Materials Technology (Wood Derivatives)
Recent papers in Materials Technology (Wood Derivatives)
Nosotros los latinoamericanos podemos mejor que nadie decir que el proceso de globalización, con todo y sus secuelas, comenzó el mero día del descubrimiento inesperado de América. Se desarrollaron los medios de transporte y se modificaron... more
This comparative study focused on understanding the effect of coupling agent and particle size on weathering behaviour of wood polypropylene composite. Two coupling agents, namely maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene and m-TMI... more
The present study is focused on the effects of the shape and size of Fagus orientalis wood flour on physical and mechanical properties of HDPE based wood plastic composites (WPC). Variables included two mesh sizes (20 and 60), as well as... more
Effect of zeolite content on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of wood plastic composites was investigated in this study. To meet this objective, pine wood flour (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 wt%) with compatibilizing agent,... more
The wood welding potential of Australian and tropical species has been investigated. Optimized parameters for Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus pilularis, Corymbia maculata, Ochroma pyramidale, and Tectona grandis were determined using a... more
Research on the lacquer industry in Bhutan, with Sakurako Matsushima, Satoshi Ito of Utsunomiya University.
The heterogeneity of characteristics observed in the pith-bark direction within a log causes sawn pieces of wood have different behaviors during water removal. Understanding these differences is important for the industry regarding the... more
Baggage sorting is one of the major requirements for rapid processing in an airport. For larger airport automated system is must to match with the dynamic world. But there are many small to medium size airports handling between 1.5 and 6... more
Polipropileno reciclado (rPP) proveniente de rafia sintética de grandes sacos postconsumo, fueron reforzados con 50 y 60% de harina de madera de Pinus radiata de dos tamaños de partícula (60 y 100 mesh) a través de un proceso de mezclado... more
() y Sen x = La derivada de) (x Sen y = se puede obtener como: 0 () () h dy Sen x h Sen x Lim dx h → + − = Para calcular este límite se utilizan los siguientes conceptos previamente estudiados: • 0 () 1 dy = × + × = Por los límites... more
This paper proposes a new construction system consisting of double frame crossed panels, to be used for the design and construction of free-form architectural structures. The aim of this study is to combine geometric, productive and... more
Due to the high dimensional variation of bamboo, the manufacturing of materials such as plywood and laminated bamboo produces a high amount of residues. The production of particleboards could be used to overcome this problem and become a... more
I.T.S fabricates and gathers wooden pallets made to customer prerequisites and particulars. Wooden pallets are a widespread and basic piece of item transportation in the economy. Transportation plays a central role in seamless supply... more
From the stems of agricultural crops to the structural trunks of trees, studying the mechanical behaviour of plant stems is critical for both commerce and science. Plant scientists are also increasingly relying on mechanical test data for... more
The research detailed in this paper investigates the chip formation modes for woodworking handsaw teeth. Two tooth geometries (beveled and un-beveled) were evaluated using a single tooth rig. A high speed video camera was used to observe... more
The chemical contents in cultivated 3 year-old bamboo culms of Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scortechinii and G. wrayi were studied. Different composition were exhibited in the extractives, holocellulose, α-cellulose, lignin, and ash... more
Though much attention has been given to the prefabrication of architecture, little has been devoted to the discussion of the prefabricated interior environment. The significance of the unit or module is inherent in the prefabrication of... more
This paper attempts to analyze the sustainability of the Asian wooden furniture industry. Despite booming exports, the furniture industry is besieged with stagnating productivity. The growth attributed to rising exports of low-value,... more
Semi-fermented fish product was organoleptically of satisfactory quality and it was organoleptically acceptable for a long time. Proximate composition of the semi-fermented fish product was comparable with other processed fish and fishery... more
The only natural material for building boats is wood. There are various designs in the art of wooden boat building. The techniques for building wooden boats depends on the type of boat, the technique and procedure for making day sailors... more
Fibre dimensions are of great significance due to their strong relationship with the strength properties of wood and paper. The fibre characteristics of three selected plant species (Verbenaceae family Duranta erecta and Lantana camara,... more
Se realiza el diseño y simulación de un horno de secado de madera que utilice el sol en reemplazo de los quemadores tradicionales. Tomando los datos de un proceso de secado de madera Roble realizado en un horno comercial del SENA, se... more
Wood and tools. They bring to mind the cabinetmaker’s factory, boat builder’s jigs, the residential construction site, concrete forms and the amateur’s workshop. Each is at the end of conception, where already set ideas become reality.... more
إن حفظ وترميم المواد الأثرية ذات المنشأ العضوي يتطلب معالجة خاصة كونها تشمل على أنسجة سريعة التحلل بفعل العوامل الحيّة وغير الحيّة، فالأخشاب مثلاً تدخل في صناعة العديد من اللقى الأثرية، سواء كمادة خام في أعمال النحت الخشبي، أو كمادة حاملة... more
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
Efectuarea unei schimbări organizaţionale poate fi înşelătoare, chiar şi pentru top management. Schimbarea poate necesita cooperarea a zeci sau chiar sute de manageri, iar rezistenţa întâmpinată poate fi considerabilă, iar managerul va... more
Muhammad Mashuri Alif, Trisakti University, February 2, 2017 Dr. HifniAlifahmi. M.Si Keywords "EffectLabel Eco-Friendly Toward Brand Reputation the Mediated by Perceived Toward the Brand Quality and Trust Toward Papers Products... more
Novel composite materials having desired performance properties can be developed by nanotechnology. The major objective of this research was to produce nanomaterial-reinforced particleboard composites with enhanced physical and mechanical... more
Low permeability of many wood species due to their anatomical properties causes problems during timber drying as well as impregnating with preservatives and resins. Microwave (MW) treatment influences heartwood permeability and improves... more
The Michigan furniture industry produces >150 tons/day of wood-based waste, which can be upcycled into a wood polymer composite (WPC). This study investigates the viability of using furniture waste as a feedstock for 3-D printer filament... more
Pada praktik bengkel kayu 2 difokuskan pada penggunaan alat mesin. Adapun job yang dilakukan pada laporan ini adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Membuat kusen pintu dan jendela
2. Membuat daun pintu
3. Membuat daun jendela
1. Membuat kusen pintu dan jendela
2. Membuat daun pintu
3. Membuat daun jendela
Self-cleaning properties have received significant attention for the importance of their potential. Coatings at Nano-scales offer possibilities of using materials for self-cleaning surfaces. Recent efforts have begun to focus on the kinds... more
Le projet « Canopéa, Update 3 » est l’un des projets développés durant l’année universitaire 2012-2013, dans le cadre du master « Architecture et Cultures Constructives ». Il prolonge la dynamique de recherche « Canopéa, des nanotours... more