications (chapter 2).
The procedural knowledge can take many forms. In its “unformalised
form”, it can be found in the implementation of batch processes, as a static
sequence of operations, possibly enhanced by the use of conditional statements to adapt the sequence to the conditions. In more advances system,
like those based on optimisation techniques, the procedural knowledge
provides the heuristics used by the system to explore the space of solutions.
This is rarely well formalised. Taillandier (2011, 2012) formalises part of the
procedural knowledge in the AGENT system in order to revise this
knowledge automatically, to improve its performance.
Formalising the procedural knowledge is part of formalising all the
knowledge required by the system. Concepts used to describe the procedural knowledge must match those used to describe the map specifications
(chapter 2).
The key components of the system that needs to be formally described are
the basic tools (generalisation operators, measures, spatial structures, etc.).
Some elements of the description are purely functional, while others are
dependant on how that are made available (web service, moving code, library).
Items required for describing tools include:
Type of operation performed (see chapter 7.3)
Type of data processed. Many data models for MRDB have been developed in the past, for example MADS(Parent et al 1998) proposes a hierarchy of spatial abstract types that can be used to categorise the geographic classes. Ontologies have also been used to organise and describe
geographic data and their interactions see chapter 2.3)
Geographic context (scale, type of geographic area, etc.)
Software dependencies (for code moving)
Hardware dependencies (for code moving)
Knowledge is also required to link the tools to the conditions in which they
can be used. These conditions are influenced by various factors, some coming from the requirements (target map specifications), others from local
context. Several models have been defined to try to automatically choose
the tools based on the requirements and context:
Model developed by Balley (2012) (goals and tasks)
Model developed by Touya (see chapter 7.2)
1.4. Orchestration
Once a library of tools to analyse the data and transform them is available,
that the specifications of the products are available, the next challenge is
design and build the workflow that will trigger the appropriate actions in
the right order.
This part will discuss the different ways processes (available as services or
otherwise) can get chained together.
Workflows. Using workflows to link processes is the usual way of chaining existing processes. These are in general very static, built on top of the
existing tools (Burghardt et al 2010).
Service chaining is the process of building a sequence of individual services to perform a more complex task. Depending on how the services
are described, this chaining can be done in different ways. When the services are not or poorly described, the chaining has to be done by an expert who knows exactly what task the service is performing. For services
well described using natural language, the service can be used by someone who needs not know how the service works, but understands what it
delivers. When the service description is formalised, it opens the door for
chaining being automatically done. A chain of services can be encapsulated as a new service. Services can therefore be made available for all
sorts of tasks, from the atomic operations to the full generalisation process.
Standards like BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) to assemble services have been developed. (Schaeffer & Foerster 2007) present
an approach that uses it for chaining OGC services.
Service chaining is to some extent similar to creating a workflow
using services. However it adds the interoperability aspect, and as
service get described with more formal languages, the chaining
should soon include aspects of automatic service discovery which
provides a much more dynamic way of chaining services.
AGENT System: In the AGENT system (Ruas and Duchene 2007), constraints are used to guide the choice of actions. Each constraint proposes a list of actions that could be triggered to attempt to increase the satisfaction. The agent system has an optimisation engine that looks for an
optimum global satisfaction of all the constraints. While the current implementations of AGENT use actions available on the same platform,
they could easily be replaced by service calls. The interesting aspect of
the system is that the chaining of actions is built dynamically.
Hybrids. A hybrid system combines different approaches to chain processes or services. These systems are usually designed using a very
pragmatic approach, trying to reuse what is already available and combine them. For example, CollaGen (chap 7.2) uses a workflow to control
different generalisation subsystem in charge of generalising a specific
type of geographic context. These subsystems are already complex systems, some based on the AGENT paradigm described above. The model
proposed by (Balley and Regnauld 2012) uses goals and tasks to dynamically build the sequence of high level tasks to derive the map specified by
the user. Each task contains its own knowledge base that allows it to
build its own chain of subprocesses (in this case implemented as services).
1.5. Opportunities opening up
Cloud computing
With the current trend to componentise the process of generalisation, and
allow interoperability between different platforms, exploiting the power
offered by parallel processing is becoming a very realistic prospect. Frameworks like MapReduce (Dean and Ghemawat 2004) or Hadoop
( have been designed for processing large datasets
efficiently. They rely on mechanisms to split the task and distribute the processing
over a cluster of processing nodes. While this is already widely used in other
application domains, we still haven’t seen it used for generalisation. However, we can easily imagine that once the tasks of a workflow have been
identified as independent, they could be computed simultaneously in the
cloud. Computing in the cloud also offers the benefit to user of getting the
processing power they need when they need it, without having to maintain
expensive hardware and software in house.
The other benefit that componentisation can offer will require these
components to be described in a standard machine readable way. Once
this happen, there will be no need to put into workflows in into the procedural knowledge any direct reference to specific algorithm implementation (or services). The procedural knowledge will only mention the abstract operations required. Then depending on circumstances (input data, geographic context, requirements), the right service could be dynamically chosen. Of course, unless everything is perfect, there will be a high
degree of failure (algorithm not stable, description misleading, lack of
requirements). This is where optimisation systems such as AGENT can
be used. They would be able to select several potential candidates, try
them and keep the best one. This of course will add a considerable overhead, but this can be mitigated in two ways. First trying alternative solutions can be done in parallel. In addition, we can use automatic learning
to record past experiences and use it to refine the knowledge used by the
optimisation engine, so that it gradually stops trying options that tend to
never deliver good results, and try those which are likely to provide satisfying results first. These self-optimising techniques have already been
studied for an agent system performing generalisation, and proved very
successful (Taillandier et al 2011)( Taillandier and Gaffuri 2012). With
more distributed systems on the horizon, more optimization of this type
will be required to efficiently harvest the power of Web based processing.
2. Case Study I: Collaborative Generalisation (by Guillaume Touya)
2.1. Principles of Collaborative Generalisation
Past and current research shows that existing automatic generalisation processes are not able to correctly generalise a complete topographic map, despite some very good results on some specific parts (i.e. landscape like urban or rural, or theme like roads or land use) of the map (Touya 2008). As a
consequence, generalising a complete map requires the optimal use of the
available (on a software platform or via web services) processes.
1.1.1. Collaboration of Automatic Generalisation Processes
According to McMaster and Shea (1988), an automatic generalisation process has to be able to know how, where and when to apply a generalisation
operation. Collaborative Generalisation (Touya et al. 2010) aims at answering the same questions but at the upper level of processes: processes collaborate to apply on the part of space they are best suited for. Fig. 1 shows a
schematic view of collaborative generalisation principles. The map is partitioned into spaces representing a landscape (e.g. urban, rural areas) or a
data theme (e.g. the road network) (Touya 2010). Each of the spaces that
needs generalisation is matched to the best suited available process, then
the potential side effects at the space boundary are corrected.
Fig. 1 The collaboration principle between generalisation processes: process 1 is carried out
on the town area, process 2 on the rural area, then process 3 on the mountain area and
finally process 4 on the road network. Side effects are corrected at spaces boundaries
1.1.2. Interoperability Problems with Collaborative Generalisation
The collaborative generalisation mechanism intends to make processes collaborate whereas they were not designed for and some interoperability issues are raised. Interoperability issues derive from different kind of heterogeneities in the collaborative generalisations (see sections 1.2):
Process capabilities description: the capabilities of generalisation processes have to be specifically formalised to be able to choose the best
suited one for a given part of space.
Parameter heterogeneity: each process is monitored by its own set of
parameters while the overall generalisation should have a single way of
parameterisation (Fig. 2).
Evaluation heterogeneity: collaborative generalisation is an iterative
process that requires a generic self-evaluation model, independent from
the processes.
Global syntactic and semantic heterogeneity: process capabilities, parameters or evaluation rely on shared generalisation knowledge to avoid
syntactic and semantic heterogeneity.
Fig. 2 Parameter heterogeneity requires a standard kind of parameter and a translator
2.2. Knowledge Formalisation for Collaborative Generalisation
The CollaGen model (Touya & Duchêne 2011) allows carrying out collaborative generalisation. Thus, some CollaGen components were developed to
overcome the interoperability problems raised in the previous section. This
section briefly describes each of these components with some experimental
1.1.3. Generalisation Knowledge Ontology
In order to solve syntactic and semantic heterogeneity, CollaGen is fitted
with a generalisation knowledge ontology (see section 1.2). It contains
shared vocabulary on geographic entities (e.g. building), and generalisation
concepts (e.g. meso object) and operations (e.g. typification), or spatial relations (e.g. rivers flow into talwegs) (Touya et al. 2010). CollaGen formalised knowledge presented in the next section shares vocabulary by always
referring to this ontology.
1.1.4. Specifications Formalisation by Constraints and Rules
The chosen standard format for specifications in CollaGen is a formal model for generalisation constraints (see Chapter 2). The formal model is described in Fig. 8 of Chapter 3: a generalisation is on a geographic entity (e.g.
building), about a character (e.g. area) with a type of expression (e.g. character value < threshold).
Stoter et al. (2009) noticed that, sometimes, specifying the operation to do
or not do was useful (e.g. small buildings shouldn’t be aggregated), so we
added a formal model for such rules (Touya et al. 2010). 80 formal constraints or rules have been defined in CollaGen prototype.
Then, a translator function is associated to each available process to transform the formal constraints and rules into the specific parameters of the
process (Touya et al. 2010).
1.1.5. Constraint Monitors for Interoperable Evaluation
The CollaGen model needs to check the satisfaction of the formal constraints in the map during its iterative process, in a process-independent
way, so constraints monitors are created in the data to monitor each formal
constraint for each object concerned by the constraint (Touya & Duchêne
2011). Constraints monitors allow knowing where the map is badly generalised (Fig. 3). Generalising a complete map implies the handling of a huge
number of monitors and evaluate their global satisfaction is a challenge
(Touya 2012).
Fig. 3 (a) Constraints monitors for generic evaluation of generalisation (b) a group of
unsatisfied monitors identified by CollaGen prototype
1.1.6. Generalisation Process Capabilities Description
Formalising the description of capabilities is a key issue in the quest for web
services interoperability. Following the ideas of Lutz (2007) for geoservices, CollaGen describes generalisation processes with pre-conditions
(i.e. the conditions the input data have to meet to be properly processed)
and post-conditions (i.e. the expected data modifications caused by the process). For generalisation processes, pre-conditions are the type of spaces
the process is able to treat (e.g. CartACom process (Ruas & Duchêne 2007)
is able to treat rural spaces) and post-conditions are the constraints that are
expected to be satisfied after generalisation (Touya et al. 2010). In addition
to the conditions, the formal description contains an optimal scale range
and a list of required enrichments (Mackaness & Edwards 2002) (e.g.
AGENT (Ruas & Duchêne 2007) requires blocks). In Fig. 4, AGENT gives
results worse than CartACom on a rural area which can be specified in the
formal description: AGENT’s pre-conditions contain ‘rural space’ with a
medium confidence ratio (3/5) and its post-conditions do not contain the
‘building/road parallelism preservation’ constraint, as opposed to CartACom.
1.1.7. Formalising Orchestration Knowledge
Finally, in order to orchestrate the generalisation order of the different part
of spaces, CollaGen allows the definition of orchestrating rules that play
Ruas & Plazanet’s (1996) Global Master Plan role. It is able to express that
‘the road network should be generalised before the rural areas’, in a rule
format (Touya et al. 2010). In Fig. 4, result (4), where the road network has
been generalised before the rural area, is better than result (3), showing the
value in specifying such rules.
Fig. 4 (1) before generalisation. (2) generalisation with AGENT then Least Squares process
(Harrie & Sarjakoski 2002) (3) CartACom then the Beams (Bader et al 2005) (4) the Beams
then CartACom
2.3. CollaGen results
The CollaGen model is based on the formalised knowledge to carry out automatic collaborative generalisations (Touya & Duchêne 2011). A prototype
was developed with access to nine automatic processes, all dedicated to
topographic maps. Fig. 5 shows results for a 1:50k map that contains urban
and rural landscapes. These results have been evaluated as much better
than any automatic process used alone. Fig. 6 shows that CollaGen performs even better than the best (non automatic) benchmark tests with
commercial software from the EuroSDR tests (Stoter et al. 2009), thanks to
the collaborative generalisation principles.
Fig. 5 Extract of a CollaGen generalisation on a large area at the 1:50k scale, where nine
processes collaborated
Fig. 6 A mountainous French dataset from EuroSDR tests (Stoter et al. 2009) generalised
with CollaGen compared to the best results from the tests
Gould – An Ontological approach to Ondemand Mapping – Generalisation
The case for ontology-driven generalisation
This study relates to on-demand mapping and in particular focusses on
knowledge formalisation and how it can be used to aid the automatic selection of generalisation operators and algorithms. If we wish to automate any
process then we must formalise the knowledge for that particular domain.
The knowledge needs to be machine understandable not merely machine
readable. In that way the system can make decisions based on the
knowledge it has of the process. The acquisition and formalisation of cartographic generalisation knowledge has not proved easy (Rieger and Coulson,
1993; Kilpeläinen, 2000). Consider, for example, the naming and classification of generalisation operators.
As discussed (section 1.2), there have been numerous attempts to classify
and describe generalisation operators but the problems highlighted by
Rieger and Coulson (1993) remain. As well as differences between the proposed categories of operators there are also problems when different terms
are used for the same concept (Aggregation or Combine?) and in granularity; McMaster and Shea (1992) define Smoothing, Enhancement and Exaggeration where Foerster et al. (2007) simply define Enhancement. There is
also disagreement as to what functions can be regarded as generalisation
operators. For example, is Symbolisation a generalisation operator (McMaster and Shea, 1992) or a pre-processing step (Foerster et al., 2007)?
The use of different operator taxonomies in closed systems does not matter,
but, if we are to develop an interoperable on-demand system, an agreed taxonomy as well as the semantic description of the operators is required. This
is because we cannot simply ask for a web service that performs Smoothing,
say, since that operation can be performed by a number of different algorithms (Gaussian, Cubic Spline, Fourier transform etc.), often with different
results. Similarly, some operators apply to different geometry types and
will need to be implemented by different algorithms. Likewise some algorithms specialise in different feature types such as buildings (Guercke and
Sester, 2011). Thus these details need to be formally defined so that automatic selection and execution is possible by the on-demand system.
Formalisation of knowledge can lead to the discovery of new knowledge as
long as appropriate formalisation tools are available (Kilpeläinen, 2000).
One such tool is the ontology: the explicit specification of the objects, concepts and the relationships in a body of knowledge concerning a particular
subject or domain (Gruber, 1993). Ontologies have the advantage of allowing the sharing and reuse of formalised knowledge (Gruber, 1993). Rulebased systems hold procedural knowledge that describes explicitly how a
process is to be performed. As described earlier (section 1.1), rule-based
systems are likely to suffer from rule explosion. Ontologies can hold declarative knowledge. One advantage of declarative knowledge is that it can
be extended by means of reasoning which can be used to derive additional
knowledge (Genesereth and Nilsson, 1998).
The application of ontologies to generalisation is not new. However, to date,
their use has been restricted to aiding the process of generalisation, for example by pattern identification (Lüscher et al., 2007); by describing geographical relationships (Dutton and Edwardes, 2006); and by semantically
enhancing a line simplification algorithm (Kulik et al., 2005). However,
what is proposed is using ontologies to describe the complete process of
generalisation. The intention is to formalise the why, when and how of generalisation (McMaster and Shea, 1992).
Designing the ontology
The first stage in designing an ontology is to determine its scope by defining
a set of competency questions that the ontology is expected to answer (Noy
and McGuinness 2001). In the domain of on-demand mapping the competency questions include: Under what conditions is generalisation required?
Which generalisation operators should be applied? What algorithms should
be applied to implement the selected operators? The next step is to enumerate the important terms in the domain.
There are a number of reasons why a set of geographic features should be
generalised but, if we consider legibility in the first instance, we can define a
number of geometric conditions, such as congestion and imperceptibility,
which are the result of a change from large (detailed) scale to a small scale,
and govern legibility. These conditions can be evaluated by applying a
number of measures (Stigmar and Harrie, 2011). For example, the existence
of congestion can be determined by applying a feature density measure and
will determine when generalisation is necessary.
The how of generalisation is answered by generalisation operators. But how
are they to be defined and classified given the disparate taxonomies described earlier? A (loose) analogy with medicine can be applied. Consider
the congestion of features. Congestion can be regarded as a condition and a
symptom of that condition is a high feature density. To check whether the
data has that condition a measure algorithm can be applied (where a measure algorithm is analogous to a thermometer, say). If the condition is present
then a remedy such as a reduction in feature size or in feature count is appropriate. Generalisation operators are defined by the remedies they implement. For example, if a set of buildings features is determined to be congested then a reduction in feature count can be applied by the SelectionByAttribute of the more important buildings only or by the Amalgamation of
buildings into single features. The mechanism by which an algorithm can be
used to resolve a condition is shown in Figure 3. That mechanism applied to
the particular case of congestion in point data, is shown in Figure 4. In this
case the ontology identified two operations, Amalgamation and Selection, as
candidates for resolving the congestion. The ontology uses the term transformation algorithm instead of generalisation algorithm since the only distinction is made between algorithms that measure and those that transform
be it by generalisation or other means.
Operators may also have specific requirements. For example, SelectionByAttribute requires the source dataset to have an attribute that is used to
rank the importance of features (such as the severity of road accidents). If
this attribute is not present then the operator can be ruled out. All of this
knowledge, in combination, will aid the automatic selection of appropriate
Figure 3 Selecting generalisation algorithms - general case
Figure 4 Selecting generalisation algorithms - particular case
However, the domain of the ontology does not stop at the level of the operator. As discussed earlier there is no one-to-one mapping between an operator and the algorithm it implements. Quite different algorithms are required
to Simplify line features, such as roads, and area features, such as buildings.
The ontology is required to have a sufficiently detailed description of generalisation algorithms to allow the relevant algorithm to be selected automatically.
An ontology consists of assertions. We assert that HighFeatureDensity is a
Condition of Congestion and that Congestion is a barrier to Legibility. We
can also assert that HighFeatureDensity can be remedied by Amalgamation.
The advantage of using ontologies is that we can use reasoning to infer further knowledge. This is the additional knowledge described earlier. For
example, we do not have to explicitly state that Amalgamation can resolve
congestion. If we sufficiently describe the operators we can infer how they
can be utilised.
Applying the ontology
The ontology can be created in a tool such Protégé which creates and edits
OWL (Web Ontology Language) files. Protégé also employs reasoners such
as HermiT that can be used to derive inferences. But once developed, how
can the ontology be applied in a distributed web service-based system? The
application of semantically described geoprocessing services in Spatial Data
Infrastructures (Brauner, 2011) provides a parallel.
The standard for implementing geospatial web services is the OGC’s Web
Processing Service (WPS) protocol and, as described earlier, generalisation
algorithms have been implemented with this protocol. The protocol defines
a GetCapabilities interface that will return a list of each individual spatial
operation that the service provides and a free text description of each operation. Also defined in the protocol is a DescribeProcess interface that merely
describes the input parameters the specified operation requires and its outputs. However, the protocol does not provide for semantic interoperability
(Janowicz et al., 2010); that is, there is no method of providing machine
readable descriptions of the operations that allow the operation to be selected automatically. What is required is a technique, semantic annotation, that
provides these descriptions (Lemmens et al., 2007; Maue et al., 2009;
Mladenic et al., 2011).
One solution is the Semantic Enablement Layer (Janowicz et al., 2010)
where a Web Ontology Service injects semantics into both data and processing service descriptions. A Web Reasoning Service can then be used to
match a geoprocessing service to a dataset. Their architecture is aimed at
geoprocessing in general rather than generalisation but can be expanded to
firstly finding an appropriate measure algorithm for the source data and
then, if required, finding an appropriate generalisation algorithm for the existing condition. The selection of the appropriate generalisation operator
would be bypassed by inference. That is, if a particular operator remedies a
particular condition and a particular algorithm implements that operator then
we can infer that the algorithm will remedy the condition.
The ontology can be regarded as component of the semantic referential described earlier (section 1.2) and it extends the Generalisation Knowledge
Ontology of Collagen (section 2.1.3) by expanding the description of the
operations. In summary, the use of ontologies to aid the selection of geoprocessing services that implement a specified operation (e.g. buffer) is a well
researched area; our contention is that the use of ontologies can be extended
to the selection of the (generalisation) operation itself.
4. Foerster – Live Geoinformation with Standardized Geoprocessing Services.
Live geoinformation is considered to be crucial for applications in which
decisions a) are based on massive volume of data and b) need to be carried
out near real-time (as soon as the data is available). For instance in risk
management scenarios, live geoinformation can directly support time critical decision making for saving human lives and infrastructure. Other examples are near real-time analysis of crowd-sourced geodata. All these applications are framed by the idea of the Digital Earth (Gore, 1998) which provides an integrated platform for accessing different kinds of distributed
data in near-real time.
Providing such information and transforming raw data into value-added
information is supported by geoprocessing. Generalization is involved in
any task, in which the scale of the information is affected and is thereby
chosen as a representative example. Currently, generalization processes as
well as their output (maps, raw data) become available through web service
interfaces. These web service interfaces are currently designed along a sequential request-response mechanism, in which the data is sent to the service, processed and then sent back. These different phases are handled sequentially, which means, that the service and the client remain idle in the
meantime and wait for the other party to complete. This is not sufficient for
live geoinformation and its emerging requirements:
Performance – Using the idle time of the service, while transferring data.
Handling, processing, creating of geodata streams – Streams of
geodata such as provided by sensors become a valuable source of information for GIS and Digital Earth.
Loss-less reliable encoding and transfer of data (in contrast to
existing lossy unreliable multi media encodings) – The data need to
be transferred in a reliable manner, guaranteeing data completeness.
Interoperability & portability – The data needs to be transferred
in an interoperable way by reusing exsting standards and agnostic of
the technical setup.
To meet these requirements and realize live geoinformation, HTTP Live
Streaming as a loss-less format for real-time data streaming has been combined with the OGC Web Processing Service, which is an established web
service interface and de-facto standard for processing geodata on the web.
The presented approach is applied to automated generalization of OpenStreetMap data.
Related work
Live geoinformation is about providing information as soon as it is available
to the user. This is extremely important for Digital Earth, in which several
resources are accessible through a common interoperability layer (Grossner, Goodchild, & Clarke, 2008). To draw appropriate conclusions in timecritical scenarios (e.g. crisis management) from the available data, most upto-date geoinformation needs to be available. Consequently, one of the
backbones of live geoinformation is the extensive use of web technologies to
provide the user instantly with information (anywhere, anytime). Therefore, live geoinformation needs to be developed based on current web technologies.
Overall, live geoinformation imposes requirements to data collection, data
communication and data integration. These key requirements are high resource utilization rates, simplicity, interoperability and usability. For this
article, data integration and data communication are considered from a
computational perspective.
Building blocks of live geoinformation are efficiently creating and handling
live geodata streams, as applied in this paper. In the context of geoprocessing services, the real-time processing of live geodata streams and publishing such streams is required. Moreover, detecting and extracting events
from such geodata streams is highly interesting in the context of Complex
Event Processing (Everding, Echterhoff, & Jirka, 2009). Finally, live geoinformation requires a scalable event- and streaming-based architecture for
supporting Digital Earth in the future. Regarding the communication within the architecture, we envision a fully push-based architecture, in which
the processes are triggered from the sources (e.g. sensors or created by
events). This will limit the communication overhead to a minimum. Technically, this is realized through notification and call-back methods.
Several approaches for improving the scalability and performance of geoprocessing services have been described (e.g. applying Cloud and Grid
Computing infrastructures (Baranski, Foerster, Schäffer, & Lange, 2011;
Baranski, 2008; Di, Chen, Yang, & Zhao, 2003; Lanig, Schilling, Stollberg,
& Zipf, 2008) or the mobile code paradigm (Müller, Bernard, & Brauner,
2010)). Scholten, Klamma, & Kiehle (2006) identify caching, network adaptation, data granularity and communication modes (synchronous vs. asynchronous) as performance criteria.
From a generalization perspective, the work of (Bertolotto & Egenhofer,
2001; van Oosterom, 2005; Buttenfield 2002) about progressive transfer
addressed a related problem from a users´ perspective. Users want to receive the data, which is more important first. This is handled by extracting
the most important aspects of the data by automated generalization and
providing it successivly. Enabling this user experience on the web, a streaming-based processing approach may be suitable.
Approach for Streaming-based Processing
When the WPS receives an asynchronous Execute request, an Execute response is instantly returned to the client and the process execution is
scheduled in the background. The Execute response includes a ‘Status’ element that contains information about the overall status of the process (‘accepted’, ‘started’, ‘paused’, ‘succeeded’ or ‘failed’) and an (optional) progress
indicator showing the percentage rate of process completion. Furthermore,
the Execute response includes a ‘statusLocation’ element that links another
Execute response, which always contains the latest status information
about a process. As soon as a process has completed, this Execute response
contains the process result(s). The client can constantly pull this Execute
response until the final result is available.
In the proposed approach, the body of the ‘Status’ element includes an URL
to a playlist file as specified by the HTTP Live Streaming draft specification
instead of indicating detailed information about the progress of the process
as in current WPS implementations (e.g. the amount of features that have
been processed). Listing 1 demonstrates an example of an Execute response
containing a reference to a playlist file. The format of the playlist file is described further in Section 3.4.
<ExecuteResponse service="WPS" version="1.0.0"
<Process ns:processVersion="1.0.0">
<Status creationTime="...">
Listing 1. Exemplary Execute response with an URL of a playlist that contains
real-time intermediate results.
The playlist file contains a sorted list of URLs that represents previous and
current intermediate results. When an intermediate result is created and
stored by the service, the service also updates the playlist file (an URL returning the latest intermediate result is attached). Therefore, by frequently
calling the playlist file URL the client receives the latest intermediate results. As soon as a process is completed, the service adds a special tag to the
playlist file accordingly. By not adding such a tag, the client knows that the
process might run continuously. Further details such as the playlist format
encoding, the implementation are described in (Foerster et al 2012).
Streaming-based Processing for Automated Generalization
Discussion & Related Challenges for Generalization
As described, Web Services face a challenge of providing the most-current
data as soon as it is available. Mostly, this data needs to be adopted regarding scale through processing, so generalization is a challenge. To tackle this
challenge, a loss-less, asynchronous stream-based and interoperable approach towards web service interfaces is required. The presented approach
is based on HTTP Live Streaming and is applied to generalization of Open
Street Map data. From the research it becomes evident, that not all generalization processes are suitable for this approach. If the context of the objects
and their topology play a significant role in the specific process, it cannot be
applied to streaming-based processing. The size of the data partition must
not exceed the size of the transferred data chunks. However, tasks of simplification as for instance Douglas Peucker, which are still heavily used in
generalization batch jobs appear to be suitable candidates.
Future research needs to address these issues in more detail and find intelligent ways to enable streaming-based processing for a broader range of
generalization functionality. This can be done by automatically detecting
the partition requirement and adjust the size of transferred data chunks
accordingly. As soon as this is achieved, the chaining and orchestration of
these streaming-enabled generalization processes becomes an interesting
application, to deliver highly customized datasets in a timely fashion.
5. Conclusion
We have seen in this chapter that modelling the process of generalisation is
still a very open question, and continues to generate interest in the research
community. While a lot of generalisation tools have been studied and implemented, the challenge of creating systems capable of using them automatically is still alive. We have seen that different models have been studied
and automated solutions have been successfully implemented, but these
successes have been limited to building systems that provide a static solution to derive a specific product from a specific set of data.
In order to overcome this limitation, it has long been recognised that studies needed to concentrate on the process modelling side. But in order to do
this successfully, and to be able to test the concepts, we had to have the
basic tools (generalisation operators, measures) readily available. Web services have been proposed as a way to encapsulate and publish these tools,
so that they can be easily reused.
Several studies now focus on “on demand mapping”, which looks into designing systems capable of interpreting user requirements (in the form of
formal machine readable specifications, see chap.2), and deriving the appropriate map. This requires a significant effort in formalising the description of all the components of the system: specifications, data, tools,
knowledge. The Collaborative Generalisation approach described in the
case study 1 of this chapter, shows how to different apply existing models in
different situations occurring on the same map. The second case study presented an ontology based approach to resolve cartographic conflicts as they
occur during the automatic creation of a map. Both these approach rely on
formalising aspects of the generalisation knowledge. Both also rely on existing software components providing the lower functionalities of the system
(operations, measures, or a particular subsystem to perform a specific generalisation task). As it is often suggested that such decoupled system should
use Web Services to access the lower functionalities, we have include a third
case study focusing on improving the performance of web processing services, using the concept of streaming based processing.
The next challenges in the area of process modelling related to generalisation are related to the design of systems able to perform on demand mapping, which includes generalisation, but also the collection of user requirements, data integration and automatic cartographic design (to style the resulting map). As prototypes of these systems emerge, we know that they will
be hindered by performance issues. This is due to the fact that the lack of
predefined sequence of action will be overcome by complex strategies to
build the sequence, possibly including expensive trial and error strategies.
More research in optimisation techniques will therefore be required (machine learning, parallel computing, streaming based processing, etc.)
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