e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
Special Supplement: Bamboo (Review Article)
Bamboo particleboards: recent developments1
Christian Gauss2, Victor De Araujo3, Maristela Gava4,
Juliana Cortez-Barbosa4, Holmer Savastano Junior2
Due to the high dimensional variation of bamboo, the
manufacturing of materials such as plywood and laminated
bamboo produces a high amount of residues. The production
of particleboards could be used to overcome this problem and
become a viable solution to reuse the generated waste as a raw
material to high value-added products. This study aimed to
present an overview of the bamboo particleboard production,
as well as the mechanical and physical properties of this
material, followed by a review of the advances in its research
and development. In general, independently of the resin or
bamboo species utilization, several bamboo particleboards
meet the mechanical properties requirements of international
standards for wood-based medium-density particleboards.
The main focus of this study is to provide a review, in order
to support research groups interested in using new bamboobased materials for the development of manufactured durable
Painéis particulados de bambu:
desenvolvimentos recentes
Devido à grande variação dimensional do bambu, a
produção de materiais como compensados e laminados produz
grande quantidade de resíduos. A produção de painéis particulados
poderia ser utilizada para superar este problema e tornar-se uma
solução viável na reutilização dos resíduos gerados como matériaprima para produtos de alto valor agregado. Objetivou-se apresentar
uma visão geral sobre a produção de painéis particulados de bambu,
assim como suas propriedades mecânicas e físicas, acompanhada
por uma revisão dos avanços em sua pesquisa e desenvolvimento.
Em geral, independentemente da resina ou espécie de bamboo
utilizadas, diversos painéis particulados de bambu atendem os
requisitos de normas internacionais para painéis particulados
de média densidade à base de madeira. O foco principal deste
trabalho é fornecer uma revisão para apoiar grupos de pesquisa
interessados em utilizar novos materiais à base de bambu para o
desenvolvimento de produtos manufaturados duráveis.
KEYWORDS: Bamboo panels, bamboo-based materials,
lignocellulosic materials.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Painéis de bambu, materiais à base de
bambu, materiais lignocelulósicos.
mechanical properties are similar to timber, steel and
concrete, and its use can be cost-effective (Ghavami
1992, Flander 2005). Additionally, bamboo forests
accumulate up to four times the carbon density, in
comparison with spruce forests, over a long term
period (Yiping et al. 2010).
In the industry and as a commercial product,
bamboo can be used for fiber and paper production,
coal, laminates, beams, food and others (Pereira &
Beraldo 2007). Nowadays, the bamboo industry
has developed into a multi-million dollar business
internationally. The manufacturing of various
Bamboo is a fast growing plant of the Poaceae
family, Bambusoideae subfamily, Bambuseae
tribe (Sharma et al. 2015), that has attracted the
curiosity of mankind since the early beginning of our
civilization. Its use in Asia and in some countries of
South America represents the people’s lifestyle and
is followed by mysticism and philosophy.
As a building material, bamboo has several
advantages over other manmade materials, especially
because it is a renewable resource. Its specific
1. Received: Sep. 21, 2018. Accepted: May 21, 2019. Published: Jul. 04, 2019. DOI: 10.1590/1983-40632019v4955081.
2. Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Engenharia de Biossistemas, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil.
E-mail/ORCID: gausschr@usp.br/0000-0002-2046-7033, holmersj@usp.br/0000-0003-1827-1047.
3. Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil.
E-mail/ORCID: victor@usp.br/0000-0002-2747-4738.
4. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira, Itapeva, SP, Brasil.
E-mail/ORCID: maristela.gava@unesp.br/0000-0003-0054-5927, juliana.cortez@unesp.br/0000-0003-0006-7945.
C. Gauss et al. (2019)
products, however, produces a large amount of
waste, especially in the processing phase (Kasim
et al. 2001). More than 30 % of the material is
lost as shavings in the production of laminated
bamboo, for example (Biswas et al. 2011, Sharma
et al. 2014). As such, the bamboo industrialization
must be accompanied by the use of this waste in
the manufacturing of reconstituted products and for
local energy generation, thus optimizing the material
processing through its production chain.
The production of bamboo particleboards
with environmentally friendly resins, combined
with recent advances in processing technologies, can
be economically feasible (Ganapathy et al. 1999).
Indeed, countries like China, Malaysia, Costa Rica
and Vietnam already have bamboo particleboards as a
commercial product available in the market, although
most of them using conventional synthetic resins.
The bamboo particleboard production
processing steps are very similar to those of woodbased and other agricultural waste particleboards,
and its production can be used as a complement
of engineered bamboo products such as laminated
bamboo, bamboo scrimber, bamboo lumber and
others. In order to analyze the potentialities of this
material, the present study describes briefly the recent
researches in the production and characterization of
bamboo particleboards and future developments that
could be imagined with this review.
There are over 1,200 bamboo species covering
70 genera around the world, found in cold, mild and
tropical regions (Grosser & Liese 1971, Gratani
et al. 2008, Sharma et al. 2014). China has a high
concentration of species (400 species from 50 genera)
and a bamboo growing area of approximately 4.21
million ha (Qisheng & Shenxue 2001). In Brazil,
232 species have been identified, corresponding to
89 % of all the genera and 65 % of all native bamboo
species in South America (Pereira 2012). However,
exotic species in Brazil, such as Dendrocalamus
asper, Phyllostachys aurea, P. pubescens, Bambusa
vulgaris and B. tuldoides, are widely well adapted and
normally used for craftwork and civil construction.
Bamboo species are classified in different types
of root system and growth behavior, i.e., monopodial
(running), sympodial (clumping) and amphipodial
(running or clumping). In clumping bamboos, culms
grow close together, forming a stabilized clump,
while running species have independent culms that
spread like a normal grass.
The bamboo culm grows as a hollow cylindrical
pole composed of regions with aligned and continuous
fiber bundles, called internodes, separated by parts
with solid transversal diaphragms and interwoven
fiber bundles in the wall thickness, called nodes.
Bamboo is also known for its rapid growth,
reaching up to 30 m within a year. After the complete
growth, the culms gain strength continuously
until optimum mechanical properties, at 3-5 years
(mature culms), with enough structural resistance.
In this aspect, there is no counterpart in the vegetal
kingdom (Liese & Weiner 1996, Pereira & Beraldo
2007). It is well known that only mature culms
should be used in civil construction (in natura or
engineered), especially due to the higher mechanical
resistance, dimensional stability and degradation
From an anatomical point of view, bamboo
is composed of 40 % of fiber bundles and 50 % of
parenchymal cells (phloem and parenchyma) and
vessels (10 %) (Liese 1987, Li et al. 1994), as shown
in Figure 1. Its fiber sheath is distributed in such a way
that, along the thickness, a higher density of fibers
is predominantly found in the external layer than in
the internal layer. The culm diameter, thickness and
internode length also change with the height position
(Ghavami et al. 2003, Geroto 2014).
Due to its optimized fiber distribution and
morphology, bamboo can be considered a functionally
graded material, developed in order to resist wind
forces and weather conditions (Nogata & Takahashi
1995, Ghavami & Marinho 2005).
The strong appeal of bamboo as a sustainable
and abundant material, plus its unique intrinsic
properties, has received the attention of several
universities and institutions worldwide. It is possible
to notice an increased trend in the number of
publications related to the bamboo scientific research.
According to the Scopus database, until September
2016, a total of 10,094 publications related to bamboo
had been published, concentrated in recent years.
All these studies were developed in the areas of
agricultural and biological sciences, engineering,
materials science, environmental science, chemistry
e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
Photos: Christian Gauss
Bamboo particleboards: recent developments
Figure 1. Anatomical overview of a bamboo culm. V: vessels; F: fiber bundles; Ph: phloem; P: parenchyma.
and energy. It is worth mentioning that, among
these publications, only 53 are related to bamboo
particleboards, and only a few of them approach the
production of particleboards using organic resins.
Bamboo particleboards have been developed
in Canada (in collaboration with Costa Rica), China,
India and Vietnam (Ganapathy et al. 1999). Although
there are no competitive engineered bamboo
industries in Brazil, a high local potential, regarding
the bamboo plantation and commercialization, makes
reasonable to perform scientific research related to
the development of high value-added products using
bamboo. In fact, several studies have been made in
Brazil using agricultural waste for the particleboard
production (Calegari et al. 2007, Fiorelli et al. 2012a,
Fiorelli et al. 2012b, Fiorelli et al. 2014, Belini et al.
2014, Valarelli et al. 2014, Zaia et al. 2015).
Qisheng et al. (2001) classified bamboo
panels according to their material composition
and product structure: bamboo-plywood products,
laminated products (laminated bamboo from strips),
chipboard products (bamboo chip/particleboard)
and composite board products. Since bamboo
particleboards are normally produced using culm
tops and bamboo processing residues, the supply
of raw material is abundant and economically
affordable. Its raw material utilization ratio is very
high, and the technologies required for the bamboo
particleboard production are similar to those of wood
Bamboo particleboards are normally produced
by a mixture of bamboo particles (of a determined
size) with resin. The resin normally consists of
an organic adhesive: urea formaldehyde, phenol
formaldehyde, castor oil-based polyurethane
resin, polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and others. The
following processes are normally performed for the
production of bamboo particleboards: the obtained
bamboo chips/particles are dried, mixed with resin,
pre-formed and hot-pressed in the form of panels
(Valarelli et al. 2014).
Commercial or laboratory-made particleboards
are commonly produced, characterized and evaluated
according to national and international standards,
such as the British BS 5669 (BSI 1989), American
ANSI A208.1 (ANSI 2016), Brazilian NBR 14810/2
(ABNT 2013), German DIN 68761 (DIN 1986),
Indian IS 3087 (BIS 2005) and Japanese JIS A5908
(JSA 2015) wood particleboard standards. Density,
thickness swelling, water absorption, modulus of
elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and
internal bond strength are normally investigated
during the particleboard development.
Ganapathy et al. (1999) described the
commercial bamboo particleboard manufacturing
processes employed in several countries. The physical
and mechanical properties of these panels can be
seen in Table 1. Similar densities can be observed
with MOR and MOE ranging from 16.5 MPa to
27.4 MPa and 2.48 GPa to 4.15 GPa, respectively.
These results show that bamboo particleboards may
have a strength equivalent to conventional wood
particleboards of similar density (MOE = 2.76-4.14 GPa;
MOR = 15.17-24.13 MPa) (Robert 2010).
e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
C. Gauss et al. (2019)
Several studies have been developed using
bamboo particles as material for the particleboard
production. An overview of the obtained properties
of several authors is presented in Tables 2 and 3.
In Table 2, the processing conditions are shown,
including the normative document used as a reference
for the performance evaluation.
In general, all published studies follow the
same production routine. First, the bamboo particles
are obtained through conventional milling, followed
by screening to eliminate fine and large particles,
drying, resin impregnation, molding and hot
pressing (in some cases, pre-pressing is performed).
Pressing conditions and resin formulations are also
in Table 2.
Table 3 presents the mechanical and physical
properties of investigated panels. Since there is no
international standard for bamboo particleboards, the
standard documents used for the comparison were
those for wood-based boards.
Most of the investigated bamboo particleboards
meet the normative requirements for medium
density solutions and, in some cases, exceed the
requirements, especially in Zaia et al. (2015), where
a MOR of 38.0 MPa and MOE of 5.9 GPa were
found. These results are related to the higher density
Table 1. Mechanical properties of commercial bamboo particleboards.
Costa Rica
SR 8-12 wt%
PF 4 wt%
UF 10 wt%
UF 9-11 wt%
Pressing aspects
0.4 min mm-1; 150-160 ºC; 1.14-1.18 MPa 3 min; 215 ºC 6 min; 160 ºC 12 min; 120-140 ºC; 2.2-2.4 MPa
730-800 kg m-3
750 kg m-3
720 kg m-3
650-720 kg m-3
Moisture content
6.9 %
Water absorption (24 h)
57 %
40.9 %
Thickness swelling
1.6 %
14 %
7.6 %
3.5 %
Internal bond strength
0.64 MPa
0.34 MPa
0.85 MPa
1.05-1.50 MPa
Modulus of rupture
24.24 MPa
17.2 MPa
27.4 MPa
16.5-17.5 MPa
Modulus of elasticity
2,480 MPa
3,100 MPa
4,150 MPa
SR: synthetic resin; PF: phenol formaldehyde; UF: urea formaldehyde. Source: adapted from Ganapathy et al. (1999).
Table 2. Summary of bamboo particleboards processing conditions by several authors.
Bamboo species
Bamboo age/
(particle size)
1-3 years
Gigantochloa scortechinii
BS 5669
(0.5-2.0 mm)
3 years
ANSI A208.1,
Bambusa vulgaris
EN 310/317/319
(1.0-3.0 mm)
ANSI A208.1,
B. vulgaris
DIN 68761-1/3
(1.0-4.0 mm)
IS 3087, BS 5669,
B. vulgaris, B. balcão
Bangladesh DIN 68761
(greater sizes < 38 mm)
Guadua magna
ANSI A208.1
(1.0-3.0 mm)
4.5 years
Dendrocalamus giganteus
NBR 14810/2
(1.2-4.0 mm)
5 years
D. giganteus
NBR 14810/2
(3.0-7.0 mm)
D. asper, G. apus, G. atroviolacea
JIS A5908
(2.0-4.8 mm)
3-4 years
D. asper
NBR 14810/2
(0.2-0.5 mm)
(content wt%)
160 ºC; 6 min;
UF (8-12 %)
11.8 MPa
200 ºC; 6 min;
UF (10-14 %)
3.4 MPa
120 ºC; 8 min;
UF (10 %)
4.4 MPa
140 ºC; 6 min;
UF (10 %)
3.5 MPa
UF (8 %),
170 ºC; 10 min;
PF (8 %)
4.0 MPa
CP (6-12 %), 70-130 ºC; 10 min;
UF (6-12 %) 4.0 MPa
100 ºC; 10 min;
CP (15 %)
3.5 MPa
180 ºC; 10 min;
CA (15-30 %)
3.0 MPa
180 ºC; 10 min;
UF (10 %)
3.4 MPa
Kasim et al. (2001)
Papadopoulos et al.
Calegari et al. (2007)
Biswas et al. (2011)
Arruda et al. (2011)
Valarelli et al. (2014)
Zaia et al. (2015)
Widyorini et al.
Bazzetto et al. (2019)
UF: urea formaldehyde; PF: phenol formaldehyde; CP: castor oil polyurethane; CA: citric acid. BS 5669 (BSI 1989); ANSI A208.1 (ANSI 2016); EN 310 (BSI 1993);
EN 317 (BSI 1993); EN 319 (BSI 1993); DIN 68761 (DIN 1986); IS 3087 (BIS 2005); NBR 14810/2 (ABNT 2013); JIS A5908 (JSA 2015).
e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
Bamboo particleboards: recent developments
Table 3. Physical and mechanical properties of bamboo particleboards, according to the processing conditions of Table 2.
D (kg m-3)
WA (%)
Physical and mechanical properties1
TS (%)
IB (MPa)
Kasim et al. (2001)
Papadopoulos et al. (2004)
Calegari et al. (2007)
Biswas et al. (2011)
Arruda et al. (2011)
Valarelli et al. (2014)
Zaia et al. (2015)
Widyorini et al. (2016)
Bazzetto et al. (2019)
D: density; WA: water absorption (24 h); TS: thickness swelling; IB: internal bond; MOR: modulus of rupture; MOE: modulus of elasticity.
of the developed board. However, no information
about water absorption or thickness swelling was
provided. In addition, the removal of starch before the
particleboard production did not result in differences
in the mechanical properties. No starch influence
was found in the curing behavior of the castor
oil-based polyurethane resin. No durability testing
was performed to certify this structural panel under
weather exposition.
Kasim et al. (2001) studied the effect of the
bamboo culm age, urea formaldehyde content and
nominal density on the mechanical and physical
properties of particleboards of Gigantochloa
scortechinii bamboo. It was found that the
particleboards produced from all age groups (1-3
years) met the strength requirements specified in
the BS 5669 (BSI 198) standard at densities over
641 kg m-3 and at all resin contents (8-12 %). In
the case of single-layer particleboards (particles
with 0.5-2.0 mm), the different bamboo ages had a
slight influence on water absorption, MOR, MOE,
internal bond strength and thickness swelling. There
was a decrease of MOR and water absorption and
an increase of MOE, internal bond and thickness
swelling with age. The resin content and nominal
density were the main issues that influenced the
mechanical and physical properties. The authors
also observed that the three-layer particleboard of
core with 1-mm particle size showed a higher water
absorption and thickness swelling than a 2-mm
particle size-core one. However, fine particles
increased the internal bond strength, produced a
smoother surface and the highest MOR (28.88 MPa).
In general, the strength values were similar to those
conditions for single-layer panels.
During the particleboard production, the
different bamboo particle size and morphology may
influence in the mechanical behavior of the material,
surface roughness and dimensional stability. Biswas
et al. (2011) showed that particleboards made of
bamboo planer waste of Bambusa balcooa had a
MOE 27 % lower than particleboards produced
from chips. The authors did not officially declare
the particle dimensions, although larger ones (chips)
had thickness lower than 38 mm - according to
the smaller strip sizes refined in the hammer mill.
Thus, planer waste was still lower than such size. In
addition, particleboard dimensions were 500 mm x
500 mm x 12 mm. The same behavior was observed
with the B. vulgaris species, what may be explained
by the fact that bamboo chips, due to their long and
thin morphology, are more elastic than planer waste.
Bazzetto et al. (2019) verified the effects of
different particle sizes on the particleboard properties
based on Dendrocalamus asper bamboo chips
glued with urea-formaldehyde. In this study, four
size classes were selected, from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm,
whose results revealed that the sizes used in those
panels had no significant effect on water absorption,
density, thickness swelling (24 h), internal bonding
and screw withdraw resistance (face/side). However,
the same authors also evinced that a significant effect
e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
C. Gauss et al. (2019)
was verified for water absorption (2 h and 24 h),
thickness swelling (2 h), MOE and MOR.
Since the majority of the analyzed papers
used different processing conditions, comparisons
among the different authors may be difficult. On the
other hand, there are some important considerations
that can be made according to the summaries shown
in Tables 2 and 3. Considering the same bamboo
species (B. vulgaris), according to Papadopoulos
et al. (2004), Calegari et al. (2007) and Biswas et
al. (2011), it is possible to infer that the processing
parameters do not have a strong effect on the final
mechanical properties of particleboards with the same
resin content (urea formaldehyde). They obtained
MOR values of 12-19.2 MPa and MOE of 2,344.72,626.0 MPa, even using different pressing times
(6-8 min) and temperatures (120-200 ºC), but with
the same resin and resin content (10 wt%).
Through the analysis of the mechanical and
physical properties shown in Table 3, it is possible
to analyze the effect of the resin on the performance
of panels.
In general, urea formaldehyde resins show a
good balance among the studied properties. However,
during the manufacturing and drying processes,
urea-formaldehyde and phenol formaldehyde
release gases toxic to the human health and the
environment. This may counteract the beneficial
environmental effect of using bamboo as a raw
material. Therefore, the use of castor oil-based
polyurethane and citric acid becomes an interesting
option, considering their low toxicity and for being a
renewable resource (Valarelli et al. 2014, Widyorini
et al. 2016).
The castor oil-based resin has been used in
several researches on agricultural waste, bamboo
and wood particleboards, showing good mechanical
and physical properties and meeting the normative
requirements (Fiorelli et al. 2012a and 2012b). Although
very good results were also obtained in bamboo
particleboards produced using castor oil-based resin in
the study by Zaia et al. (2015), Valarelli et al. (2014)
found better overall results using urea formaldehyde
resin in bamboo particleboards with Dendrocalamus
asper waste (branches and stem apical part).
Kasim et al. (2001) and Papadopoulos et al.
(2004) studied the effect of wax addition (1 %) to
the particleboards with urea formaldehyde resin
and noticed a considerable decrease in the thickness
swelling in all cases, meaning a lower water
absorption and higher dimensional stability. Kasim et
al. (2001) observed a reduction of 42 % and 49 % for
thickness swelling and water absorption, respectively.
For Papadopoulos et al. (2004), only particleboards
bonded with 14 % and 1 % of wax were able to meet
to the ANSI A208.1 (ANSI 2016) and EN 312 (BSI
2010) thickness swelling requirements.
Widyorini et al. (2016) used citric acid as an
alternative bamboo particleboard binder (60 wt% of
citric acid solution sprayed onto bamboo particles
at 15 wt% and 30 wt% resin content). Improved
dimensional stability and mechanical properties
were found (Table 3), meeting the requirements of
the JIS A5908 (JSA 2015) standard. Infrared analysis
revealed that carboxyl groups from citric acid were
ester linked with hydroxyl groups of bamboo,
enhancing the dimensional stability.
Widyorini et al. (2016) investigated the
effect of species on the mechanical and physical
properties of particleboards produced with citric
acid. Since most bamboo species have a similar
chemical composition, considerable differences
were not observed among the analyzed species. The
constituents alpha cellulose (AC), hemicellulose (He)
and lignin (L) are quite similar among the bamboo
species Dendrocalamus asper (AC = 43.41 %; He =
29.58 %; L = 24.00 %), Gigantochloa atroviolacea
(AC = 42.38 %; He = 30.27 %; L = 22.71 %) and
Gigantochloa apus (AC = 69.27 %; He = 24.08 %;
L = 24.16 %).
The same was observed in the study by
Biswas et al. (2011), where similar properties of
particleboards produced with Bambusa vulgaris and
B. balcooa were found. It is worth mentioning that,
although both species meet the international standard
requirements, B. vulgaris produced a higher glueability than B. balcooa.
Papadopoulos et al. (2004), Kasim et al. (2001)
and Valarelli et al. (2014) investigated the production
and characterization of bamboo particleboards using
Gigantochloa scortechinii, Bambusa vulgaris and
Dendrocalamus giganteus, respectively. Although
different species and pressing conditions were
used, there are samples with similar resin content
e-ISSN 1983-4063 - www.agro.ufg.br/pat - Pesq. Agropec. Trop., Goiânia, v. 49, e55081, 2019
Bamboo particleboards: recent developments
(urea formaldehyde), density and particle size in
the three studies. The particleboard with 10 wt%
of resin content and density of 721 kgm-3 in the
study by Kasim et al. (2001) presented MOR of
20.21-24.40 MPa, MOE of 3,330-2,934 MPa,
internal bond of 0.68-0.88 MPa, water absorption
of 37.16-42.91 % and thickness swelling of 12.6915.08 %, depending on the bamboo age (1-3 years
old). Papadopoulos et al. (2004), using a different
species, obtained MOR of 13.85 MPa, internal bond
of 0.62 MPa and thickness swelling of 23.1 % for
particleboards with 10 % of resin content and density
of 754 kgm-3. Using D. giganteus, Valarelli et al.
(2014) obtained a lower MOR (7.48 MPa) and MOE
(1,515.55 MPa) and thickness swelling (8.58 %)
values, if compared to the other two studies, in
particleboards with 10 % of resin content. Although
different bamboo species were used in the three
studies, it was not clear if the observed differences
are related to the species, characterization methods
or manufacturing process.
using castor oil-based resin or citric acid has shown
a high potential as a commercial product.
The most important parameters that directly
influence the particleboards performance are the
resin content, density and particle size/morphology.
In general, the modulus of rupture, modulus of
elasticity, internal bond, thickness swelling and water
absorption of the evaluated particleboards are found
in the range of 6-38 MPa, 0.7-5.8 GPa, 0.2-3.0 MPa,
2-23 % and 12-82 %, respectively.
Further investigations should be conducted
in order to improve the bamboo particleboards
properties, providing enough scientific background
for future entrepreneurs. In addition, the simpler
production process and the fact that different species
of bamboo could indicate low costs and abundant
resource for the manufacturing of particleboards
make this raw material a suitable alternative for
housing and furniture application.
(ANSI). ANSI A208.1-2016: particleboard. Gaithersburg:
ANSI, 2016.
Through this review article, an overview of
the available research on bamboo particleboards
was performed. After the analysis of the gathered
information, the following aspects are advised
to be investigated in future studies related to
bamboo particleboards, especially for the use in
civil construction: heat absorption, fire resistance
and treatment, acoustic isolation, water resistance
improvement and development of new bio-based
These items are very important for a further
development of bamboo particleboards, especially
to improve its competitiveness in relation to other
commercially available materials.
The manufacturing of bamboo particleboards
may be considered a quite interesting option to
complement the engineered bamboo production
chain. Most of the produced particleboards shown
in this review met international standards for wood
particleboards, mainly the mechanical properties.
The water absorption and thickness swelling,
however, still need to be improved. Nevertheless,
the development of formaldehyde-free particleboards
ARRUDA, L. M. et al. Lignocellulosic composites
from Brazilian giant bamboo (Guadua magna): part
1: properties of resin bonded particleboards. Maderas:
Ciencia y Tecnología, v. 13, n. 1, p. 49-58, 2011.
(ABNT). NBR 14810/2: painéis de partículas de média
densidade: parte 2: requisitos e métodos de ensaio. Rio
de Janeiro: ABNT, 2013.
BRITO, F. M. S. Effect of particle size on bamboo particle
board properties. Floresta e Ambiente, v. 26, n. 2, p. 1-8,
BELINI, U. L. et al. Painel multicamada com reforço de
partículas de bambu. Scientia Forestalis, v. 42, n. 103,
p. 421-427, 2014.
BISWAS, D.; BOSE, S. K.; HOSSAIN, M. M. Physical
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