Obfuscation of Sensitive Data in Network Flows
Daniele Riboni∗ , Antonio Villani∗∗ , Domenico Vitali∗∗ , Claudio Bettini∗ and Luigi V. Mancini∗∗
Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Via Comelico 39, Milan 20135, Italy. E-mail: {daniele.riboni, claudio.bettini}@unimi.it
∗∗ Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Via Salaria 113, Rome 00198, Italy. E-mail: {villani, vitali, lv.mancini}@di.uniroma1.it
Abstract—In the last decade, the release of network flows has
gained significant popularity among researchers and networking
communities. Indeed, network flows are a fundamental tool for
modeling the network behavior, identifying security attacks, and
validating research results. Unfortunately, due to the sensitive
nature of network flows, security and privacy concerns discourage the publication of such datasets. On the one hand, existing
techniques proposed to sanitize network flows do not provide any
formal guarantees. On the other hand, microdata anonymization
techniques are not directly applicable to network flows. In this
paper, we propose a novel obfuscation technique for network
flows that provides formal guarantees under realistic assumptions
about the adversary’s knowledge. Our work is supported by
extensive experiments with a large set of real network flows
collected at an important Italian Tier II Autonomous System,
hosting sensitive government and corporate sites. Experimental
results show that our obfuscation technique preserves the utility
of network flows for network traffic analysis.
Recently, there has been a growing interest in releasing
large dataset of network flows of Internet traffic. Indeed, such
flows are a very valuable resource for researchers; for instance,
to model the network behavior, to experiment new protocols,
and to study security attacks. However, the release of network
flows of Internet traffic poses serious concerns to the privacy
and the security of the users of computer networks involved.
For example, based on the analysis of network flows about
the Web sites visited by a given individual, an adversary may
infer sensitive data, such as political preferences, religious
belief, health status, and so on. Network flows may also
reveal personal communications among specific individuals,
such as the existence of email exchanges, and chat sessions
among them. Moreover, network flows can be exploited by
adversaries to gather useful information in planning network
attacks; for instance, for identifying possible bottlenecks in the
target network in order to increase the impact of a Denial of
Service attack.
As a consequence, various research efforts have been carried
on to protect privacy while preserving the practical applicative
interest in using the released network flows. Early techniques
were based on the substitution of the real IP addresses with
pseudo-IDs (for instance, in Crypto-PAn [1]). However, it
has been shown that this technique is insufficient, since an
adversary may reconstruct the real IPs based on the values of
other fields of the flows [2], exploiting his knowledge of the
characteristics of network hosts (fingerprinting attacks), or by
injecting peculiar flows in the monitored network (injection
attacks). For this reason, more sophisticated techniques have
been proposed, based on the perturbation of other data in
the flows (e.g., [3], [4], [5], [6]). However, the techniques
proposed till the time of writing do not provide any formal
guarantee of protection, and it has been recently shown that
they are prone to different kinds of attacks [7]. On the other
hand, as we explain in Section II-B, well-known techniques
proposed for microdata anonymization are not directly applicable to network flows.
In this paper, we tackle the challenging research issue of
sanitizing network traces while preserving the data utility and
providing formal guarantees of confidentiality protection. The
main contributions of this work are the following:
• we formally model the problem of network flow obfuscation;
• we propose a novel defense technique, named (k, j)obfuscation, and we formally prove that it guarantees protection of data confidentiality under realistic assumptions;
• we present algorithms to enforce (k, j)-obfuscation, and
we experimentally evaluate our technique with a very
large dataset of real network flows; results show that our
obfuscation technique preserves the utility of data.
The dataset used for our experiments was collected from an
Italian transit tier II Autonomous System (AS). This network
is connected to the three main network infrastructures present
in Italy (Commercial, Research and Public Administration
networks), and to several international providers.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
discusses related work. In Section III, we formally model
network flow obfuscation and the adversary knowledge. In
Section IV, we introduce our defense and formally prove
its guarantees of confidentiality protection. In Section V, we
present the algorithm to enforce our defense. Section VI
illustrates the experimental evaluation. Section VII concludes
the paper.
Early techniques for network flow obfuscation were based
on the encryption of source and destination IP addresses.
However, those techniques proved to be ineffective, since an
adversary might be able to re-identify message source and
destination by other values in a network flow, or in a sequence
of flows (see, e.g., [3], [8], [9], [10]). King et al. in [2]
propose an extensive taxonomy of attacks against network flow
sanitization methods; techniques fall into two main categories:
Fingerprinting: re-identification is performed by matching flows fields’ values to the characteristics of the target
environment (such as knowledge of network topology and
its settings, types of OS and services of target hosts, etc).
Typical re-identifying values for network flows are: Type
of Service (tos), TCP Flags, number of bytes, and number
of packet per flow.
• Injection: the adversary injects a sequence of flows in
the network to be logged, that are easily recognized
due to their specific characteristics; e.g., marked with
uncommon TCP flags, or following particular patterns.
Additional techniques can be used to exploit the results of
the above attacks to decrypt IP addresses of new network
flows. In particular, if the IP address encryption is performed
with the same key across the whole set of flows (as in most
existing defense techniques), and the adversary discovers an
IP mapping in one flow, he can decrypt the same IP address
in any other flow.
A. Defenses tailored to network flows
Several effort have been devoted to the implementation of
frameworks (e.g., [5]) or configurable tools (e.g., [6]) through
which the network administrator can define ad-hoc and perfield obfuscation policies. Roughly speaking, defenses that can
be found in the literature (e.g., [3], [4] among many others)
take a “reactionary” approach: typically, in those works, a
new kind of attack is identified, and a defense technique is
proposed for that attack, which is generally based on the
permutation/generalization of some fields’ values. However,
proposed techniques do not provide a general solution. Indeed,
as theoretically proved by Brekne and Årnes in [9], and
empirically shown by Burkhart et al. in [7], those techniques
can be easily defeated by the injection of flows following
complex patterns over sufficiently long periods of time.
As a case study, we consider the well-known Crypto-PAn [1]
technique, which is currently incorporated within several network flow collector tools. Crypto-PAn is a sanitization tool for
network flows that encrypts IP addresses in a prefix-preserving
manner. A malicious user, which acts inside the monitored
network, can inject bogus and easily detectable flows in order
to understand how one IP address is mapped to its encrypted
value inside the obfuscated flow set. Thanks to the fact that
each IP address’s octet (8 bit length integer value) is always
mapped to the same encrypted value, an adversary can obtain
the encrypted version of each one of the 255 possible octets
values injecting a small number of bogus flows.
The defense technique we propose adopts cryptographic
primitives to hide real IP addresses, and obfuscation of flow
fields’ values. However, differently from previous works, it
provides strong confidentiality protection even when the adversary can reconstruct the mapping between an IP address and
its encrypted value, possibly as a result of injection attacks.
B. Microdata anonymization techniques
Techniques proposed in the database area for microdata
anonymization have the advantage of providing formal privacy
guarantees, under specific assumptions. Hence, it is natural
to investigate the application of these techniques to network
flows. At first glance, network flow logs seem very similar in
nature to any other recordset stored in a relational database
(census data, medical records, etc.). However, as we explain
below, those techniques are unfeasible to network flows, due
to the peculiar characteristics of these data.
The simplest microdata anonymity principle is kanonymity [11], which consists in making any record indistinguishable in a group of at least k records based on
Quasi Identifier (QI) values; i.e., values that, joined with
external information, may reduce the candidate set of record
respondents. Any group of records having the same values
for QI attributes is called a QI-group. The main criticism
found in the literature about the application of this principle to
network flow logs (see, e.g., [12]) regards loss of information:
indeed, since many fields of network flows may act as QI, data
quality would be degraded to an unacceptable extent. The same
argument holds for more sophisticated privacy principles that
guarantee not only anonymity but also sensitive value diversity,
such as l-diversity [13] and t-closeness [14].
However, we observe that the above mentioned principles
are not even applicable to the anonymization of network flows.
Indeed, if the private value of each individual does not change
in released microdata (this is the case of network flow logs,
if IP address encryption is consistent across the whole set of
flows), works in [11], [13], [14] are effective only under the
assumption that each individual is the respondent of at most
one record in the released microdata. Indeed, if the adversary
knows that the same individual (in our case, an IP address I)
is the respondent of one tuple in more than one QI-group, an
adversary may be able to derive the confidential information
(the encryption of I) by simply intersecting the private values
of tuples in those QI-groups.
Since the same IP address typically appears in multiple network flows, an appropriate privacy principle to be considered
is m-invariance [15], which has been proposed to enforce both
anonymity and diversity for incremental release of microdata.
This principle ensures that i) all the QI-groups in which an
individual’s records appear have the same set of private values,
and ii) each QI-group does not contain records having the
same private value. However, the application of m-invariance
to network flow logs is unfeasible, since the cardinality of
IP addresses is very large; this would result in a very coarse
generalization of QI-values, and in the introduction of a large
number of counterfeit flows to enforce property i).
In order to overcome the above problems, in our technique
we adopt a many-to-one mapping among IP addresses and
encrypted values; this mapping is consistent across the whole
set of network flows.
In general, the fact that two specific hosts A and B
exchanged some message may be considered confidential
information. Hence, since an IP address uniquely identifies
its host, we assume that confidential information in a network
flow is the set of attributes {src addr, dst addr}. Indeed, if we
could remove those fields from network logs, no confidentiality violation could reasonably be perpetrated. Unfortunately,
removal of IP addresses from logs would completely disrupt
the utility of the data. When joined with external information,
fields in the network flow other than IP addresses may restrict
the candidate set of source and/or destination hosts. For
instance, as shown in [8], based on network flow data such
as packet and Byte counts, it is possible to identify the Web
server originating the request. We state that a network flow is
obfuscated if it cannot be associated with high confidence to
its source and destination IP addresses.
A. Network flow obfuscation
We denote by L an original set of network flows, and by L∗
the obfuscated version of L released by the data publisher. The
fields of the flows include a confidential multi-value attribute
Ap = {src addr,dst addr}, and a set of other fields Ai =
{A1 , A2 , . . . , Am } that may be used to infer Ap . In particular,
as explained in Section II, some flow fields may be exploited
to identify Ap based on the hosts’ characteristics. In order to
characterize those fields, we introduce the notion of fingerprint
Quasi Identifier (fp-QI).
Definition 1 (Fingerprint Quasi Identifier (fp-QI)): A field
of a network flow is denoted as a fingerprint Quasi Identifier
(fp-QI) if its value, possibly combined with external knowledge about the characteristics of the network hosts, can reduce
the cardinality of the candidate set for source or destination
IP addresses of the flow in L∗ .
Clearly, which flow fields act as fp-QI strongly depends on
the external knowledge available to the adversary. In order to
state that two flows are indistinguishable based on the network
hosts’ fingerprint, we introduce the following notion.
Definition 2 (Fingerprint indistinguishability): Two
network flows are fp-indistinguishable if their fp-QI values
are identical.
Given a flow f , and fields A, f [A] is the projection of f onto
A; for instance, f [src addr,source port] is the pair hsource IP
address, source porti of f . Flows are obfuscated by a defense
function D() before being released.
B. Adversary model
At each release of a set L∗ , the goal of an adversary is to
reconstruct, with a certain degree of confidence, the source
and destination IP addresses of flows in L∗ . The considered
adversary model is based on the following assumptions:
1) The adversary may observe L∗ .
2) The obfuscation function D() is publicly known.
3) The adversary may have external information about the
characteristics of the target environment, including the
fingerprint of network hosts. For example, the adversary
may know the topology of the network to be logged, and
the set of services offered by its hosts. This knowledge
determines which fields act as fp-QI.
4) The adversary may know in advance where and when
the flows will be collected, and may inject flows into
the network.
Note that we assume a powerful adversary, that may perform
both fingerprinting and injection attacks. However, we claim
that those assumptions are reasonable. Indeed, some information about the logged network and hosts can be acquired after
the release of flows; for instance, by scanning the network
to locate services. Moreover, in some cases (e.g., if logs are
periodically collected and released from a given network), an
adversary may also know in advance the network location and
the schedules of flows collection, and send bogus messages to
target hosts in the network.
In this section we present our defense technique, and we
illustrate the achieved confidentiality guarantees.
A. Defense strategy
As anticipated in Section II, techniques based on a oneto-one mapping of each IP address in an encrypted value
that is consistent across the whole set of flows are ineffective
when an adversary gets to know the mapping among some
IP addresses and their encrypted value. On the other hand,
mapping the same IP address to different encrypted values in
different flows would effectively counteract those attacks, but
would result in an excessive loss of information; i.e., it would
be tantamount to suppress the IP address fields from released
flows. Hence, we propose a novel technique, named (k, j)obfuscation, that enforces a many-to-one mapping among IP
addresses and pseudo-random group-ID values, which are
substituted in obfuscated flows to the real IP addresses. With
this solution, each IP address in the released flows is blurred
in a set of at least k possible IP addresses.
Note that, with the above solution, an adversary may still
be able to identify the real IP address in the group of possible
addresses based on the fingerprint of its host. For this reason,
our technique includes a defense against fingerprinting attacks.
At first, IP addresses are grouped based on the fingerprint
of their corresponding host: IP addresses whose hosts have
similar fingerprint are grouped together. Then, the fp-QI values
of flows are obfuscated, such that, for each obfuscated flow f ∗
whose source IP s belongs to an IP-group α, there exist other
j ≤ k obfuscated flows, whose source IP belongs to α but
is different from s, and that are fp-indistinguishable from f ∗ .
This way, even if the adversary knows the hosts’ fingerprint,
as well as the mapping among IP addresses and group-IDs, he
cannot associate each flow to less than j different IP addresses.
B. Formal definition of (k, j)-obfuscation
In the following, we define the properties that a (k, j)obfuscation function must guarantee.
Definition 3 ((k, j)-obfuscation function): We denote as
D : L× N× N → L∗ a partial function that transforms a set of
network flows by substituting each IP address with a group-ID,
and by possibly obfuscating the values of the other fields of the
flows. Each IP address is mapped to its IP-group by a function
group-ID; this mapping is consistent across the whole set of
flows. We denote as f ∗ ∈ L∗ the transformation of f ∈ L
obtained by the application of function D. We state that D
is a (k, j)-obfuscation function if, for each set L of network
flows, L∗ = D(L, k, j) satisfies the following properties:
• p1: Each IP-group contains at least k different IP addresses. Formally, for each group-ID g appearing in a
flow f ∗ ∈ L∗ , there exists a set A of at least k IP
addresses appearing in a flow in L such that, for each
a ∈ A, group-ID(a) = g.
• p2: Each flow f is fp-indistinguishable in a set of at
least j flows in L∗ originated by distinct IP addresses
belonging to the same IP-group.
D(L, k, j) is undefined if the above properties cannot be
satisfied; i.e., if L involves less that k different IP addresses
(it is impossible to enforce p1), or if L contains less than j
flows (it is impossible to enforce p2).
Table I reports a summary of the notation used in the paper.
src addr, dst addr
f [A]
L (resp. L∗ )
D(L, k, j)
fingerprint Quasi Identifier (Definition 1)
fields for source and destination IP
projection of flow f onto field A
original (resp. obfuscated) set of network flows
(k, j)-obfuscation function (Definition 3)
minimum number of IP addresses in a group
minimum number of fp-indistinguishable flows
time granularity used in Algorithm 3
C. Confidentiality guarantees
In the following, we present the confidentiality guarantees
enforced by our technique, based on different assumptions
about the external knowledge available to an adversary.
1) Defense against knowledge of the IP mapping function:
As explained in Section II, if an adversary discovers a mapping
between the real and obfuscated IP address in one flow, and
the IP address encryption is consistent across the whole set of
flows, he can decrypt the same IP in any other flow in which
it appears: such mappings can be easily discovered through
injection. As demonstrated by the following theorem, (k, j)obfuscation counteracts this attack, by ensuring that no less
than k different IP addresses are mapped to the same IP-group.
Theorem 1: Consider a (k, j)-obfuscation function D, a set
L of original network flows, its obfuscated version L∗ =
D(L, k, j), and an obfuscated flow f ∗ ∈ L∗ . Suppose that
the (obfuscated) source and destination IP addresses of f ∗ are
α and β, respectively. Suppose also that an adversary got to
know the function that maps original IP addresses to their
group-IDs. Then, based on the knowledge of that function, he
can associate the source and destination IP addresses of f to
no less than k(k − 1) different pairs of possible addresses.
2) Defense against fingerprinting attacks: If an adversary
knows the fingerprint of network hosts, he can decrease his
uncertainty about the source IP of a flow. The following
theorem demonstrates that the (k, j)-obfuscation technique
protects against fingerprinting attacks.
Theorem 2: Consider a (k, j)-obfuscation function D, a set
L of original network flows, its obfuscated version L∗ =
D(L, k, j), and an obfuscated flow f ∗ ∈ L∗ . Suppose that an
adversary has accurate information about the hosts’ fingerprint.
Then, based on this knowledge, he can associate the source
IP address of f to no less than j possible addresses.
3) Defense against combined attacks: A more powerful
threat to consider is when an adversary knows both the IP
mapping function, and the hosts’ fingerprint. The following
theorem demonstrates that (k, j)-obfuscation provides strong
protection even under this assumption.
Theorem 3: Consider a (k, j)-obfuscation function D, a set
L of original network flows, its obfuscated version L∗ =
D(L, k, j), and an obfuscated flow f ∗ ∈ L∗ . Suppose that the
(obfuscated) source and destination IP addresses of f ∗ are α
and β, respectively. Suppose also that an adversary got to know
the function that maps original IP addresses to their group-IDs,
and has accurate information about the fingerprint of network
hosts. Then, based on this information, he can associate each
pair hsrc addr, dst addri to no less than j(k − 1) different
pairs of possible addresses.
4) Defense against linking attacks: In some cases, an
adversary may be able to understand that a flow g ∗ is the
response to a flow f ∗ . Different inferences may be used to
link request and responses; for instance, by observing that a
flow from α to β is immediately followed by a flow from β to
α. The following theorem demonstrates that (k, j)-obfuscation
is effective even against this kind of inferences.
Theorem 4: Consider a (k, j)-obfuscation function D, a set
L of original network flows, its obfuscated version L∗ =
D(L, k, j), and two obfuscated flows f ∗ ∈ L∗ and g ∗ ∈ L∗ .
Suppose that the adversary got to know that g ∗ is the response
to f ∗ . Suppose also that he knows the function that maps
original IP addresses to their group-IDs, and has accurate information about the fingerprint of network hosts. Then, based
on this information, he can associate the source/destination IP
addresses of f and g to no less than j(j − 1) different pairs
of possible addresses.
In this section, we present our technique and algorithms to
enforce (k, j)-obfuscation of network flows.
A. Overall obfuscation algorithm
Finding the optimal transformation of flows that satisfies
(k, j)-obfuscation (i.e., the one that minimizes the generalization of fp-QI values, and the suppression of flows) is
an NP-hard problem; indeed, it is well-known that even the
basic problem of optimal k-anonymous generalization is NPhard [16]. For this reason, we devised an approximate algorithm; its pseudocode is shown in Algorithm 1. At first (line 2),
IP-groups are created by executing Algorithm 2 (Section V-B).
Then (line 3), the real IPs in network flows are substituted by
the identifier of the IP-group they belong to. After initializing
Input: L: original set of network flows; fp-QI: set of
fingerprint Quasi Identifiers; k: minimum group size; j:
minimum number of fp-indistinguishable flows; τ : time
granularity for enforcing fp-indistinguishability.
Output: L∗ : set of obfuscated network flows.
Obfuscate(L, fp-QI, k, j, τ ) begin
IP-groups G; IP-group identifiers GID :=
GroupCreation(L, fp-QI, k)
L := SubstituteIPs(L, G, GID)
L∗ := ∅
foreach IP-group Gα ∈ G do
Lα := GetFlows(L, Gα )
L∗α := Bucketize(Lα , fp-QI, j, τ )
L∗ := L∗ ∪ L∗α
return L∗
Algorithm 1: Network flow obfuscation algorithm
Input: L: original set of network flows; fp-QI: set of
fingerprint Quasi Identifiers; k: minimum group size.
Output: IP-groups: G1 , . . . , Gj ; IP-groups identifiers:
GID1 , . . . , GIDj .
GroupCreation(L, fp-QI, k) begin
set of IP addresses A := {f [src addr], f ∈ L} ∪
{f [dst addr], f ∈ L}
if |A| < k then return null
foreach IP address a ∈ A do
foreach feature ∈ fp-QI do
feature value vf := GetFeatureValue(L, a, feature)
fingerprint feature vector −
a := AddFeature(−
a , vf )
Hilbert index aH := ComputeHilbertIndex(−
sorted list of IP addresses A := SortOnHilbertIndex(A)
group index j := 0
for i := 1 to |A| do
if (i % k) = 1 then
if (i + k) < |A| then
j := j + 1
IP-group Gj := ∅
IP-group identifier GIDj := CSPRNG()
Gj := Gj ∪ A i
return G1 , . . . , Gj ; GID1 , . . . , GIDj
Algorithm 2: Fingerprint-based group creation
the set of obfuscated flows L∗ (line 4), for each IP-group, we
take the flows generated by the hosts of its IPs, we enforce fpindistinguishability by executing Algorithm 3 (Section V-C),
and we add the obfuscated flows to L∗ (lines 5 to 9). Finally
(line 10), we return the set of obfuscated flows.
B. Fingerprint-based IP-groups creation.
The goal of our fingerprint-based IP-groups creation method
is to enforce property p1 of (k, j)-obfuscation while preserving
the quality of obfuscated data. In order to reach this goal,
IP-groups are created by grouping together IPs whose hosts
have a similar fingerprint (i.e., they originate similar flows), so
that fp-indistinguishability can be more easily enforced. The
algorithm to group IPs takes as input the original set L of
network flows, the set fp-QI of fingerprint Quasi Identifiers,
and the minimum group size k. It returns the IP-groups and
their identifiers. The pseudocode of the algorithm is shown in
Algorithm 2; its main operations are the following:
1) If less than k IPs appear as source of a network flow in
the original set L, it is impossible to create an IP-group
of size greater than or equal to k. Hence, in this case,
(k, j)-obfuscation cannot be enforced, and the algorithm
terminates (line 3 in Algorithm 2).
2) Otherwise, for each IP, we build a fingerprint vector
(lines 5 to 8), in which each dimension corresponds to a
statistics (mean, standard deviation, . . . ) about the values
of an fp-QI field of its flows. This vector represents the
fingerprint of the host having that source IP.
3) We map each fingerprint vector in an integer value by
exploiting the Hilbert space-filling curves [17] (line 9).
A Hilbert space-filling curve is a function that maps a
point in a multi-dimensional space into an integer. With
this technique, two points that are close in the multidimensional space are also close, with high probability,
in the one-dimensional space obtained by the Hilbert
transformation. In our case, IPs whose hosts have a
similar fingerprint are associated to close Hilbert indices.
4) We sort IPs based on their Hilbert index (line 11),
and we create groups by partitioning IPs in groups
of size k based on that order (lines 12 to 22); if the
last group contains less than k IPs, it is merged with
the previous one. Each group is identified by a value
calculated by a cryptographically secure pseudorandom
number generator (CSPRNG) function (line 18). Finally
(line 23), we return the IP-groups G1 , . . . , Gj , as well
as their identifiers GID1 , . . . , GIDj .
C. Enforcing fp-indistinguishability.
We enforce fp-indistinguishability by bucketizing the values
of fp-QI fields. Bucketization consists in substituting the real
value of a field with a multiset of possible values. For instance,
to make fp-indistinguishable a set of three flows whose number
of bytes are 250, 400, and 250, respectively, we substitute the
real values in these flows with {250, 250, 400}.
The bucketization algorithm considers one group of IPs at
a time. It takes as input a set Lα of original flows (whose
source IPs belong to the same group α), the set of fp-QI
fields, the minimum number j of fp-indistinguishable flows,
and a time granule τ (for instance, one minute). The algorithm
considers flows in slots of one time granule at a time, in order
to reduce computational and memory costs. This solution is
needed when very large sets of flows are considered, as we do
in our experimental evaluation. The algorithm returns the set of
obfuscated flows L∗α . Its pseudocode is shown in Algorithm 3;
the main steps are the following:
1) At first, we initialize two variables tstart and tend with
Input: Lα : original set of network flows whose source IP
belongs to IP-group α; fp-QI: set of fp-QI fields; j:
minimum number of fp-indistinguishable flows; τ : time
Output: L∗α : obfuscated flows.
Bucketize(Lα , fp-QI, j, τ ) begin
tstart := lowest timestamp of flows in Lα
tend := highest timestamp of flows in Lα
foreach flow f ∈ Lα s.t.
f [timestamp] ∈ [tstart , tstart + τ ) do
fp-QI feature vector f = f [fp-QI]
Hilbert index fH := ComputeHilbertIndex( f )
sorted list of flows F := SortOnHilbertIndex(Lα,τ )
group index i := 1
group of IPs Gi := ∅
number of distinct IPs in Gi n := 0
for c := 1 to |Lα,τ | do
if (∄f ∈ Gi s.t. f [src addr] = Fc [src addr]) then
n := n + 1
Gi := Gi ∪ {Fc }
if (n = j) then i := i + 1; Gi := ∅; n := 0
if (0 < n < j) then
if i > 1 then Gi−1 := Gi−1 ∪ Gi ; Gi := ∅
else SuppressFlows(Gi )
L∗α,τ := ∅
foreach group of flows G do
G∗ := BucketizeFp-QI-values(G)
L∗α,τ := L∗α,τ ∪ G∗
tstart := tstart + τ
until tstart > tend
return L∗α,τ
Algorithm 3: Bucketization of fp-QI fields
the lowest and highest timestamp of flows in L∗α , respectively (lines 2 and 3 in Algorithm 3).
2) For each flow f in the original set having source IP
belonging to group α and timestamp in the interval
[tstart , tstart + τ ), we build a fp-QI feature vector f , in
which each dimension corresponds to the value of an fpQI field of the flow (line 6). We map each fp-QI feature
vector in an integer value fH by exploiting the Hilbert
space-filling curves (line 7), and we sort flows based on
their Hilbert index (line 8).
3) We partition flows in groups based on their Hilbert order,
ensuring that each group contains at least j flows having
distinct source IPs (lines 10 to 19). If the diversity of
source IPs in the last group is less than j, we merge it
with the second-last group (line 21). If diversity cannot
be enforced, these flows are suppressed (line 22).
4) For each group, we substitute the fp-QI values of its
flows with buckets including the fp-QI values of each
flow (lines 25 to 28). We repeat the above steps for the
subsequent time intervals, until tend is reached. Finally,
we return the set L∗α of obfuscated flows (line 31).
D. Correctness and computational complexity
Theorem 5: Algorithm 1 correctly computes a (k, j)obfuscation function.
Due to the typically large dimension of network flow
datasets, the defense algorithm needs to have low computational complexity. The most computationally expensive task of
our algorithm is sorting, which is performed both for grouping
IP addresses, and for bucketizing fp-QI fields (complexity in
the average case is O(n log n), where n is the maximum
between the number of IP addresses appearing in the flows
and the number of flows to be made fp-indistinguishable).
The calculation of the Hilbert index is an O(1) operation; it is
executed (n + m) times, where n is the number of flows, and
m is the number of distinct IP addresses appearing in flows.
The goal of our experiments was to evaluate the role
of (k, j)-obfuscation parameters on the utility of obfuscated
NetFlows. Of course, higher values of k and j determine
stronger confidentiality protection but lower utility of obfuscated flows. In the following, we describe the dataset used in
our experiments, and the achieved results.
A. Experimental setup
In order to carry out our experiments, we collected real
traffic packets flowing through an important Italian transit
tier II Autonomous System located in the city of Rome,
that hosts several sensible corporate and governmental sites.
During a day, an average value of about 2 billions of packets,
corresponding to about 5 TBytes of data, flow through that
system. In order to handle such large amounts of data, it is a
common practice to summarize packets into network flows.
In order to do so, we used the widely adopted CISCOTM
NetFlow1 technology, which aggregates data obtained from
layers 2 − 4 of the TCP/IP stack. The use of the NetFlow
technology has several advantages with respect to raw packet
sniffing, since it gives a lightweight and informative picture of
the monitored network. NetFlow records proved to be useful
for several applications, including intrusion detection systems,
traffic classifiers, traffic accounting, DoS monitoring.
The typical configuration to leverage the NetFlow protocol
is made of a router with NetFlow capabilities and a probe
able to summarize and store received data. A netflow record
(graphically illustrated in Fig. 1) is defined as a unidirectional
sequence of packets, all sharing source and destination IP
address and port, IP protocol, ingress interface, and IP type of
service. Other valuable data associated to the flow, like timestamp, duration, number of packets, and number of transmitted
bytes, are also recorded; the packet payload is not recorded.
In our monitored network, during a typical working day, we
collect an average value of about 110 millions of NetFlows.
1 http://www.cisco.com/web/go/netflow
Entropy on source IP addresses
Fig. 1.
original flows
Time of the day
Entropy on source IP address
original flows
The first set of experiments was aimed at evaluating the
role of parameter k of (k, j)-obfuscation; i.e., the minimum
dimension of IP address groups. In order to study the effect
of k in isolation, we applied Algorithm 2 to the original set
of NetFlows in order to partition IP addresses in groups of
dimension greater than or equal to k. Then, we substituted each
real IP address in original NetFlows with its corresponding
group-ID. The value of k determines the level of obfuscation
of IP addresses. Due to the high complexity of the optimal
algorithm for (k, j)-obfuscation, and the very large size of the
dataset, we could not compare our defense algorithm with the
performance of the optimal one. Instead, we have studied the
impact of our defense algorithm on obfuscated NetFlows using
an information theory perspective; in particular, we measure
the network flows entropy Indeed, the network flows entropy
evaluation is widespread in traffic analysis, for instance, for
traffic anomaly detection [18], and traffic classification [19].
We modeled the distribution of IP addresses in flows
collected during one-minute long time windows, in order to
evaluate its temporal trend, both in original and in obfuscated
flows. High values of entropy are correlated to high diversity
of the IP address distribution of flows. Hence, this measure
is important for network analysis: for instance, a distributed
denial of service attack would determine low entropy on
destination IP addresses (many flows are directed to the same
host), and high entropy on source IP addresses (many different
hosts are performing the attack). Fig. 2 shows the result during
Entropy of source IP addresses distribution during one hour
B. Impact of parameter k: IP address grouping
Fig. 2.
We implemented Algorithms 1, 2, and 3 using C and Python
programming languages. Experiments were carried out on a
workstation with IA64 Core i7 930, 2.80 GHz CPU (4 cores,
8 threads), and 12 GBytes DDR3 1066MHz of RAM, running
a GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.32 OS. With this experimental setup,
in a few hours we were able to obfuscate NetFlows collected
during an entire working day. This is an acceptable time, since,
for most applications, NetFlow obfuscation can be performed
offline. An extension of our algorithms to support larger sets
of NetFlows will be investigated in future work. For the sake
of these experiments, we considered a model in which the
adversary may have an in-depth knowledge of the network
hosts’ fingerprint. In particular, we assumed that the fp-QI
fields of NetFlows are: type of service (tos), protocol, TCP
flags, number of packets, and dimension in Bytes.
Day of the week
Fig. 3.
Entropy of source IP addresses distribution during 8 days
a representative peak hour for Internet traffic (from noon to 1
PM), using the dataset of about 7.5 million NetFlows that
were collected by our system. We obtained similar results
considering other time intervals; in Fig. 2 we plot a onehour sample for the sake of readability. We executed the IP
address grouping algorithm with values of k ranging from 5
to 20. As expected, the average value of entropy is inversely
correlated to the value of k: indeed, the more IP addresses are
grouped together, the less diverse the traffic and, consequently,
the lower the entropy. However, algorithms for traffic analysis
rely on fluctuations of the entropy value; not on its absolute
value. For instance, in [18], traffic anomalies are detected by
comparing the entropy in a fine-grained time window (e.g.,
from 12:00 to 12:01 of the current day) with its expected
value (e.g., the entropy calculated on the same minute during
multiple days). As it can be seen from Fig. 2, trends and
temporal patterns are preserved by the transformation of real
source IP addresses in group-IDs; we obtained analogous
results considering destination IP addresses. These results were
confirmed when we considered the distribution of IP addresses
in the dataset of about 790 million NetFlows collected during
8 consecutive days; results are illustrated in Fig. 3.
The above results indicate that our technique for IP address
grouping preserves both traffic diversity and data utility for
algorithms based on information theory measures. For the
Adversary’s confidence
Suppressed flows (%)
Combined attacks
Linking attacks
Knowledge of IP mapping function
Fig. 4.
Time granule τ (minutes)
Suppressed flows (k = 10)
following experiments, we fixed the value of k to 10, since
it provides a good tradeoff between confidentiality protection
and data utility.
C. Impact of parameter j: fp-indistinguishability
The second set of experiments was aimed at evaluating
the impact of parameter j on the data quality of obfuscated
NetFlows. As explained in Section V, in order to reduce
computational and memory costs, our algorithm to enforce
fp-indistinguishability takes a temporal granularity τ as an
additional parameter: NetFlows are processed by Algorithm 3
in slots of one time granule at a time. Using shorter time granules demands for less computational and memory resources.
However, in some cases, fp-indistinguishability cannot be
enforced, since there is no sufficient diversity of IP addresses
in flows generated during a single time granule. In those
unfortunate cases, our algorithm suppresses those flows that
cannot be made fp-indistinguishable.
We performed experiments to evaluate the number of suppressed flows, using different values of j (from 2 to 7) and
τ (from one minute to 32 minutes). With our experimental
setup, we were unable to use values of τ of one hour or
more without incurring significant delay, due to swapping, for
the specific hardware used in our setup. As it can be seen in
Fig. 4, with low values of j (less than 5), the percentage of
suppressed flows rapidly decreases; it is close to zero with τ
equal to 32 minutes. On the contrary, with higher values of j,
a relevant fraction of flows (> 20%) is suppressed. However,
with k = 10, small values of j are sufficient to provide
confidentiality protection. In Fig. 5 we report the adversary’s
confidence based on the attacks considered in Section IV-C.
As it can be observed, with j = 4, the confidence of the
adversary about the association between a flow and its source
and destination IP addresses is below 10%.
We evaluated the utility of obfuscated NetFlows in terms
of the precision in answering aggregate queries. For those
fields having numerical domains (number of bytes and number
of packets), we executed the queries considering ranges of
different selectivity: e.g., “count the number of NetFlows
at minute t whose number of packets is between 200 and
300”. We performed these queries considering each interval of
dimension 100 (for the number of bytes) and 5 (for the number
of packets), starting from 0, until the maximum dimension of
Fig. 5.
Adversary’s confidence based on different attacks (k = 10)
bytes and packets in our dataset of NetFlows. For those fields
having non-numerical domains (tos, protocol, and TCP flags),
we executed queries about their specific values; e.g., “count
the number of NetFlows at minute t whose protocol is TCP”.
We executed queries for each possible value/range, and for
each minute in a one-hour time window, for a total of about
120, 000 queries. For each query, we calculated the error rate
by the following formula:
where r (resp. r′ ) is the result of the query on the original
(resp. obfuscated) flows, and t (resp. t′ ) is the total number of
original (resp. obfuscated) flows.
Fig. 6 shows the average error rate for different values of
j and τ , and the different fp-QI fields having non-numerical
domains. Considering flag and protocol fields, with j equal
to 4 or less, and τ equal to 16 minutes or more, the average
error is below 10%. The average error rate was even smaller
when we considered numerical fields (results are shown in
Figure 7). We obtained a larger average error with the tos
field; however, even with that field, the error becomes low
using τ = 32 minutes and j ≤ 4. The average error increases
considerably when larger values of j are used; this is due to
the large number of flows that must be suppressed to achieve
In this paper, we addressed the challenging research issue of
sensitive data obfuscation in network flows. We have formally
modeled this issue, and proposed a novel defense technique.
Differently from previous proposals, our technique provides
formal protection guarantees under realistic assumptions about
the adversary’s knowledge. An extensive experimental evaluation with a large set of real network flows showed that
our technique preserves the utility of network flows. Future
research work includes the investigation of algorithms for enforcing (k, j)-obfuscation on arbitrarily large sets of network
flows, and the execution of new experiments on obfuscated
flows using state of the art attack-detection algorithms to
evaluate data utility. We are also investigating an extension of
our defense to different adversary models; in particular, one
in which the hosts’ fingerprint may change over time.
Average error (%)
Average error (%)
Average error (%)
Time granule τ (minutes)
(a) Protocol field query results
Fig. 6.
Time granule τ (minutes)
(b) Flag field query results
Average error (%)
Time granule τ (minutes)
(a) Query on byte field
Average error (%)
Time granule τ (minutes)
(c) Tos field query results
Average error rate for aggregate queries on obfuscated NetFlows (k = 10)
Time granule τ (minutes)
(b) Query on packet field
Fig. 7. Average error rate for aggregate queries on obfuscated NetFlows
(k = 10)
We would like to give a special thank to the CASPUR
Consortium and to the staff of its Network Group for the
significant help in collecting the data and in the processing of
our experiments. This paper has been financially supported by
the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management
of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme,
European Commission -Directorate General Home Affairs,
under the ExTraBIRE project, HOME/2009/CIPS/AG/C2-065.
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